• Published 28th Oct 2017
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Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria - FandomPlays1234

A new threat awakens, Equestria on the brink of destruction, and the Elements of Harmony captured, welcome to the Smashverse

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Chapter 5: Infiltrating HQ

Once again another beautiful day and enemy occupied Canterlot was quiet as usual. Bowser had lent Kylie Koopa one of his airships for story searching and hadn't returned yet. Meanwhile somewhere deep inside enemy headquarters, Benny and three of his friends, who were working as undercover agents for Princess Peach, were sneaking past several guards making their way to the cells with a key they found.

"Hey Benny how are things looking out there?" asked a Goomba.

"Not good Gus, too many guards," answered Benny.

"Can't you take them out with your boomerang?" asked a Koopa with a ponytail and white shoes.

"Koopie, just because I'm a boomerang bro doesn't mean I always use my boomerang," said Benny.

"Maybe I could scare them off?" asked a Boo.

"I don't think they're scared of ghosts Bloo," answered Benny

"Hey Benny they're gone now," Gus said. The four looked out and saw that the guards blocking the entrance to the cells had left.

"Great now let's get in there," said Benny running towards the cells.

"Come on," said Koopie running after him. Both Bloo and Gus looked at each other and ran after their friends.

"Trixie I appreciate you trying, but I don't think any of your tricks would help," groaned Starlight.

"Hey it might work," scoffed Trixie.

"Who knew being captured was boring," said Rainbow. Twilight looked over to Cadence who was crying again. The thought of Flurry Heart's safety was obviously preventing her from getting her rest. This was the 5th time she had woken up to a nightmare. Not even Luna's comfort cured her bad dreams. Feeling sorry for her she pulled out her last cookie she saved from her last lunch and took a bite. At least the food was good. Suddenly the group's peace was interrupted as several footsteps could be heard coming down the steps. The group looked up to see Benny and his friends entering the cells.

"Wow does Oblivion actually clean the cells?" asked Benny.

"Benny questions later," said Koopie.

"Right, right," said Benny.

"Hey pal where's our lunch?" Rainbow hissed. Benny looked over to see Rainbow poking her head out of her cell scowling at him.

"Excuse me?" Benny asked.

"Benny isn't that one of them?" asked Gus.

"One of what?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yeah no doubt about it, Mario definitely said Flurry Heart had some friends locked up in here," answered Benny. Cadence's ear twitched upon hearing her daughter's name. She ran up to the bars and called out to Benny.

"You know Flurry Heart?" asked Cadence.

"You must be her mother," said Benny looking over to her.

"Please is she alright?" Cadence asked close to tears.

Benny nodded,"I just received a call from my master several hours earlier, she appears to have been acquainted with him and is now headed this way,"

"On thank Celestia," said Cadence sobbing. Shining Armor wrapped his arms around her to comfort his wife.

"We've been asked by our master to help you break out of here," said Benny.

"But we have very little time since we don't know when those guards decides to show up again, so we have to be quick," said Gus.

"We understand," said Celestia.

"Alright guys let's start with Flurry's parents, she really wants to see them after all," said Benny. His friends all nod in agreement.

"We really appreciate your help," said Shining.

"Just doing our job," said Benny. "Bloo you know the drill," said Benny looking over to the Boo.

"Roger that Benny," said Bloo saluting. He hovered over to the cell lock and pulled out the set of keys they found. "Aha found it," said Bloo picking out a bronze key out of the 10 that was hanging on the ring.

"So who's this master of yours?" asked Cadence.

"Well actually there's two of them, brothers actually, their names are Mario and Luigi," answered Bloo.

"Oh cool, by the way we didn't get your names did we," said Shining Armor.

"I'm Bloo the Boo," said Bloo.

"Blue as in like the color blue?" asked Starlight.

"Yeah but my name is spelled B-L-O-O," answered Bloo. "And these three are my friends," said Bloo pointing at Benny and the other two behind him.

"I'm Benny the Boomerang Bro," said Benny.

"I'm Gus the Goomba," said Gus.

"And I'm Koopie Koo," said Koopie.

"Well it's nice to meet you all," said Cadence.

"Got it," said Bloo unlocking the cell door. He opened the door and let Shining and Cadence walk out.

"Alright Bloo keys please," said Benny standing at Starlight's cell. Bloo tossed the keys over to Benny so he could do his portion. "Ok so it should be this one," said Benny holding up a silver key. But just as he was about to insert the key into the socket something zipped past him and struck his hand causing him to wince and drop the keys.

"Oh dear Benny are you ok?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yeah I'm fine," said Benny holding his hand. "What the hell was that?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," answered a familiar voice. The group turned towards the voice to see Oblivion and Bowser standing at the bottom of the stairs with several guards. "Hello traitors," smirked Oblivion.

"Oh you're so fucked," laughed a guard. Cadence and Shining Armor run to join Benny and his friends.

"You think I'm just gonna let you get away with this you're wrong," sneered Oblivion.

"Alright guys we've arrived," announced Kylie. We run up to the bow of the airship to see Canterlot inching closer as the airship flew forward.

"That's Canterlot?" asked Mario.

"No it can't be it looks so different," said Flurry.

"Well The Sinister Legion and Necro Zynx IS occupying Canterlot at this point," said Artemis.

"Even if it's occupied by the enemy we can still take it back," I say.

"Kylie let's pick up the speed," said Luigi.

"On it," said Kylie as she flew the airship straight towards Canterlot.

Cadence gasped as she watched Benny thrown into the wall.

"BENNY!" Gus called out. Shining ran over to help Benny out of the hole.

"Are you alright Benny?" Shining asked.

"Yeah I'm fine," winced Benny.

"Hmph you're still up even after that attack?" scoffed Oblivion as he approached the two.

"Go to hell you damn bastard," hissed Benny.

"Not before I send you there first," said Oblivion holding up an orb of dark energy. But before he could attack the wall in Cadence's cell erupted sending bricks flying in every direction followed by a loud bang. When the dust cleared there was a huge hole in the wall with one of Bowser's airship flying on the other side.

"What the hell was that?" asked Bloo.

"The Mario Brothers!" said Mario and Luigi in unison as they jumped through.

"MARIO!" Bowser growled.

"It's not just me," said Mario. As soon as he finished his statement I jumped through followed by Flurry Heart, Artemis, Yoshi, Pikachu, and Link.

"The fifth Princess!" Oblivion screamed.

"Flurry sweetie is that you?" Cadence asked.

"Mom," Flurry's eyes widened it met with her moms. I could see Flurry's eyes tear up as she ran and hugged her mom sobbing.

"I'm so glad you're ok," Cadence sobbed.

"I missed you so much mom," Flurry cried.

"It's ok I'm here now sweetie," said Cadence kissing her on the forehead.

"Flurry," said Shining.

"Dad I'm sorry for making you worry," apologized Flurry.

"No it's fine I'm just glad you're ok," said Shining hugging her.

"Your majesties I understand you're happy to see each other again, but we've got problems right now," I say.

"Right," said Flurry regaining her composure.

"I don't know how you managed to stay hidden for this long, but soon you will join you're friends in their cells," hissed Oblivion.

"Koopie double team!" Gus announced.

"Wait what?" Koopie asked. But before anyone could react Gus jumped on Koopie and kicked her shell into the group of guards knocking them down.

"Come on you worthless idiots get up!" Oblivion ordered. Mario quickly grabbed Koopie's shell so she could come out.

"Nice work Gus!" Bloo said.

"Quick thinking my friends," said Gus proudly.

"Hurry everyone on the airship before the guards can get up," said Luigi.

"Oh no you don't!" roared Bowser as he lunged towards them. He landed in front of Flurry and grabbed her.

"Get off of me!" screamed Flurry.

"You're coming with us," said Bowser. But before Bowser could even turn around Pikachu suddenly appeared in front of him and tackled him head first into his guts causing him to drop Flurry. Link then took the chance to slash him on the back with his sword sending him flying into an open cell.

"Flurry are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine," Flurry answered.

"Hurry everyone is already on the airship!" Luigi called out to us.

"What about everypony else?" asked Flurry.

"Don't worry about us, just go!" Twilight ordered.

"Come on sweetie they'll be fine," said Cadence. Flurry looked disappointed but nodded in agreement.

"Hurry," I say. I quickly pick up Flurry bridal style and jump onto the airship followed by Shining, Cadence, and Luigi.

"Kylie step on it!" Mario ordered. Kylie quickly took off moving away from the hole in the wall.

"CURSE YOU ALL!!!!!" screamed Oblivion. I took the time to turn around and flip him off. Once we were out of Canterlot I gently set Flurry down. She once again ran to her parents and hugged them.

"You did good Benny," said Mario.

"Thanks boss," said Benny.

"We can't thank you all enough," said Cadence.

"It was nothing," said Artemis. It was obvious that neither Cadence nor Shining was expecting a changeling cause they immediately prepared to attack the second they saw her. Flurry quickly stopped her parents and explained the whole situation. Ashamed, Cadence and Shining apologized to Artemis. Once things had calmed down Flurry Heart turned towards us and asked us if she could have some time with her parents, feeling sorry for them Kylie allowed them to go below deck to spend some time among st themselves. I walk up to the bow and sigh.

"Well we managed to save Flurry's parents, but this is just the beginning, surely Oblivion and his allies would be on high alert of renegade Koopas and changelings, we'll need to be cautious," I said to myself. But for now I was tired maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt.

Author's Note:

Chapter 5 complete. We did it, we managed to save Flurry's parents. I feel bad for everyone else though. But now that Oblivion knows about us and the renegade Koopas and Changelings he will surely upgrade his security. We'll have to be careful in the distant future.