• Published 26th Oct 2017
  • 228 Views, 0 Comments

My Family - Woody Hooves

This is a story I made for my friends, whom I call family.

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Morning in Canterlot

The morning sun shined on Canterlot early in the morning. Jeaune Hunter woke up as she felt the warm sunlight touching her hoof. Her messy dark brown and yellow mane covered her face, as she softly grinned through them. She loved the warm sun in the early mornings like this. It gave her a bright start of the day, and made her feel calm. She got out of her bed and opened up the curtains of her window. The view of the large buildings of Canterlot greeted her, as the brown mare let out a yawn. She breathed the fresh morning air and felt it fill her lungs, giving her a refreshing sensation. She did a few stretches, hearing some of her bones cracking into place. She then walked downstairs into the kitchen. Since he lived in one of Canterlot's apartments, she had a wide house with lots of books covering most of the walls. Which explained why she knows about a lot of things.

She went over to the counter in the kitchen and took out a pot of hot coffee from a coffee machine. Pouring it down into a cup, she could smell the crispy scent of caffeine enter her nose, which made her to smile. She walked over to the balcony and looked outside. As she sipped on her coffee, she looked at the view of Canterlot in front of her. The large buildings reaching for the sky, with beautiful flowers on the edge of some of the fences. The large streets with ponies walking around made Jeaune feel like the day would get busy, but she didn't really mind.

After finishing her cup of coffee she opened the door and walked outside, feeling the morning breeze hit her. Ponies were walking to and fro, starting the day by doing their daily routines. The sun was high up in the sky shining its' warm sunlight down to the earth. It was just perfect.

Jeaune trotted towards her workplace, the Canterlot Library. She really liked working there, be cause it gives her a chance to meet many other ponies who liked reading books. He even met a griffon walk in, asking for a certain book he wanted to find. But that turned out into a long conversation of sharing their interests in book as they got to know each other. They still write letters to each other to stay in contact as their friendship grew. They still talk about books even! She let out a giggle remembering her griffon friend.

In just a few minutes by the close distance from her house, she reached the Canterlot Library. Ponies walked in and out with books in their bags and some held it with their magic. She walked up the marble stairs and pushed the glass doors open she walked inside. She saw a counter on her right, which was where she worked. There were four floors inside this building, with a total of at least sixteen thousand books inside. She was very happy to work in such a great place like this, and a best libraries in Equestria.

The young mare walked over to her seat behind the counter and checked the list that showed books that needed to be ordered. She had a few more papers lying on her desk with a list of books that needed to be aligned. And another stack of papers with information of what books were borrowed and what needs to be returned.

She took a deep breath to calm her down, and get ready for another busy day.

* * * * * *

Cinnamin was already awake, being a pony who likes to wake up early. It always helped her refresh her body when she went outside jogging early in the morning. It even kept her healthy too.

The cyan colored mare looked at her digital watch on her forehoof and thought it was time to go back home and practice in her dancing performance. There was a celebration coming with just a few weeks left on the calendar. The celebration was about the birth of princess Celestia, and Cinnamin was going to be part of it. She was going to perform in the castle that was the home of the princess, and she was very honored to have the chance to do a performance there. Nearly all the ponies in Canterlot was going to be there and she heard that some from Ponyville was going to come too. She practiced for a months for it, she wanted it to be perfect and put a smile on everypony. She felt excited already.

Cinni opened her door of her house and walked in as she panted from jogging. She opened the fridge in her kitchen to get a bottle of water. She drank out of the bottle, giving her body the water it needed. Leaning on the counter of her kitchen, she looked at her phone to see what schedule she has for the day. They were many blank spots on her schedule, as she didn't really like performing all the time without any free time. She wanted to at least relax in between them. Surprisingly, today was all blank. "Free time, huh?" She said as she thought of what she wanted to do.

Go visit Jeaune and Thunder? Spend the day by practicing on her performance? Maybe write a song? Ideas popped in her mind as she saw lots of things she could do. She didn't really have a day that was so blank like this. She decided do go visit Thunder and then go to the Canterlot Library to see Jeaune. Maybe even look for a book about art there too.

After a few minutes she was outside again, trotting towards the edge of Canterlot where the rich ponies lived.

Thunder never considered himself rich. Instead he considered himself lucky. After he tried to do the complex spell, princess Celestia thought that he had a special talent in magic. So she gave him a chance to go to a school that taught about many different magical spells, and as he learned he did a few in magic performances. Soon he began to gain a little bit of popularity and as he saved all his bits, he had the chance to buy a mansion on the edge of Canterlot. He didn't even know that he had so many bits himself, so he used some of it to help other ponies who has trouble learning magic. Even Cinni was impressed at his works. Many unicorn kids got to learn different spells and they liked Thunder very much. They were grateful to have him as their magic teacher.

Cinni saw the streets that led to his mansion as she walked, and enjoyed the view of many other houses around it. There were many other mansions that look like there were ponies even more richer than Thunder. Cinni wished she lived in a place like this, but she was happy to live in a normal house in Canterlot. After all, Canterlot was a big city.

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