• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,426 Views, 94 Comments

A Princess's Path - Bluecatcinema

Flurry Heart decides she needs to help ponies like a real royal does.

  • ...

Into The Fire

Flurry, happy at having managed to spend some quality time with her family in Ponyville, returned to the Crystal Empire with a definite spring in her step. After parting ways with Moongleam, she made her way back home. Her parents and brother were there to greet her at the castle. It was almost evening by them, Celestia's sun having almost completely sunk into the horizon.

"Welcome back, sweetheart." Cadance smiled.

"Had a feeling you'd be home late." Shining Armor smirked. "Having too much fun to notice the time?"

"Guilty as charged." Flurry grinned.

"How was it over in Ponyville, sis?" Anthem asked.

"Pretty good." Flurry smiled. "Got the job done, made some new acquaintances, hung out with aunt Twilight and our cousins..."

"Is little Starlight still a pain in the neck?" Anthem asked. "And I mean that literally. She always used to grab onto my neck whenever we saw each other."

"I think she's grown out of it." Flurry chuckled.

"Good." Anthem smiled. "She's getting pretty big. Don't think I could take the weight much longer."

"You're not calling your cousin fat, are you, son?" Shining Armor approached.

"...No, dad." Anthem cringed.

"Good." Shining Armor nodded. "You know how important family is to us, don't you?"

"Sure, dad..." Anthem sighed, having heard plenty of lectures on the subject over the years.

"Speaking of 'family', you're just in time for the family dinner." Cadance told Flurry. "How does ruby rhubarb stew sound?"

"That sounds perfect." Flurry grinned. "I had lunch at aunt Twiley's, but that was hours ago."

"Then what are we standing around here for?" Shining Armor smiled. "Let's chow down!"

"Don't have to tell me twice." Anthem grinned.

Flurry enjoyed a good dinner with her parents and brother, then headed up to her room, exhausted by the day's events.

'This really was a day for family...' She thought as she climbed into bed that night.

The next few days were relatively quiet, save for a trip to the local theatre, where she and her family enjoyed a show. But it wasn't long before Flurry found herself being called into the throne room.

"So, what do you have for me this time, mom and dad?" Flurry asked.

"We have something... a little more serious than usual today." Cadance admitted, an anxious look on her face.

"Very serious." Shining Armor agreed, an equally worried look on his own face.

"...Like what?" Flurry asked, unnerved by the looks on their faces.

"We were meant to make a diplomatic visit to the Dragon Lands tomorrow." Cadance announced. "But we just received word that we're needed over in Canterlot that same day, so... we're going to need you to go to the Dragons Lands in our place."

"The Dragon Lands?" Flurry gasped. "Cool... or should I say, 'hot'?"

"I'm glad you're so calm about this." Shining Armor declared.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Flurry asked. "Isn't the Dragon Lord our friend?"

"Well... yes." Cadance nodded. "And over the years, a lot of her her kind have been helped to see things the same way."

"But not every dragon is okay with ponies." Shining Armor declared. "And while they are bound to obey the word of the Dragon Lord, there are always loopholes that some can and would exploit. That's why we'll be having a group of Guards escort you on this mission."

"Guards? Really?" Flurry frowned. "I can take care of myself. I am a very magically powerful Alicorn, remember?"

"Who's never even seen a full-grown dragon before, let alone met one when it's in a bad mood." Cadance pointed out. "If this visit weren't about diplomacy, your father and I wouldn't even think of sending you out there."

"And I think a single squadron of Guards may not even be enough." Shining Armor declared.

"Dad, didn't we already go over this?" Flurry sighed. "I'm not a kid any more! I can protect myself!"

"Your father's right, Flurry." Cadance insisted. "The Guards are a non-negotiable part of the mission."

"And you have to promise that if anything happens, you'll hightail it out of there." Shining Armor declared. "No heroics."

"The memory of you telling me that with a straight face will stay with me forever..." Flurry snorted.

"Flurry..." Cadance frowned.

"Okay, I promise!" Flurry rolled her eyes. "I won't try to wrestle with any hundred hoof tall dragons! Happy?"

"Getting there." Shining Armor smiled.

"I know you think we're being overprotective again, but this is more about caution and common sense." Cadance declared.

"Sure it is, mom." Flurry sighed. "I hope Moongleam doesn't mind all the extra company..."

"You're going to bring Moongleam along?" Shining Armor frowned.

"Yeah, why not?" Flurry shrugged. "Moongleam will probably love learning about the Dragon Lands. And with all those Guards along for the ride, we should be fine, right? Besides, Moongleam's got some decent magic of her own. Between all that, we should be okay in the very slight possibility that a dragon should try to cause trouble."

"I suppose you have a point there." Cadance admitted. "Just as long as you look out for each other."

"You can count on that." Flurry nodded. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go tell Moongleam the news. She's gonna flip!"

Flurry rushed over to Moongleam's home, and relayed the information. However, Moongleam's reaction wasn't quite what Flurry expected.

"The Dragon Lands?" Moongleam gaped, as they sat together in her bedroom. "That's... big. Really big."

"No kidding." Flurry chuckled. "But awesome, too. Think about it, we'll actually get to meet full-grown dragons, up close and personal!"

"But aren't dragons a little on the... irritable side?" Moongleam gulped. "It does seem like a... tricky mission."

"Maybe not." Flurry shrugged. "Relations with the dragons are pretty mellow these days. I've met the Dragon Lord a couple of times during those royal summits, and she seemed like a decent sort."

"But that's just her." Moongleam retorted. "There are other dragons there. Some much, much bigger. And they all breathe fire..."

"Moongleam, are you... scared?" Flurry frowned.

"Of course not." Moongleam pouted. "It's just... such large creatures could logically pose a threat to us."

"You don't have to worry about that." Flurry declared. "Mom and dad have insisted on having some Guards escort us, just in case. Besides, not to brag or anything, but I am an incredibly powerful Alicorn, and you're no slouch when it comes to magic either. I think we'll be okay out there."

"A most compelling argument." Moongleam admitted, taking off her glasses and cleaning them. "And I can't fault your logic. But still..."

"Moony... you don't have to come with me if you don't want to." Flurry placed a hoof on her best friend's shoulder. "I won't hold it against you if you decide to sit this trip out."

Moongleam finished cleaning her glasses, and put them back on.

"...You do realize I'm now essentially obligated to go with you?" She frowned at Flurry. "Because if I don't, I'll feel absolutely terrible about myself."

"That wasn't really what I was going for." Flurry awkwardly.

"I know." Moongleam sighed. "But that speech reminded me of what a good friend you've always been to me. You've always had my back in the past. And I can't call myself your friend if I'm not willing to do the same."

"So you'll be coming with me, then?" Flurry smiled.

"Yes." Moongleam nodded wearily. "When you go to meet the Dragon Lord, I'll be by your side all the way."

Starlight had chosen that moment to enter the room, intending on informing Moongleam that lunch was ready.

"Did I just hear you right?" She looked at her daughter. "You're going to the Dragon Lands?"

"I have to." Moongleam declared. "I can't let Flurry go out there without me."

"You probably think it'll be too dangerous, but we'll have a bunch of Guards with us." Flurry added quickly. "And if trouble comes, I'll do everything I can to make sure Moongleam gets home safe."

"...I know you will." Starlight smiled. "If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that friends working together can accomplish anything, and face any challenge."

"So you're okay with me going?" Moongleam smiled.

"Of course." Starlight nodded. "I know some dragons can be still a little on the anti-social side, but Ember isn't one of them. And as you watch out for each other, I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Thanks, mom." Moongleam smiled.

"No problem, sweetie." Starlight nodded. "But, er... let's hold off on telling your dad until you get back, okay? You know how he worries."

"And then some." Moongleam rolled her eyes.

"Great." Starlight beamed. "Now it's time for lunch. Flurry, you're welcome to join us."

"With pleasure." Flurry chuckled.

Flurry and Moongleam enjoyed a lunch of kale sandwiches. While Moongleam still had a worried look on her face, Flurry gave a supportive smile, letting her know that she appreciated her loyalty.

The next morning, Flurry and Moongleam boarded a large carriage, pulled by four Pegasus soldiers, with several more onboard. Flurry's parents and brother were about to board the usual smaller carriage, which would take them to Canterlot.

"Good luck, darling." Shining Armor told Flurry.

"Be safe." Cadance added.

"Try not to get barbecued, sis." Anthem joked, earning him a glare from his parents.

"I'll try." Flurry chuckled.

"You can rest assured, your highness." The Captain of the Guard told Shining Armor and Cadance. "We will protect both the Princess and her friend with our lives."

"We can't ask for anything more." Shining Armor nodded. "Thank you, Captain."

"It's my honor, your highness." The Captain bowed.

Shining Armor, Cadance and Athem climbed into their carriage, which was pulled into the sky. Flurry and Moongleam's carriage followed suit.

As they flew through the sky, Flurry noticed the Guards on board the carriage sitting upright, faces stern. In comparison, Moongleam was deeply anxious. She was rubbing one front hoof with another, something Flurry knew she only did when she was deeply worried about something.

"How ya holding up, Moony?" Flurry asked softly.

"For the moment, I like to think I'm holding steady." Moongleam nodded stiffly. "Of course, that may change once we actually get there..."

"Don't worry." Flurry placed a comforting hoof on Moongleam's. "I'll be right by your side every step of the way."

"Thanks, Flurry." Moongleam smiled.

"Hey, it's the least I can do." Flurry smiled back.

After an hour or so, the tedium was broken by an announcement.

"We're about to enter the Dragon Lands!" One of the Pegasi pulling the carriage announced.

"Good." The Captain nodded. "Decrease altitude. We don't want to bump into any casually cruising dragons."

The Guards pulling the carriage complied. As they descended, Flurry took note of the craggy landscape.

"Nice place." She deadpanned.

They landed a short distance from the Dragon Lord's roost. As they disembarked, a large dragon flew overhead, roaring loudly as it did.

"Ah!" Moongleam yelped, ducking behind one of the Guards.

"It's okay, Moongleam." Flurry told her. "It's gone."

"Alright." Moongleam stepped out from behind the Guard, more than a little embarassed. "Got a little... startled there."

"Totally understandable." Flurry said kindly. "Now, let's keep moving. Sooner we speak with the Dragon Lord, the sooner we can leave."

"I can get behind that." Moongleam nodded.

The group (joined by the Pegasi pulling the carriage) made their way to the Dragon Lord's roost, a large mountain. Sitting on a small ridge at the base was the Dragon Lord, Ember. Like Spike, she had only grown a little over the years (due to their species' long lifespan). She was taller, more muscular, her spikes were larger, and her horns were both longer and sharper.

"Dragon Lord Ember." Flurry said respectfully. "I'm Princess Flurry Heart. Do you remember me?"

"Shining Armor and Cadance's kid?" Ember asked. "Sure I remember you. Boy, have you gotten big..."

"What can I say? We ponies grow up fast." Flurry joked.

"And who's this?" Ember glanced at Moongleam, who smiled awkwardly.

"This is Moongleam." Flurry introduced her. "My best friend, and one of the smartest ponies I know."

"Nice to meet ya, Moongleam." Ember said politely.

"And you, Dragon Lord Ember." Moongleam nodded stiffly. "But, if I may ask... why is it 'Dragon Lord'? Shouldn't it be 'Dragon Lady', since you're a female?"

"Yeah, it should." Ember admitted. "But it's tradition for every leader to be called 'Dragon Lord' around here. I'm not the first girl dragon to be in charge, but they were all called 'Lord' too."

"I see." Moongleam mused. "It's still a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, great Dragon Lord." She bowed deeply.

"Call me Ember." Ember declared. "And a little less bowing, thanks. Honestly, all this reverence isn't really my thing. The whole reason I even wanted to be Dragon Lord was so I could be respected for what I do, not what I am."

"I can relate." Flurry declared. "I'm only just starting to live up to my own title. My parents wouldn't let me attend to any royal duties until a little while ago. They thought I wasn't ready for the responsibilty."

"I know how that feels." Ember chuckled. "My father, the Dragon Lord before me, didn't think I had what it took for the position. But I proved him wrong. And it looks like you did the same with your parents."

"Mostly." Flurry shrugged. "They were a little worried about me coming out there. That's why they insisted on me bringing these guys along for the ride."

"I was wondering about your little entourage." Ember mused. "For a second there, I thought your folks didn't trust me."

"It's not you they're worried about." Flurry countered. "They're worried some of the other dragons won't be as friendly as you."

"They're not the only ones..." Moongleam muttered under her breath.

"I'd like to say they're wrong, but..." Ember sighed. "A lot of dragons are boulder-headed thugs. But there's no need to worry. As long as I'm nearby, no dragon will try anything. 'Cause I'm sure not letting guests getting hurt on my watch."

"My uncle Spike always did have good things to say about you." Flurry smiled. "And now I can see why."

"Heh... 'uncle Spike'." Ember chuckled. "Not too long ago, I thought the idea of ponies and dragons being friends was crazy, let alone a dragon being a pony's 'uncle'. But I guess it's the way of things to change over time. My becoming the Dragon Lord was a big change."

"How do you mean?" Flurry asked.

"Before me, all the Dragon Lords were big and strong." Ember explained. "I entered the Gauntlet of Fire to prove that a Dragon Lord could be more than that. And I succeeded... with a little help from your 'uncle' Spike." She smiled. "How is he these days?"

"He's great." Flurry exclaimed. "In fact, I just saw him about a week ago."

"Glad to hear it." Ember smiled. "Li'l Spike was my first real friend. I wouldn't be where I am right now without him. I like to visit him whenever I can, but running this place doesn't exactly give me much in the way of free time."

"That's a pity." Flurry declared. "But like I said, he always has good things to say about you."

"That's no surprise." Ember blushed lightly. "That little guy's the nicest dragon I ever met. And he's not so little more, is he?"

"Not as little as he used to be." Flurry grinned.

"Yeah, he's growing up nicely..." Ember smiled fondly... before clearing her throat. "But I'm sure we have other matters to discuss."

"Just the boring stuff." Flurry declared. "Y'know, all the 'respectful, diplomatic' matters that are so tedious to go through."

"Tell me about it." Ember chuckled. "Still, may as well get started..."

They spent quite some time discussing matter betweens their two races, making sure there were no major incidents ocurring between representatives of either side, and reaffirming their own alliance. The matters were indeed a little on the tedious side, with both Flurry and Ember glad when it was finally over.

"Okay, that's about everything." Ember declared. "Finally."

"My thoughts exactly." Flurry grinned. "Nice talking to you, though."

"And you, kid." Ember smiled. "And tell your folks to go easy on the Guards next time. Those poor guys had it worst than us, just standing around all this tme."

"They weren't the only ones." Moongleam snorted.

"I'll let them know." Flurry chuckled. "Come on, everypony. Time to head home."

"Gladly." Moongleam nodded.

The group made their way back to the carriage. But as they reached it, a group of smaller dragons emerged from behind it. One of them was Garble, one of the most anti-social dragons of all. Time had been more generous to him than Ember and Spike; He now stood a full head taller than the Dragon Lord, and was twice as broad as he once was.

"Well, look we have here." Garble sneered. "Another frilly Princess pony. Yuck."

"Nice to meet you too, mister..." Flurry urged.

"Garble." Garble snarled. "I heard your royal sappiness would be droppin' by to make nice with the Dragon Lord. I don't understand how she can stand being near you ponies, let alone let into our home."

"That's too bad." Flurry deadpanned. "Now, if you don't mind, we were just leaving."

"Wrong." Garble growled. "You think you can come here and spout more of your pony garbage into the Dragon Lord's ear? Make dragons soft, like you! I don't think so! And neither do they..."

Garble's buddies stepped forward. They only numbered six overall, but they were intimidating enough to make up for it.

"Defensive formation!" The Captain ordered.

The Guards gathered around Flurry and Moongleam in a circle.

"I don't need defending." Flurry stood firm.

"S-speak for yourself." Moongleam quivered.

"Get 'em!" Garble spat.

The dragon thugs attacked. Despite the Guard's greater numbers and training, the dragons' superior strength gave them the edge.

"I knew this would happen!" Moongleam yelped, hiding behind Flurry.

"Don't worry." Flurry assured her. "I won't let anything happen to you."

"Don't make promises ya can't keep!" Garble snarled, leaping at Flurry.

"Keep this!" Flurry roared, firing a bolt of magic at Garble.

"Ugh!" Garble grunted, as the bolt hit him dead center, knocking him out of the sky.

"Who's 'frilly' now, huh?" Flurry smirked.

Meanwhile. the Guards were still struggling with Garble's cohorts.

"Gonna have me some pigeon pony barbecue tonight!" A purple dragon with a patch of yellow hair covering his declared, preparing to breathe fire on one of the Guards.

"Sorry, dinner's been cancelled!" The Captain yelled.

The Captain leapt on the dragon's back and forced his mouth shut just before the flames escaped, causing twin plumes of smokes to burst out of his nostrils. As the dragon coughed out the smoke, the Guard he had targeted tackled him, knocking his head against a cliff face and knocking him out.

"That's the ticket!" The Captain proclaimed. "Work together!"

"Catch me if you can, scales!" One Guard taunted a dark green dragon as he took flight.

"At least give me a challenge!" The Dragon sneered, taking off after him.

The Guard flew around the area, the dragon hot on his tail.

"You can't outfly me with those feathery things!" The dragon growled. "Why not just give up?"

"Good idea." The Guard dropped down.

"Huh?" The dragon frowned, looking downwards. As he looked back up, he realized too late he was about to fly into a cliff. "Ahhh-oof!" He groaned, slamming against the hard rock.

"Oldest trick in the book." The Guard smirked.

At the same time, the other Guards were slowly wearing the dragons down, and Flurry was eager to play her part.

"These guys really need to cool off." Flurry smirked, firing bolts of magic at the dragons' feet.

The dragons feet were covered in ice and snow.

"Hey, that's cold!" An orange dragon shivered.

"Then let us warm you up!" The Captain yelled, as he and two others tackled the dragon. "You know us ponies are big on hugs!"

"Ouch!" Flurry grinned. "Thick scales or not, that's gotta hurt!"

Unbeknownst to Flurry, Garble had recovered, and was sneaking up on her.

"I'm gonna heat things up for you, Princess..." He seethed, readying a blast of flame.

Moongleam, from her hiding position behind Flurry, saw Garble about to attack. Her fear quickly gave way to something else entirely.

"Oh no, you don't!" She leapt forward, forming a magical shield around Flurry just before the flames hit her.

"Moongleam?" Flurry turned in surprise.

"Don't even think about touching my best friend!" Moongleam roared.

"Or what?" Garble jeered.

"Or... this!" Moongleam declared.

A bolt of magic flew out of Moongleam's horn. It struck Garble, encasing him in a purple crystal.

"Wow." Flurry gaped.

"You have my mother to thank for that one." Moongleam grinned.

"D-did you just see what that pony did to Garble?" One of the remaining dragons, a dark blue brute, said to another.

"Unbelievable!" The other, a white-scaled, slimmer dragon, gaped.

"And I'll do the same to you if you don't back off." Moongleam declared, staring at the dragons with no hint of fear.

"We're not scared a' you!" The blue dragon said defiantly.

"What about me?" Ember suddenly flew over.

"D-dragon Lord Ember!" The blue dragon cringed. "...This isn't what it looks like..."

"Really?" Ember raised a scaly eyebrow. "Because it looks like you're attacking our guests."

"They attacked us first!" The white dragon lied.

"...Yeah, not buying it." Ember scowled. "You're all going to have to answer for this. Wait for me at the roost. And take your battered and bejeweled buddies with you." She threw a look at Garble and the downed dragons.

"Yes, Dragon Lord." The dragon's mumbled as one.

Put in their place, the dragons gathered up their fallen comrades.

"Jeez, this is heavy." The green dragon groaned as he dragged the crystal containing Garble. "This is all your fault..."

The trapped Garble could only glare at his comrade.

"Sorry about that." Ember told Flurry. "Make no mistake, those clowns are gonna pay for this..."

"It's not your fault." Flurry said fairly. "Some dragons, like some ponies, are just plain rotten."

"You handled yourselves pretty well, though." Ember admitted. "Which one of you nailed Garble?"

"That was... Me." Moongleam declared.

"Nice work." Ember grinned.

"Oh, it was nothing." Moongleam blushed.

"Nothing?" Flurry smiled. "It was amazing how you stood up to that bully! I'm so proud of you, Moony!" She hugged her best friend.

"Yes, yes, I faced my fears and became a better, stronger pony." Moongleam shrugged. "All the same, I wouldn't want to do that again any time soon..."

"Me neither." Flurry chuckled. "No offense Ember, but I think we've seen enough of the Dragon Lands for one day."

"None taken." Ember smiled. "Still, I hope you drop by again sometime. You kids are alright."

"So are you." Moongleam declared.

"Okay, troops, time to head out." Flurry told the Guards.

"Yes, your highness." The Captain nodded.

"Say 'hi' to Spike for me, would ya?" Ember asked.

"Next time I see him." Flurry beamed.

Before long, the carriage was in the air again, returning to the Crystal Empire. Though Moongleam was as quiet on the way back as she was on the way there, she was definitely not nervous anymore.

"You really were great today, Moony." Flurry smiled.

"Thanks." Moongleam smiled back. "I almost can't believe I did that..."

"Believe it." Flurry grinned. "Because I sure do. I thought I'd be the one to protect you, but you were the one to protect me. Not that I'm complaining..."

Moongleam smiled humbly.

By the time they returned to the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor, Cadance and Anthem had also returned. They were waiting to greet them, along with Starlight and Sunburst.

"Welcome back, girls." Shining Armor smiled.

"Hey, sweetheart." Starlight hugged Moongleam.

"Hey, mom." Moongleam grinned.

"How did things go?" Cadance asked.

"Not too bad." Flurry declared. "There was a little trouble, but nothing we couldn't handle."

"In other words, our trip to the Dragon Lands was a resounding success." The Captain said respectfully.

"What?!" Sunburst yelped.

"Thanks, Cap..." Flurry cringed.

"You went to the Dragon Lands?!" Sunburst gaped at Moongleam. "Why didn't anypony tell me?"

"Maybe because we all knew you'd react this way?" Moongleam deadpanned.

"There was nothing to worry about, Sunburst." Flurry declared. "In fact, Moongleam was really amazing out there. She didn't take any nonsense from those dragons."

"That's my girl." Starlight tousled Moongleam's mane.

"Don't be angry, daddy." Moongleam put on her best puppy-dog look. "Please?"

"... Okay, I'll let it slide." Sunburst sighed. " But next time, I expect to be informed ahead of time."

"So you can say 'no'?" Moongleam pouted.

"That is my perogative as a father." Sunburst declared. "You can't blame me for worrying, can you?"

"I suppose not..." Moongleam sighed.

"Come on, Sunburst." Starlight urged. "It all worked out in the end, didn't it?"

"Yes, it did." Sunburst admitted. "And I am proud of you, Moongleam. Not many ponies can stand up to dragons. No mystery where you got your nerve from..."

"Thanks, daddy." Moongleam beamed.

"Let's get you home." Starlight declared. "I'll make a nice big dinner for the hero of the day."

"Sounds great." Moongleam smiled. "Nothing too spicy, though. I've had enough heat for one day..." She turned to Flurry. "See you tomorrow, Flurry."

"You know it." Flurry nodded.

"Speaking of dinner, it's about time for us to eat." Shining Armor smiled. "We've all had a long day."

"No kidding." Flurry chuckled.

As she ate dinner with her family, Flurry couldn't help but reflect on the courage her best friend had shown that day, courage she felt was equal to any tale of heroism she had ever heard. She had never been prouder to call Moongleam her friend.