• Published 8th Oct 2017
  • 7,174 Views, 108 Comments

Anonymous and The Nightingale - Daedelus

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You didn't say anything else, and neither did she. You both just stared at each other. She squinted at you like she was trying to see through your clothes. Everypony in the room stayed quiet, watching the both of you stare each other down. You glanced over to Nightingale, she had the biggest look of worry out of the others. Her blue slitted eyes were at their largest,

"Hey Anonymous." You could practically see the venom drip from her mouth as she said that. If you knew any better you'd say you were in a scene from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" and Rainbow was trying really hard to be The Bad,

"Hey," Pinkie tried to defuse the rising tension in futility,

"Can it Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash barked, Pinkie's hair deflated and her fur went pale,

"O-Okay." That was it. You've had your fill of this dumb shit. Two months of wallowing in your own self-pity, being a bitch, and playing the victim card. You were tired, tired of shirking your friends, tired of seeing Nightingale worry about you, tired of Rainbow Dash's bullshit. No more "woe is me" or "oh I'm gonna be lonely forever.


"Hey," you scream, slamming the glass bottle onto the table. The action made everyone in the room flinch, "I'm fed up with your shit! At this point, I could give a fuck about what you think or say about me! But Pinkie is your friend God fucking dammit! You are supposed to be the Element of Loyalty, all I see is some showboating mare who can't put the pieces together! ,DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I BEEN AVOIDING ALL OF YOU?! HUH?! HERE'S WHY!" you breathe in before you answer, Rainbow Dash assumed you were done,

"Yeah, I know why! You just can't get over the fact that I rejected you!" You were already fuming, but what she said just sent you over the edge. You grabbed the dinner table and threw it at the wall,

"YOU DUMB BITCH!" They all gasped, Rainbow Dash's stance got less aggressive,

"Anon! Stop!" Twilight yells, trying to calm you down,

"No! She has to hear this!" You shout back at her,

"Sugarcube, whatever yer' planning on sayin', don't do it."

"Just tell the truth, that's why isn't it! You couldn't cope with the fact that I dumped your sorry flank huh?!" she had a wicked grin on her face after she said that,

"AAAAARRGH! CAN YOU LET GO OF YOUR STUPID PRIDE FOR ONE MINUTE YOU, ARROGANT, SELF CENTERED RETARD?! YOU ARE SO WRAPPED IN YOURSELF THAT YOU DON'T EVEN NOTICE THE TRUTH RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!" You walked closer to her while you verbally tore her head off. She shrunk down into the floor with every step you took,

"W-What are you talking about?" Your hands fly up into the air,


"Rainbow Dash, is he telling the truth?" Rarity asked, shocked at my words.

"I-I," Rarity gasped,

"It is isn't it?"


"Rainbow Dash, what in tarnation is wrong with you?!" AJ yelled, "Why, I oughta'-"

"Anon your hand!" Fluttershy squeaked, pointing at you left arm, you pulled your hand up to see a nasty cut in your finger. It didn't hurt, but it was bleeding badly. You shot one more glance at Rainbow, who was on the verge of tears. You turned around and went upstairs to your room.

You rip open the medical cabinet and pull out some bandages. You wrap a good amount around your finger. It didn't look like it needed stitches, but it was still pretty deep. You were about to go back downstairs, but for what? What would you do besides yell at her more? You just lied down on your bed and stared at your bandaged finger,

"So much for talking about it," You grimly chuckle. You heard a few knocks on the door, "Come in." The door creaked open to reveal Nightingale,

"Are you alright?"

"...I don't even know Nightingale." She walked up to you and rested her head on your chest,

"I'm sorry, this was all my fault. I should have just stayed quiet."

"No. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Good thing it happened now too. Any later, I would've lost control and hit her or something."

"Twilight and the others are talking to her. We-" Nightingale was interrupted by the sound of someone crying. Loudly. You could hear it all the way downstairs, "Is she-"

"I wouldn't be surprised." You say coldly,

"What do you mean?"

"Did you see her face when I was done?"

"Yeah. She looked scared when you got close."

"Man, I've never seen Pinkie do that before. Seeing somepony like her, as happy as she is getting so sad like that set me off."

"I saw that too. Listen, while they stay in the living room. How about I sleep in here with you, to keep you company." You look down at her and smile softly,

"Yeah, I'd like that." After hearing your confirmation, she jumped into bed and climbed onto your stomach. She was so beautiful, the way her sapphire mane and tail illuminated, her inviting eyes, and her soft and gentle voice. She caught you staring and rose up to look back at you,

"Anonymous, why do you always stare at me like that?" Shit, say something man!

"...What? Sorry, I was kinda lost in my thoughts there. What were you saying?" Good going Anon. There's no way she doesn't-

"I don't believe you, you're hiding something," Well, I'll go fuck myself, "And that something involves me, doesn't it? Now that I think about it, you always have been staring at me like that. So, what about me interests you so much?"

This was not good, she had you. You have to think of something fast,

"No, I'm just super tired from today. I had to carry all those planks from the market to the house and board up the windows, not to mention giving Rainbow Dash a pretty large piece of my mind. I've had an eventful day, Nightingale. Anyway, goodnight!" You almost yelled that last part as you turned off the lamp. You rub your forehead and quietly sigh, that was close. Now, time to go sleep an-

"Hey Anon, do you wanna hear a cool fact about bat ponies?"

"Sure, hit me."

"Did you know we can see in the dark?"


"So I just saw you wipe your forehead and sigh." Your eyes literally popped out of their sockets, "Anonymous, you're still not telling me what I want to know."

Meanwhile, In Anon's Brain

Brain cells were scattering to come up with something, but alas, they were not prepared for that,

"Shit! Initiate Protocol 63: Denial!"

"What do you mean? Listen, we've both had a long day alright? Now, how's about we go to sleep and talk about this later in the morning?" She turned the lamp back on, and you were met with her deep gaze,

"Listen Anon, one of the things we learned in the Lunar Guard was to tell if anypony was telling us lies. At first, I didn't apply those skills to you because I thought your body language was different. But it isn't, yours is exactly the same as ponies. So lie to me all you want, I'll still know. If you decide to tell me though, I'll leave you alone."

This is how the world ends.

There was no way out.

Author's Note:


1 More Chapter For You Guys. Bet you weren't expecting that one huh?