• Published 1st Aug 2017
  • 1,744 Views, 78 Comments

Once More, with Feeling - Amaranthine Thought

The first chance was little more than a frail shadow. Now, she has a chance. Now, she can do it again. Ponies need to be saved and Twilight Sparkle is just the pony to do so.

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Chapter 13: Lingering Effects

The Night Cloud Social Club

The Night Cloud Social Club was, too all observes, nothing too special. It went out of its way to seem unobtrusive, no advertisements, and only small, tasteful notifications left nearby.

Even knowing its name was a bit of a challenge, and the club had no way to tell that it was even there. To enter, one had to go to the door, and have an invitation before being allowed within the tantalizing view beyond the door.

Within, it was the epitome of dark wealth. With fine wines, and soft music played by often famous musicians. A dark carpet, and velvet curtains and plush seats to lie upon. Just a touch of gold to make the entire thing regal, and a simple spell to make the night sky a permanent fixture.

To some, it was considered the single best quiet getaway, to simply relax and drink and find out who else knew of the club. One could even play games of intrigue, since each ‘member’ was gifted a beautifully crafted mask. And though membership was often expensive, many, but not too many, willingly paid for the right to be within the building.

They knew nothing.

If the right words were spoken to a particular pony that could always be found there, he would nod, and allow you passage through the curtains near him. He also knew nothing.

Through that dark passage you would find a door. Knock correctly, or find it never open. Once open, step within a small room, where a voice would ask ‘who are you?’

Tell him who you are. And, if you knew the words, and the knock, you knew to include things like sex, species, age, color, and cutie mark. Maybe even voice, or particular features and even habits if you were so inclined.

And he would make you ‘who you are’. An illusion so perfectly woven that nothing and nopony could ever tell the difference. Some would swear that fake wings had the sense of touch, and traits of another species were carried over. Fake wings could fly, fake horns could cast, and strength and endurance could easily be included.

And you would never realize that you had been spelled to never speak of what you saw, heard, or did within.

Then the far door would open, and you would enter the actual Night Cloud.

It was dark, and kept dark. Only one band ever played, forever unhearing and unseeing of the audience. The light was always low, and only some spot, public spots, were bright.

In the main room, it was frowned upon to… ‘Preform’, where others might be eating.

Eating the singular best foods Equestria had to offer, as well as exotic things from far lands. There was nothing barred, and the bar had some of the most dangerous liquors in all the land.

Other rooms were beyond, not one described, and each one, in fact, most of the club, spelled against sounds. Stomp; it wouldn’t make a whisper. Scream, and your voice only carried maybe a few feet before being strangled by enchantment. Those spells were stronger in the back rooms.

One door led to a few suites. A special extra one could pay for, if they planned to spend the night, or wanted to not bother with the whole coming back.

They were always booked.

And others…

Well, gentleponies don’t talk about those things. Certainly not nobility, nor the rich and or famous.

At least, not when they weren’t actually busy doing said things.

Any desire, no matter what. Any fantasy, no matter what it entailed. It was rumored they had a changeling on staff. Spells to fulfill the sickest, most sadistic fantasy and make it real.

The pleasures of the Night Cloud were many, and very, very real. They were dark. They were things that stained the soul, and dragged it down. Things that addicted, things that came with such ease, when otherwise, they had a cost so high as to be unobtainable.

They had only one rule. Just the one.

To be within the cloud, you must swear loyalty to all members. Defend the Cloud and its members, and its secrets, with your very life.

Because, in the Night Cloud, any dream could come true.

Prince Blueblood, or rather, ‘Daring Strider’, the club’s handsome dark pegasus leader, had participated in them all.

He was the founder of The Night Cloud, and there was nothing within that had not, at some time, been presented to him to approve.

But that visit, he wasn't so concerned with the pleasures. Princess Rest had charged him with a task, and he was already busily attempting to rewrite what she had said.

She had said, ‘put a stop to it’. But she hadn’t really defined it, had she?

Surely, she had meant Luminosity. Their rival club. Shut it down, and stop them from doing anything to Blueblood’s goddess.

He sighed as he went. He was being silly. Of course she meant both, but how could he rip his own heart out? There was so much, so many ponies… And without them, he could do nothing about Luminosity.

But she had asked, and he could not truly deny her… Any pain, it was worth it for her...

He would stop… eventually. One day. One day soon enough.

He had a few ideas as he entered his room, or rather, the house he had built in the Night Club. It was many rooms. He nodded to the pony standing directly within.

“My lord?” the stallion asked.

“Announcement time, my dear Assist. It’s important.”

Assist nodded, and headed off, leaving Blueblood to plan. It would take a few minutes for ponies to gather, stop what they were doing, and what not.

As for what he was going to say…

He entered his ‘resting’ room to think, only to pause, smelling something.

He knew that scent. Rose scent, and the fresh hint of blueberries.

It seems that Assist, ever so kind, had left him a gift. It was tempting to find it, but he had better things to do.

If nothing else, a responsibility to be on time to his own announcement.

As the scent was distracting, he left, but not before catching a glimpse of a tiny flash of red under the sofa.

Oh… Assist did know what he liked, didn’t he..? He loved it when they were hidden. It meant he got to search, and that made them all the better when he found them. He could leave the door open, and,

He shook his head, and thumped it. What was he thinking?

He had Rest now. He had no real need for others, no matter how tempting. His heart was his goddess, and nothing would change that.

On the other hoof, his body was free…

He checked the clock before his thoughts could continue. It should be about time.

He entered another room his ‘observation’ room. The far wall was spelled to scry on the main room down below, and should he care to, everywhere else at the touch of a hoof.

Lots of ponies gathered below, waiting.

He sat down, and cleared his throat, spotting several hear the small sound. Sound was good. Time to start.

“My fellow Stars.” he began, voice strong and rough. He smiled a touch at the title he had chosen for the members years ago; stars. Stars of the Night Cloud.

Like the ones Princes Rest already controlled, they were soon to be hers as well. Through him of course; he wouldn’t dare ask her to sully her hooves with the bunch below.

“As you are all aware of, Equestria is now home to a fourth alicorn Princess. And I am pleased to announce that we have, once again, rode the wave of change without even trembling.”

A few clapped.

“However… Of everything that I had anticipated, I had not anticipated her. To make this swift my fellows, she has captured my heart.”

Somepony fainted. Blueblood half recognized her; the insufferable one who kept tossing herself at him.

“And what I once held as prized and normal has changed. The Night Cloud shall change with me, my fellows, and I fear to say that these changes are painful, and difficult.”

Blueblood took a deep breath. It would be painful, but it had to be done. Little steps. Taking the worst one first.

“We are discontinuing the ‘white room’.” he said, and saw several flinch, though none actually rose to object.

Night Cloud or not, admitting to that kind of want was a dangerous thing to do. It was possibly the single worst thing the club offered. And admitting to enjoying that was tantamount to social suicide, even in the Night Cloud.

“Change will be hard, my fellows, but I feel we must leave behind the worst of us. In fact… I might, one day, be retiring from my post here.”

He saw many start in shock, and sighed.

“I know it seems impossible. I, the one who leads us all, leaving. But if I am to chase the highest of heights, I must! I must be as pure as I can be, so that she might look, and not see the old weights I once held dear!”

“And one day, that means I will never return to the Night Cloud.”

He stopped, and heard many cry out. Some asked him to stay, others wished him the best of luck, wooing his goddess. Some asked what would happen when he was gone.

“Fear not, my fellow Stars.” he said after a time, smiling. “The day of my leaving is not now, nor is it soon. Indeed not, for I need you all by my side!”

“The Princess Rest is delicate, and vulnerable to the hated Luminosity! Now, more so than ever, we must fight their influences! It is not until their last candle be extinguished that my goddess will be safe! Do you all stand with me!?”

A roar greeted him, the two clubs having a long and storied history between them.

Suffice it to say that members of one were not friends of the other. Not even a little bit.

“I thank you all! Remember this, and go out! We begin war against them as soon as possible!”

“For this hour, all drinks are free!”

A slightly stronger and different cry came up at that, and Blueblood turned from the screen, feeling happy. Things were in motion.

He stepped out, and found Assist waiting nearby. Silent as always, but he did have a little question or two left behind.

“Leave me a little gift?” he asked, smiling.

“I know you will enjoy it; you love the color red.”

“That I do. Though blue and black is starting to grow on me.”

“…Shall I find another?”

“No, no. Assist, my old friend; it is a gift from you. There is no reason not to enjoy it. And..?”

“She could fit underneath you standing up, though only just.”

“You do understand me.” Blueblood said happily, heading back to the relaxation room.

Assist only nodded. He truly did.

Elsewhere, under The Golden Path

“She is dangerous?”

“Very.” Gold Coin said. He was in a tunnel, dry earth under him, a tiny lantern to cast light. Nopony save a few knew of the tunnels, and their entries and exits were guarded from all.

“…We can hide?” another voice suggested, and Gold coin stomped in anger.

“No! No longer an option! She has already proven too wise to hide from for long! We need something to deal with her!”

“Kill her?” a third said.

“Immortal.” Gold coin countered, glaring. “Even trying would prove costly and ultimately pointless.”

“…We could manipulate her.” the first voice said.

“More likely, but her will seems strong. That maggot Blueblood didn’t have a chance against her. As much as I hate to admit it, he is no weak willed worm either.”

“So, we just try very hard.”

“If she is willing… maybe peace could be had.” the second murmured.

“Can she be bought?” the third asked.

“And if not bought, than maybe allied with?” the second added.

Gold Coin hesitated. “…It all sounds dangerous.”

“What other choice do we have?” the first asked.

“None. But not now. We need to know more of her, and soon.”

“I think we will very soon.” a fourth voice said, stepping closer, but not into the light.


“The Princes goes to Ponyville. She will be easier to reach there; easier to find and see. We need not fear the twins as much, or at all.”

“Good.” Gold said. “Then we begin.”

“With which?”

“Four, unless she shows signs against it. If she goes against it, six, and depending on that reaction either three or five. If anypony tries to interfere in any way… ten.”

"Plotting four steps ahead again?"

“Do that, or see somepony else do it to you.” Gold said, grabbing his lantern. “I expect a report in a week about her likes, dislikes, and possible weaknesses. See it done.”

In the gardens outside Canterlot Castle.

Luna flew, upset, but doing alright. Rest had left a few hours ago, and should already be arriving. She was afar now, but nearby still.

Celestia had called her to the statue of Twilight, and Luna was wondering why. As the sun slowly set, she banked, and spotted the gardens ahead.

She soon spotted the white alicorn, simply staring at the statue. As Luna landed, she stared at the marble, coming up to her sister.

They stood in silence, looking at the sad statue of Twilight for a time.

“Sister.” Celestia said at last, not looking. “You spoke to Rest?”

Luna nodded. “We did.”

“You told her of what I planned?”

“Yes. I felt that she would otherwise be surprised and unhappy.” Luna said. “She might have thought that we were banishing her, rather than trying to help.”

Celestia sighed, and Luna glanced at her sister, concerned.

“…Remember what we spoke of two nights ago?” Celestia asked.

Luna blushed faintly and nodded.

“…I know what you feel and think of her sister.” Celestia said, hanging her head. “And I was truly, truly happy for you.”

“…Was?” Luna asked, wondering.

Celestia nodded, and looked up with a faint glare Luna knew. She hadn’t seen in for centuries, but it was impossible to forget. Luna was the younger of the two alicorns, and in the earliest years, Celestia had taken it upon herself to guide her younger sister.

“…I am forbidding you from seeing Rest again.” Celestia said, and Luna stared. “For your own good, as well as hers, you must no longer speak with her.”

Luna kept staring for a moment.

“…thou hasn’t forbid anything of us for millennia.” she whispered. “And now, thy tries again?”

“I try nothing. You will not associate with Rest again.”

“You think… you think that we… that we’ll let thee?” Luna asked, starting to glare.


NO!” Luna screamed suddenly, though Celestia was unaffected. “In the ages past, thou wert only doing what thou felt was needed, but now!? Thy wouldst deny me a love!?”

“It is for you own good,”

“Tis not! Thou knowst nothing!” Luna raged, her wings flaring. “How many years did it take for thee to understand our jealousy, sister!? And now, when at last we find what we always lacked, thou dares to try and steal her from us!? Claiming that it is for our own GOOD!? Thy may deny me nothing.”

“…I allowed too much to happen from inaction.” Celestia said, glaring. “Too often, I could have stopped something before it began. Too often I allowed it to worsen because I thought it would improve on its own. You are new to this Luna! Your love blinds you!”

“To what!?”

“…I will not tell you.” Celestia said. “My fears are for you, and I would not cause such distress to you.”

“…Thou thinks something of Rest.” Luna stated. “Thou thinks… Thou thinkest her something wicked, do you not?”

“…She is,”

“She is the shining star of my heart!” Luna bellowed. “She is shy and kind and understanding! She quails before royalty, feels insignificant before heroes, confides her fears and pains within me! She cries for the mistakes she makes, her heart beats in tandem with my own! In the skies above she wrote her love for all to see, and you dare to accuse her of evil!”

“I accuse her of nothing I am not sure of.”

“Then tell us, that we may swat thy certainty from the air like the gnat it is!”

“No. I will not. You are already unreasonable.”

“I!? Us, unreasonable!? You say that Rest is evil, at no indication of such! That is unreasonable!”

“I will tolerate this no longer. You will not associate with Rest again Luna.”

“And you will stop me?” Luna murmured, glaring.

“I will, if I have to.” Celestia said.

Luna glared as Celestia did the same, both alicorns rising up slightly. Luna glowed faintly, and Celestia began to shine.

“…Fine.” Luna said, backing down at last. “But know that thou hast done more harm than any wound I have received over a long life!”

“This is for your good my sister.” Celestia said, calming.

Luna turned, and stalked away. “Thy cares naught for our good.” she spat as she went, taking to the air soon after.

Celestia stared as she went, her heart heavy. She had to. It was for Luna’s good, she was certain. She had been thinking about it ever since Luna told her that she liked Rest.

Too many signs. Too many matching coincidences. Every moment Luna was near Rest, she was in danger.

She had to do this. No matter how hurt Luna might be, Celestia was saving her sister, she was certain. No matter how much it hurt, it was for the best. Not even that, it was necessary.

“…She will understand some day.” she whispered to herself.

She turned to see the statue behind her. Saw its sadness, and to her, it seemed sadder.