• Published 1st Aug 2017
  • 1,744 Views, 78 Comments

Once More, with Feeling - Amaranthine Thought

The first chance was little more than a frail shadow. Now, she has a chance. Now, she can do it again. Ponies need to be saved and Twilight Sparkle is just the pony to do so.

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Chapter 18: Old enemies, new friends?

Luna was watching her moon that night, staring at it as it rose. Watching the stars next to it. Thinking. Remembering.

Don’t let her command you! Hasn’t it already been seen she is blind! And now, she tries to stop you, worse than before! Listen to me!

She had been thinking for some time. Looking back, peering over every interaction, every idea. Every single thing she knew Rest had done or said, either with her, or with others. Trying to see what Celestia did.

You know I am right! She is blind, unable to see what she does or causes!

Luna looked to the stars arranged near her moon, and smiled, just a little, at their sight. She knew Rest was soft, gentle, kind. She was certain of it, and failed to see how Celestia thought any different.

I know you can hear me!

Perhaps Rest kept her secrets, but everypony did. She took sudden trips, but a new alicorn, wanting to see far off places, it wasn’t hard to imagine her taking that step. And she was really shy…

Which was the only odd point that remained, though Luna had managed to find an explanation to it.

Rest wasn't shy around most ponies. Only when she was the focus of a large crowd, or the focus of one of her heroes, was she truly shy. So her trips might have sent her far, but with some care, she could walk without attracting everypony.

After all, she had returned invisible after her trip to Manehatten, had she not? A talented unicorn, a talented alicorn, it made perfect sense she would simply hide herself before going to sightsee.

Of course, she sometimes did so with some rather odd preface; as if she talked to herself, or to some unseen and unheard being… One only she could hear, as if it…

A sudden thought struck her, and she frowned heavily.

…Really? No, I didn’t do that. Nopony save you may hear me Luna. Nopony.

“Thou lied before.” Luna hissed, angry, the first time she had even indicated that she heard it. It had yelled for some time before, but only then did she acknowledge it.

Had her… problem… somehow spread to Rest?

A heavy sigh greeted her anger. Even when I was in control, how many ponies could I be heard by? was asked in a huff. Just you! Only you! Even the batponies, your royal guard with the sharpest hearing of all ponies heard not a single sound!

Luna snorted, but gave it that. Nopony else had heard it, ever. But, if it somehow had…

Nice to know you can trust me that far. I swear, I haven’t, and I have never been able to. Let me get down to what’s important:

My purpose is to make you happy.

“What?!” Luna yelled, before scowling, and looking away, suddenly answering her own question.

If she really, truly looked back…

She had denied it at the last, fought against its action when she was helpless…

But she had done so weakly, because… even if the cost was too high, she had wanted it.

It had risen up and tried her very best to achieve Luna’s wants, even if in a corrupted and not quite right way. And Luna had… kind of let it.

See? Never say I didn’t do my best to create the world you desired.

“…I never wanted to destroy my sister.” Luna murmured.

…We both know that isn’t true.

Luna’s head snapped up, mouth opening to retort, when the voice cut her off.

She’s trying to take Rest away from you.

Luna’s argument died in her throat.

She wants to deny you your very first love, and not just a love with a mortal pony. They, mortal, pass by soon quickly, but she won’t. Rest, an alicorn, can stand by your side for all time. Rest, an alicorn, can be your match, and in more ways than just the one.

The stars and moon, untied for all eternity, here on Equestria as it is up in the skies above… Can you not see it? Her stars, huddled around your moon, her heart, placed for you to see? Twin lights of the night, two hearts so close. You two are destined for one another.

And the sun wants to rip the pair that should be asunder.


…Look. We’ve never seen eye to eye, but I’ve always been there for you. The little voice, watching, listening, the pony who never, ever judges you. I want to make you happy, even if my methods seem… harsh and uncaring.

All those decades spent in silence, your anger at your sister growing and growing, who was it that listened to your unheard screams? I did. Who was it that dried your tears, pushed you back up, believed in you when nopony else did? I did. Who was it that helped you to endure, until you could endure no more? It was I. Who was it that took up arms, and fought to give you everything you ever wanted? I did. Who was the one who never, ever, gave up on you, no matter how bad or dark it became?


I’m not ever going to abandon you, Luna. A thousand years upon the moon, and it was I who kept you sane. I who was there, when I could have left you to go mad from isolation. I who found your exit, I who brought you back, I who saved us both. Out of my care for you, and if I had been able to, I would have saved you that fate.

I even let you go.

“What?” Luna asked, hearing the last, and suddenly confused.

No element could take me from you. No, their power, it cannot touch me. As strong as they are, my connection with you is unbreakable, unable to be severed.

If I had wanted to, I could have resisted. If I had wanted to, I could have used your immortality to survive the power, and strike back. I could have won the victory denied for a thousand years, right then and there. But I didn’t.

Because I heard you crying. Because I knew my actions brought you pain to overcome the good that might have been won. You wanted to lose then, wanted to be defeated, wanted to be stopped.

And I… I, your closest, dearest companion, let you. At my own expense, I gave you what you wanted, even when I thought you were fighting against yourself. I suffered the blast for you, and I let you go, to find the fate you had chosen. I stayed silent, and let you find a new way, a new life. I pushed myself as far from you as I could, all because you wanted it to be so.

I wept for your lose and cried for each and every pain you felt. Your joy is my own, and your pain is my own, dear, dear Luna.

It is I, and not your sister, who cares for you. And it is in that care, in your agony, that I can remain silent no longer! I cannot allow this to continue anymore!

If I can, I will see your love fulfilled! I will see you happy for eternity! I will see you strong, unchallenged, respected, the moon next to the stars! I will write the love between you and her in eternity itself! I will see your every dream made a reality! I… I will shoulder the burdens, do the work, suffer what pain may come.

For it is I who wishes your happiness, and my joy is born of your own.

Can’t you hear me Luna? Can’t you believe me?

I only want what you want.

I care, even at your weakest.

I am there, no matter how dark the time.

I judge you not, even at your worst.

I understand you like nopony else can.

I will never abandon you.

For I, like Rest does…

I Love you.

Luna was silent. Staring at the ground.

Admittedly not in the same manner of course. She is physical, I am not. And self-love is self-defeating, but you get the idea.

Take me up, and see it done. Let me back in. Let me hold you close once more. I will see your every dream brought to reality. I will do my best, and this time, I swear that you will be heard, no matter how much I think you act against your own wishes.


…You are not sure. Not certain. I suspect I understand. My actions have harmed you too much for you to trust me so, am I right? it sighed, and Luna heard the odd hurt it had. She had never heard it speak so before.

“…It is not so..." Luna murmured. "It is...I am not myself when I am with you.” Luna muttered, almost awkwardly.

…You feel Rest might change her mind, seeing me you? the voice asked, surprised, but... understanding.

Luna nodded, fidgeting. Rest liked her, loved her, but…

Would she still do so if Luna was Nightmare Moon?

…Personally, I think she would appreciate the change, but I cannot guarantee it… We could of course, try, but we would dare to bet against your love, and I would not. No, we must be sure, certain.

Luna nodded, relieved. She… hadn’t been happy with the voice in… well, ever, but now, now it was…

Just the fact that it was taking in her fears and concerns was a huge difference than what it had done before.

She chose to trust it. When once, she had thought it nothing, when once, it had trapped her in her own body, she trusted it.

If only Rest dreamed.

Luna nodded at that. It was almost strange really.

Rest had not dreamed once yet. Luna had kept her eyes open for it, but not once. Of course, some ponies never dreamed at all, but to think Rest was one of them. Unusual, and mildly concerning.

The best way to really get to know somepony was to peer into their dreams. She had done so often before, and used the knowledge to some effect. But Rest's mind was, quite literally, a closed book to her. Twice over, considering Luna knew next to nothing about romance.

…We must take care. Should your sister suspect us, she will act, and should I move to overpower her as before, I doubt Rest would respond well at all; if she knows you, she undoubtedly knows me. So we must do this together.

You must hide me, and I, in turn, will do my all to ensure your love becomes reality. I’ll even try to manage peace with your sister, though I doubt that is even possible.

So, let me…

…Eager to begin I see. Alright Luna, alright. Just you wait; I’ll have everything perfect.

Luna felt it flow into her, and she knew she had made the correct choice then.

Before, it had felt like chains, a tomb, a prison. It had taken command of her in her weakness, and she had been helpless.

But this time, she felt it move to let her control. Give itself to her, when before, she had been its. Its power settling into her, its will subservient.

There. Comfortable?

Luna nodded.

Good. It is… so very good to feel you once more Luna. Simply tell me if you ever feel uncomfortable, alright?

Luna nodded again, smiling.

Perfect. Nightmare purred from within her, and Luna chuckled, an act not perfectly her own. Our work begins... Tonight.