• Published 1st Aug 2017
  • 1,744 Views, 78 Comments

Once More, with Feeling - Amaranthine Thought

The first chance was little more than a frail shadow. Now, she has a chance. Now, she can do it again. Ponies need to be saved and Twilight Sparkle is just the pony to do so.

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Party, First turn

Twilight was nervous. Very nervous.

The time had arrived, and she was with Celestia and Luna as the pair walked toward the banquet hall of Canterlot castle. Twilight could hear the murmur of ponies just ahead, through a large pair of double doors.

She had been prepared as much as she could be by Dusty Quill, and Celestia has simply suggested smiling at questions she might not understand. Luna had been far more direct with her advice.

Never nod. Never shake your head either. Only nod at greetings, and just smile. Only speak if you are certain what is being said.

They stopped in front of the doors for a moment. Celestia looked at Rest and noticed her nervousness.

“Be calm Rest. This will go very well, I am certain.”

“I just get nervous in front of crowds…” Twilight said.

“We shall be with you the entire time.” Luna said. “If thou feels the need to escape, simply go outside to the gardens. We shall be there for this night.”

Twilight nodded, and a pair of guards opened the doors.

The trio stepped forward onto a landing on a sweeping stair, looking over a crowd of ponies. But instead of reporters, this crowd was made up of Canterlot’s elite and anypony who they cared to bring along with them.

For a second it was silent. Then somepony yelled, “A toast for our princesses!” and the sound resumed.

A few ponies came to the princesses, Luna already leaving toward the gardens.

“It is truly the greatest of pleasures to meet you Rest.” the first said, bowing slightly. He was an earth pony, with a dark gold fur and a white mane and tail. His cutie mark was a small stack of bits.

“Gold Coin.” Celestia named him as he shook her hoof. Twilight did the same, and managed not to flinch when he kissed her hoof.

“You are a new light in Equestria Rest.” he said.

He left, and after a few others, Celestia told Twilight to go and wander about. She was getting more and more uncomfortable greeting ponies, particularly so formally. Out on the floor, she could act more naturally.

She did so, and though she got many looks, nopony approached her. It was strange though she welcomed the chance to collect her thoughts.

She went to the buffet, and looked over it. It seemed the usual noble food; nothing particularly filling or even liked by her. Nothing unusual for a Canterlot party.

Then she paused, noticing an apple pie on one end. It seemed freshly made.

The smell brought many memories rushing back. A small kitchen, a homey, simple home. An apple orchard that stretched as far as the eye could see.

She could see Granny working at the stove. Applebloom carrying flour or apples, Applejack helping her Granny in the kitchen.

She sighed, staring at it in recollection and heard a faint huff. She turned to see one unicorn mare glaring at it.

“Who put this here?” the mare muttered. She looked to spot a servant and stomped once. He came over.

“Get rid of this.” she ordered. The servant nodded, but Twilight managed to snatch it before he could, startling the pair.

She stared at them for a moment, all three with wide eyes before Twilight gave a nervous chuckle.

“I… I really like apple pie.” she said, not looking at them. The servant hurried away.

“I am so sorry princess.” The mare said, sneaking away. Twilight let her go and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she smiled at the pie, and after a few moments, managed to get a slice of it on a plate without damaging or dropping anything. She set the pie back on the table.

She took a bite of it and closed her eyes. It was just like she remembered it being. A true Apple family apple pie.

She opened her eyes again to notice a small crowd staring at her. They instantly looked away when she saw them. She glanced around and, frowning slightly, headed off, bringing her pie with her, carefully caught on a ‘pillow’ of magic.

The pillow idea was working much better than the normal grip. She couldn’t crush something that way and the added power needed was nothing now.

She stopped by a window, and looked around, enjoying the pie slice as she scanned the crowd. Lots of ponies, fancy outfits, common, normal conversation topics. Nothing too strange or outstanding.

“Princess Rest!” was gasped near her. “I didn’t expect to stumble across you like this.”

Twilight felt that the voice was familiar, and looked down to freeze. Her blood ran cold.

Rarity was smiling at her. Wearing a beautiful dress that Twilight knew she had made, smiling the smile that Twilight knew so well. She was just like Twilight remembered.

“And might I say you do have an undeniable grace.” Rarity said.

Twilight couldn’t say anything. She was too overcome with shock and surprise and memories and fears. She barely managed to smile.

She noticed Rarity’s subtle signs that the mare was growing nervous.

“… I do like the night sky.” Rarity remarked, trying to keep the conversation afloat by herself. “Oh! I nearly forgot, where are my manners?”

She gave a faint chuckle, taking an opportunity to break eye contact for a moment. When she looked back she was ready to try again.

“My name is Rarity. Bearer of generosity, and I design outfits.”

“Like the dress I and the other bearers are wearing tonight.” she said, showing off. “All my own make. What do you think?”

Twilight put her all into making a response.

“It is beautiful.” she said.

Rarity beamed. “Thank you princess. I see that you are enjoying the apple pie.”

Twilight nodded, growing slightly more comfortable.

“Applejack brought one with her, so she could have something to eat. She doesn’t like… what does she say..?”

“’All them stupid tiny dishes that ain’t got no heart.’”

Twilight smiled at Rarity’s slightly insulting imitation of Applejack’s voice. Rarity sighed.

“She is a great pony, but she just lacks that appreciation for the finer things in life.”

“She works hard for her family Rarity.” Twilight said.

“You know her family?” Rarity asked, Twilight wincing internally. “She is here…”

“I should go.” Twilight said, finishing her pie. She began walking away, and saw Rarity waving as she left.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she made it a fair distance away. That had nearly been a disaster.


She groaned and hung her head. She knew that voice.

She turned and saw Blueblood smiling at her in his own insipid way. “What do you want?” she asked, barely keeping her irritation out of her voice. She hadn’t dealt with him often, but she had often enough to know that he was entirely self-absorbed.

“Why, nothing princess. I only wanted to speak with you. Maybe I can get to know our new alicorn a little better.”

Blueblood managed to actually give a better smile and Twilight hesitated.

“May I have the pleasure of joining you?” he asked.

“… Alright.” she said. He seemed a bit different than what she was used to for some reason and she was curious. But she wanted something else as well.

Blueblood was deeply interwoven with the nobility. If anypony knew what was happening or what was being planned, it would be him.

“Shall we dance?”

“…Only if you answer my questions.”

“If I know it, you shall know it.” Blueblood said, and Twilight followed after him.

“Who set this party up?”

“Has he not told you? Gold Coin has put much effort in this.”

The pair reached the dance floor, and Twilight failed to notice that several ponies slowly scattered to allow them room. Blueblood stopped in the center, and a new song began playing.

He bowed, and Twilight knew the song. By chance or fate, Dusty had taught her this dance. She could do this easily; she had practiced for hours.

“Gold Coin… he came at the start, but he didn’t say much to me. Who is he?” Twilight asked, grasping Blueblood’s hoof with her own and letting him guide her.

“He is a merchant. A very wealthy one; I hear tales of his business being conducted as far as the griffons. If anything needs anything, Gold Coin is who they turn to.”

“He is quite reliable, though the stallion is rough. He has no time for etiquette.”

Twilight hummed as she danced, her mind elsewhere as her body moved on its own.

“Do you know why he set this up for me?” she asked.

“He claimed infatuation on sight.” Blueblood said, and Twilight stumbled for a moment before Blueblood managed to catch her and get her back into the rhythm. For a moment Twilight focused on the dance.

“But I think it is something else.” he whispered when the pair got close again. “That stallion has… gaps in his history.”

“You dance wonderfully by the way.” he said normally as they parted again.

“Thank you.” Twilight said, for several reasons. Blueblood was being very helpful.

The song slowed and ended, and another started. One she knew from her old life, but she felt that she could take advantage of this one. During the song, the dancers would be close several times; their conversation could be held in whispers.

Blueblood tried to take the lead, but Twilight didn’t let him. She wanted to set the rhythm that time.

“He knows lots of ponies?” she asked as Blueblood’s eyes widened and he was almost forced into her dance, her strength overpowering.

“Almost everypony knows Gold Coin.” he said, getting used to the pace. “Either him or his business; The Golden Path.”

Twilight had heard of that, though Ponyville was far too small to need such a business. The Golden Path doubled as delivery service and store; an ordering system that let businesses reach farther lands and new ponies and also a large shop that sold many things. It was a vital enterprise in Canterlot, and several towns relied on it for supplies.

She felt that she shouldn’t talk about ‘gaps’ where other ponies might hear, but she wanted to know now. And she could; the song was soon to end and she knew the last steps. They would do.

“Anypony else I should know about?” she asked.

“Silver Bits wants your blessing. Florid Paints wants you to support her own business. And of course… a few others.”

Twilight heard the slight hiss to the last. There was a lot Blueblood knew that couldn’t be shared in public. She might need to meet him later on.

She heard the part approaching, and flexed her wings.

And when it came, when the stallion should twirl the mare, she bodily picked Blueblood up and spun herself, using her wings and magic to catch herself and keep her spinning.

“Gaps?” she hissed in his ear, feeling him grip onto her in surprise and slight fear.

“A few ponies disappearing. Packages delivered to hidden places far from prying eyes. Nopony knows his family. Lots of money that has no clear source. Don’t let him near you tonight, he has plans.” he gasped.

Twilight slowed her spin, and nearly threw him when she tried to set him down. She managed to hold on to him and set Blueblood down without harming him, and he stood shakily as the song ended.

His mane was unkempt, but he was beaming for some reason.

“I was wondering…” he began, a touch dazed.

Twilight leaned down to his level, and whispered, “Three, at the library, in public records. Don’t let anypony see you.” in his ear before standing back up, breathing a little hard from the effort of the dance.

She noticed a silence, and looked around. the first thing she noticed was that she and Blueblood had most if not all of the dance floor to themselves.

The second was that she and the stunned Blueblood were surrounded by a crowd of wide eyed ponies. After a moment, one applauded his appreciation of her dance, and soon, the crowd was all applauding.

Twilight felt uncertain, but a touch proud. She had done it fairly well, hadn’t she? No real mistakes, other than that last step. She was getting much better.

She smiled, and spotted Gold Coin again, smiling back at her as he applauded with the rest of them.

He approached, but Blueblood got in between her and him. A silence fell over the crowd as they watched the two stallions stare at each other, barely disguised contempt on both of their faces.

“Gold Coin, such a pleasure.” Blueblood lied.

“Prince Blueblood.” Gold Coin coldly stated. “If you may…”

Twilight noticed Blueblood’s tail twitching toward the exits to the garden. Everypony seemed absorbed by the two stallions...

“This is my dance I believe.” Blueblood said.

“I hear that two is considered the end of a turn, and that taking more is rather crude.”

“Ah, you did not ask her to dance. Two is only the limit when another asks.”

“Then consider it the act of a gentlepony to allow me to go next.”

“I thought you took some pride in not being gentle?” Blueblood said, a subtle attack.

“You take too much pride in your standing." Gold countered, making no effort to hide his dislike of Blueblood. "Let me speak with Princess Rest.”

“But of course.” Blueblood said. Gold nodded as he stepped aside, and found Twilight gone, the crowd equally befuddled. They had been paying too much attention to the small spat.

“Seems she has important business. I must have caught her at a good time.” Blueblood said, gloating. Gold Coin didn’t say anything as he left, but he seemed upset.

Blueblood kept smiling. He had won that particular round of verbal combat, but that was nothing.

And to think he had started that night with only a simple plan.

Approach Rest, the new princess. Ingratiate himself with her, and use her influence to his advantage.

If it went well, perhaps he might have even merited the ‘prince’ part of his name. And of course, overcoming Gold Coin, a long rival of his.

He had approached her, and found her guarded and sharp. He had managed to get her to agree to let him near, though thinking back; perhaps that had been her way to get him comfortable.

He offered to dance, and she bargained for information. He gave it willingly, and had been surprised at the wisdom she had shown, her questions biting and cutting to the true importance of that matter. He had managed to keep ahead of her, and warned her against Gold Coin and whatever he might be planning.

And then the next dance had begun.

And all his control was ripped away with the very first steps.

She got him off balance, and kept him there with simple questions that he answered. But even with those useless words, he had seen her mind working hard. Knew that he was caught in her nets, and not the other way around.

But then… That spin.

She had held him close. Hissed in his ear, and he had said everything he knew to her. He would have said more if he had had the time to.

Because the moment they began, Rest had snagged his mind. That became apparent as the dance continued.

But more importantly…

The moment she had grabbed him, and held him in that strength and showed such will to break his own in a simply breathtaking method of turning his mind to mush…

He had intended to ask her out. Right then and there. But she had acted faster.

She wanted to meet him. In the library. At three in the morning. Alone.

‘Don’t let anypony see you.’ she had said.

He wasn’t going to. He was going to go there and he would…

He tried and failed to make plans for it. Rest had simply overcome him.

His mind and heart were hers. What she wanted would come to pass. Maybe she might deign to allow him something, but he might not care if she didn’t.

He wanted nothing more than to be held by that strength once again. To be a subject of that intellect and will.

To see her blush at any mention of love, her powerful exterior revealing the delicate flower underneath. To see her strength offset by her delicacy, and know that she was his.

Just like he was hers.