• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 1,274 Views, 74 Comments

Alien: Twilight's Gashing Origins - TwiRaptor

The unexpected sequel to Alien: Twilight's Final Chapter. Things are never going to be the same

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What's Next

"Feeling better, Twilight? I understand it will take time to get comfortable here" Mistilie opened the door to Twilight's room peaking inside. Twilight who is laying on the bed quickly tucks the keys that Rahzzy gave her under the pillow that rests on the bed top. "Especially since you don't exactly know where here is and I also would like to apologize for Rahzzy, his actions yesterday were rude. He wasn't supposed to remove you from the room until later" Mistilie didn't seem to notice Twilight's move with the pillow.

Forcing a smile the alicorn replied in a very tired tone, she had only just opened her eyes an half hour ago. "I am sure you plan to explain more? About where I am and what your plans are for my ... condition" looking towards the mirror and glaring at her green eyes, Twilight lets out a long sigh wanting it all to go away. Every time she finds herself remembering the alien events of the past, it was now because she just has to look in the mirror and see her own eyes.

"I am sure it is hard living with what you have" Mistilie has a very calm, relaxed, and positive feeling in the sound of her voice as usual. "I promise that eventually and in time that you won't have to deal with the pain" The white coated mare moves inside the room closing the door behind her. Another awkward silence fills the room as the two mares go silent on the topic of Queen Gene that Twilight possesses in her blood. The fact that the alicorn even lived from having an alien inside of her must be a surprise to Mistilie. The Encomi Corporation really does seem like a company that has the knowledge of everything that has happened, however, did they really know how to deal with this horror? Twilight hasn't stopped thinking about this question since she found out everything she knows so far about the Encomi Company and the Weyland Relationship. Mistilie, the daughter of Mr. Weyland himself ... White Lightning. Twilight stops thinking about it fast and focuses on the topic while also continuing to remind herself about what Rahzzy said about the keys and some truth behind what they unlock.

"So where am I exactly, Mistilie?" Twilight jumps to the question she wanted to be answered yesterday. The truth is that the longer this question went unanswered the more upset the alicorn became. Mistilie didn't seem to feel the same way, once again the mare appeared to wish to stay off that topic and this caused her to move closer to Twilight taking a seat next to her on the bed. To get closer and change the subject.

"I would love to tell you and I will, as soon as the next opportunity arrives" Mistilie places her hoof on Twilight's shoulder hoping to comfort and ease the confusion. "I was thinking we could start working on fixing you up today? Examine your eyes, then get back to showing you more of the facility you are in" A disappointing twitch in Twilight's face grows as this answer was made to the big question. She wants the gene out and gone too but she also feels the need to know if those who are giving the option out of this are really worth trusting. Pushing herself up and off the bed the alicorn heads for the door, not to leave the room but to instead press her horn and muzzle up against the metal material. Taking a deep breath and then letting it out in a groan, she begins to think of a new option.

"Where do you wanna go to check out my eyes? Is there a lab for viewing eyes in this place? Or do you want me to lay back in my bed and have you stare down at me awkwardly?" Annoyed and disappointed, pushing her nose harder against the door, hoping that the next reply from Mistilie will not be as evasive as the last, Twilight was already getting close to grabbing the keys from her pillow and searching for the doors they unlock. Another evasive answer will maker the alicorn goes for that plan.

"There is a lab ... though it isn't just for eyes. It performs many types of inspections on the patients we take in here" Mistilie is for once straightforward with her answer. "In and out! You will hardly spend any time in the lab and then you will be back here"

Twilight turns to look at the mare and responds fast to being in the lab. "I don't mind labs ... I am sure your lab doesn't compare to the last few I have been inside of" Of course she was referring to the last labs as the ones on Wey U Station. The thought of those labs and all the aliens that rested in them ... chilling. Mistilie who now stood up and off the bed headed for the door. "I just wanna see grass, sunlight, and a good book to read. I have seen so much technology that it is all I can recognize" The door opens causing Twilight to back away to prevent herself from face planting on the floor.

"Soon Twilight! You just have to look at this from a more positive perspective" Mistilie had a wide, happy, excited smile. "A couple prick pokes, and testing and you will have your life back" A disbelieving look spread over Twilight on it truly being as easy as that. "Okay it will be allot more than a couple pricks and pokes but you just have to trust that what we are doing will benefit you, Twilight" Mistilie continued to speak as she exited the door, the mare sounds like she means well but Twilight still has her paranoia from everything else trying to use her for THEIR own benefit. Ever since the Xenomorph came into her life the alicorn had a new perspective on ponies. When the alien was around everypony was savage and fought for themselves to survive. Weyland wanted in the end of it all, her as a weapon to control the aliens ... now this company wanted to free her from the gene? It is all too good to be true, or so it feels to Twilight.

Rahzzy, he is always cautious about what he does. It was still on his mind as he stood at the entrance of the laboratory. "How could I have been so stupid! Give her the keys!! I am not usually so quick on that kind of decision" Talking to himself was also another thing the stallion did. Pressing one hoof on his snout giving it a light tap in frustration, over and over again he taps his nose. "What if she didn't take me seriously? She may have told Mistilie about what I have done, Mistilie is nice when you have known her for awhile but I just dug in a area she doesn't want me to be in" Another stallion by the name of RumHam pressed his hoof on the top of Rahzzy's head in the form of a noogie.

"Stop thinking about that you dumb ass! I don't think the mare is going to tattle on you" Rumham is a larger stallion, could take on most brutes that worked here. Suffering from a minor alcoholic addiction hasn't hindered the stallion in the past either. Being much more relaxed about the situation than Rahzzy, he leans his side up against the wall. "Everything is going to be fine"

Rahzzy pulls away to get some distance from Rumham to prevent another noogie. "I don't appreciate you talking to me like I am a child, Rumham" Adjusting his glasses and taking a peak through the front window of the lab, he couldn't see from here what was going on inside. "Do you think she is okay in there?"

"If by she, you are referring to Twilight Sparkle, then I think a simple eye check isn't going to kill her" Rum speaks in a sarcastic, joking tone. He spoke this way all the time, Rahzzy figured that out very quickly when they first started working together alongside Mistilie and the Encomi Corporation. "The worst that could happen right now is you freaking out or barging into another room that you don't belong in" Referring to the time Rahzzy took Twilight to her room early.

"I am just looking out for everypony! I am afraid of what might happen" Rahzzy is peering more into the window hoping to see Twilight is okay. "I still can't see her from here"

"You really need to relax more. When she opens the door, with those keys, she will want out" Rumham's voice was filled with positive energy. He is always certain that he is correct.

"What happens if it only scares her?" Rahzzy questions.

"She won't get scared! She will want out of here, Rahzzy" Rumham quick to respond to the question but also becoming a bit annoyed. "Stay focused man, or you will be the one with no way out"

"I am looking out for everypony!" Rahzzy repeats his statement from before.

"You don't have too, we all will have our way out soon"

Rumham pushes away to leave the area, to head to someplace else. Rahzzy watches the stallion leave having given up on seeing anything through the window. To him this situation was one big danger zone and all he wants is to get everypony out safely. This place, in his eyes is nothing different from Weyland Yutani Corporation. A company destined to doom themselves with something that should never be tampered or interacted with. Though the stallion doesn't know Twilight Sparkle personally. The stories that go around the facility were enough to feel like she was a friend already. Twilight Sparkle is the mare who survived all three stations that were infected with the Xenomorph Parasites, the one who faced off against the Weyland Yutani Corp to put an end to their plans with the Aliens. She was a fighter that he felt he could relate to. She is also somepony the stallion feels he can look up too

"Please ... Let this work" Rahzzy mumbles to himself before soon following to where Rumham wondered off too. "We have got to get off this place"
Levitating the keys in front of her face, Twilight was thinking of actually giving it a shot and going to the key's door. The key itself is more like a key card, color coded for the pad she would need to swipe it on, that should make it easier to find the door. Rahzzy hopefully didn't give her a card to a door located on the other side of this facility is the current concern on the alicorn's mind. "This place better be close by or I am going to have a long talk with that stallion" Exiting her room she rubs her eyes. During the eye test they flashed allot of lights into her eyes and now her irises were all irritated. "I better not keep this waiting. Better see both sides of this place ... I have seen what Mistilie has to show me so far" She tucks the key under her wing and a smile forms on her face as an adventure was about to begin. "Time to see what Rahzzy has to show me"

Walking onward she was looking at all the surrounding areas around her. The walls of the halls were all metallic with thick pipes that must be used to control air flow or something. The more she looked the more claustrophobic she started to feel, the walls so tight in many areas she walked. Her ear twitches as a robotic sounding voice spoke over the intercom that broadcasts notices throughout the facilities work stations.

"Attention, mechanics needed in central ventilation system for maintenance check"

"Can Mistilie please report to command and control for piloting guidance"

The word ventilation causes Twilight to clench her jaw shut. So many bad memories of those places, she might never want to see an entrance to such a place again in her life. The droid voice halts over the intercom with no more announcements to be said. Taking a look at her surroundings again she takes note to what she was seeing, hoping that perhaps she would get some information from looking. Approaching a door that opens on its own after a couple clicks of mechanical parts, the area was starting to feel very familiar. Taking out her key card to look at the color again, hoping to match it with the current key card pad on the other side of the door.

"Well that is unfortunate ..." Not being a match, groaning in frustration she stepped out of the room and took a moment to study her card more. "There has to be some kind of guidance on this plastic ... AH HA!" The words on the backside of the key card read, "Private Dinner Pass" said everything.

"So what is this going to show me?" Looking up at the wall nearby for some signs pointing to the right direction, very quickly she is on the right track. "Might as well finish this up ... even if it is just a launch room" Within seconds she was standing in front of the door. The key card matching the panel on the door, with one swipe of the card the door hissed open. Twilight dropped the key card onto the ground, the reflection of the stars and Equestria rotating on its axis reflected in her eyes.