• Published 5th Jan 2024
  • 414 Views, 322 Comments

What If... - TheMajorTechie

What If 2: Eclectic Scootaloo! The beginning of a new era. A buncha stories based off of random "What if?" questions.

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in season 9 of the ending of the end of the final battle, that cozy glow betray the legin of doom and help the mane 6, spike and all the equestria's creatures to stop queen chrysalis, lord tirek and destroy the bell to bring back celestia, luna and d

Author's Note:

holycrapthattitle, Huskylover!

Full title:

What If... in season 9 of the ending of the end of the final battle, that cozy glow betray the legin of doom and help the mane 6, spike and all the equestria's creatures to stop queen chrysalis, lord tirek and destroy the bell to bring back celestia, luna and discord's magic, and in the end of the battle, everypony and even the princesses and the mane 6 give cozy glow a second chance of life?

Twilight stared directly at the camera. At you, the reader. And opened her mouth.

"The author of this fic never watched the show that far. But he--er, I, will try anyway. Also why the HECK is there a camera pointed at me in my study room? Spike, get out the giant poking stick of doom, we've got intruders!"

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so Cozy Glow, normally known for being the Racist Childe of All Time™, sat thonking on her thonkchair. The Legion of Doom was not obeying her every demand like she had hoped for them to. Namely, they took a 1-hour poo without her permission and forced her to run off to taco bell the taco bell toilets. After eating at Taco Bell, of course.


"I AM HERE," Cozy Glow bucked down the door of Twilight's castle. Because of course she does. Doors in this anthology are universally destined to be destroyed in one way or another. There is no escaping this fate.

"What is it this time?" Twilight groaned, looking up from her morning coffee. "Oh. It's you. Give me a good reason to not fling you into the sun in the next ten seconds to solve all of my problems."

"I have a bell!"

Twilight lit her horn.

"WAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT--" Cozy Glow held up the fancy bell that once belonged to Grogar and I guess also sucked up the magic of the (rather useless) royal sisters and resident lord of chaos. "I brought you a present."

Twilight downed the rest of her coffee before reaching for the rest of the pot. "You aren't gonna use that thing to suck up my magic next, are you?"


Twilight waterfalled the rest of the coffee straight from the pot into her mouth, giving herself second-degree burns along the way. Don't worry though, she's questionably immortal now so even if she succumbs to these newly self-imposed injuries she'll probably be fine. Probably.

"Prove it," Twilight began in a much raspier voice than before. "Show me that you mean well while I prepare the solar slingshot."

Cozy Glow blinked as Twilight stood up and walked away. She was not, in fact, preparing the solar slingshot, because after The Incident three weeks ago, her permissions to use it were revoked. Rather, she was preparing even more coffee for herself.

Cozy Glow stared at the bell.

If the bell could stare, it probably stared right back at her.

Twilight yawned as she slid into her seat with a new mug of coffee. "Alright, I'm back. Er--where's the bell?"

"Whoooo, oh you're asking me?" Cozy Glow innocently turned her now bell-shaped body around. "Golly, I wish I knew! I'm sure that that bell right now is slowly dissolving away somewhere so that it can never be used again!"

Twilight sighed. "Stomach acid will take ages to dissolve an entire bell's worth of metal, if it even dissolves it at all. You're gonna die of metal poisoning long before that."

Cozy Glow stared back with an expression so blank that Twilight swore she'd accidentally started writing What If 3.

She lit her horn. "Alright, alright, you proved your intentions. Now I actually have to prepare something I guess." She teleported the bell out of Cozy Glow, opened a portal straight into the fires of Mordor, and tossed it in. "There. Done."

"Does that mean I won't get stoned anymore?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah I guess," Twilight waved Cozy off with a hoof. "Now leave me alone. This week was supposed to be Alicorn NEET week before you showed up."

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