• Published 5th Jan 2024
  • 414 Views, 321 Comments

What If... - TheMajorTechie

What If 2: Eclectic Scootaloo! The beginning of a new era. A buncha stories based off of random "What if?" questions.

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Fluttershy the prussian spy?

Author's Note:

Watch out, it's an Electrix!

"Fluttershy, darling," Rarity looked up from the red dress she'd been working on all morning. "What in the world are you doing hiding behind the counter like that?"

"BLUE!" Fluttershy screeched. She threw a hoof-full of powdered Prussian blue paint at the dress and fled.


"Wololo--" an unseen voice echoed all around. Rarity watched as the red dress with blue paint became a blue dress with red paint.

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