• Published 28th Oct 2017
  • 872 Views, 9 Comments

Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria - FandomPlays1234

A new threat awakens, Equestria on the brink of destruction, and the Elements of Harmony captured, welcome to the Smashverse

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Chapter 2: Bugs and Turtles

It's s beautiful day today in the Smashverse and yet Bowser's castle is as gloomy as ever. However after his encounter with the changeling queen and the two dictators with crazy beliefs, Bowser had eventually let himself be convinced to work for Cross and Oblivion. Now operations are going on in his castle. As Bowser prepares his strongest fleet he planned to use for invading the mushroom kingdom, Kamek aka Magikoopa, his trusty advisor and henchkoopa continued to look into his crystal ball searching for the fifth princess like Oblivion had requested.

"Any luck?" asked the Changeling drone next to him.

"Hold on now the crystal ball is trying to focus," answered Kamek. The crystal ball's surface continued to fluctuate as Kamek waved his claws over it.

"Welp I'm going to see what the others are up to, it's so boring I can't stand it," groaned the changeling getting up.

"Yeah you do that," said Kamek not moving his eyes off the crystal ball. Feeling ignored, the drone snorted as he walked out of the room.

"Geez how can he stand doing something like THAT seriously it's so boring-" the drone was suddenly stopped as he accidentally bumped into a strange figure in front of him,"Hey watch where you're-" the drone's voice trailed off once he saw who was standing in front of him. "Oh Lord Oblivion I did-didn't see you there," the drone laughed nervously as Oblivion glared at him.

"Oh really?" asked Oblivion.

"Hey listen I didn't actually mean what I said just now," the drone smiled nervously. Oblivion raised an eyebrow. The drone continued smiling but started to sweat nervously waiting what Oblivion would say or do. "Um Lord Oblivion?"

"Tell me drone how's Kamek's progress coming along?" asked Oblivion.

"Uh he shouldn't be long," said the drone.

"I see," said Oblivion. "Tell me drone how much do you know about Hippogriffs?"

"Excuse me sir?" asked the drone.

"The Hippogriffs," repeated Oblivion.

"Never heard of them sir," answered the drone.

"I see very well then," said Oblivion walking past him.

"That was weird," said the drone continuing down the long dark corridors.

Flurry Heart and I continue to walk through the forest completely lost. The Sun was high in the sky and yet it only seemed to get colder as we took our steps.

"Oh great we're lost," groaned Flurry.

"Sorry your majesty," I wince.

"Oh it's not your fault, I know you're trying," said Flurry sweetly.

"Flurry I honestly don't know why you keep being nice to me, I seriously feel like I'm messing everything up,"

"That's not true!" gasped Flurry. Feeling like she said sarcastically, I Iook away from her. "Come on have more confidence in yourself," she said nudging me.Without facing her, I can feel my cheeks turning pink. The sudden sound of rustling leaves nearby forces us to stop in place. "What's that?" Flurry asked. From a nearby bush a strange black mare with a green mane and deep blue eyes walks out. The strangest thing about this mare was that she had holes in her legs and wings. She had huge black bow and a tube full of quivers slung around her neck.

"Ugh still nothing," she groaned. Flurry and I catches eyes with her and stare at each other for a moment before Flurry freaks out and hides behind me.

"Flurry what's up?" I ask.

"It's a changeling, they're not to be trusted, I don't know why we had to run into one here," she said trembling.

"Hi there," I look over to see the changeling standing front of us with a smile. I glare and snap fingers as several balls of fire began popping up around me. To be honest, I didn't know how this thing could be dangerous, but if it as threatening as Flurry says it is and it's enough to scare her like this, I obviously need to protect her.

"Whoa what's with the fire, I promise I won't hurt you," she says backing up.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I growled. Looking defeated, the changeling looks down and rubs her arm.

"I don't know honestly," she said.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Be careful Fands changelings work for Queen Chrysalis, a notorious villain that pony napped my mother," said Flurry. I glare at the changeling who looks away blushing.

"Yeah sorry about that," she said apologetically.

"Apologizing won't help," hissed Flurry.

"Please I'm telling you, I'm not evil, I'm different from the other changelings," pleaded the changeling.

"But you don't look reformed," said Flurry.

"Please you have to believe me," she said close to tears. I glared at her preparing to attack. Looking defeated again the changeling slowly gets up,"Ok I understand I guess it's true nopony would believe what I say, especially not in this form," her ears droops and a single tear rolls down her cheek.

"Yeah no shit," I mumble.

"I guess you won't believe me if I told you Queen Chrysalis and Lord Bowser works for Oblivion and Cross. That caught our ears.

"What did you say?" Flurry asked.

"I said Queen Chrysalis and Lord Bowser works for Oblivion and Cross," repeated the changeling. Flurry and I look at each other with worried looks on our face. "Well it's not worth staying here might as well just leave," said the changeling walking past us.

"Wait," said Flurry. The changeling turns around to face us."How much do know about this?" Flurry asks.

"Not much but, I heard that Oblivion and Cross promised Chrysalis love from your mother and every other pony," answered the changeling.

"Wait a minute what did you say about Cadence?" asked Flurry.

"I said your mother," repeated the changeling. Flurry instantly came out of hiding and walked over to her.

"You really aren't like the others are you," she said.

"No I'm not," answered the changeling.

"Wait NOW you trust her?" I ask.

"Changelings normally don't call Cadence 'My Mother' and would say 'The Princess' whenever they're talking about my mother," answered Flurry.

"That actually makes sense when you think about it," I say.

"Plus they would call Chrysalis 'The Queen' and not by her real name," said Flurry.

"So I guess we can trust her," I suggest. Flurry nods.

"Oh thank you," said the changeling leaping into her arms sobbing. Smiling Flurry stroked her hole infested mane. For several moments we sit back and let the changeling let it out. After a while she gets up and wipes her tears out of her eyes.

"Better?" Flurry asked. The changeling nods.

"So what now?" I ask.

"Well we WERE supposed to find the next element but-"

"Element?" the changeling asked.

"Yeah the Elements of harmony," answered Flurry.

"Wait so the elements are missing!?" asked the changeling. Flurry looks at me and I nod, both of us agree that the best way to do this is to explain the whole situation to the changeling. So we take the next few moments to explain everything. It was obvious that the changeling was shocked.

"So yeah we need to find the elements and it's temporary bearers but so far we only have magic," said Flurry.

"Wait I think I remember Chrysalis saying she found an element," said the changeling.

"Really!?" asked Flurry.

"Yeah," answered the Changeling.

"Do you think you could lead us to the element?" I ask.

"Yeah but it's gonna be a little difficult, especially since the fact that Chrysalis works for Oblivion and Cross," answered the changeling.

"Right," I said.

"Oh by the way I'm Artemis," said the changeling.


"Oh I know you're the fifth princess Flurry Heart I've heard a lot about you," said Artemis.

"Oh well in that case allow me to introduce the temporary bearer of magic, Fandom Players or Fands as many would call him," said Flurry.

"Nice to meet you both," said Artemis.

"Well let's not waste anymore time," I suggest.

"Right," said Flurry.

"Lead the way Artemis," I say.

"This way," sad Artemis leading the two deeper into the forest not noticing the black figure standing behind the tree.

"Sir the changeling betrayed us just as you suspected," A muffled voice from the ear piece responds.

"Hmph Chrysalis is not going to be happy about this,"

"They know about the element too," said the figure.

"Well then you mustn't let the three get to the element at all cost," said the voice from the earpiece.

"Roger that," said the figure shutting off the earpiece. "Hmph those three think they're so smart, little do they know what we have planned for them," The figure twisted the knob on his earpiece and waited for a response. Eventually a voice spoke from the earpiece.

"You called?"

"Are the squadron ready?" the figure asked.

"Prepared for action sir," answered the voice.

"Alright the Princess is headed in your direction with a temporary element bearer and a certain traitor be ready for them," ordered the voice.

"Sir yes Sir," responded the voice before the earpiece shut off.

"Heh we got you now Princess," smirked the figure running after the the three.

Author's Note:

Chapter 2 complete. So now we're here. We met Artemis apparently a changeling who mastered the arts of archery. Luckily for us, she's willing to help us out until we could get our next element. Hopefully I hope we made the right choice in trusting her.