• Published 8th Oct 2017
  • 7,174 Views, 108 Comments

Anonymous and The Nightingale - Daedelus

  • ...

To Catch A Nightingale

You have to tell her Anon, no more dodging the questions. But what would happen if you told her? What would happen? For a moment you considered trying to lie about it. But she's got that on lockdown.

Alright Anon, let er’ rip,

"Fine I...I'll tell you. But, you have to promise me that you won't get mad.”

“I promise I won't get mad Anon. I swear.” She smiled warmly at you, her way of giving you some assurance,

“Nightingale, ever since…”

“Mhmm?” You breathe in slowly and continue on,

“Ever since I saw you that night in the bar, I just couldn’t stop looking at you,” That sounded creepy, “The more we interacted, the more infatuated I became with you. At first, I was beating myself up because I thought that you were going to do nothing but reject my feelings like most mares did here. Hell, I was even gonna try and take that secret to the grave if you hadn't coaxed it outta me. You've done so much for me and I'm grateful for that. With you around, I feel happy and warm. I can't begin to think of how life would have been these few months without you here. Nightingale I-I’ve always-ah...Dammit. What I'm trying to say is, I love you." Upon dropping that love filled nuclear bomb, Nightingale raises her eyebrows and blushes. Huh, that was a semi-good sign? You didn't really know, mares on Equus are just as confusing as women on Earth,

"You like me? W-Why? I'm not anything special, just...me. I'm a batpony, I'm not beautiful and stunning like Rarity is. I-I've got fangs and I eat meat. Why would you like me?" It hurt you deep down to hear how she saw herself. But this also motivated you to continue your words,

"That's it. I like you, for you. I don't give a damn about you having fangs or eating meat, there's nothing wrong with that Nightingale. I connect with you the most on a planet where I'm the only member of my species. Ever since you came around, I've been a whole lot happier. At first, I hated myself for falling in love with you so quickly, especially after what happened with Rainbow Dash. When we spent more time together, I couldn't help but fall in love with you more. I know I'm not a stallion, but I know I can treat you right. All I'm asking for is a chance." You looked at her for a few minutes as she registered what you had just said. It wasn't long before her eyes began to glaze over, then the tears followed. She sniffled and sobbed lightly,

"Y-You m-m-mean that?" You picked Nightingale up and wrapped her in a hug,

"Course I do. Why would I ever lie to you? I do love you." Nightingale quivered and shook with every sob that wracked her body. Your chest grew wet with her warm tears.

After she finished crying, she pulled herself from your embrace, "I...I wanna try Anon." You smile and pulled her in tighter. She happily reciprocated and held you just as tight. Letting the hug dissolve, you gazed at her blue slitted eyes.

All you did was stare, as she did the same. Deafening silence overtook the atmosphere of the room. Your heart began to beat like a marching drum. Without any thought or restraint, your body drew closer and so did hers. Nightingale's eyes closed and her smile faded as she opened her lips. You met her soft lips for the first time, she moaned softly, sending waves of vibrations to yours.

You reveled in her taste, the sweet and tangy flavor that was based on her lips. You could feel her hooves press against your chest as the kiss ended. You were both gasping for air, but you never looked away from her. And neither did she. Instead, she had a hungry stare in her eyes as she bit her lip. And for the first time, Nightingale's blue reptilian eyes would strike a bit of fear into you.

This time, there was no subtle movement in this kiss. You practically slammed into each other's faces like two semi trucks in a head-on collision. She snuck her hooves under your shirt. You dug your fingers in her hair to get leverage.

This was no kiss, this was a fight for dominance.

You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue inside. She happily reciprocated by sending her tongue into the fray. It was like a symphony of spit with your tongues dancing and twirling around each other. Sadly, your bodies decided that it was time to breathe. You broke the kiss and pulled away from her,

"Holy buck, that was a lot more than what I bargained for," Nightingale spoke, gasping between words,

"Tell me about it," Once you both caught your breath, you asked her a question, "So I guess this means-"

"Yeah, looks like your my coltfriend now." A lock of her cobalt mane slunk over her eyes as she blushed. In a way, she kinda looked like Flutters. You lean down and peck her on the nose. The blush intensified, which was really surprising to witness, seeing as how much of a dark coat she had.

You were smiling like a complete dope right now. Nightingale just gave you a concerning stare,

"Umm, Anon." Your answer was as drawn out as a sloth going from point a to point b,


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh, I'm just thinking about how lucky of a guy I am right now." Nightingale chuckles and pecks you on the nose,

"And I'm the luckiest mare in the world." She smiled and nuzzled her head into your neck. She sighs with content as she closed her eyes. You slide your body down so that your head was on the pillow. You threw the cover over yourselves and shut off the lamp.

"Goodnight Nightingale."

"Night Anon." After a brief moment silence you respond again,

"...Guess what?"


"I love you." You feel her chest bounce as she giggled

"I love you too."

Author's Note:

So Anonymous has finally won the heart of Nightingale. But can he hold on to it?!

Find out next chapter on Dragon Ball Z-Oh Fuck! I mean, Anonymous and The Nightingale.