• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,421 Views, 94 Comments

A Princess's Path - Bluecatcinema

Flurry Heart decides she needs to help ponies like a real royal does.

  • ...

Family Matters

After returning home from Trottingham, Flurry and Moongleam once again enjoyed some relaxation time. Flurry had even convinced Moongleam to join her on a trip to the local spa. Moongleam felt such places were frivolous, but she just couldn't say "no" to her best friend.

"Mmm, isn't this great?" Flurry sighed, as they both sat in the crystal mud bath.

"Yes." Moongleam rolled her eyes. "I've always wanted to soak in sparkly gelatin..."

"Come on, Moony." Flurry pouted. "Try and enjoy yourself. We've earned a little pampering, if you ask me."

"I'm not denying that." Moongleam shrugged. "But I'm not really the kind of pony who likes to be 'pampered'."

"We'll see about that." Flurry smirked. "Next up, we have the steam room."

"So, we're going from dipped in jello to steamed like cabbage." Moongleam snorted. "It's like dinner in reverse..."

Upon their experience in the steam room, Moongleam had changed her tune a little.

"Okay, that was... pleasant, I'll admit." She confessed as they exited.

"I knew you'd like at least one of the treatments here." Flurry chuckled triumphantly. "Finally starting to loosen up, huh?"

"I'm still not a fan of spas, though." Moongleam said stubbornly. "...But I suppose one more treatment wouldn't hurt."

"Well, if you think you can suffer through another, who am I to argue?" Flurry joked. "Let's try the seaweed wrap next..."

"Fine, fine." Moongleam nodded. "But no complaining next time I need help organizing my scrolls."

"Deal." Flurry nodded.

A few days later, Flurry was sharing lunch with her family.

"Mmm, this is great stuff." Flurry remarked of her beryl broccoli stew. "Are the chefs trying something new?"

"If they are, they should keep it up." Anthem grinned.

"I'll let them know." Cadance chuckled. "I'm sure they'll be happy to hear their efforts are appreciated."

"By the way, we have another assignment for you tomorrow, Flurry." Shining Armor revealed.

"Oh, really?" Flurry asked. "What is it?"

"Oh, just a little trip to Ponyville." Cadance declared. "Somepony has to bring the trade records for the year over to the Mayor, and Exchange signatures."

"Then I'm your Princess." Flurry nodded. "Just because you're busy doesn't mean we can't reach out to our friends in Ponyville."

"And since it's a simple matter, with Ponyville being so close, we wouldn't blame you if you spent most of the day there." Shining Armor smiled. "Like maybe visiting your aunt Twily..."

"That would be great!" Flurry chuckled. "Boy, am I lucky you didn't have time to do this yourselves..."

Shining Armor and Cadance shared a smug grin.

"...What?" Flurry asked.

"Honestly, we actually do have the time to do this ourselves." Shining Armor confessed.

"You do?" Flurry frowned.

"But we figured you wouldn't mind the opportunity to visit your favorite aunt." Cadance declared. "And since you've been doing such a great job with your last couple of assignments, we figured you earned it."

"Aw... thanks." Flurry blushed. "So, what time will I be heading out?"

"Does 'first thing tomorrow' work for you?" Shining Armor asked.

"Definitely." Flurry nodded.

"Say 'hi' to aunt Twily and the cousins for me, sis." Anthem requested.

"Will do, squirt." Flurry ruffled her little brother's mane.

The next morning, Flurry and Moongleam headed off to Ponyville, taking the Crystal Train there.

"Ah, good old Ponyville." Flurry smiled as they disembarked. "Looks just as great as ever."

"It sure does." Moongleam nodded.

Both mares had been brought to Ponyville by their parents many times as they grew up. It felt like a home away from home for both of them.

"Okay, first, we'll get the job done, then we'll head over to Aunt Twily's." Flurry declared.

"Yes, business before pleasure." Moongleam nodded.

They made their way across Ponyville. Some of the citizens bowed before Flurry, but not too many; Her regular visits over the years had led them to get used to seeing her.

'Just one of the things I love about this town.' Flurry thought. 'They go so easy on the bowing and scraping...'

They reached the town hall, and Flurry knocked on the door of the mayor's office.

"Who is it?" A voice called from the other side of the door.

"This is Princess Flurry Heart." Flurry announced. "I'm here with this year's trade agreements."

"Of course. Come right in!" The voice declared.

Flurry opened the door, and she and Moongleam entered the room. Sitting behind a desk was an Earth Pony stallion with a brown mane, matching eyes, a white coat with brown spots, and a Cutie Mark of a Compass. Standing by the desk was a pink Earth Pony mare with a purple and white mane, blue eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a tiara. A plaque on the desk read "Mayor Pipsqueak".

The town's former elected official, Mayor Mare, had opted to retire from politics a couple of years back, with Pipsqueak winning the election that followed.

"Good morning, your honor." Flurry said curtly.

"Good morning, your highness." Pipsqueak stood up, revealing that he was quite tall. He turned in Moongleam's direction. "And who are you?"

"I'm Moongleam." Moongleam answered. "I'm... with the Princesses."

"Good morning to you too." Pipsqueak smiled. He then indicated the mare beside him. "Allow me to introduce you both to my wife, Diamond Tiara. She's, ah... just visiting me at work." He blushed lightly.

"It's a real privilege to meet you, Princess Flurry Heart." Diamond Tiara nodded.

"Now, now, let's not not put on airs." Flurry said humbly. "Just call me 'Flurry'."

"If you insist... Flurry." Diamond Tiara nodded.

"And that goes double for you." Flurry jokingly told Pipsqueak.

"I'll try to remember that." Pipsqueak chuckled. "And please, feel free to call me 'Pip'."

"I think I'd prefer that." Flurry nodded. "'Pipsqueak' really doesn't suit you at all."

"It used to..." Pipsqueak shrugged.

For most of his foalhood, Pipsqueak had lived up to his name. But as he entered his teens, he experienced a number of growth spurts. He went from being the shortest colt in his class to one of the tallest. He had also grown quite handsome, catching the eye of several young mares. But none more so than Diamond Tiara. She was smitten with the now-ironically-named Pipsqueak, but was uncomfortable admitting it, much less acting on it. Fortunately, she had the help of a certain trio of classmates...

But that is a story for another time. In the present, the two had married just over a year ago, and Diamond Tiara was pregnant with their foal, a small bump showing.

"Okay, here's the trade agreement." Flurry took the papers out of her saddlebags. "Just gotta look it over, sign them, and that'll be it."

"Who says politics is difficult?" Pipsqueak joked.

As Flurry and Pipaqueak examined the paperwork, Diamond Tiara trotted over to Moongleam.

"So... are you Princess Flurry's... attendant? Advisor?" She asked.

"Best friend, actually." Moongleam clarified.

"Lucky you." Diamond Tiara smiled. "She really seems like a nice young mare."

"She is." Moongleam nodded. She took note of Diamond Tiara's bump. "If you don't mind my asking, how far along are you?"

"Just a couple of months." Diamond Tiara admitted. "I'm dreading the later months. I'll swell up like a balloon, it'll take forever to get my figure back..." She rubbed her lump lightly, smiling contentedly. "It'll all be worth it, though, when I hold that little foal in my hooves..."

"I'm sure it will." Moongleam, who had a soft spot for foals herself, developed a small smile on her face.

"There we go." Pipsqueak smiled, finishing his signature. "All accounted for."

"Same here." Flurry nodded. "I'll get these back to my parents, and we'll be good for another year of trade."

"Great." Pipsqueak smiled. "It was a pleasure doing business with-"

At that moment, a haughty-looking older mare with a pink coat, a greying magenta mane, opal eyes, an upturned nose, a blue dress, gold necklace, and a Cutie Mark of a diamond ring barged into the room.

"Ah, there you are, Diamond Tiara." She declared. "I thought I'd find you here, making goo-goo eyes at your husband like some lovestruck school filly."

"Nice to see you too, Spoiled Rich." Pipsqueak rolled his eyes.

"Mother, I'm not a filly any more." Diamond Tiara growled. "I don't need you on my back all the time."

"I beg to differ." Spoiled Rich sniffed. "That's my future grandfoal you're carrying. The future of this very family. Can you really blame me if I want to be sure nothing happens to-?"

Spoiled Rich trailed off as she took note of Flurry's presence.

"My word." She gaped in shock. "You really should have told me you were expecting royalty." She bowed to Flurry in a very exaggerated manner. "Your highness. It is truly a great honor to be in your presence."

"Er... thanks." Flurry said awkwardly.

"The Princess and I were just finishing up some official business." Pipsqueak declared. "You know how it is for a mayor such as myself?"

"Yes, yes." Spoiled waved her hoof dismissively. "Princess Flurry Heart, since your business with my son-in-law is concluded, may I request a moment of your time?"

"Um... sure." Flurry shrugged. "I guess I can spare a moment."

"Excellent." Spoiled Rich grinned. "Perhaps we should go somewhere more private?"

"I guess so." Flurry nodded.

"You can come along too." Spoiled Rich told Moongleam. "You can... take notes, or something."

"Of course..." Moongleam scowled.

"It was nice meeting you, Mayor Pip." Flurry smiled. "You too, Diamond Tiara."

"We should be hurrying along." Spoiled Rich urged. "I'm sure none of us have all day..."

With Spoiled Rich in tow, Flurry and Moongleam left the room, leaving Pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara alone.

"You know one of the reasons I love you is because you managed to rise above being raised by her?" Pipsqueak told his wife.

"I know." Diamond Tiara smiled. "But she's still my mom. Even if she is a judgmental, social-climbing pain in the neck."

"All the same, I think we should limit our foal's 'grandma time'." Pipsqueak declared. "Just in case."

"No argument here." Diamond Tiara nodded in agreement.

Outside, Flurry and Moongleam walked onto the streets alongside Spoiled Rich.

"So... what is it you'd like to talk about?" Flurry asked.

"You may not be aware of this, coming from such a prestigious place as the Crystal Empire, but my husband, Filthy Rich, owns the most successful store in town, Rich's Barnyard Bargains." Spoiled Rich announced.

"I've heard of that store." Flurry revealed. "I even went there once, years ago."

"So you know of our business." Spoiled Rich smiled. "Excellent. We could really benefit from some... Royal patronage. Perhaps you could talk with your parents, and see if they'd be willing to visit, and possibly even make some purchases. That would really put us on the map. Not that it's about simple business." She laughed without joy. "It's about my future grandfoal. I want to be sure Rich's Barnyard Bargains is still around for years to come, and that my darling grandfoal could one day take the reins, and carry on the family business." Her expression darkened. "Since my daughter has chosen to be a devoted little housewife to her husband, I can't exactly rely on her in that regard... which is why your parents' patronage could be such a boon."

"Well, I can... Pass that request on to them." Flurry said hesitantly.

"Wonderful." Spoiler Rich smiled. "I hope you're getting all this?" She turned to Moongleam.

"I am." Moongleam said flatly. "I'm making a mental note of all of this."

"Good." Spoiler Rich said smugly.

"Well, I'd love to talk more, but I have... Another royal appointment to get to." Flurry told a half-truth.

"Of course, your highness." Spoiler Rich bowed again. "I'm sure you're very busy. Thank you for your time."

Spoiler Rich walked off down the street.

"Thank your great-aunt that's over." Moongleam scowled. "That is not a pleasant mare..."

"I know." Flurry scoffed. "So transparent. Trying to get my parents to endorse the store, like they're celebrities. And all that talk about it being for her grandfoal. Poor little one isn't even born, and she's trying to dictate its future..."

"Let's get over to your aunt's place." Moongleam declared. "That should help us forget this..."

Flurry and Moongleam made their way to Twilight's castle. Flurry knocked the door, and was greeted by Spike. The young dragon had grown a few inches over the years, and was slightly bulkier, but otherwise, he looked the same as ever.

"Flurry!" He smiled. "Good to see you!" His gaze fell on Moongleam. "You too, Moongleam."

"Hello, Spike." Moongleam smiled. "How are you?"

"Eh, same old, some old." Spike shrugged.

"I don't know. Have you gotten taller since I last saw you?" Flurry asked.

"Maybe a little..." Spike grinned. "Come on in. Flash is at the market, but Twilight and the kids are in the study."

"Perfect." Flurry smiled. "I can say 'hi' to them all at once."

Flurry and Moongleam made their way to the study. Twilight was indeed there, along with her children, Flurry's cousins, Dusk Glow and Starlight Twinkle. Dusk was only a few months older than Moongleam, while Starlight had just turned eight, her goldenrod mane tied into small pigtails.

"Hey, aunt Twiley!" Flurry declared, grabbing their attention.

"Flurry!" Twilight smiled. "I didn't know you were coming."

"Surprise!" Flurry grinned.

"Flurry!" Starlight rushed over and hugged her older cousin.

"Hi, Starly." Flurry hugged her back.

"Hey, cuz." Dusk declared.

"Hey, Dusk." Flurry nodded. "Good to see you. Anthem says 'hi' by the way."

"Tell him I said 'hi', back." Dusk replied.

"Sure. It's like I'm the Princess of messages over here." Flurry joked.

"Hello, Princess Twilight." Moongleam declared.

"It's nice to see you too, Moongleam." Twilight smiled. "You've gotten so big since I last saw her."

"I did just have a recent growth spurt." Moongleam admitted.

"How's your mom doing?" Twilight asked.

"She's doing great." Moongleam nodded. "She and dad couldn't be better."

"I'm glad to hear it." Twilight smiled. "I try to visit more often, but between my Princess duties and raising these two little imps, I never seem to have much time to."

"I'm sure mom understands." Moongleam assured her. "And actually, she asked me to ask you if you're okay with her dropping by next Friday morning."

"I think I can make some room in my schedule." Twilight grinned. "Let your mom know I'd be more than happy to see her."

"I will." Moongleam nodded.

Just then, Starlight started tugging on one of Moongleam's pigtails.

"Hi, Moongleam!" She smiled.

"Hi, Starlight." Moongleam replied. It had initially surprised Moongleam to learn that Twilight had named her youngest child after her mother. But in terms of personality, the young filly couldn't be more different than her namesake, showing an energetic streak that couldn't be beat. "How's school going?"

"Real good." Starlight beamed. "I got a gold star on my last spelling test!"

"Good for you." Moongleam grinned. "You always were a smart one."

"Aw, thanks!" Starlight chuckled.

"So... how ya doin', cuz?" Dusk asked Flurry.

"Can't complain." Flurry shrugged. "Especially now that I've finally got a chance to live up to being a Princess."

"Yeah, mom told me about how you asked ancle Shiny and aunt Cadance for these 'royal duties'." Dusk admitted.

"I'd been wanting to get out there for a while." Flurry shrugged. "Things just seemed... boring for me."

"Well, that's you." Dusk shrugged. "Me, I'm good with where I am right now."

"Give it time." Flurry said sagely. "It won't be long before you get the itch for adventure, and new heights."

"Yeah, we'll see..." Dusk snorted.

"How about I make some lunch for everypony?" Spike offered.

"Great idea, Spike." Twilight nodded. "I'll go and set the table."

"Need a little help?" Flurry offered.

"Now, now." Twilight shook her head. "You're our guest here."

"It's the least I can do." Flurry declared. "Besides, I'd like to have a... private talk about things. Just you and me."

"Oh... okay then." Twilight nodded.

"You gonna be okay for a little while?" Flurry asked Moongleam.

"Of course." Moongleam smiled.

Just then, Starlight jumped on Moongleam's back.

"Yeah!" She cheered. "Come on, Moony, let's play!"

"You sure about that?" Dusk teased Moongleam.

"I think I can handle a little play time." Moongleam said haughtily.

"You don't know my sister very well, do you?" Dusk smirked.

Starlight blew a raspberry at her brother.

"Well put." Moongleam grinned. "Now, onto play time..."

"Yay!" Starlight cheered, as Moongleam trotted her out of the room.

"This, I gotta see..." Dusk rolled his eyes as he followed.

While Spike headed into the kitchen, Twilight and Flurry went into the dining room to prepare for the meal.

"So, how are your assignments going?" Twilight asked Flurry.

"Pretty well." Flurry smiled. "There have been a few hiccups, but I fortunately, I had help."

"I'm not surprised Moongleam would be a great help for you." Twilight declared.

"Not just Moongleam, actually." Flurry admitted. "I've also gotten some help from... Discord."

"Discord?" Twilight frowned, mildly surprised.

"Yeah, he gave me some advice on my first mission, and again on my last one." Flurry recalled. "If I didn't know better, I'd think he's latched onto me like he wants to be my... advisor, or something. Weird, right?"

"That is unusual behavior." Twilight admitted. "Even for Discord..."

"Yeah, but he did help me." Flurry admitted. "In a roundabout, 'put the pieces together yourself' kind of way..."

"I know what you mean." Twilight rolled her eyes. "I've received 'help' from Discord in the past. He usually wrapped it up in pranks and jokes, like he wanted it to look like he wasn't helping at all." She snorted lightly. "He could never be direct about those kind of things. Always had to play some kind of game. Sometimes, I think he'd get dizzy if he tried walking in a straight line..."

"No kidding." Flurry chuckled.

"But it was still help." Twilight smiled. "In fact, if it weren't for Discord, I wouldn't have gone back into the Everfree Forest to help save the Tree of Harmony. And I wouldn't have realized Moongleam's mother was ready to graduate. Sometimes, you need somepony who can push you into doing what needs to be done. Even if it involves getting under your skin. Which Discord does. A lot..."

"I know, right?" Flurry rolled her eyes.

"As annoying as he is, Discord can be a good friend." Twilight admitted. "When he feels like it... and there's worse help out there, you know."

"So you're saying I should just roll with it?" Flurry asked.

"That's usually the best way to handle Discord's antics." Twilight chuckled.

"I just hope I don't have to roll too often..." Flurry admitted.

"I know the feeling." Twilight snorted.

Soon, the table was all set. Spike entered the dining room a while after, carrying a tray containing a bowl of nachos, and some dipping sauce.

"Ooh, the famous Spike nachos." Flurry licked her lips. "Excellent choice."

"I had a feeling you'd like 'em." Spike chuckled.

"Kids!" Twilight called down the corridor. "Lunch!"

Dusk entered the dining room first, followed by Moongleam (sporting a slightly dishevelled mane) and Starlight.

"Gotta give ya credit, Moongleam." Dusk admitted. "Didn't think anypony could beat Starlight at tag."

"I may be smart, but that doesn't mean I'm not athletic." Moongleam bragged.

"You're better at it than Dusk." Starlight smirked. "He's a total slowpoke. No challenge there at all."

"Gee, thanks, sis." Dusk snorted.

"You know I love you, bro." Starlight winked. "But you really need to take up jogging if you wanna keep up with me."

"Thanks for the tip." Dusk grinned.

Dusk, Starlight and Moongleam took their places at the table.

"Had fun, did you?" Flurry smirked at Moongleam.

"I certainly did." Moongleam nodded.

"I'm sure you've all worked up an appetite." Twilight declared. "So dig in."

The young ponies eagerly followed Twilight's suggestion.

"This is really good." Moongleam noted. "My compliments to the chef."

"Compliments accepted." Spike grinned.

As they all continued eating, Twilight's husband, Flash Sentry, entered the dining room, carrying a bag full of groceries.

"Figured you guys would be in here." He smiled. "Having a wife who loves schedules has its advantages."

"Hi, uncle Flash!" Flurry greeted him.

"Hey, Flurry." Flash smiled. "Didn't expect to see you here today..."

"She had some official royal business to attend to here in Ponyville." Twilight smiled. "She and Moongleam decided to drop by for a visit."

"Hello, Mr Sentry." Moongleam nodded.

"Hi, kid." Flash smiled. "Good to see ya." He took notice of the food. "Hey, nachos. Don't mind if I do..."

Flash grabbed a hoofful of chips.

"Easy, dad." Dusk smirked. "Save some for the rest of us."

"Hey, I've been out shopping, remember?" Flash smirked back. "I think I've earned a treat."

"Better go easy on the treats, daddy." Starlight teased. "Every time I hug you lately, you've been getting more and more squishy."

"Squishy?" Flash pouted. "Really?"

"Come on, kids." Twilight suppressed a giggle. "Leave your poor dad alone."

"I notice you didn't exactly argue the matter." Flash frowned.

"Oh, Flash." Twilight rolled her eyes. "You know I love you no matter what."

"Still not providing a concrete opinion." Flash pointed out.

"Just enjoy the nachos." Twilight used her magic to lift some into her husband's mouth.

"Mmm, they are good..." Flash admitted. "Might actually be worth getting a little pudge..."

Flurry, Spike, Dusk and Starlight chuckled at the scene, while Moongleam displayed one her signature small smiles.

"So your folks let you get out there and handle some duties?" Flash asked.

"That's right." Flurry nodded.

"I'm surprised your dad went for it." Flash admitted. "No offense to the guy, but he always had this overprotective thing going for him. At least, that's how it was when me and your aunt were dating."

"He wasn't that bad." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Oh, yeah?" Flash scoffed. "Remember when you came to the Crystal Empire for a date, and he had one of the other Guards follow us around?"

"That was one time." Twilight sighed. "And you still haven't let it go..."

"Whoa, dad did that?!" Flurry chuckled.

"And I thought my dad was overprotective..." Moongleam snorted.

"I'll admit, Shining Armor is determined to keep the ponies he cares about safe." Twilight declared. "But he can be reasonable. He did let you take on these new responsibilities, didn't he, Flurry?"

"Yeah, he did." Flurry nodded. "And he and mom even let me bring me my best friend along for the ride." She smiled in Moongleam's direction.

"Yeah, the big lug can make some good decisions." Flash admitted. "And as brothers-in-law go, he's not half bad."

"I like uncle Shining too." Starlight smiled. "He's really strong. Always lifts me right over his head."

"I remember when he used to do that with me..." Dusk smiled nostalgically.

"Hey Moongleam, have you and Flurry gone to any cool places lately?" Starlight asked.

"We certainly have." Moongleam nodded. "Why, just last week, we went to Trottingham."

"Wow..." Starlight smiled. "How was it?"

"It was... Interesting." Flurry declared. "A lot of unique ponies over there. Still not a patch on Ponyville, though..."

"Like any place can compare..." Spike chuckled.

"You sure you're not just saying that because your favourite aunt lives here, right?" Twilight chuckled.

"Nope." Flurry grinned. "I'm also saying it because my favourite uncles and cousins live here too."

"Aw, thanks!" Starlight grinned.

"Can't argue with that logic." Dusk smirked.

"Thanks, kid." Spike beamed.

"Love ya too, step-niece." Flash nodded.

"That's a beautiful thing to say, Flurry." Twilight smiled. "And true. Right now, there's nowhere I'd like to be more than with all of you."

"Even me?" Moongleam asked.

"Of course." Twilight nodded. "Your mom was my favourite student, and one of my closest friends. As far as I'm concerned, that makes you family too."

"... Thank you." Moongleam smiled, touched by the sentiment. "I really appreciate that."

"You're very welcome." Twilight beamed.

"She's right, you know." Flurry told Moongleam. "You're not just my best friend, you're family."

"Aw, Flurry..." Moongleam chuckled.

"Okay, that's enough mush." Flash joked. "Whattaya say we head outside and have some family fun?"

"Yeah!" Starlight cheered.

"I'm game." Dusk nodded.

"Me too." Flurry smiled.

"So am I." Moongleam nodded. "This is a family affair, after all..."

"Try and stop me." Spike joked.

"Guess it's unanimous." Twilight chuckled. "Let's go."

The group went out to the park and had some fun, playing catch, tag, and other games. But all too soon, the time came for Flurry and Moongleam to depart.

"We'll be back soon." Flurry declared.

"Count on it." Moongleam agreed.

"You'd better." Starlight smirked. "Or I'll never have a fun game of tag again."

"See ya, cuz." Dusk smile at Flurry, ignoring Starlight.

"Say 'hi' to your dad for me." Flash grinned.

"And me." Spike added.

"Will do." Flurry nodded.

"Don't wait too long before visiting again, girls." Twilight declared.

"Just try and stop us." Flurry grinned.

As Flurry and Moongleam returned home, Flurry was deeply content. As good as it felt to make a difference in Equestria, spending time with her aunt, uncles and cousins felt almost as good, if not better.