• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,420 Views, 94 Comments

A Princess's Path - Bluecatcinema

Flurry Heart decides she needs to help ponies like a real royal does.

  • ...

Return To Trottingham

A few days after Trixie and Trickster returned to Baltimare, Flurry was having dinner with her family.

"So, how was your day, Ant?" Flurry asked her little brother.

"Not too bad." Anthem shrugged. "Played some hoofball in the park with my friends, scored a few points. Then we got some ice cream at the parlor. I offered to pay, but Flawless Facet said it was her treat. Even got me the extra-large Diamond Dust Sundae."

"Flawless Facet?" Cadance mused. "Isn't she that filly who hangs around with you and your friends? The one with the necklace, and the mane braids?"

"That's her." Anthem nodded. "You wouldn't think it to look at her, but she's got a killer hoofball kick."

"And she got you the biggest sundae they had?" Flurry asked. "Just because?"

"She said I deserved it for playing such a good game." Anthem shrugged. "Actually, she wouldn't stop complimenting my moves."

"Is that right?" Flurry smirked.

"Yeah. What of it?" Anthem frowned.

"I think what Flurry's getting at is that Flawless Facet may have a bit of a crush on you, Ant." Shining Armor declared.

"Yeah, right!" Anthem blushed. "She's just a friend!"

"She is very pretty, though, isn't she?" Cadance teased.

"I... I wouldn't know about that..." Anthem picked at his food awkwardly.

"So, when's the wedding?" Flurry smirked.

"What?!" Anthem spluttered. "That's not funny, Flurry!"

"Easy there, lover boy." Flurry grinned. "Don't want your fillyfriend to find out you have a temper."

"Okay, that's enough." Shining Armor declared. "Stop messing with your brother, Flurry."

"Okay..." Flurry sighed.

"Thanks, dad." Anthem smiled.

"This seems like a good enough time to change the subject." Cadance noted. "Flurry, we have a new assignment for you. There's a small political conference being held in Trottingham next week."

"Back to Trottingham, huh?" Flurry smiled. "Great! Moongleam and I can visit some friends we made while we were there the first time."

"You two have fun out there." Shining Armor declared.

"Will do." Flurry nodded.

The next morning, Flurry and Moongleam prepared to leave for Trottingham. As always, Flurry's family were there to see her off, although Anthem wasn't as enthusiastic about it as usual.

"What's up, squirt?" Flurry asked, picking up on Anthem's mood. "Aren't you gonna wish me luck?"

"I'm not talking to you." Anthem pouted.

"Is this about what I said yesterday?" Flurry frowned.

"Yeah, it is!" Anthem scowled. "It wasn't funny, Flurry!"

"Look, I'm sorry about the teasing." Flurry apologized. "I was just having a little fun. But if it's that big a deal to you, I'll let it go, and never say anything about you and any girl ever again. That sound good to you?"

"...Yeah." Anthem nodded. "Good luck out there, by the way."

"Thanks, Ant." Flurry ruffled his mane.

"Now that the heartwarming family moment is over, might I suggest we get going?" Moongleam rolled her eyes. "We are on a schedule, you know."

"Okay, I'm coming." Flurry chuckled.

The carriage carried them all the way to Trottingham. As Flurry and Moongleam disembarked, they once again marveled at the picturesque buildings.

"Even better than I remembered." Moongleam declared.

Having a short window of time before having to attend the conference, Flurry and Moongleam made their way to Greyfeather Books, so they could see Mrs. Greyfeather and Dodger.

"It'll be good to see Mrs. Greyfeather again." Flurry smiled.

"Wonder if she's gotten Dodger straightened out yet?" Moongleam snorted.

"I don't think she'd have too much trouble." Flurry shrugged. "Dodger did seem grateful for the offer of an actual home, and having a steady source of food..."

"But would it be enough for him to change his ways?" Moongleam frowned. "It wasn't too long ago that he was robbing ponies of their heard-earned money..."

"Don't be so pessimistic, Moony." Flurry rolled her eyes. "I'm sure he's doing okay."

"Classic Flurry." Moongleam smiled. "Always seeing the best in others."

"It's a curse." Flurry grinned.

Moments later, they arrived at the store. There were a few customers inside, browsing through the books in stock.

Mrs Greyfeather was at the till, tending to a customer.

"Thank you for your patronage." She smiled, as she gave the customer her new book. "And please, come again."

As the customer departed, Flurry and Moongleam made their way over.

"Hello, Mrs Greyfeather." Flurry smiled.

"Oh, hello!" Mrs Greyfeather beamed. "Good to see you again, Princess! And you too, Moongleam!"

"Good to see you too, ma'am." Moongleam grinned. "How are things? Dodger giving you any trouble?"

"Not at all." Mrs. Greyfeather declared. "Naturally, I was a little cautious at first. I made sure he kept away from the till. But one morning, I accidentally left the week's takings on the front counter. I was half-way to the bank before I realized my mistake. I rushed back, fearing the worst. But when I got back, the money was still there, on the counter. And Dodger was just a few feet away, sorting books."

"So he didn't try anything, huh?" Flurry smiled.

"Not at all." Mrs. Greyfeather nodded. "He was even planning on catching up to me and telling me I'd left the money behind... right after he finished sorting, of course."

"Well, what do you know." Moongleam mused. "Guess Dodger really has turned over a new leaf."

"Oh, yes." Mrs. Greyfeather nodded. "He's been a perfect little angel ever since."

"Speaking of which, where is Dodger?" Flurry looked around.

"Oh, he's in the storeroom." Mrs. Greyfeather declared. "Just putting away some sales records." She turned in the direction of the store's rear. "Dodger, dear! Princess Flurry Heart and Moongleam are here!"

"Whoa, really?" Dodger's voice replied.

"Really!" Mrs. Greyfeather chuckled. "Come out here and say 'hello'!"

"Be right there!" Dodger called.

Dodger entered the front of the store. As he did, Flurry made to greet him, but froze in place, awestruck by what she was seeing.

Dodger had changed greatly since they'd last seen each other. His formerly long and messy mane had been cut and slicked back, his once-dull coat was now bright, and he was wearing a gray waistcoat. But he was still wearing his threadbare blue scarf, tied tightly around his neck. Aside from the scarf, he almost looked like a different pony altogether.

"Hey, Flurry!" He smiled. "Moongleam. Long time, no see!"

"Hello, Dodger." Moongleam nodded. "Good to see you again."

"H-hi..." Flurry croaked. "Good to see you... really good..."

"It's good to see you too." Dodger hugged both of them. Flurry felt her cheeks burning as he did.

"So... how are... how are things?" Flurry stuttered as Dodger released them. 'What is wrong with me?' She thought.

"Pretty great." Dodger grinned. "Mrs. G can be a little strict, but she's been really good to me. Got me this new outfit, paid for me to get a manecut... she even lets me read some of the books during my breaks."

"Just as long as you put them back in their proper place." Mrs. Greyfeather declared. "And don't damage any of them."

"Told you she was strict." Dodger smirked.

"Ha-ha-ha!" Flurry laughed a little too loudly, causing the others to stare at her. "...What? It was funny..." She added awkwardly.

"Thanks." Dodger smiled. "Nice to know somepony appreciates my sense of humor."

Flurry felt herself get weak in the knees.

"It's been great catching up, but we have to head over to the town hall." Moongleam declared. "Flurry has a conference to attend. Right, Flurry?"

Flurry didn't answer. She simply smiled in Dodger's direction.

"Flurry?" Moongleam frowned." Flurry!"

"Huh, what?" Flurry snapped out of it.

"The conference, remember?" Moongleam reminded her.

"Oh, right!" She nodded, embarrassed. "We should get going! But we'll be back in the afternoon!"

"We'll see you then, dears." Mrs. Greyfeather smiled.

"Good luck with the conference thing." Dodger grinned.

"...Thanks." Flurry gushed. "See you later..."

As they left the bookstore, Moongleam gave Flurry an appraising look.

"...What?" Flurry said defensively.

"What was all that about?" Moongleam frowned.

"All... what?" Flurry asked.

"I'm talking about you getting all weird around Dodger." Moongleam snorted.

"I wasn't acting weird!" Flurry spluttered.

"Yes, you were." Moongleam insisted. "You were staring at him, laughing way too loudly at that joke of his his, you could barely form sentences..."

"Well..." Flurry cringed.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say it was like you... no. No way." Moongleam gaped. "You have a crush on Dodger?!"

"What?!" Flurry spluttered, once again blushing fiercely. "That's crazy!"

"Is it?" Moongleam smirked. "Then why are you blushing?"

"I-I'm not!" Flurry turned away... only to see her blushing face reflected in a window.

"The evidence doesn't lie." Moongleam said smugly.

"But it can be misread." Flurry insisted. "Now, come on. We have a conference to get to."

"So... we're not going to discuss this?" Moongleam asked.

"What's there to discuss?" Flurry said flippantly. "I don't have a crush on Dodger. You're just mistaken, Moongleam."

"I'm almost never mistaken." Moongleam retorted. "From the sound of it, it sounds like you're in denial."

"Yeah, right." Flurry snorted.

"My mom once told me that you shouldn't try to bottle up your feelings, or refuse to even admit you have them." Moongleam declared. "And from what I understand, she was speaking from experience."

"Good advice." Flurry nodded. "I'll be sure to remember that... if I'm ever trying to bottle things up."

"Seriously?" Moongleam sighed.

"As much as I wouldn't enjoy talking about this more, there is a conference that requires my presence." Flurry said haughtily. "So let's pick up the pace."

Flurry sped up, moving ahead of Moongleam.

"This isn't over yet..." Moongleam frowned.

The two of them finally reached the town hall. Mayor Ballot Box greeted them as they entered.

"Good to see you again, Princess Flurry Heart." He smiled.

"And you, your honor." Flurry nodded. "Shall we?"

"Of course." Ballot Box nodded. "The conference us just down the hall."

"I'm afraid your friend will have to wait outside." Ballot Box declared. "The conference is for official dignitaries only. Sorry, but those are the rules."

"Oh, I see..." Flurry frowned. "Sorry, Moony. Guess you'll have to sit this one out."

"That's okay, Flurry." Moongleam smiled, an idea suddenly forming. "I think I know of a way to put all that waiting time to good use."

"Okay then." Flurry smiled. "See you then."

"Yes, you will..." Moongleam grinned as Flurry followed Ballot Box down the hall.

Flurry was lead to the end of the hallway, and she and Ballot Box passed through a door, leading the conference room, where delegates from several other cities were waiting.

"Thank you for your patience." Ballot Box told the others. He turned to Flurry. "If you'll please take your seat, your highness, we can begin."

"Gladly." Flurry nodded.

Flurry sat down in her seat, and the conference began. The topics were simple, but important, focusing on inter-city trading and communication. Having already been briefed on the subjects, Flurry was able to absorb and respond to the information easily. After a couple of hours, all the matters had been settled, and the delegates filed out.

'It's good to do my part, but I was starting to feel a little cooped up in there.' Flurry thought.

As she left the town hall, Flurry found Moongleam waiting outside, carrying a large picnic basket.

"What's all this?" Flurry asked.

"I was thinking we could celebrate a successful contest with a picnic in the park." Moongleam declared. "You know, that nice spot by the benches?"

"I am a little hungry..." Flurry admitted. "Sure, why not?"

"Great." Moongleam nodded, handing Flurry the basket. "You go on ahead, though. I just remembered there was a book in Mrs. Greyfeather's store I really wanted. Don't want anypony snatching it up before I get there."

"Want em to go along?" Flurry offered.

"No, that's okay." Moongleam replied. "You've already had enough work for one day. Go and start without me. I'll be along soon enough."

"Okay." Flurry shrugged. "Just don't take too long."

Flurry made her way over to the park, lifting the picnic basket along with her magic. Once she reached the designated spot, she spread the blanket which came with the basket, and sat down upon it. As she waited, she looked around the park, taking in its natural beauty. But as time passed, he felt her stomach growling.

'I'm sure Moongleam wouldn't mind if I had a little something...' She thought.

Flurry opened the basket, finding a note above all the food.

"'Sorry, Flurry. This is for your own good'." Flurry read. "What does that mea-?"

"Hey, Flurry!"

Flurry turned to see Dodger approaching.

"Dodger!" She squeaked. "What, uh... what are you doing here?"

"Moongleam sent me over." Dodger smiled. "She said you two were having a picnic, but she suddenly got a stomach ache, so she asked me if I could drop by and join you instead."

"...Oh, did she?" Flurry said through gritted teeth. 'Moongleam, you're gonna pay for this...'

"And you know me." Dodger smirked. "I never turn down free food." He sat down beside Flurry, who slowly slid aside. "Mmm, all this stuff looks good." He stared at the food.

"Yeah..." Flurry blushed, as Dodger's smile induced another bout of weak knees.

"But where are my manners?" Dodger declared. "Ladies first."

"No, you go first." Flurry urged. "I insist."

"No, you go first." Dodger urged.

"No, you." Flurry countered.

"No, you." Dodger insisted.



"Okay." They both said at once.

They both reached into the basket at the same time. As they did, Flurry's hoof brushed Dodger's, and she practically tumbled backwards.

"You okay?" Dodger frowned.

"Yeah, sure." Flurry steadied herself. "Just lost my balance, that's all."

"Okay... here." Dodger handed her a cupcake. "Now we both get to eat first."

"Thanks..." Flurry giggled slightly, as she took the cupcake with her magic.

As they ate their cupcakes, Flurry couldn't stop herself from gazing at Dodger. Even with frosting on his face, he was a sight to behold. But of course, Dodger couldn't help but notice her attentions.

"...Okay, what's going on with you?" Dodger suddenly asked.

"W-what do you mean?" Flurry said nervously.

"You've been acting weird around me all day." Dodger pointed out. "What's the matter? Did I say or do something to make you act this way?"

"Not exactly..." Flurry cringed.

"Is it some kind of weird prank?" Dodger inquired.

"No..." Flurry looked away.

"Then what is it?" Dodger asked.

"Well..." Flurry took a deep breath. "It's because... I'm attracted to you."

"...You are?" Dodger gaped.

"Yeah." Flurry sighed. "You look... really handsome now."

"I do?" Dodger smiled in spite of himself.

"Yep." Flurry blushed. "No offense, but you were kind of a mess before. But now that you're all cleaned up, well..."

"Oh." Dodger's smiled faded. "So you're attracted to me just because I look good?"

"Well, when you say it like that, I sound really superficial." Flurry cringed. "But I do admire you as a pony. You're really turned your life around. You're an honest, hard-working young stallion. You've come so far from the pick-pocket you once were."

"...I had help, remember?" Dodger said humbly. "And let's face it, you're, well... not all that bad-looking yourself."

"Gee, thanks." Flurry joked.

"I think you'd know from our first encounter that I'm not exactly a fan of the 'royal look'." Dodger noted.

"We are really different." Flurry admitted. "But my own parents were a Princess and a Royal Guard. Not to mention all those romance books about ponies from two different worlds..."

"And I suppose there are worse options out there..." Dodger grinned.

"Not the best way to compliment a girl." Flurry frowned, gradually being reminded of Dodger's snarky attitude.

"We could give it a try." Dodger shrugged. "Like... I dunno, holding hooves?"

"I guess..." Flurry shrugged, placing her hoof on his. Unlike the accidental encounter moments ago, this rendition didn't quite hold the same spark. Instead, it just felt awkward.

"So, this is... something." Dodger declared, after several moments.

"Yeah." Flurry admitted.

"How about this?" Dodger raised Flurry's hoof and kissed it.

Moments before, Flurry had felt as if this act would have set her heart racing, but instead, it barely registered. It was almost as if Flurry's confession had let her prior feelings escape as air from a balloon, leaving nothing behind.

"Sorry." Flurry admitted. "Nothing."

"Not the kind of reaction I'd expect, coming from the mare who told me she was crushing on me big time just moments ago." Dodger declared.

"I think that's just it." Flurry admitted. "When I was crushing on you from afar, my feelings seemed to be overwhelming. But now that it's out in the open, it doesn't feel like such a big thing. And spending time with you, talking... I think it's letting me see past your new look, and remember that you're not some charming lady's stallion, but the same snarky, smug scoundrel I met not so long ago."

"Thanks... I think." Dodger nodded.

"And let's face it, it probably wouldn't work anyway." Flurry pointed out. "We live so far apart, and I have my royal duties..."

"Guess the whole 'two different worlds' thing doesn't always guarantee romance, huh?" Dodger shrugged.

"Guess not." Flurry sighed. "And now I feel totally ridiculous for bringing this whole thing up."

"Don't be." Dodger smiled. "I remember my first crush. It was on this gorgeous flower mare who used to work over on River Street. I pined after her for months, always finding some excuse to pass by her flower stall..." He sighed fondly. "One day, I plucked up the courage to tell her how I felt."

"And?" Flurry asked.

"And she laughed in my face." Dodger admitted.

"Ouch." Flurry cringed.

"Yeah, it was pretty rough." Dodger nodded. "Compared to that, you got off pretty easily here."

"I suppose so." Flurry shrugged. "...We're still friends, right?"

"Of course." Dodger smiled. "You helped me turn my life around. I'd never stop being friends with you just because of a little awkwardness."

"Or a lot of awkwardness?" Flurry joked.

"Oh, yeah." Dodger nodded.

"Good to hear." Flurry smiled. "Being friends sounds just wonderful."

"Of course, that means I'll have to start treating you like all my other friends." Dodger smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Flurry asked.

"Just this." Dodger threw one of the cupcakes into Flurry's face. "Gotcha!"

"Ohhh, big mistake." Flurry smirked, using her magic to lift up several cupcakes at once. "Never get into a food fight with an Alicorn, pal."

"...Uh, oh." Dodger cringed.

Flurry pelted Dodger with the cupcakes. The young stallion threw up his hooves to shield himself.

"Okay, I give!" He chuckled. "You win!"

"That's what I thought." Flurry smirked. "Now come on, Dodge. The rest of this food won't finish itself. Not unless I turn it into more ammo..."

"I sure hope not." Dodger snorted, as they helped themselves to more treats.

A short while later, Flurry and Dodger returned to the book store (having stopped along the way to clean up). Moongleam and Mrs. Greyfeather were waiting for them, Moongleam wearing an excited smile on her face.

"Ah, there you are." Mrs. Greyfeather chuckled. "I was starting you'd forgotten all about me, Dodger."

"Not a chance, Mrs. G." Dodger grinned. "Besides, have you ever known me to pass up the chance to enjoy one of your delicious suppers?"

"Flattery will get nowhere, young colt." Mrs. Greyfeather rolled her eyes. "Don't forget, you still have to sweep the floors later."

"Yay..." Dodger groaned.

As Mrs. Greyfeather and Dodger went inside, Moongleam approached Flurry.

"So, how'd it go?" She asked.

"It didn't." Flurry smiled.

"Excuse me?" Moongleam frowned.

"Well, we had a little discussion about the matter, and it turns out we're better as friends." Flurry admitted. "Dodger may be cute, but he isn't really what I'd call ideal coltfriend material."

Moongleam examined Flurry's expression closely.

"You really mean that, don't you?" She mused.

"No denial this time." Flurry grinned. "In fact, since everything's been cleared up, I'm not even mad at you for tricking me into going on that picnic."

"Okay, I admit that may have been a bit much." Moongleam shrugged. "But it all worked out in the end, right?"

"Right." Flurry nodded. "Not quite how I expected my first crush to go, but it could have been worse." She let out a small chuckle. "One thing's for sure, I am definitely never teasing Anthem over his romantic life again..."

"Flurry! Moongleam!" Mrs. Greyfeather called. "Would you care for join us for dinner?"

"I am feeling a little hungry..." Moongleam admitted.

"But what about your 'stomach ache'?" Flurry smirked.

"Ha, ha." Moongleam rolled her eyes.

Flurry and Moongleam enjoyed dinner with Mrs. Greyfeather and Dodger before they headed back to Crystal Empire. Flurry sat beside Dodger the whole time. Rather than stare at him in a lovestruck daze, she instead focused on how lucky she was to have a friend like him. Because the two of them being friends was just perfect.