• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 1,278 Views, 74 Comments

Alien: Twilight's Gashing Origins - TwiRaptor

The unexpected sequel to Alien: Twilight's Final Chapter. Things are never going to be the same

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The Encomi Corp

Author's Note:

Hello Everyone,
It has been a super long time sense I have actually done anything with this story. I am however happy to finally release the next chapter for it and hopefully soon after that release more too this! I am happy to be back and I hope you enjoy this new chapter and continuation of the Alien Twilight Series

Mistilie pulls Twilight up into a straighter posture, Twilight's hoof would rest on the unicorn's in acceptance of the offer to be shown where she was and what for. In a very quick response to the acceptance, Mistilie points to the wall with her other hoof at a logo. The logo read Encomi Corp, that logo became apparently important as Twilight notices it was posted on the back of every computer, stamped on every uniform, and engraved as a symbol on one of the walls in the room.

"Welcome to Encomi Corporation Headquarters!" Mistilie spoke in a tone that was full of moral boosting energy. continuing on she began to explain herself. "I am the leader of the company, we are here to fix, clean, and exterminate what is left of a crumbled company, Weyland Yutani" Twilight looked away removing her hoof from the unicorns upon hearing the name of the company that ruined her life, Weyland. "One of the things they damage during their control ... was you Twilight" Mistilie, using her magic to levitate a small mirror up and pointing towards Twilight so that the alicorn could see. The mirror was clearly focusing on the vibrant green irises that had replaced Twilight's natural eye color.

With anger in her voice, Twilight shot back a quick and questioning response to seeing her Alien eyes. "So what!? Do you know all the evil that company has done to the world? To me and all of my friendships!" With flaring wings the alicorn took a step forward, leaning in to press her snout on the tip of Mistilie's. "Most of those friendships that are no longer living because the ponies are dead!"

"What happened in the past is tragic" Mistilie was trying and bring peace with words but Twilight quickly stopped that from happening. Leaving the unicorn no room to finish speaking.

Tragic!? Ponies died! That company dug into something that should have NEVER been tampered with and it caused three space stations and all the life on them to stop completely! Tragic?" closing her wings and giving Mistilie room to breath, tears were visible on her face now as she remembered all the horrible events that have already happened. She also began to fear of what new tragic events will happen with this new corporation. "No! What happened is not a tragedy, it was an act that is just unbelievable that I can't give it a label. Weyland Yutani was evil, EVIL!!" The other ponies in the room all turned to Twilight at this point. The guards that were stationed around the room the whole time would step in to attempt to move the focus of the workers to be back to work. One of the many guards there was the red-coated stallion from before. "I refuse to believe you know it all because if you knew, then you would have been smart and killed me instead of keeping me alive! I chose to die! I NEEDED TO DIE!!" Mistilie's expression shifted from a smile to a very nervous mixture of a smile and a frown when Twilight continued her rant. Everypony in the room was looking and the guards were now failing to move the attention elsewhere. "I needed to make sure he would di ..." Twilight was then cut off as Mistilie placed a hoof over to cover the next set of words. Being pulled out of the room before having time to react Twilight would now be out of sound and sight of the workers.

"I know what happened to you but you can't be screaming of death and terror around my workers! Not all of them are aware of what we are trying to fight because if they all knew, how many of them from your experience, how many of them would still be working here?" Mistilie's smile returned. "We have made great progress in cleaning this house of horror that Weyland left for us. We will never get it clean if all the staff are scared or unsure if they are safe"

"Are they safe though ... ?" Twilight immediately cut off Mistilie on that statement. She hasn't felt safe anywhere sense Valuntas Station. Her question goes unanswered making this situation tenser than it needs to be. "Who are you Mistilie ... you can't ensure the safety of them or me. What is this damn corporation you are running here?"

Mistilie who was now silent for a moment after being confronted on this. It was obvious to Twilight that there may never be true safety for her anywhere anymore. Not with all she knows and has seen but she would wait patiently now for Mistilie to answer her question. In any possible way was better than no response at all.

"Let me show you ... this is a far too hectic start for my liking, I had hoped we could take this slowly, show you everything there was to know over time. I see now though there will be no organization with you unless I am straightforward, so for me, I shall show you what it is you need to know"

A couple of pictures of White Lightning rested on the fireplace with a layer of dust collecting on the glass that contained the photos. Twilight currently fixed her eyes at them with studying eyes and a smile, seeing the smiling face of White Lightning made her smile as she remembers when they were friends. She truly has a belief that the stallion was once a true friend, they had to have been at some point. He couldn't have had evil intentions the whole time, could he? The photographs showed the stallion and most of his achievements as leader of Weyland Yutani Corp. Mistilie would be explaining all of this as Twilight was studying all that was being said about the photos.

"These were all taken before he went dark ... before he hid his identity from the world. White had many dreams for the company and the world, however, after the war between Pony and Griffon began all his dreams were overshadowed with war" Mistilie sat down next to Twilight for a more comfortable position while she spoke. "These photos are of all he achieved before that" Twilight began to study them closer, one of the photos contains an image White Lightning and Mistilie. "One of his greatest achievements was me ... well, that is what he told me when I was old enough to understand" Twilight's eyes widened hearing this. Turning to look at Mistilie she the answer that is resting at the tip of the alicorns mouth is answered "Father wasn't always a bad pony"

"He was ... Dad ... You're Dad?" Twilight looks back to the photo's and she began to realize she is seeing a whole knew stallion. She didn't see the evil Weyland Leader. She could see a father ... one she killed. A tear rolls down the side of her face and onto the dusty glass creating a smear. She had no idea that the stallion devil was a father, starting to regret killing him at this point. Perhaps there would have been another way to end the fight? The room would go silent and they both would just stare at the image of the stallion. Knowing now that Mr.Weyland has a daughter only made things even more confusing for Twilight. Why would somepony with a family do such horrible things? Especially when the bad things could crawl in at night and straight up kill what he loved if the darkness escaped. "For the short time I knew him, he never mentioned that he had a daughter"

Mistilie frowns for the first real time since this talk began. Getting up from her seat she and moving away she continues to speak the best she can. The tone of her voice sounded like she was deeply sad with what all has happened involving her father but she didn't show it. "I made this corporation to fix the burn that my father left behind. I hope to finish what he started ... not the bad dreams that you knew him for. I want to clean this world up and complete his greatest dream" There would be another long pause, silence on this subject, there was a complete stop in Mistilie's voice.

Twilight has seen the phrase everywhere, she knew what the dream was. With more tears collecting in the alicorn's eyes the memory of the phrase escapes her lips. "Building Better Worlds, that seems like a dream come true" she was in need of this promise, for a better world, all she can remember anymore is death. Weyland and the Aliens are the main focus of Twilight's memories. It was something so powerful that she was afraid at this point she may never forget them.

"Weyland Yutani, Building Better Worlds" A new voice comes from the opening door. The stallion from before, Rahzzy Dazzle. He begins to adjust his glasses that are loosely resting on his nose like they are not a perfect match for him. "Except now ... it is Encomi building the better worlds now" Mistilie would shoot the stallion a glare because of his abrupt entrance. " I am ready to bring the subject to her room now, Mistilie"

"I have told you almost a hundred times not to come in here when I am talking to a guest. I see you are in a hurry to make it two hundred times, Rahzzy" Mistilie looks to Twilight Sparkle and then too Rahzzy Dazzle. "Unlike Weyland, however, we do not plan on tampering with the alien life form you have grown to know, Twilight" turning her attention to Twilight again, revealing that Encomi Corp knows of the aliens that attacked the three stations. "The Xenomorph is a species that should remain in space where they were discovered. We wouldn't be able to clean up this mess if we got involved with them like father did and besides. There hasn't been a Xenomorph mentioned in a very long time"
Rahzzy continues to walk, he is in charge of transporting guests like Twilight back to their rooms. He just keeps glaring at her, in a mocking, judging way. Twilight can't help but stare back at him in question as too why he was being this way but something has to be wrong. The stallion would only look away occasionally so that he could adjust his glasses to better fit his face. The hallway was long and made of a very shiny metal, the entire facility that she had seen so far was made of this material. It felt too much like the space stations that the alicorn had found herself in before now. It felt like Valuntas Station, Fort Waid, and Wey U Station.

Rahzzy speaks out of nowhere after being silent this whole entire walk. His voice has a hint of fear in it and this fear only makes Twilight stress worse than it needs to be. "Building Better Worlds? You actually believe that shit?" the stallion looks around as if being watched from somewhere. "Weyland Yutani Corporation said this and it was bullshit! I am not ready to believe some miracle company is going to step in and do what the other failed on. You just ate that crap up like an overfed puppy getting another snack!!" Twilight would stop in her tracks being told that she did anything like that. She didn't want to believe that he was right about that, the last thing she wanted was ANOTHER bad thing.

"You can't judge another off of somepony else s mistakes. It doesn't have to be the daughter like father situation" Twilight turns around to see that Rahzzy was now acting spooked. "I just want one day in my life where I don't have all this evil in it" Twilight was more deserving of a wish like that to come true than anypony else here. The mare has not had a normal day in her life for so long. Yet every time she opens her eyes, something was going wrong, with Rahzzy acting this way now it isn't making this easy.

"Twilight, you have seen it all! You cannot tell me now that you believe this shit is possible." Rahzzy shakes his head in disbelief. "I have heard the story of what you did, I have heard the story of the fall and I want something more than what I am seeing now to be what happens after the fall" Rahzzy uses his magic to dig into the chest pocket of his uniform. Pulling out a key ring levitating it to quickly hide it under the Twilight's wing. He did this in hopes that the spying cameras in the facility wouldn't see him do this. "You don't have to now but these keys will tell you more than Mistilie"

"Rahzzy I just want too ... before I woke up I had the intentions to end my life. I want something that will make me regret wanting death and your panic is not pushing me towards that goal" Twilight was blunt, she had been through allot at this point and it had caused her to go from the soft kind mare she used to be. To the mare she is today and she really wanted to be her old self once again.

"Please Twilight ... when you wake up. Please go and see the truth"