• Published 26th Oct 2017
  • 228 Views, 0 Comments

My Family - Woody Hooves

This is a story I made for my friends, whom I call family.

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Out to Lunch

He sat there for what felt like hours as he read his book. He looked up at the clock that showed '12:48'. His stomach growled, signaling him it was lunch time soon. He then wondered if his family ate anything for lunch already. He picked up his phone from his bag, and pressed the call button for his sister Winter Star.

Woody waited for her to pick up the phone, knowing that she'd be in school at lunch time. He heard the ringtone on the speaker of his phone for a while, then heard a click of somepony picking up the call. "Hi bro!" A happy voice was heard on the phone, and a smile appeared on Woody's face. "Hey, sis. How are you doing? Did you eat lunch yet?" He asked to know how she was doing, a little worried about her. Winter's school had some bullies around, and they bothered her very often. Woody wanted to go straight to the school and find the bullies who hurt her and yell at their face. But if he did that Winter would just get into more trouble. And he didn't want that at all. So he stayed his anger trusted his sister when she said that she'd be alright. "I'm doing alright. I was just about to have lunch. You?" Winter said from the other side of the line. "I was about to go out to eat too. Just wanted to make sure my little sis is doing alright before I go." He chuckled slightly, as he opened the door and went out of his shop and leaned on the window. "Well, I'm doing ok. Hehe thanks bro." "Alright then. Be safe, and have fun ok? I'll see you at home." "Alright. See ya bro! Bye!" "Bye sis!" They ended the call as a soft click was heard. Woody put a sign on the window of the shop with the words "Out to lunch", and went outside to go to his favorite food court.

One of Woody's favorite food was potato sandwiches. So he always went to the food court that was just a few minutes away from his shop. As he walked there, he took his phone out again and sent a short text message to Mimi. "Hi!"

Mimi was Woody's marefriend. Even though Mimi was actually a hinny and not a pony, they loved each other dearly as if they were meant to be. She had big gray large ears so she was very sensitive to hearing. She had gray body with fluffy fur all around her, and had black and pink mane and tail. While Woody lived in a house with his family, Mimi lived in an old shed in the forest that was near his house. It was old and rusty, and looked like it was going to collapse anytime. This made Woody worry a lot, and he always checked on her very often. There was a cave around her shed that was safer so whenever it rained or a thunderstorm came, she went to the cave for shelter and let Woody know that she was safe when the weather cleared. Woody was happy to have met Mimi. They've met at a camping area Woody went when he had a family trip. Ever since they met there, they've been meeting each other more often and eventually Mimi moved to nearby forest around his neighborhood. She found a shed nopony wanted, so she moved in there. Woody wanted her to live in an actual house, but she refused and told him that she had no money and that she liked the forest anyway. He was still worried, but trusted her and let her live there with the animals.

They spent lots of times together. They sometimes went out camping together in the forests, Mimi sometimes went to Woody's house and taught him how to cook food since he was terrible at it, and Woody sometimes helped Mimi take care of the animals in the forests.

After a while, Woody's phone buzzed. He looked at it and saw her reply from his message. "Heyo!" Woody smiled immediately as he read the message. He texted back. "Did you eat lunch yet?" He stopped in front of the crosswalk that was in front of the sandwich store. Waiting for the light to change green, he looked at his phone again. "Not yet, but I will soon." He texted back. "Oh ok. I'm going to the food court right now so, I'll see you tonight?" The light turned green, as he walked across the street and opened the door of the food court to go inside. He checked his phone again. "Okie dokies! Love you!" He texted back with a heart and three words. "Love you too!"

He took a seat in the corner of the shop with his sandwich. He always liked to sit in corners. It made him feel relaxed in a way. He ate his potato sandwich slowly, taking his time and not rushing things. He took out his earphones and put it in his ear and played his favorite music from his phone. As he ate, he stared out the window of the store, wondering what his friends would be doing right now.

* * * * * *

Cookie Crisp was in her cookie store, baking more cookies to fill the basket in her shop. She really loved baking, but knew only a little about it. But she did know how to make cookies easily, so she made a lot of them everyday and sold them to the ponies in the city. She lived in Ponyville which was a little far away from the city, but thanks to the train system she can go back and forth easily. Cookie had a white coat that seemed to let her shine brightly in front of others, and a few brown freckles around her nose. She had some brown spots on her ears, arms and legs too. She had light purple mane and tail, and had a blue bow tied onto her tail and her right side of her mane with her horn sticking out. Her eyes were odd eyed, so she had a green eye on her right, and a brown eye on her left. While her mother is a unicorn, her father was a batpony so she could easily see through the night with her right eye. Cookie was born in Snowfall, so she can speak fluent Swedish. Everypony didn't know what she said when she came to Ponyville, or when she lived in Manehatten, but she had gotten used to it since she also knew English.

Everypony liked the cookies she makes, so they came to her shop full of cookies nearly everyday to start their day with the fresh smell of baked cookies. She was sitting behind her counter after just finishing filling up the baskets with cookies, when her phone on the counter buzzed. She picked it up and saw that it was her old friend Woody calling her. "Hi Woody!" Cookie said loudly on her phone with a giggle. "Hey Cookie. How's it going?" Woody replied to the happy tone coming from his speaker. "I'm doing great! I was just refilling the cookie baskets! What about you??" She said.

Cookie and Woody go way back into the past. Simple enough, Woody met her in her store when it was around lunch time a few years ago. The memories were clear in Cookie's head. She even remembered Woody asking for chocolate ship cookies when there weren't any yet. While he waited for them to come out, he'd been talking with Cookie and they both got to know each other and became friends ever since.

"I'm doing alright. Another day in the shop. Again.. Alone.." He trailed off as he tried to sound like he was alone, and he was feeling a little alone since he was in a sandwich store with nopony else he knew except his, friend on the phone. "Aww you could come visit here if you want! I've got more chocolate chip cookies!" Cookie replied, excited at the thought of Woody visiting to her shop. Woody thought about it to a moment and realized that it has been a while since he last visited her shop. "Alright! I'll be there after my sandwich." He said, feeling a little more hungry for the cookies. "Yay! I'll see ya soon then!" "Ok, cya!" Cookie ended the call and went back to the kitchen to make a few more cookies just in case Woody actually decide to eat all of them. She giggled happily while she waited for Woody to come over.

Author's Note:

Yay~ Another chapter! Ok, the third chapter may take a while as I am taking mid term exams currently. So hang tight! Hope y'all like this one too!