• Published 8th Oct 2017
  • 7,164 Views, 108 Comments

Anonymous and The Nightingale - Daedelus

  • ...

A Long Night

You burst through your front door and slam it shut. You were righteously pissed at what had just occurred at the bar,

"She lied, she fucking lied." You snarled. Every time you thought of her and Soarin your anger soared to newer heights. With the grace of a raging bull, you trudged towards the kitchen, nearly ripping the door off of the fridge as you placed one of the cases of beer inside. With one case still in your hand, you headed towards the couch. You collapsed into the soft cushions with a sharp grunt. You wrested a bottle from the case and opened it by hitting the cap on the table's edge. You took a big gulp and grumbled, "I'll have to drink damn near the whole case to get drunk." It still tasted pretty good, but you needed something with a higher proof.

After you put the second case of beer in the fridge and finished the bottle you opened, you grabbed your things and left the house. 'Can't go back to that bar, so I guess I'll grab the stuff I need from the convenience store.' You thought as you stepped down the road.

Then a certain laugh caught your attention, you stopped hard and looked for the origin of the voice. Sure enough, you saw the two ponies. Rainbow Dash's face was flushed red. You glared at her and Soarin. They didn't know of your presence until they were 10 feet away,

"O-Oh hey Anon." She said,

"Hey." You just stared at them, fists clenched in your jacket pockets. "So, that must have been a quick shift huh?"

"Wha-oh! Yeah, you know me, a few clouds ain't nothing for Rainbow Dash!" Your mind was screaming, 'No fucking way. She really thinks I'm that stupid, doesn't she?' You found yourself grinding your teeth,

"Yeah sure, whatever you say." You continued down the road, swimming in anger. It wasn't long before you reached the store, it's neon sign buzzing loudly over the door. A bell chimed as you pushed your way in. The cashier was a rose-colored unicorn mare with dark gray hair and amber eyes, her name was Burning Star. She greeted you as you approached,

"Oh hey, Anon. What can I get you?" You looked up at the counter of spirits behind her,

"Hey, Star. Let me get a bottle of spiced rum and a bottle of whiskey." She smiled and nodded,

"Sure." The items in question levitated off the shelf and onto the counter. She scanned them and told me my price before putting the bottles in a bag. "14 bits please." I nodded and grabbed my pouch, taking some time to count the gold coins inside. Finally, I handed her the amount,

"Thanks, Star. See ya."

"Night Anon." The bells rang once more as you walked back into the night.

Once you made it home, you set the alcohol down on the table in front of the couch. You grabbed a shot glass from the kitchen and sat down. You opened the bottle of rum and poured it into the shot glass. Then, you proceeded to knock back shot after shot. You had soon lost count of how many shots you had but you were hammered.

As you sat there in your inebriated state, harmful memories began to playback.

"What an ugly looking creature."

"Why can't the Princesses send him back where he came from?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't hire you. You'll just scare away all my customers."

Even though you were drunk you began to realize how separated you were from the other ponies in town. You still got those weird looks, your manager doesn't want any ponies to see you, and now...this. Slowly, you grabbed the bottle of rum and looked at your reflection in the brown bottle. With a heavy sigh, you let it clatter to the floor,

"I'm just a ghost." That summed it up perfectly. Warm tears streaked down your face, falling onto the couch. You grabbed the rum off the floor and put the bottle to your mouth. Your drank whatever was left inside and continued to wallow in self-pity. You pull out your phone and turned on the music app. Once you hit shuffle play, a certain song came on, "Perfect. Heh, that's perfect." You let your head fall on the back of the couch. The slow guitar riffs paired with Layne's vocals more than matched how you were feeling now.

Lower than low, less than nothing. You set the bottle of rum back on the table and grabbed the whiskey. Twisting off the cap, you took more gulps. Groaning as the liquid seared the back of your throat. Your mind went back to Soarin and Rainbow Dash,
"It's better that way. Dash gets the stallion she wants." It still hurt like hell though, seeing them together and finding out she had lied certainly made things a lot more complicated. You'll most likely spend Heartwarming Eve alone again. Just like you did the year before.

Unfortunately, your body decided it was time to use the bathroom. You almost fell onto the table once you got up. Luckily, you steadied yourself just in time. Stumbling towards the bathroom you did your business.

You made it to the kitchen when a wave of nausea crashed into you. Your mouth was salivating, you were gonna throw up. There was no time to make the trip to the bathroom. The only choice you had was the kitchen sink. You all but crashed into the edge as you puked. You ended up staying longer as your stomach heaved another time, sending another volley of puke inside. After assuming you were finished, you hit the switch on the garbage disposal. Turning it off a few seconds later, you pushed yourself off the edge of the sink. You took about one or two steps before you fell on your back,

"I guess I'll just lie here for the night." Was the last thing you said before blacking out.

Author's Note:

Here's a new chapter describing what Anon did that night.

I plan on editing the current chapters too, so look out for that. I've been trying to write stories but I always just convince myself that they're awful and I delete them. I have a story on the works now. Just stay tuned.