• Published 8th Oct 2017
  • 7,174 Views, 108 Comments

Anonymous and The Nightingale - Daedelus

  • ...

An Impromptu Job Interview

Sunlight destroyed the good sleep you were having.

“Mmmm, that brightness gonna have to go down to a 2.” You say groggily closing the blinds. “Now that is what I’m talking about. My day off is today and I’m not gonna let Celestia’s over-inflated ball of hydrogen ruin it.” Suddenly a tired feminine voice under your arm made itself present,

“Overinflated ball of what?”

“Oh Nightingale, I was just talking about the sun.” She sleepily giggled, and said,

“Yeah, it was too bright.” Before you could acknowledge her words with a response, your stomach suddenly became the third mouth in this conversation.

“Wanna eat?”

“I’d love to. I just need to get myself cleaned up real quick.” And just with those words, she rose up, making her way to the bathroom. The space she once occupied quickly grew cold.
Bacon and sausages should give this morning the grease packed kick, you so desperately desired. Upon opening the freezer you pulled 2 packs of smoked bacon and maple sausages.

“God, I miss Farmer Johns.” You reached under the stove opening the cabinets that contained your cookware, pulling out 2 pans. Cranking the dial, the stove top sprung to life, exerting a blue flame. You pulled out a knife and cut open the plastic wrap on the box of bacon and sausages. Plopping the frozen foods on two separate pans, you got to work. When you were just about done, Nightingale sauntered into the kitchen,

“Oooh, Anon, bacon and sausages are my favorite morning meal.”

“...How did you know I was cooking bacon and sausages?”

“Anon, I’m a bat pony, we’re natural born experts when it comes to smelling meat and apples. But, I hardly eat fruit.”

“Understandable, anyway, here’s your plate.” You say shutting off the stove while turning your arm to give her the fully loaded plate. It was hastily torn from your hands. Picking up your plate you joined her at the table, only to see that, Nightingale was pigging out, you almost wanted to stop eating, almost.

“By Luna, these are awesome! I swear Anonymous, you are the best at cooking!”

“Aw, it ain’t nothing. So... Got any plans today?”

“I was actually going to head Princess Twilight’s castle to see about that job. Wanna tag along?” You stopped to ponder for a minute, did you want to go? I mean, you really didn't feel that now was the time to start talking to them.

“Sure, don’t see why not.”

“Awesome. Let’s head out after breakfast.” Nodding, you returned your attention back to the heavenly meal you so skillfully whipped up.

*1 hour later*

You and Nightingale were on the path to Twilight’s house, ponies greeted you as you passed by, usually, all they got from you was nothing. But, since you were in a bright mood today and said good morning back. Making it to Twilight’s Castle, you knocked on the door while Nightingale stayed behind. Soon after knocking on the door, the audible sound of hoofsteps grew closer. The gargantuan doors were opened by a purple aura, revealing Twilight Sparkle. There she stood, like a deer in headlights, the silence between the three of you quickly became uncomfortable. You were going to speak up, however, before you could say anything, Twilight flew into you like a train.

“Anon! You came back! We missed you so much and....” She lowered her speech volume, "We should have helped. Do you want to come in and talk?” Now it was your turn to retaliate, pulling her off of you, you set her down.

“No, now's not the time to talk maybe later. But we’re going off topic. Twilight, you’ve met Nightingale right?” You ask Twi, who was shocked by your response,

“Oh yeah, about your work question, I may have come across a job that is worthy of your skills. But the employer wanted to see you before she could make a decision on whether to accept you or not.” Nightingale was next to speak,

“Really? Thank you so much for your help.”

“It’s no problem, I just can’t sit idly by as somepony as sweet as you sleeps outside, in this cold weather.”

“Actually, Anonymous let me live at his place for the past month. If it wasn’t for him, I honestly don’t where I’d be.”

“Wow Anon, most ponies would be extremely reluctant to let bat ponies like Nightingale in their homes. But you clearly showed how much humility you have towards others.”

“It was really nothing, I saw somepony in need and I went to help them the best I could. Anyway, who’s the pony that’s supposed to employ Nightingale?”

“Applejack said she needs more ponies on Sweet Apple Acres, to help with bucking trees.”

“You hear that Nightingale?”

“Yeah I did, but what’s apple bucking?” Twilight began to inform her about the job,

“Well, apple bucking is when you kick a tree with both hind legs in an attempt to make apples fall.” Nightingale formed an “O” with her mouth to tell Twilight that she somewhat understood her short briefing on the subject. You spoke next,

“Since Nightingale is all situated, why don’t we see AJ?”

“Sounds, Like a plan. You ready Nightingale?” Twilight asked,

“Sure, let’s go.” And just like that, you all went on your way to Sweet Apple Acres. The walk was a bit strenuous due to the cold weather that accumulated during this time. Upon making it to the apple farm, the trees were already losing their leaves. Since Applejack nor Big Macintosh was outside, your best bet was to assume they were in the farmhouse. Reaching the humble home of the Apple Family, you knock on the door to hear a thick, feminine, southern accent call out from the other side.

“Hold on, I’m coming.” That was Applejack no doubt, the door opened and there she was. Aj’s blonde mane and tail shone elegantly, while her distinct freckles graced her facial features. Man, was she a looker.

“Anon? I can’t believe you’re back!” She exclaimed, flying into you. Of course you knew what she'd do and dodged her spear, only to have her latch onto you from behind. Why were they tackling you like a football player?

"Sorry, but I didn't come to make amends. I just came to see if you would hire Nightingale." You strained against Applejack’s death grip. Twilight clears her throat and says,

"Wait, you still don't wanna-"

“Applejack, you’re kind of strangling Anon.” She looked down to see you turn blue.

“Oh right, sorry bout’ that Anon. It’s just been awhile.” Applejack gets up and focuses her eyes on Nightingale, “So this is the pony you been talkin’ to me about?” Twilight nodded as AJ walked around to examine Nightingale. “Hmm. Her thighs and body are pretty toned and muscular.” She informs, poking her thighs with a hoof. “Now, her flanks are a little skinny but a month of hard work outta thicken em’ up a bit.” When Applejack mentioned Nightingale’s...rear, you felt strangely awkward. Don’t lewd her Anon, whatever you do, DO NOT LEWD HER! “Well alright, looks like your cut out for the job. But there won’t be much to do since apple harvest ended about a week back.” She shivered and said, “Sweet Celestia, it’s cold out here, y’all wanna come in? We got apple pie.”

“Um, I don’t know,” Twilight said,

You turned around to head back home. Nightingale ran to your side,

"Where are you going?"

"Home, go eat pie, you don't have to wait up." And like that, you left Nightingale with AJ and Twilight and continued on the trail. Applejack walks up to Twilight and asks,

"So he still ain't ready?"


"Do you know when?"

"No, but I miss him."