• Published 26th Oct 2017
  • 228 Views, 0 Comments

My Family - Woody Hooves

This is a story I made for my friends, whom I call family.

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The sun came up as the sky slowly turned orange, bringing up the warm sunlight for ponies to start a new day. The flowers began to bloom as the air turned warmer. The ponies who were outside on the hill were now in their soft beds, sleeping peacefully under their blankets. Everypony were tired since they've been staying up for a long time to see the stars last night. But even though it made them all sleepy and tired, they were happy to get back together and share the beautiful night with their loved ones. It was worth it.

Woody, being an early riser, woke up and looked at the clock. His little digital military clock showed the numbers 06:14 on it. "Nnngh..." The brown pegasus groaned and hid under his blanket that kept him warm. Even though his alarm was set for 7:00 am, his body always woke him up at around 6:00 am since he was so used to getting up at an early time. He forced himself up and opened the curtains to look out the window of his room. The warm sunlight greeted him as Woody let out a yawn. He then flapped his wings a few times to fully wake himself up, and walked out of his room. He went downstairs into the kitchen and turned on a coffee machine that was on the counter. He waited for the coffee to finish as the machine poured warm coffee into his cup. He picked it up and took a sip, his nose picking up the crispy smell of caffeine. "Ah~ I love coffee." He mumbled as a soft smile appeared on his face. He looked at a nearby clock hanging on a wall, showing 6:25. Woody walked up the stairs and walked through the hallway. When he reached Winter's room, he gave a soft knock on the door. "Winty? It's six twenty five. You're gonna be late for school." When he didn't get a response, he quietly opened the door and went inside.

The walls were coated with baby blue wallpaper with shapes of snowflakes on them. Her desk was neatly clean next to her dark blue bed. Under the covers of the bed was Winter, peacefully sleeping. She'd been checking her phone a few times right before she fell asleep, hoping that Darkness replied. But every time she turned her phone on, all she saw was her phone background with no new messages.

"Wake up, little sis." Woody gently shook her shoulder to wake her up. Winter opened her eyes and saw her brother sitting on her bed with a smile and a messy mane. She groaned softly, her body refusing to move from the comfort her blanket gave her. "Five more minutes...?" Woody chuckled and gave a slight poke on her shoulders before standing up. "You're gonna be late for school, sis. Hurry up!" He then walked out of the room as the tired white pegasus groaned again.

Woody then went downstairs into the kitchen and made simple meals for breakfast. Cereal. "That's all I can make..." He mumbled to himself as he reminded himself that he should take more cooking lessons from Mimi. Winter came downstairs with her school saddlebag on, and sat on a chair near the counter. "I don't wanna eat." Winter mumbled as Woody's ear perked up. He held his hoof up and said, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It helps you start your day healthy, and you'll do well in school." "Fiiine..." His sister whined, but ate the crunchy cereal from her bowl. A few minutes later, Onyx entered into the kitchen with his mane still messy and his eyes still heavy. He and Belua had stayed a little longer after everypony went to their homes, and the two spent the night together. He walked Belua to her house and walked back to his late at night. "Had a good time last night?" Woody asked him. "Yeah, I did. She really loved the stars." The black pony chuckled at the thought of making his marefriend happy by being there for her at a beautiful night. "How about you?" "Oh, I had a great time. Mimi and I really liked the stars. Heh, we've been trying to name them too." He scratched his mane, knowing he had no knowledge in astronomy.

Winter felt a little sad for being so alone. Woody and Onyx had somepony to love. She wished she had one. She tried to keep herself from tearing up, and finished eating her cereal. "Well, I have to take Winter to school . See ya later, bro." "Yeah, laters." Woody opened the front door for Winter as they walked over to the car.

* * * * * *

Winter was sitting on the back of the car with her head leaning against the window. She still felt sad about not getting a response, the conversation Woody and Onyx had earlier didn't help. "You alright, sis?" Woody asked from up front, as he stopped at a red light. It was hard for Winter to act like everything was fine around him. Whenever Winter felt down, Woody always noticed it and tried to comfort her every time. "Huh? Oh.. Yeah.. I'm fine." She said with a sigh. "Still no reply from him?" "Mmm..." Winter nodded a little, as she checked her phone again one last time. There were still nothing from Darkness. "What if he doesn't like me..?" "Why wouldn't he? You're a great artist, you have a warm heart, you're beautiful." Winter let out a giggle as she knew he just wanted to cheer her up. "Thanks, bro." "Hey, I mean it." Woody smiled and looked at her on the back mirror, as the car continued its route to school as the light turned green.

They arrived at the gate of Winter's school in just a few minutes. Woody parked the car on the side of the road as Winter made sure she got her saddlebag. "Have a good day, sis! Love ya!" Winter smiled as she got out of the car. "Love you too, big bro!" She closed the door and watched the brown car drive back home. She then turned around and started walking through the gate and into the school.

The school wasn't very big, but it wasn't small either. It had a big playing field with bleachers on the sides, and a storage building behind it. On the other side was a big building that had all the classrooms for the students, and there was another building that was used as a library. There were many ponies walking towards the main building. Many different kinds of saddlebags were hanging on the sides of the ponies in different colors and sizes.

Winter followed the crowed into the building and went through the hallway crowded with ponies to her classroom. She sat on her seat and waited for the first class to start. A few minutes before class started, Winter's, best. friend, Zeen came in and sat across from her. She noticed him, and walked over to his desk. "Hi, Zeen." "Oh, hi Winter." He replied. The school bell rang right before she said anything, and went back to sit on her seat. As the class started, she tried her best not to think about Darkness or the text message.