• Published 8th Oct 2017
  • 7,174 Views, 108 Comments

Anonymous and The Nightingale - Daedelus

  • ...

After The Storm

You awoke to the blaring sunlight. You try to roll over, but feel a small weight stop you from doing so. Cracking your eyes open slightly, you see the source of the weight.

Nightingale was snoozing away on your chest. Every breath she exhaled made a few strands of her hair dance. You place a hand on the side of her head and rub her cheek with your thumb.

She smiles and mumbles something. You tried to make out what she was saying, but it was too quiet for you to hear. You let your hand rest on her back.

You hoped you would wake up like this every morning with her until the end of time. 'Well since I'm already awake, I guess I should start breakfast.' You take both your hands and lift her up gently. When you stand up out of bed, you set her down.

You don't get far, however, because Nightingale leaped onto your back and wrapped her arms around your neck,

"Now where do you think you're going Anon?" She whispered into your ear, making you shudder slightly,

"Makin' breakfast?" You answer meekly,

"Hmm, Nah I don't think so. It's too cold for me to just lay here by myself. So I'm gonna give you two choices, you stay in here with me or you cook breakfast with me wrapped around your body. Your choice." She gave you a toothy grin, showing her fangs with pride. Okay then, time for you to play a game,

"I'm too hungry to just stay in here. If I do I might have to have you for breakfast." As the words left your mouth, her eyes went wide and even with her navy blue coat, you could see the redness of her cheeks. She attempted to speak but as soon as she opened her mouth, her muzzle scrunched. You laugh triumphantly as you make your way downstairs,

"Ok ok, you win."

The blizzard was merciful when it rolled through town, only leaving two feet of snow. You took some time shoveling out the walkway and went towards the grocery store. You were running low on some stuff at the house anyway. When you reached the front of the store, a revelation hit you like a brick covered in lemon juice,

"So I just boarded up the whole house for absolutely no reason? Fucks sake." You say out loud, uncaring as to who would hear your vulgar language. The snow was still falling, albeit there was a lot less when it started a few weeks back.

Grabbing a shopping cart, you head inside. You went from aisle to aisle, getting food to last you all another week. You also went through the trouble to grab some eggnog.

Pulling into the only checkout aisle that was open, you start placing the items on the belt. The beeping of the scanner was the only thing that could be heard throughout the whole store,

"How have you been Mr. Anonymous?"

"Pretty good Lucid, I know you're bored half to death though." The cream-colored teen shook her head,

"Not really, I don't mind getting paid for not having to do anything."

"Now that's something I can agree with."

"Hehe, yeah. That'll be 157 bits."

"Here's 200, keep the change. Gotta get yourself something for Hearth's Warming Eve."

"Whoa, thanks Anon!"

"No problem," You hefted the bags and walked out of the store. You had flecks of snow stuck in your thick beard, "You know what? I think I'll grow you some more." Here you are in 10-degree weather speaking to your beard. Maybe you should hold back on the drinking.

You chuckle lightly, causing a thick white mist of vapor to leave your mouth. You only had a few steps left until you made it home. Your boots thudded heavily on the porch steps. You set down the bag in your right hand and dug in your pocket, pulling out the keys,

"Hey guys, I'm back."

"Welcome back Anonymous." Rarity greeted, "Tell me Anon, do you need more clothing?"

"Now that I think of it, I could use some more loungewear and socks."

"Noted, I'll get right on that once I return home." You set the grocery bags down on the table.

"Yo Pinkie?"

"What's up Non-Non?" The bubblegum pink mare bounced her way into the kitchen with you,

"I got some cake mix from the grocery store, " You hand her three boxes of chocolate cake mix, "You think you could whip something up?"

"Oh, this is more than enough for everypony!" With those words, she zipped off into the kitchen. You reach into one of the bags and pull out a jug of eggnog,

"Alright guys, I got some eggnog. Anypony want some?"

"Ah'd like some."

"I haven't had eggnog in a while. Wouldn't mind trying it again." Twilight spoke out from her book,

"I'd love to try some darling." You turn to face Fluttershy and Rainbow,

"I would like to try some. If that's okay with you." The butter-yellow pegasus mare said meekly behind her mane,

"RD?" She looked like she was in another world. After a few seconds, she finally turned her head. Her mane was frizzy and greasy, while her eyes were puffy and red,


"I asked if you wanted some eggnog."

"Oh, um...nah. I'm good."

"Alright," You head into the kitchen and open the cupboard, "Hey Pinkie, want some 'nog?"

"Yeah!" She had little spots of cake mix tattering her face,

"I'm gonna go grab Nightingale. Feel free to pour yourself some."

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" You leave the kitchen and head up to your bedroom. Once inside, you could hear somepony (presumably Nightingale) shutting off the water in the bathtub. You start shedding off your winter clothing.

You were taking off your boots when you could hear the bathroom door open,

"Hey Nightingale I got so-" Your words were cut short when you saw her drenched body. Her sapphire mane snaked its way down her neck and a few inches past her shoulder. Her sultry gaze made you especially uneasy too,

"Hey baby." Her breathless voice called out to you. You just stood there, frozen under her spell. She took a few steps forward. Slowly, like a predator stalking her prey,

"Nightingale, you're dripping water everywhere!"

"Really? Want me to dry myself off?"

"Yeah, I'd really appreciate that." She smiled sinisterly,

"Anything for you baby." Your eyes nearly flew out of their collective eye sockets when you processed the words.

"Nightingale, no!"

It was too late

She started shaking her body, peppering you and everything else in the room with water. Your clothes became heavier with each second that passed. Finally, the globs of water were reduced to the occasional droplet,

"There! All Dry!" You sigh heavily,

"You're lucky these aren't my lounge clothes. Now I gotta go change." You get to your feet and walk over to the drawer. Grabbing a fresh pair of undies, pajama pants, and a black tank top.

Once you closed the bathroom door, you stripped off the soaked clothing. Even your socks got wet! You grumble when they plopped to the floor. When you were in something dry, you took the wet stuff and hung it on top of the shower curtain. After you opened the bathroom door, the smell of cake wafted into your nose.

You didn't know how Pinkie could make a grocery store cake mix smell that good! With a little pep in your step, you make your way down the stairs. You glanced to the kitchen table to see a two-foot tall monster of a chocolate cake. It already had a few slices cut out.

There was a slice sitting next to it. You merely assumed it was yours. Taking hold of the eggnog, you poured a generous amount into a glass cup. Just before you could dig in, you noticed Rainbow Dash eating away from the others. Her chewing was slow and drawn out, almost as if she had been forced to eat it.

The girls were completely ignoring her. You looked to Nightingale, who was talking to Fluttershy. She shifted her attention to you. You stared at each other for a moment. 'She invited everypony down here so I can try make amends with Rainbow. I'm not letting her down.' You grab your dessert and walk over to the cyan pegasus,

"Hey, Dash? Come with me, I need to talk to you about something." She looked confused for a split second. But she rose up and followed you upstairs.

Inside your room, you gesture to the foot of the bed,

"Why'd you call me in here?" Her reply wasn't snarky or threatening. It was full of genuine confusion,

"Listen, I think it's time we ironed out this situation."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the holdup Folks, I've been really situated in moving. While my mom and I stay at this hotel, I'll do my best to finish up this story. After this, there'll only be one chapter left...

P.S. I removed the Sad tag and replaced it with Slice of Life.