• Published 1st Aug 2017
  • 1,737 Views, 78 Comments

Once More, with Feeling - Amaranthine Thought

The first chance was little more than a frail shadow. Now, she has a chance. Now, she can do it again. Ponies need to be saved and Twilight Sparkle is just the pony to do so.

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Chapter 8: Meetings

It didn’t take Twilight long to reach the strategy room, and she entered as Luna caught up to her.

Celestia looked as they entered and smiled, the bearers sitting across from her. Twilight almost, almost went to sit with them if not for two things.

The first was that there were two seats next to Celestia, and none by the bearers.

The second was that there were six bearers.

And she knew the blue unicorn who sat with her friends.

Trixie Lunamoon herself was sitting where Twilight would normally sit. The sight reminded her of everything, and she suddenly froze, her mind jolted to the present instead of the past.

“Luna, Rest.” Celestia said as Twilight froze.

Luna went to Celestia before looking back at Twilight curiously.

Twilight steeled herself, and managed to act mostly normal as she took a seat next to Luna. Snapped free from her momentary attack of memory, she was suddenly faced with something she really, really didn’t want right then.

Her friends. Sitting right there, all of them, so familiar, so dear to her. All of her wanted nothing more than to call out, to tell them everything, to snatch her life back right then. Even with the dire warning from Lux.

It was only the sight of Trixie sitting with them, and the curiosity that spawned, that kept her in check. But even then, she ached to tell them, and was terrified of telling them at the same time. Celestia noted Twilight’s tension, and wondered.

“Sister?” Luna asked.

Celestia didn’t give any indication of being startled, and merely nodded. “First, I would like you all to meet Princess Rest, come to Equestria only a few days past. Rest, these are the bearers of harmony:”

“Rarity, the spirit of generosity,”

Rarity only smiled brightly, in the way Twilight knew so well. Twilight tensed a little more.

“Applejack, the bearer of honesty,”

“Pleasure ta meet ya Rest.” Applejack said, only to hesitate a little as Twilight shrunk back slightly.

“Rainbow Dash, the bearer of Loyalty,”

Rainbow only saluted, giving her a determined ‘I’m ready’ look, one Twilight had seen her give Celestia and other authorities before. In response, she leaned back slightly, and leaned a touch toward Luna.

Luna watched her from a corner of her eye, and gave some thanks for her dark fur.

“Pinkie Pie, the be,”

“Of happiness!” Pinkie exclaimed, springing up and tossing confetti.

Twilight! Death snapped, shocking her from her first response. She stopped herself mid gasp, gave it an instant’s thought, and covered her face with her wings, breathing a little hard.

She wanted so badly to tell them. She barely noticed Luna’s own wing draping on her back in a supportive way, though Celestia did.

Pinkie hesitated, and Fluttershy looked up, all of the bearers seeing her response, and reading it as crippling shyness.

Celestia gave Pinkie a smile as the pink mare sat still, silent. “Pinkie Pie, Rest is… not ready for things like that.”

“Sorry Princess.”

Twilight nodded, not removing her wings. Not seeing them was helping quite a bit. She could pretend that… something. It helped.

Luna watched her, and gave her sister a faint nod, signaling that Rest was still alright.

Celestia nodded back, just a tiny bit, and resumed.

“Fluttershy, the bearer of kindness.”


“And Trixie Lunamoon, the bearer of magic.”

“Trixie assumes magic tricks are also frowned upon?” Trixie asked. “Not that she could see them right now anyway…” she added with a faint mutter.

“…Was anything the matter sister?” Luna asked, “Or was this simply a meeting, given how Rest was otherwise occupied at the party?”

“In a way, it was both.” Celestia admitted. “It is important for Rest to meet the heroes of Equestria, and for them to know her. However, this meeting is also an additional warning for the bearers.”

Twilight looked again, a little worried with that comment. The bearers, those who actually would show concern, meaning Fluttershy and Applejack, mirrored her.

“As you all know, there has been a rise in… deathly magic in Equestria.” Celestia began.

Twilight blinked. Deathly magic. Necromancy, a supposed myth though simple spells of the school were… distressingly possible, not that anypony had tried.

Or at least nopony admitted nor was caught doing so.

Master? Twlight thought, only half listening as Celestia spoke of worrying signs, concerning rumors. Is this something I have to handle?

It is a fault of mine.


When your fist body failed, you were accepting my power without limit. Rushing toward what I meant you to be, but you were caught in the hate of unlife. When your body was destroyed, all of the power you had gained was scattered, more than able to be found and used by others.

… Then…

While necromancy is able to be used in some amounts with normal magic, only my power can truly preform the arts. Equestria does not have much natural Death. You effectively increased the amount by…

About a thousand fold.

Twilight gaped internally, and resumed listening.

“Rumors are little more than just that Princess.” Rairty said cautiously. “And ghosts are not… so easily found.”

“Indeed. But those are not why I asked you here.”

“I believe that Waker has shown his face again.”

The bearers paled, as Twilight felt Luna tense, also alerting her to the fact that Luna still had her wing on her back. Twilight tensed in response, wondering what caused them such concern.

Though she suspected she might know…

“Impossible!” Trixie abruptly shouted. “He died!”

Applejack groaned. “We… never did find him after all that…”

“He did kinda… disappear.” Rainbow muttered, hating the idea.

“Are we sure Princess?”

Celestia nodded. “I can think of no other. And I doubt that he will prove so prideful as he was last time. If the reports suggest what I feel they do, he is hiding, building an army, and not standing tall at their front, but hiding behind the dead. His pride has been shattered, and a cunning has replaced it.”

“We must be attentive and cautious; it is all too possible that he will try to strike out against you from the shadows. Waker has proven that nothing is beyond his evil. As such, keep the elements close to hoof, and keep a close eye out for anything strange or suspicious.”

The bearers nodded. Applejack opened her mouth, but Trixie beat her to it, proclaiming, “Fear not Princesses! The great and powerful Trixie Lunamoon and her great and powerful, but not as great or powerful, bearers of harmony will see this threat found, defeated, and ended, once and for all!”

And with that, Trixie cast a small bit of dust into the air, temporarily obscuring sight in a surprisingly restrained effort from her. Nothing touched the princesses.

The bearers, on the other hoof…

“Trixie!” Applejack yelled, sounding as if she, and the others, had to deal with that often. Trixie was already gone, apparently having practiced her retreat.

Given how Rainbow was a few feet behind her, chasing her out the door, she had a great practice partner for that.

Luna snickered, and Celestia only sighed, giving her own smile mildly amused smile.

“Sorry Princess.” Rarity said, she and Applejack lingering behind as the others left after Trixie and Rainbow. Off in the distance there was a piercing shriek and a crash, causing the pair to wince. “She hasn’t,”

“It is alright Rarity.” Celestia told her. “Trixie is… if nothing else, a fine unicorn. She takes great pride in herself, and I note she has begun to include the rest of you in her goodbye.”

“That she did.” Applejack muttered. “We’ll keep our eyes open Princesses.”

“And, if I could…” Rarity murmured, “Might I ask if you suffer from stage fright darling?” she asked, looking at Twilight.

Twilight stared.



Rarity nodded, understanding. “Then might I extend an invitation to my boutique down at Ponyville? If you frequent these balls I would adore making you a true masterpiece. And it won’t have any mob of ponies either, I promise.”

Twilight hesitated, and noticed Luna looking at her. She firmed herself; she had to get over this sooner or later, and prolonged exposure as Rest would help out.

Besides; it was one of Rarity’s dresses. She would love getting one to fit her as she was.

“Or course Rarity. When?”

Rarity beamed, Applejack shrugging.

“In three days. I’ll see you then Princess.”

“…Ya get nervous around lots o ponies?” Applejack asked, watching Rarity leave.

“A bit.” Twilight said, truthfully. She did not appreciate being the center of attention. Not in crowds anyway.

“Well… If ya ever drop by th farm, ya kin expect a real warm welcome. Nothing too big, just the family. An I mean me, my sister, my brother, an my Granny. Not all o th Apples.”

“Of course Applejack.”

Applejack nodded, and hurried off, heading toward the distant sounds of argument.

“The best ponies.” Luna said, and Twilight nodded.

“Were you perhaps a fan of theirs in your past Rest?” Celestia asked.

Twilight shook her head, and said, “Not real,” before she stopped.

Twilight! Regain your concerns! Recall Lux’s warnings and cease giving Celestia reason to suspect!

“…Not really.” Twilight said after a second’s hesitation. “Just stories. I… Thought they were tales.” she said, recalling an uncommon, but not unheard of reaction that she knew herself. “Like Shining Star, or Hero.”

Celestia nodded, and Twilight relaxed.

“Those were real ponies as well Rest.” Celestia said, and Twilight gaped.

“Admittedly, their tales did… expand after their deaths, but both are set in fact.”

“Really?!” Twilight said, stunned.

Celestia chuckled. “Tales for another time Rest. The night has been long, and we have a ball to close. Ask me again, when we have time, or you could ask Luna; she was close friends with Hero at least.”

“Shining was insufferable and you know it sister.” Luna objected, huffing.

“Insufferable?” Twilight asked as Celestia chuckled.

Luna huffed again. “Just because she was capable of Starswirl’s celestial motion she thought herself the pinnacle of magic. Trixie shows traits she once had, but Shining was so much worse.”

Twilight nodded, a touch unbelieving of that. Trixie had an ego the size of Equestria. Somepony having one larger sounded impossible, lest the pony just up and die of vain glory. She saw Celestia give the faintest shake of her head, and decided to let it lie.

Twilight stretched faintly. It had been a long night, and she still had things to do. Like meeting Blueblood, and dealing with Night in a more permanent way. For that matter, Night had a good chance of knowing who and what Waker was.

She followed after the twin princesses, if not in good spirits, then at least somewhat optimistic. Sure, things seemed a touch unsure, possibly worryingly so, but her friends were ready, Celestia and Luna were prepared, and she was ready to help them all in ways she could only have once dreamed of.

Someplace very, very far from Equestria.

“What to get, what to get…”

Stars shined high above. Plants waved in a faint wind, and a white alicorn stepped with care, surveying the landscape.

“Ah! Yes, glow stones! She loves… no, she has one, doesn’t she.” he muttered, sighing. “And two stones are the same as one stone. But a thousand … no, no. Unoriginal.”

Rocks that shined from within were passed over. Plants of every color, things unseen and unheard of barely even noticed. A world filled with sights and wonders, a paradise in the stars, hidden from almost all, and almost nothing caught the alicorn’s eye.

“What can I give to two great daughters?” he murmured, thinking. “Something unique. Something beautiful. Something they can keep, or use. Flowers? No, that’s more lunch. Celestia told me not to bring more artifacts, Luna likes heroic things… And Celestia likes… peaceful things.”

He nodded, suddenly. “I have it! Just the thing!”

“Opposites, but complimentary! Unique, beautiful, heroic, and peaceful! It’s obvious!”

He hesitated.

“But where am I going to get a bit of ordered chaos?”

“Lux?” another voice said, and the alicorn paused. “What are you doing here, of all places?”

Lux tensed faintly, and turned to see the speaker, frowning faintly. A small earth pony stood there, though she seemed… strange. Not so simple a being. She was green, and plants grew on, and should one look closely, in her. “What is it to you, Lira?” he asked.

“Normally nothing, seeing as how it is your suns that allow my lives. However… it was you who has… chosen to interfere in my domain, was it not? Life is not your realm, to give or take.”

Lux glared, though Lira retained a perfectly neutral expression. “Sacrifices must be made. And when the duty is required, nothing is not my domain.”


“Light keeps everything living. In the light of suns and stars, things find life and purpose and soul. You might be life, but I am what your life depends upon. Should I find it necessary, or even beneficial, I will give, take, and use life as I see fit.”

“So harsh…” Lira murmured. “Light isn’t always so kind, it seems. It would do you good to recall that light is not just caused by the suns and stars.”

“I fail to see where you find the authority.”

“Where did you find the need to strike a deal with Death?” she asked bluntly, and Lux almost growled, his wings flaring faintly.


“I am always aware of my… counterpart. Life cannot be without its end after all. And when he acts, I know about it.” Lira said, waving a hoof. “On the other hoof…” she added, thinking.

“I really, really know when something is gently granted more of my life, completely overriding the boundaries of nature and existence set by both myself, and those greater than even I.” she growled, and Lux took a step back, Lira seeming to grow a touch larger. The plants on her waved faintly, a few of them taking on a certain malevolence, her color shifting from green to a far bloodier red, her eyes glaring, holding a deadly promise. “Light is not life, will never be life, and will never bind together with light! The next time you choose to rip a piece of power from me, perhaps I shall see my way clear to interfering in the great wars! Am I understood!?”

“…You would not.” Lux said, almost horrified.

“I would!” Lira snapped, “Life can live without light, and should all of my children never again see the stars, suns, or moons, then so be it!” Lira calmed again, the red vanishing, a few more flowers blossoming upon her, and huffed. “But… if you would just ask, and actually listen, then I have no doubt I could see my way to helping. I am not so selfish, nor so… unkind.”

“…You would ask for submission.”

“Perhaps I would. As you would, should I ask for light. As Death does, each and every time he creates a new reaper. But I would not demand loyalty; merely humility.”

“…Fine.” Lux spat. “I had imagined,”

“That everything was like you? I thought you lost such stupidity eons ago Lux.”

Lux sighed. “It was necessary.”

“If you say so. This time, and just this time, I forgive you. Let it be finished. And now… Welcome back to my gardens Lux.”

Lux nodded, and lost his tension.

“A gift, you were muttering about?” Lira asked.

“Yes. Opposites, but also a pair I was thinking. Something really unique for two really unique daughters. Ordered chaos might work, but perhaps you can help me find something a little easier to find?”

Lira thought for a moment. “I think I might know something. They will enjoy them.”


“In the place where light hides what it shines upon, and where darkness lets one see what it hides.”

“…I don’t understand.”

“You wouldn’t. I shall fetch them for you. In the meantime, do enjoy yourself, but, as before, do not touch nor change anything you find.”

Lux nodded, and Lira headed off.

“…I really should trust her more.” he muttered. “Such a kind mare. Nasty tongue on her though…”

“I heard that!”

“But so forgiving.” he added fairly quickly. In the distance was a faint laugh, one that both spoke of amusement, and a faint threat that, perhaps, forgiveness was very, very finite.