• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 1,274 Views, 74 Comments

Alien: Twilight's Gashing Origins - TwiRaptor

The unexpected sequel to Alien: Twilight's Final Chapter. Things are never going to be the same

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Crash Down Equis

The smoke billows out from the remains of the Encomi Space Station and everything is silent aside from the active flames and the remaining ponies that survived the crash crawling onto the shore where the station had crashed. Twilight was laying on the sandy beach holding her true self tightly in a hug. The two alicorns were no longer surrounded by the Xenomorphs that were protecting them during entry, washed up onto the shore like stones the two were cuddled close to one another. Blood dripping off the real Twilight Sparkle's muzzle, the alicorn was clinging onto her last breath laying beside her clone. Escape pods that had ejected during reentry are slowly descending by parachutes overhead.

"Please don't leave me, Twilight" Clone Twilight looked down at the alicorn, knowing this was going to be where the fighter truly falls. The Alicorn looks up to the clone of herself after hearing her speak so softly, blood continues to drip from the mare's nose and starts collecting under her chin. Twilight forces a smile even with all the pain she was going through right now. Looking into her copies eyes she shakes her head knowing she has to leave.

"You have my memories now ... " Twilight spits up some blood onto the sand clenching her teeth together afterward. "You can continue my life for me" Clone Twilight pulls the dying alicorn tightly into a hug and the tears begin to fall from the clones eyes. "Don't cry ... it is going to be okay"

"You can't die because your friends need you! I don't know how to be you!!" Sadness and anger flow over the clone, the smoke around them becoming more intense as the fires rage on. The real Twilight Sparkle closes her eyes and uses one wing, placing it around the copy of herself for comfort.

"You ... are me, Twilight" Her body goes limp in the clones grasp with those being her dying words. The Alicorn's last breath slowly releases with the air brushing into the clones mane, from the smoke a familiar voice echoes from the shadows. Rahzzy bursts from the billows coughing and snorting from as that floated up into his nostrils. The stallion emerges alone and he notices the two Twilight Sparkles immediately, the intensity of the fire grows with every second that goes by.

Rahzzy is cautious with his next words as he approaches not wanting to make things worse, "Twilight? Staying here isn't safe!" He looks to the dead alicorn being cradled by Twilight, a frown forms on the stallions face and he moves a bit closer reaching out with a hoof. "I am sorry you had to find out this way but she is gone! There is nothing you can do for her now!" Twilight slowly lets go of the dead alicorn lowering the body down onto the sand below before reaching out with one hoof towards Rahzzy's offer.

"She should have never known ..." Mistilie pushes through the smoke, holding Rumham and Coco with her magical grasp. The two ponies appear to have been knocked out unconscious from the crash landing. Mistilie looks behind her to look at the wreckage, ponies are pulling themselves from the wreck to escape the flames but the screams of pain makes it seem that despite the safety protocols the ship was in rougher shape than predicted. Rahzzy pulls his hoof away from Twilight soon after Mistilie arrives, looking to his unconscious friend Rumham.

Rahzzy removes his glasses using his magic, the smoke creating a coat of ash that was hard to see through. The sound of a helicopter flying nearby starts to echo through the smoke, the rescue teams probably beginning the evacuation of the site. Twilight sucked up the feeling of contemplating her own existence, knowing that the danger was still not over. The ship may have crashed but if they were able to survive it. The Xenomorphs on board, being a much more resilient organism must have a higher chance of surviving the crash landing on Equestria. Through the smoke a helicopter circled the area looking for survivors, the smoke was making it harder to spot the survivors. Mistilie looks over to Twilight Sparkle as the alicorn pushes herself up from the sand.

"What do you think ... TwiCopy?" Mistilie smiles as if her nickname wasn't her being cruel, still using her magic the unicorn lowers Rumham and Coco to the ground before continuing. "Wanna get out of here before you end up like the real you?"

Canterlot Sector B, the base was located not far from the Castle itself. Created to monitor most operations in space and cleaning up when some of those operations fell back down to the ground. Tonight it was a very busy building, the ponies working the building were all working on getting things ready to clean up and evacuate the crash site of the Encomi Station. The receiver who was earlier talking to Mistilie over the radio is now shuffling his papers together as he finishes up his part of the job.

"This brings me back ..." The stallion sighs at this awfully familiar situation that the sector was working with. Turning around in his chair he peaks over the computer monitor behind him to speak with who is back there. "It reminds me of Valuntas Station"

"Really dude?" Iron Will tosses a pen at the stallions face before fully sharing his opinion on that comment. "Valuntas Station was a much worse situation" The lobby was mostly quiet, the sound of keyboards typing away and live video feed from the helicopter echoed throughout the room. Iron Will takes a sip from his mug and turns his computer screen to avoid talking further with the receiver. With a few clicks of his mouse, the Minotaur navigates to view the live feed from the helicopter. All that it shows was the crash from a bird's eye view, the station was mostly intact, the major pieces of the large station showing little damage at all. Those sections are probably the laboratory areas and it this doesn't surprise Will very much. Taking another sip from his coffee his remains looking at the monitor to watch the evacuation from the safety of his comfy chair.

"Amazing, once captain of worlds largest space station. Now I sit watching an LCD screen all day long" with a chuckle before taking another sip of his coffee he watches. His desk contained a picture of some of his friends he made during the three station crisis. Sunset Shimmer, Coco Pommel, Moon Dusts, Scootaloo, and Princess Cadence. A large folder on his desk labeled RESEARCH rested underneath the computer monitor. "Valuntas Station ... pffft"

"Maybe if you acted like you care, I wouldn't hate you" Another pony from another computer peaks over to Iron Will saying this blankly. The feed on the Minotaur's monitor began to zoom in on the crash, something familiar emerges from the smoking station. Literally spitting out his coffee Iron Will ignores the hate comment made by his fellow employee and focuses on the screen in front of him.

"Shut up moron!" Will moves his monitor to the side grabbing his files and also to cover up the pony currently hating on him. "Just shut the hell up!!" Focusing more the sweat begins to drip down his forehead as the feed shows images of a Xenomorph crawling on the craft and disappearing by jumping off the station into the water that the main piece of the station had crashed into. The camera zooms out from the crash and several of the aliens begin to follow plunging into the water, the helicopter begins to lower closer to the ground, the feed shows several more helicopters zoom by the camera ready for landing at the sandy shore. Desperate the Minotaur reaches for his headset to speak to the helicopters on the site. Screaming into the microphone like he had lost his mind he draws the attention of the room to himself, instead of the computer monitors showing the footage. "GET OUT OF THERE!! DON'T FUCKING LAND!! FUCK THE EVACUATION!!"

"Dude!?! What the hell are you doing!!" A pony gets up from his seat and moves over to Iron Will's station to confront him. "You have to have permission for the mic, asshole!"

"FUCK YOU!! I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!! JUST NOT LIKE THIS!!" Iron Will holds out a hand to hold the small pony back and away from him. This only causes more ponies to get up from their seats to assist because the Minotaur was much larger than them. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! IT IS HAPPENING!!" The ponies in the building all manage to rip the headset from Iron Will's head. The monitors show one of the helicopters nearly touching down onto the sandy shore to evacuate the ponies who were still alive. Iron Will reaches for his headset for one desperate attempt to bring it to a halt but with no prevail as the ponies toss it away and all begin to hold him back.

"Call Security!!"

The helicopter slowly touches the sandy shore as ponies hop out from the sides to begin pulling ponies from the shore. Getting them out would be the start of the evacuation before heading to the main crash site, the unarmed ponies are quick to turn on flashlights to begin searching through the thick smoke. Upon landing they hear a couple of distant screams of pain probably from ponies who suffered burns from the crash.

"Alright! You know the drill everypony! Move out and evacuate the survivors!!" The ponies quickly sprint into the thick smoke towards the sounds of ponies in pain. They all hope to pull them out for medical attention, knowing time was not on there side in their situation their focus fades as they rush in to save lives. "Hello!? Don't worry! We are on our way!!"

"AAUUGGGHHH!!!" A scream not far away from the group echoes through the smoke, a loud snapping sound follows before there was nothing but silence. The rescue team stops after hearing the sound that seemed rather close. Focusing their beams into the direction the sound came from they see the lower legs of the source.

"Got one!!" A rescue mare rushes over getting down to begin pulling the stallion to evacuation. She stops as she gets close to the body to discover the stallion has a deep hole inside the bodies head. "What the ..." stepping away from the body something squishes underneath her hooves. "This ones dead! We should move on to evacuate the others!!" Turning around the mare would freeze. With shinning teeth, dripping drool, and a wagging deadly tail a Xenomorph now stands in her way of getting back to the group. She backs away speechless at the sight of the creature and a second Xenomorph steps out from the shadows with a loud hiss as it teasingly bites near the mare with its second dagger mouth. Before being able to scream out for her friends she backs up into a third Xenomorph that was behind her, the hands of the creature grab her immediately over her muzzle stopping sound from escaping. Her muffled screams intensify as the Xenomorph's tongue slowly slides out rubbing against the ponies face.

"Where are they!?" Paranoia floods in as ponies from the group start disappearing one by one. The smoke density was getting thicker with every second they continue searching the area. "Keep looking because they couldn't have gone far!!"

"AUUGGGH!!!" another scream comes from the distance as another member of the rescue team suddenly disappears in the smoke. The remaining ponies stand back to back with one another in fear that something seriously wrong was going on. One of the stallions quietly speaks to the remaining members of the crew.

"Do you think it is a Weyland Yutani Terror Attack? That would make sense right?" They all nod in agreement of the possibility. "This is seriously messed up!! What do we do now!?"

"Shut up!! What ever is out there is going to hear you screaming like that" Another member speaks concerned for the safety of themselves more now over the crash victims. A loud thundering sound of something stomping in the sand echoes from the distance getting closer to the crew. Aiming their lights in one area where the noise is coming from they look for the source. The silhouette of something large is immediately revealed, upon being revealed a huge Xenomorph tail reaches out to the group of ponies like a huge sword ready strike.