• Published 26th Oct 2017
  • 228 Views, 0 Comments

My Family - Woody Hooves

This is a story I made for my friends, whom I call family.

  • ...

Preparing for the Night

Winter opened the door to her room and went inside. She threw her bag onto her bed and flopped beside it. She let out a deep breath, feeling happy as the bed let her feel comfortable as she sank down onto it's mattress.

She had a good day at school today. Her teacher complimented her art during art class, and all of her friends liked it too. She felt proud that she made them happy. She used to practice drawing very often at when she was young. She opened her bag and took out a notebook with all her drawings she drew in school on it. She flipped through the pages and found her drawing she drew today. It was a drawing of her and Darkness hugging each other. She smiled as she looked at it.

Darkness was one of Winter's classmates, and was also her crush. He had dark gray coat and long black mane and tail that could almost make him one in the dark. He had a horn longer than most ponies, and a pair of alicorn wings. Darkness was part vampony, so he had a color of red in his eyes. Even though he was part vampire, he never felt any desire to bite on a pony's neck and taste blood. Instead, he was very caring and sometimes protective for other ponies, especially for his friends. He even was smart in class, so he had some popularity in school. Winter wanted to be friends with him for a very long time now, but she didn't have the courage to talk to him with all the other ponies around him. They did say hi to each other though, and even that made her feel happy, but she still kept her feelings to herself.

Winter went to her desk, got out a pair of scissors, and started carefully cutting out the drawing. She then some pieces of colorful papers, and made a background of a green field with a blue sky and some white clouds on it. Then she put the drawing on the green paper and put it in a picture frame, making it look like it was professionally made. She put the frame near her lamp on her desk, and kept her smile. She laid down on her bed and stared at it, wondering if Darkness liked to watch the stars at night. "Maybe..." She whispered to herself, and quickly got her phone, and opened up Darkness's contacts. She typed a short message and sent it to him. "Hi" She waited for an answer.

* * * * * *

Hope was walking back home from the library with some books in her saddlebag. She liked walking rather than taking a bus or a train. Places like that made it feel so crowded since there were always so many ponies walking back and forth. She didn't really like standing in one place with many other ponies she didn't know, so she always went on a walk whenever she could. She could use her wings since she was a pegasus, but she prefered walking than flying. She liked to look at her surrounding than just passing it. She saw trees planted on the sidewalk she was on, all lined up in a certain amount of distances between them. The green leaves were waving around, as if they were dancing in the soft breeze. She could feel the cool breeze going through her mane, as she walked along the sidewalk.

Hope had a coat of clear white, and a color of red on the bottom of her hooves and legs. She had a long red wavy mane and tail, so it was easy for other ponies to find her since she can be clearly seen nearly anywhere she went. Hope was the youngest among Woody and Winter, and liked had a very tender heart towards other ponies. She always cared for others more than herself, and always showed kindness towards them. Even when Hope was feeling sad about something she hid it to herself so that it wouldn't affect others. She loved her brother and sister very much and was grateful for their care.

She was in the library just a few minutes ago to borrow a book that was full of stories about friendship and families. When Winter and Hope were little, Woody often read a story to them right before their bedtime. It was a little habit Woody had when their mom used to read them every night. Now Hope goes to the library to get some books for Woody to read them. It's been a sort of family tradition in a way now. She smiled at the thought of her big brother reading it to her until she fell asleep. There were times when they stayed up all night reading long time ago, but now she sometimes read books to herself so she could sleep well. It always helped her.

She then felt her phone vibrating in her saddlebag. She stopped at a red light in front of a crosswalk to take it out. It was a text message from Woody. "Hey Hope! Wanna go see a full moon tonight?" She didn't have to think twice. She quickly replied back. "Yeah! That'd be fun! XD" Her lip curled up into a smile, as she walked home happily, feeling excited for the night to come.

* * * * * *

Woody smiled as he read Hope's reply. He then got up to his hooves, and went into the kitchen. He got out a few things and put them on the table. Some bread, a jar of jam, a package of some ham, mustard, cheese, and a few cans of soda. He was planning a little snack for tonight when they'll be outside looking at the full moon. They'd be hungry at night when they look at the moon and the stars, so he wanted to be prepared. He turned on a radio channel on his phone and put the sound on speakers. He had a favorite radio station one of his friends owned, so whenever he had time he'd turn it on and listen to it. "And now we come with a quick news for ponies who love the night sky. I hear there will be a full moon tonight, and it seems like many ponies are getting ready for it. According to the weather news, there'll be lots of bright stars shining in the dark night sky, and a full moon high up there shining its light to the whole world. Some even say that princess Luna herself is going to show us where our personal stars are! I hope everypony has a goodnight with their friends and family, and make happy memories tonight. And now, we bring you some smooth music played by the strings of a cello, this is The Night Sky played by Octavia Melody." There was a quiet pause from the radio from Woody's phone, as the soft music played by a cello took its place. Woody smiled remembering who the pony who hoped a goodnight was, and wondered if he'd want to join them tonight.

* * * * * *

Champion West walked out of the studio after his short announcement about tonight. He was certainly excited for it too. "Another good speech spoke by the best radio pony himself!" His work partner, Radio Tunes said with a big smile as he clapped. Champion chuckled sheepishly as he smiled back. "Hehe I'm not the best but thanks, Tunes!" "Sure yer the best! Yer radio station is gettin' more and more popular with lots of ponies out der listenin to ya!" Tunes exclaimed. He was really proud about his friend, and was very happy to be working with him in their little studio. "Our radio station." Champion corrected him. He always said that working together is always important, so he didn't really like getting praise by a pony. Instead, he was proud to have a wonderful team in their little studio. Though it was a small radio station, he was glad to have made many friends from everywhere. He walked outside as he bid his friends goodbye, when he stopped him. "Hey wait, ya doin anythin t'night?" He asked. Champion wondered for a moment. "Be with my friends at night of course. Why?" He said with a smile. It was kinda an obvious question when you had a whole lot of friends who liked the night. "Well, I was jus' wonderin' if it'll be alright to, ya know, spen' some time gettin' ta know ya." He said shyly, as he scratched the back of his head. Champion chuckled and gave a nod at his partner with a gesture to follow him. "Sure you can! Come on!"

Champion West was a very busy and active pony around. He had grass green coat, and a darker green color for his mane and tail . He had a shape of a clover as a cutie mark. It represented luck for surviving all kinds of hard times that was thrown at him, but he always had hope that it would get better. He always wanted to do something for everypony in Equestria, so he made a radio station and broadcast all kinds of content for them to listen and enjoy. They did audio stories for little fillies and colts, played music to brighten ponies days. They even featured DJPON3 herself once and played some of her music. As more and more ponies listened to their broadcasts, they met more and more ponies and made lots of friends all around the world. Like Radio Tunes. He was one of Champion's best work partners. Whenever he had a problem with the broadcast he helped him by taking care of the radio systems. He had yellow coat and bright blue mane and tail.

Champion felt something vibrate in his bag. He took out his buzzing phone and saw that it was a text message from his old friend, Woody. "Hey Champ! Nice listening to your good old voice on the radio! XD" He typed his message back. "Glad you liked it. So you gonna do something with your family and friends at night?" Tunes peeked over his shoulder and watched him type. "Friend o' yer's?" He asked. Champion responded with a slight nod. "Yeah. Woody is an old friend of mine. We might be with his family at night." "Oh? Well It'd be nice ta meet em!" "Yup." He got a text message back with another buzz from his phone. "Gonna be outside to see the moon. You're coming, right?" He smiled and replied with a yes. The two ponies walked towards Woody's house to join Woody and his family for the night.

Author's Note:

Finally!! The forth chapter!! Oh Celestia I've been working on this for a very long time. I have so many OCs in this story already, I have to keep track of all of them! Mah head iz spinnin! O~O Anyway, I hope y'all like it!