• Published 5th Jan 2024
  • 414 Views, 322 Comments

What If... - TheMajorTechie

What If 2: Eclectic Scootaloo! The beginning of a new era. A buncha stories based off of random "What if?" questions.

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following her..."reformation"...Cozy Glow was introduced to Sweetie Giraffe? And somehow wasn't immediately incinerated? (and Cheesy Giraffe had the power of osmosis?)

Author's Note:

I am forcibly tag-teaming you two, Scyphi and Juxtaponition.

"SMOL CHILDE," Sweetie Giraffe boomed over the pathetically short, tiny, in no way tall at all Cozy Glow. "U BURN SHORT THINGS?"


Sweetie Giraffe lumbered away. "ACCEPTABLE. WILL DESTROY LATER."


Cozy Glow stared up at the rainclouds looming overhead. A distant roar screeched over the land, followed by the clouds, rain and all, rapidly accelerating in the direction of the screech. It was, in fact, raining sideways now, for the concentration of water within the being known as Cheesy Giraffe was so absurdly low that osmosis had now become a long-distance force of nature capable of effecting large bodies of water rather than operating merely on a molecular gradient basis.

"Well golly, that sure isn't something you see every day."

Cozy Glow watched the water absorb into Cheesy Giraffe. And then a laser courtesy of Sweetie Giraffe sent her flying. Because "later" does not necessarily mean that any appreciable amount of time will pass.

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