• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 1,275 Views, 74 Comments

Alien: Twilight's Gashing Origins - TwiRaptor

The unexpected sequel to Alien: Twilight's Final Chapter. Things are never going to be the same

  • ...

Growing Problems

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait ... I was working on this chapter whenever I had the time. I was suffering from a lack of being employed. After being screwed over by my original job, I had to search for a new one and I was unable to do a whole lot online but spend time with my pals. Write whenever I was able too.

It is finally here and it was hard for me to write about some of the events in this chapter. It is hard to write sometimes, especially when you get into it, love it, and create it. I get emotional with every chapter recently.

I hope you enjoy

Mistilie uses her magic to stop Twilight from getting to close, tossing her against one of the shelves in the room. Twilight hits the wall hard and all the folders and folders fall from their place on the shelf landing on top of the alicorn with a crash. Everypony in the room is ready to go for Mistilie, not wanting her to get away after this. Rumham rushes forward picking up a heavy box. Mistilie turns to him grabbing the box from him with her magic, pushing it forward knocking the stallion to the ground.

"Who are you!?" Sunset Shimmer screams in rage stepping forward swinging a baton at the white unicorn. Mistilie dodges the swing stepping to the side using her back leg to trip Sunset Shimmer. Rahzzy uses his own magic to grab the baton as it falls out of Sunset's grasp and he swings it at Mistilie.

Mistilie ducks from the swing, shock fills Rahzzy's eyes when Mistilie gets up from her dodge now face to face with him. The mare grins and headbutts Rahzzy knocking him back.

"Wanna fight, Rahzzy? Like I said before ... I am not helping anypony out of this" Mistilie rushes forward headbutting Rahzzy again. Her horn leaving a little gash under the base of the stallions head. The two soldiers that were with Sunset Shimmer sneak up from behind Mistilie ready to strike, as the two ponies reach out grabbing her, she uses her magic to move them past her smashing their heads against each other. "We had a plan and even though it didn't go according... things are leaning into my favor"

Rahzzy uses his magic to pull up his sleeves growling in rage staring at Mistilie. "I have known you for years!! Bent to every word you spit from your muzzle" Mistilie doesn't move, watching as the stallion prepared himself to fight. " I am choosing my own path today!!!"

The mare moves to the side making the first move in the fight. Mistilie positions herself to the side of Rahzzy slamming a back hoof into his ribcage. Rahzzy yelps falling to the ground and the second strike comes from Mistilie's magic, a lasso of magic wraps around Rahzzy's neck pulling him back into a wall. Smashing into the wall creating breaks in the surface the stallion feels the lasso tighten around his neck pushing him against the wall in an attempt to end his life. Mistilie's smile that she usually had returned as she continued to choke the stallion against the wall, growing with every second Rahzzy begins to struggle.

"Let him go, Mistilie!!" Rumham screams getting free from the mass amount of files that had him pinned down moments ago. The larger stallion rushes in, doing so causes Mistilie to turn the focus onto him instead of Rahzzy. The lasso disappears from Rahzzy's neck freeing him.

Mistilie uses her magic to levitate several boxes from their shelves sending them flying at Rumham to prevent the large stallion from reaching her. Rumham dodges the boxes coming face to face with Misiltie taking a swing with a hoof to her face, however, his swing is stopped as Mistilies magic grabs ahold of it.

"Try again ... " Mistilie says in a calm yet condescending tone, pushing Rumham back a couple feet with her magic. Rahzzy comes up from behind now, swinging a levitated box down onto Mistilie's head with his own magic. Mistilie falls to the ground, she screams pushing herself back up from the hit. "ONE AT A TIME!!!" With her magic, she grabs the two stallions pushing them back from her. As the mare slowly pushes herself up all the way, she looked weak after the hit from Rahzzy. Coco Pommel watches the mare from the distance having stayed out of this despite having seen everything so far. The android had been studying the fight up to this point. With Mistilie finally having been hit by surprise, the most interesting feature about the mare became visible. White blood slowly dripped slid down her cheek after being hit by the heavy box of files.

Rahzzy drops his weapon at the sight of the little blood coming from Mistilie, "You're an Android!? This whole time I was taking orders from a bucket of bolts?" Mistilie raises her head to look at the stallion, a smile grows across her muzzle having this revealed about her.

"I am Weyland's Greatest achievement ... unable to have a child was hard for him. So he made an android so real, you might as well consider me alive" Mistilie rushes forward to strike Rahzzy, however, Coco intercepts from the side knocking Misitlie to the ground.

"Then fight somepony your own size, Mistilie Flare" Coco looks down at Mistilie, the two androids would be a much fairer fight then Mistilie against the others. Getting off of Mistilie, Coco Pommel readies herself for a fight against Mistilie. "Scared that I might beat you? What do you think?"

"Oh, I am not scared of you ... " Mistilie gets up slowly, adjusting herself weakly. "In fact, I am ready to make you obsolete!!" Mistilie jumps forward tackling Coco Pommel through a doorway, the two androids tumble down a stairway on the other side. Sunset Shimmer adjust's herself when she was tripped by Mistilie the fall knocked the wind out of her lungs. Collecting herself she looks around the room to see everything. Rahzzy is being held back by Rumham, Rahzzy wanting to rush down the stairs to assist Coco in this fight. So much anger inside him towards the mare, looking around more the unicorn notices the two soldiers are still knocked out cold from having their heads smashed together like cymbals.

"Let me go Rumham! Mistilie is going to pay for this!! All of this!!!" Rahzzy screams struggling to break away from Rumham's grasp. The room was a mess from the fight, files scattered all over the floor, cracks in the wall. The worst of everything that has happened, a blood trail left by Iron Will, leading to where Twilight Sparkle was tossed aside to.

Celestia topples on the bridge as one of the flying Xenomorphs tackle her down, the dagger tongue snapping out trying to puncture into the Princess's chest. The Xenomorph Queen screams stomping away from the fight, several scorch marks across the alien's chest. Celestia uses her hooves to keep the attacking flyer from finishing her off, with one strong push she gets the beast off. Getting up fast to prepare herself for the alien to attack again, the Princess raises a brow in confusion as the Flying Alien takes off to get away from the bridge.

"Have I won this fight?" Celestia says between her heavy breathing, looking around the alicorn notices the bridge beginning to sway, with the bridge getting ready to collapse from under her she uses her large wings to take flight to the other side. "Where has your leader run off too? I hope she didn't plan on getting out of this that easy" Celestia uses her magic to light her path entering the Weyland Tower. The entrance to the building is very dark and full of dust, the place having been abandoned for so long.

"It appears as if others have already been here ... I hope they are alright" Celestia looks down at the floor to see that some of the dust has been disturbed in formations of faint hoofprints. Faint sounds of the alien creatures echo from the darkness of the room. Though Celestia is unable to see them in the shadows, she knows that the Xenomorphs are very close. "Not happy with me being here, creatures?" The Princess backs out of the tower entrance, even though she had only just arrived.

The sound of something large coming up from behind her echoes in her ear quickly, the mare's eyes widen and she turns around sending a magical wave from her horn to knock back what was coming to get some breathing room. Princess Celestia looks to the Xenomorph Queen, who was once again coming from behind.

"It is amazing how you keep sneaking around like that. How do you do it, creature?" Celestia opens her wings to get some air advantage. The Princess swoops over the head of the Queen to get behind the large Xenomorph. "Let's see how you like being hit from here!!" The alicorn's horn ignites with magic ready to unleash, the beam shoots out smashing into the back spines of the Xenomorph creating a loud cracking sound upon contacting. The Xenomorph roars in anger using its large tail to swing at the Alicorn. The large tail nearly misses the Princess, cutting off some of the alicorn's flowing mane strands.

As the Queen turns around the tail of the Xenomorph begins to give off a purple glow around it. As if the tail itself was a magical horn charging up to give off a magical strike. Celestia's eyes widen at the sight of this, the magic itself had a very familiar vibe that the Princess was familiar with.

"What is this? How is something like this ..." The Princess is yanked down from the sky from the Xenomorph Queen's magical pull. " Possible?" Celestia's eyes widen more as a large pair of hidden Wings stretches out from the Queen's backside. The Queen roars down at the Princess reaching out with one hand to grab the alicorn from the ground. Celestia moves away from the Queen stumbling with each hoofstep. "You just ... continue ... to amaze me, creature"

Celestia flaps her wings to get away from the Xenomorph Queen, however, the Queen uses one large flap of her own wings to reach up and grab the fleeing Sun Princess. Celestia struggled in the grasp of the large alien's grasp in an attempt to escape this. With every wiggle, the grip becomes tighter around her until Celestia finally gives up on it. The Queen Xenomorph presses her shaking lips against the cheek of the alicorn baring her long sharp fangs.

"I know you ... I don't know how!! Though I know you!!" Celestia screams feeling a presence with the Xenomorph that was familiar. Celestia takes a deep breath ready to use her royal voice again, "I KNOW YOU!!!"

Celestia feels the wind from the Queen's wings through her mane, the Xenomorph takes flight and several of the winged minions follow close behind. The Xenomorphs roar into the wind as if singing a victory song having won this little fight, the Queen angles herself to fly towards the source of the thick smoke that shadows over Canterlot City. Celestia struggles in the grasp as she was forced to follow, the sight of the crashed Encomi Space Station came into view. The Princess knew now that this is where the creatures planned to bring her. The Princess takes one more look behind to see the Weyland Tower disappearing into the thick smoke as she was being tugged further away from it.

Twilight opens her eyes and everything is a blur at first, she can see a trail of blood leading to a locked door. She can hear somepony on the other side trying to get inside. Asking for Iron Will to open it up, Twilight then knew who she was with. Iron Will has the small alicorn cradled in his arms and blood drips from his body slower than before. The Minotaur looks very pale from the blood loss.

As her eyes open fully she asks him, "What is ... going on?" Twilight weakly moves in Iron Will's arms, she is happy to see he is alright. As Iron Will looks down at her, however, the tears filling his eyes tell her he is not okay. "Iron Will ..."

"Twilight ..." Iron Will speaks weakly, with the blood he had lost he could hardly speak. Being this close to him revealed that when he was stabbed the blade was twisted and yanked to make the wound bigger. Twilight couldn't help herself but respond negatively either after being called by name.

"I am not Twilight ..." She looks away as tears fill her eyes, seeing him cry could make anypony cripple into tears. She feels his body shake as the Minotaur begins to cry in his words.

"Yes, y-you are ... I-I believe that" the tears in his eyes fall from their place, falling onto Twilight's fur. "I-I know you don't wanna call yourself t-that" Iron Will clenches his teeth from the pain he was feeling as he sat on the floor holding her. The blood dripping slower and slower from his body. Twilight turns her body and places a hoof on the large Minotaurs cheek in comfort in this situation. As she rests her hoof on his face, the tears have made the surface of his cheek wet like he had taken a shower.

"Don't go ... p-please, Iron Will" Twilight's words began to stutter as sadness fills her. She didn't want to believe this was his time, but it was impossible to deny now. "I already lost myself I c-cant loos you too" Iron Will's eyes slowly begin to close as he goes on with his tears. "Iron Will!! Wake up!!!"

"Oh, Twilight ... don't you see" Iron Will closes his eyes as a faint smile grows on his face, the smile is a peaceful one? "I will finally be waking up ... for the first time ... in a long time" Iron Will begins to go limper with his arms cradle that was holding Twilight up.

"Iron Will!! No!! I n-need everypony to help me!!" Twilight begins to slip from his grasp but she desperately reaches up to his face as the tears fall from her eyes.

"You will wake up too... Twilight" Iron Will goes limp and his final words comes out, "I believe that"

Twilight falls to the ground as the Minotaur finally passes, hitting the floor softly she rolls to her side and begins to scream her tears out of her eyes. Curling up the mare feels she has lost more now than before, she has lost herself and now a friend that she could trust. Trust with her true identity as a clone, trust her to finish what the real Twilight had started, all he ever did ... was trust in ponies.