• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 1,278 Views, 74 Comments

Alien: Twilight's Gashing Origins - TwiRaptor

The unexpected sequel to Alien: Twilight's Final Chapter. Things are never going to be the same

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The Hive

Twilight pushes herself off the ground looking back at Iron Will. Using her magic she pulls a tarp off one of the shelves in the room laying it over the Minotaur. The tears in Twilight's eyes don't fall, collecting at the bottom of her eyes. Twilight can hear the others on the other side of the door trying to get inside. The alicorn moves over to the wall placing her hoof on the surface taking a deep breath and a long sigh for everything that has been lost so far. Everything around the mare begins to darken, the memories of the past clouding her mind. Removing her hoof from the wall and placing it over her heart, the alicorn begins to stumble feeling weaker.

"I can't let anypony else die! The real Twilight wouldn't have let this happen!!" Twilight removes her hoof from her chest and slams it down on the ground, the held back tears fall down her face. The door slides open and Rahzzy enters the room, the stallion looks at the tarp.

"Oh, Celestia, the poor guy ... at least there will be no more suffering for him" Rahzzy adjusts himself to face Twilight Sparkle, having heard her talk down about herself the stallion does his best to change it. "Twilight, we can still fix this. It doesn't have to end here" Rahzzy looks into the alicorn's green eyes, placing his hoof on her shoulder in comfort. "We might be able to stop Mistilie and save Equestria"

"How can we stop what we cannot control, Rahzzy?" Twilight uses her magic to remove the stallion's hoof and another sigh would escape her muzzle. "There is nothing we can do and everything is falling apart"

"We might not be able to control them, however, I know you can" Rahzzy smiles referring to the condition of Queen Gene. "The Xenomorphs, you might be able to use them! To save everypony!!" Silence fills the room at the idea of attempting such a thing. The Xenomorphs have shown already that they will not harm the alicorn, like when the stallion on Encomi Station tried to attack her. One of the aliens came and killed the attacking stallion before he could harm Twilight. The idea of using the aliens to stop Mistilie had some possibility of working, just like the real Twilight Sparkle used the aliens to defeat White Lightning. However, despite the idea ... Twilight had only one question left to ask.

"Rahzzy? Where is Mistilie?"
"Coco stop!!" Mistilie gasps ducking as a hoof goes over her head, Coco Pommel trying very hard to land another hit on the Unicorn Android, Mistilie. "Stop fighting for them!! What do they have to offer you?" Misitilie's horn glows with magic, which she uses to keep Coco Pommel still so she can get past to prevent being backed up into a wall.

"They offer me a life! A friendship!!" Coco screams wiggling in the magical grasp, the mare growling as her normally blue eyes begin to shift to a dark red color. "I will not stop!"

"Then die with them ..." Mistilie releases Coco Pommel before rushing in, knocking her to the ground with a big push. Coco smashes into the ground leaving an impact mark in the floor from the force she hit. Even with the force, Coco gets up quickly taking a swing smashing a hoof into the side of Mistilie's head. The force of the hit causes the unicorn android to spit out some white blood from her mouth. Pommel uses her mouth to bite down onto the back of Mistilie's neck pushing her to the ground. A wave of magic comes from Mistilie's horn pushing Pommel away, however, Coco comes back quickly pressing her hind hoof down onto Mistilie's throat. "I am not used to this ... the feeling of defeat"

Twilight Sparkle comes down the stairs with Rahzzy close behind. Twilight gasps seeing Mistilie's life actually ending, the alicorn's horn glows brightly reaching out to stop Coco from killing Mistilie Flare. Rahzzy rushes up in response to the situation and tries to pull Coco off of Mistilie. The enraged android uses her head to smack Rahzzy away from attempting to stop her. Coco pulls away because of the alicorn magic removing the hoof from Mistilie's neck, setting her free to get back up onto her hooves.

"Thank you ..." Mistilie smiles wiping the white blood from her lips.

"Mistilie!! I want you dead ... I just wanna do it myself" Rahzzy says with confidence, the stallion hating the mare more than anypony. "We just need you and that is the only thing stopping me from ending you right now"

"Such strong words for somepony like yourself, Rahzzy" Mistilie giggles keeping an eye on Coco Pommel while the enraged android is being held back by Twilight's magic. "You will never end me"

"Fuck you!" Rahzzy stomps a hoof unable to ignore Mistilie's words. "You are as big as a failure as your father! You won't be able to finish what you have started"

Mistilie laughs at her creator being brought up, the mare's pupils shrink like a camera lens adjusting for a better picture. Twilight continues to hold back Coco Pommel while Rahzzy and Mistilie continued their chat. Mistilie stops her little laugh and reveals something new about her relationship with her father, White Lightning.

" I am just upset I was unable to kill him myself" Mistilie levitates a rock up into the air, her evil glare returns as the unicorn looks over to Twilight Sparkle. Mistilie uses her magic to send the small rock flying through the air, it smacks into the side of the alicorns head. Twilight's magic halts releasing Coco Pommel, the hit from the rock makes the mare scream. The side of her head throbbing from the pain.

"Ow!! I just saved you from that fight, Mistilie" Twilight rubs the side of her head, speaking in whines as the throbbing increases on her head. "Oh Celestia that hurts!!"

Mistilie's grin grows as the sounds of roaring Xenomorphs echo throughout the building after the rock hit Twilight. Rahzzy's ears pin back as all his confidence drains from his body, Coco Pommel looks around the room to try and pinpoint the location the aliens might come from.

"Looks like they don't like their PonyQueen getting hurt," Mistilie says this as she turns to run away from the area, before running away, however, she uses her magic to rip a large loose pipe from the wall. "Don't follow me ... I can guarantee you won't like what I do too you"

"Mistilie!! I will find you!!" Rahzzy screams as the mare sprints out of the room, the stallion looks over to Twilight Sparkle to make sure she is okay. The sounds of the Xenomorphs increasing in volume as the creatures were getting closer to the location. Rumham and Sunset Shimmer come running from the stairs, the sound of gunfire echoing from the top of the staircase. The two soldiers who came with Sunset Shimmer from earlier are not there, their screams in the distance make it obvious they stayed behind to face the Aliens.

Rumham screams as he sprints towards the rest of the group, stumbling in his strides from the fear filling up inside of him. "Run!! Run, Run, Run!!! We have to get out of here now!" Rumham doesn't hesitate a second and uses his strength to scoop up Twilight Sparkle onto his back with his head. "Go now, those things are right behind us, move it!"

A large Xenomorph breaks through the thin doorway at the bottom of the stairwell, the carapace of the Xenomorphs head is much like the Queen's. This xenomorph though being much smaller, the alien roars getting down on all fours to fit itself in the room without scrapping its large head on the ceiling of the room. The large xenomorph shakes to get the debris from the wall off its body, turning to the group and Twilight Sparkle. Coco Pommel is the second to run, the android separating from the group to follow the direction Mistilie took to flee. Rumham and the others sprint the opposite direction to get away from the Xenomorphs. Windows smash from the outside as the Xenomorph Warriors bust through to get inside the tower.

"What about Coco!? She went the other way, Rumham" Rahzzy screams looking back at the incoming Xenomorphs as they run away.

"She will be fine!! We won't if we don't stay focused, Rahzzy! Keep Running!!" Rumham turns to one of the closed doors of the room, using all his body weight he smashes against the door. Breaking it open the stallion looks back to the others and screams. "Everypony inside now!!" There is a bright flash inside the room and smoke fills the room as the group enters. The smoke making it impossible to see anything inside the room, however, Rahzzy hears something moving inside the room with them.

"NO!! Let go of me ... I can't fight anymore ..." Celestia struggles as she is pinned up against the slime-covered walls of the room. The Alicorn uses her hind hooves to kick the Xenomorph Drone, the Alien squeals from the impact of the large mare's hoof. This almost allows Celestia to escape, however, a second Drone comes down from above grabbing onto the large alicorn. The two Xenomorphs use their strength to lift her up onto the sticky surface of the wall, holding her still up against the wall.

"Get off of me, Bastards!!" Celestia wasn't the one to usually speak like this. Right now, however, she feels in danger enough to start letting loose with her words. One of the drones climbs up onto the wall, thick slime dripping from the mouth of the Xenomorph. It begins using the spit like glue, rubbing its's open mouth over the alicorns body and the slime begins to bind her to the wall the creatures have her pinned against. A third Xenomorph crawls on the wall from above until its large head hovers in front of Celestia's face, the Xenomorph roars smashing its large head into the alicorns face knocking her out on impact.

Waking up from what feels like seconds later, Celestia groans from having been hit so hard in her face. The room is no longer occupied by the drones from earlier. A thick amount of slime covers the Alicorn keeping her tightly on the wall so she cannot move. Taking a moment to look around she notices something strange about the slime that covers her body, a small area of her body is left untouched by the slime and it is a small portion of her chest area.

"What have you done to me ..." Celestia stares at a cluster of large egg structures in front of her. They all seemed to be unhatched if they are eggs. The mare takes a deep breath and begins to wiggle under the slime, as soon as she begins, one of the eggs in front of her opens slowly at the top. The large egg peeling open like a banana, a small spider creature crawls out from the egg creating a squeaking sound as it exits the egg.

"What in Equestria!?!?" Celestia's horn ignites with magic that shoots out in a beam smashing into one of the eggs. The egg explodes and the creature scurries away from it towards the large Alicorn. "I see you!! Get away, you foul creature!" Shooting another beam towards the creature as it lunges from the ground towards her, the beam slices the little creature in half.

A second egg opens and a facehugger scurries out from it running towards Celestia. The Alicorn notices once again, with a magical shot from her horn the mare blasts the little creature to bits before it can get close. A third egg opens, another facehugger sprints out but quickly leaps from the ground and towards the Princess. Another magical beam and the creature pops like an apple shot with a gun. A fourth egg opens and another facehugger leaps up into the air, Celestia fires a magical beam almost too late and the creature is shot out of the air in the nick of time.

"What is happening!!?? Please stop this nightmare!" Celestia's eyes glaze over as fear takes over, a fifth egg opens up and it is the last egg in the room with her. "Stop it!!" Celestia shoots her magic and misses the creature as it leaves its egg. The Facehugger runs across the floor in a zig-zag pattern heading towards Celestia. The way the creature moved it looks like it was going to get ready to leap. Celestia fires a second beam of magic at the little creature, the tears in her eyes making it hard to see. The beam zooms just above the facehugger smashing into the wall behind it.

"NO!!" Celestia's horn recharges with magic and the alien leaps up into the air, everything seems to slow down for the Alicorn and she focuses to make one more shot at the creature. The beam shoots from her horn, smashing into the center of the facehugger's body. The blood from the creature sprays down onto the Alicorns head.

"GAAAHHHHH!!!" The blood begins to burn at the mares chin and cheek on her face, smoke billowing off the side of her face. Screaming from the pain the blood is causing to her face, the tears fall from her eyes onto the floor below. The smoke acidic blood of the Xenomorph continues to slowly burn into the alicorn's face. The sound of a hidden sixth egg opening echoes in the dark room. "HELP ME!!"

The smoke fills the room and from the smoke, a purple coated mare steps out reaching out to the group. The pony has a saddle on her back, strapped to the sides of the saddle are two active flamethrowers. She screams at Rahzzy and the others, the smoke beginning to clear from the room.

"Get out of the way now!! Get inside the door behind me!" The Purple mare readies herself as the Xenomorphs begin to surround the room. Rahzzy ducks and hurries behind the mystery mare with the weapons, as soon as everypony is out of the way, the mare bites down on a lever attached to the saddle and the flamethrowers shoot out a burst of flames. The Xenomorphs begins backing away as the flames consume them outside the room.

"You heard her!! Get in here now!" A stallion steps out from a door waving at everypony to get inside, "Come on!"

Even with the flames pushing the Xenomorphs back, the windows of the room smash as the aliens start coming from other directions to get inside. The Purple mare shakes off her saddle and hurries to the room and Sunset Shimmer, Rahzzy, Rumham, and Twilight Sparkle hurry to follow.

A Xenomorph Drone crawls inside from behind reaching out to the fleeing ponies, the flames from the flamethrowers spreading throughout the area. The Drone grabs the hind hooves of Sunset Shimmer causing her to trip and she smashes against the ground.

"No!! Help Me!" Sunset Shimmer screams kicking to try and get free, Rahzzy turns around and the stallion's adrenaline kicks in. Rushing towards Sunset Shimmer he attempts to help. Twilight Sparkle and Rumham were already safe on the other side and Twilight could do nothing but watch as Rumham was still holding her.

A ventilation shaft from above breaks open from above, the xenomorphs finding more ways to get past the flames. Rahzzy stops in his tracks, slowly looking up as thick spit falls down on top of his head before he can begin helping Sunset Shimmer.

"Holy Shit! NO!!!" Rahzzy tries to get away, however, the Xenomorph above reaches out grabbing the stallion quickly. The Alien pulls the stallion up into the dark ventilation, the stallion's kicking hind legs are the last thing seen as he is tugged up. Sunset Shimmer struggles against the attackers. Reaching out as the door to safety closes shut on her, Twilight Sparkle breaks from Rumhams grasp and she slams up against the closed door that now keeps her from getting to Sunset Shimmer.

"No! Sunset!! RAHZZY!" Twilight's eyes widen and she slams her hooves onto the steel door. "Open the door! I CAN SAVE THEM!!"

The purple mare comes up from behind pulling Twilight away from the door, however, the alicorn breaks free quickly from the mystery mare with a quick burst of magic from her horn. Rumham gets up attempting to calm Twilight Sparkle down. The roars of the Xenomorphs echo from the other side of the closed door. Sunset Shimmers screams become muffled and before everything goes quiet everypony hears one more cry for help from Shimmer's screams.