• Published 26th Oct 2017
  • 228 Views, 0 Comments

My Family - Woody Hooves

This is a story I made for my friends, whom I call family.

  • ...

On the Hill

Woody drove the car to Mimi's house as he hoped she'd come with. Hope and Winter was sitting on the back of the car as they all drove, waiting to see her. It has been a while since they saw her since she was busy taking care of the animals in the forest and taking care of herself too.

When he stopped in front of a red light, he quickly took his phone out and sent a text message to Champion. "Hey Champ. I'll pick you up by the train station in a bit after I pick Mimi up, ok? Cya in a bit!" As the light turned green he threw the phone onto the seat next to him and drove. He turned the car and parked on the side of the road as he opened the door. "I'll be right back. Stay here, ok?" He said to his sisters in the back and got out as he closed the door and walked into the forest.

He followed the dirt trail on the ground and went deeper into the forest as he saw many trees covering the sky a little, but not too much. He turned back and he couldn't even see the car anymore. He kept on walking until he saw Mimi's house. An old rusty shed in an open space surrounded by trees, with a small farm on the side of the little house. He went to the front door, knocked on it a few times, and took a step back and waited.

After a few seconds, there was a small quiet voice from the door as Woody's ear perked up. "H-hello..?" The door opened with a creek as a gray hinny shyly opened the door and peeked her head out the door. "Hey, Mimi. How are you tonight?" He smiled as Mimi stepped out and felt more calm when she saw him. "O-oh! I'm ok." She said in a whisper as she looked at him. "That's good." He replied with a smile. "Hey umm remember I told you about the full moon tonight a few days ago?" She nodded as a yes as she closed the door behind her. "Well, I brought my sisters in my car. My family will be there, so you could meet them again." Woody gave a small gesture for her to follow him out to the road where the car was parked. "Yeah, that'd be nice." She walked and stayed close to his side as they both walked close to each other and went towards the car to go to the hill, where they'll be looking at the bright stars of the night.

* * * * * *

Woody and Mimi walked up the hill, giggling as they saw Hope excitingly bounce up at the top with Winter next to her. Onyx waved a hoof at them as he and Belua were already there for a while under a tree waiting for them. Champion and Radio Tunes trailed behind Woody and Mimi as they talked about themselves getting to know each other more. As Woody sat down with his saddlebag that was packed with sandwiches, Mimi lied down on her stomach next to him and put her arm on his shoulder. Woody gave a nuzzle as she nuzzled back. Belua was silently lying down on the ground next to Onyx as they both looked up and smiled at the beautiful view the sky had to offer. Hope sat down with her head up high as her eyes sparkled at the reflection of the bright stars. The big moon took place high above the sky as it gave light to the Earth and drove the darkness away. The stars shined brightly, as if there were a million white dots sprinkled across a black board.

Winter was sitting a little away from the group, thinking about the text she sent to Darkness. She couldn't help but think he never really cared about her but his popularity and fame in school. She looked up, and saw all the stars look at her with a smile, as if they were trying to comfort her. She looked down at the ground and played in the dirt with her hoof. She felt torn and alone, and thought nopony really cared about her but her family. She then saw a shadow come closere and saw a brown hoof on her shoulder.

* * * * * *

"You alright, sis?" Woody asked. He noticed her sad look a few minutes ago when they got out of the car. He knew that look very well, and knew something was bothering her. "H-huh? Oh.. Yeah, I'm fine." Winter looked up at her brother and showed a small smile on her face. "I know you're not." The brown pegasus sat down on the ground next to her, wrapping a wing around her to keep her warm from the cool night breeze. "Come on. What's wrong?" She snuggled into his wing as tears formed in her eyes. "I texted Darkness.. he never replied back.." He gave a nod and listened to her. "Isn't he that popular guy in your school? Do you need something from him? Or...?" "I... I like him..." Woody tilted his head a little and felt confused. "That's why he's popular. You wanna have fame too?" "No bro, I mean I like like him.." Woody thought for a moment and nodded. He hugged her tight and gave a light pat on her back. "Maybe he's busy or something.. You can talk to him in school tomorrow." She gave a weak nod. Woody didn't know what to do. He wasn't really good with these kind of things. But he didn't want his sister to feel sad either. Winter thought that maybe Darkness wasn't for her. He was way too popular to be friends with her. They both did say hi to each other often and sometimes did school projects together, but they never really spent quality time to get to know each other. She then felt Woody softly nuzzling her and letting her go. "Cheer up, little sis.. Come on. Have a sandwich. Maybe it'll help you feel better." She looked behind her and saw everypony get together as they had sandwiches in their hooves and eating. Winter got up and walked over to the group to join in.

* * * * * *

Thunder Cloud was sitting on a hill, as he stared up at the moon. "Another beautiful night." He mumbled to himself. He was standing outside his front porch of his large mansion located on the edge of Canterlot. Thunder Cloud had a dark blue coat and blue mane with black tips on them. His cutie mark was a shape of thunder, which explains why he has the ability to control thunder strikes when storms came. When he was just a foal, he lived in the Canterlot Orphanage when he was a foal. Not even knowing who his parents are, he lived among the other ponies who also never met their family. One day he tried to do a very complex spell. But when he tried to do it, he got struck by thunder. That was how he got his cutie mark and got the ability to control thunder. He now works in a book store near the Canterlot library.

He looked up at the stars and remembered his old foalhood friends he had when he was in the orphanage, and hoped they were doing well. Perhaps at least one of his friends might be looking at the same star as he is. He heard a soft beep from a coffee machine from the kitchen. He turned around and went inside to grab his cup of coffee and blew of the top of it to cool it off a bit. He held the cup in his hoof and walked back out. It was too quiet around his house. He wanted to have somepony to talk to right about now, but since he was the only pony living in the house, he didn't have anyone to talk to. He then had an idea, and decided to call Jeaune, a friend of his friend who worked in the Canterlot library.

Jeaune Hunter was a very kind mare. She had grayish yellow coat and her mane was mixed with dark brown and yellow. Her cutie mark was a shape of a scroll with a star shaped wheel on it. She got it when she became friends with a griffon in griffonstone on her vacation. She read a lot of books and knew a lot of things, that if a pony asked her something, she could find the right book that had the information they needed.

Thunder picked up his phone and sent a text message to Jeaune, just to see if she'd reply. "Hello, Jeaune." He then sent another text message to another one of his friends, Cinnamin.

Cinnamin was a bright pony. She had cyan blue coat and dark brown mane with her horn sticking out between them. She had a musical note as her cutie mark, which represented her talent in singing and dancing. When she was young, her parents pushed her to what they wanted her to be. But Cinnamin kept her dream and followed her heart by going into a performing arts school where she learned to sing and dance. After she graduated, she moved to Canterlot and became popular for dancing, and eventually became a dance instructor in an arts school in the middle of the city. She and Thunder knew each other by meeting in the Canterlot library while she was looking for a book about art performance, and Jeaune helped them find the book they needed. Now the three were best friends.

"Hello, Cinni." Thunder pressed the send button from his phone and sent the text to her. After a few minutes, he got a reply from Jeaune. "Hey, Thunder. How are you in this lovely night?" He sat on a chair that was on the porch outside his mansion, and typed out his message. "I'm doing well. I hope you are having a nice night too." "Thank you. I am enjoying the stars very much. They seem to be brighter than before." He then got another message from Cinnamin. "Hey Thunder! How are you tonight?" He smiled and typed out his reply and pressed send. "I'm doing very well. And how are you?" "I'm ok. I really like the moon hehe." The three ponies then decided to group call each other and enjoyed the night as they talked and shared the night together.