• Published 28th Oct 2017
  • 872 Views, 9 Comments

Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria - FandomPlays1234

A new threat awakens, Equestria on the brink of destruction, and the Elements of Harmony captured, welcome to the Smashverse

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Chapter 4: Breakout Rescue Operation

"Finally!" I scream as I pull myself out of the sea of trees.

"Ah fresh air!" said Flurry inhaling the warm spring air.

"And there it is, the changeling hive," said Artemis pointing forward towards a pillar of black stone.

"Wow," I say looking over the barren hills.

"Come along we're almost there," said Artemis. Suddenly Yoshi turned to his left and began growling. "Hmm what is it Yoshi?" asked Artemis.

"Artemis look out!" Flurry called out. Suddenly a giant fireball caught Artemis's attention forcing her to jump out of the way.

"What was that?" I asked. Just then two figures landed in the crater created by the fireball. Both figures were human one short and one tall. The short one was wearing a white shirt and hat with the letter M imprinted on the center. The tall one was wearing a green shirt and hat with an L imprinted on the center. The short human was wearing red overalls while the tall human was wearing blue overalls.

"What the hell?!" I yelp.

"We finally have you!" said the short human.

"What?" asked Flurry.

"Don't what us, we know you work for Oblivion," said the short human.

"Yeah what my brother said," added the taller human.

"Mario?" asked Yoshi

"Yoshi?" asked the shorter human. Smiling Yoshi ran up to the humans and gave them hugs.

"Yoshi missed you guys," said Yoshi.

It's so good to see you Yoshi," said the taller human.

"What's going on?" asked Artemis.

"Guys I want to introduce you to two of my childhood friends, Mario and Luigi The Mario Brothers," said Yoshi. Mario, Luigi, these are some of my new friends Fandom, Flurry Heart, and Artemis," said Yoshi.

"Hi there," said Flurry.

"Hello," I said.

"Hi," said Artemis.

"Nice to meet you I'm Mario," said Mario.

"And I'm his brother Luigi," said Luigi.

"And is that Pikachu and Link with you?" asked Mario.

"You know them?" asked Flurry.

"Yeah we used to be best friends," answered Luigi.

"By the way what are you two doing here?" asked Yoshi.

"We heard that Bowser was hanging out somewhere here," said Mario.

"I guess you two came to investigate," said Yoshi.

"Yeah," added Mario.

"Wait Bowser?" asked Artemis.

"Yeah I assume you've heard of him?" asked Mario.

"Not really but I did hear that he was working with Chrysalis," answered Artemis.

"Ah the bug queen," said Luigi.

"Before I forget did you see either Chrysalis or Bowser in there?" asked Artemis.

"No we assume they're hanging out with Cross and Oblivion," answered Luigi.

"Oh great that makes things a lot easier," said Flurry.

"Makes what easier?" asked Mario.

"We're currently looking for the Elements of Harmony and their temporary bearers," I answer.

"The what?" asked Luigi.

"Would you like to do the honors your majesty?" I ask. Flurry Heart takes a deep breath as she begins to explain the entire situation to the brothers. Once she was done, the two looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces. The two began talking with each other and for a while we waited in the silence. Several minutes later, the brothers turned towards us and nodded.

"We've decided, we want to help you get your friends back," said Mario.

"Really?" asked Flurry.

"Of course, plus it could help us deal with whatever Bowser is planning," answered Luigi.

"Oh thank you two!" said Flurry.

"Great now let's hurry and find that Element before Chrysalis returns," said Artemis.

"Uh actually the last time we checked, we heard that Bowser has the Element you're looking for," said Mario.

"What!?" asked Flurry.

"Yeah sorry, that means we have to go back to this Canterlot place," answered Luigi.

"Oh great back into the forest," I groan.

"Not necessarily, we have a friend who can help," said Mario.

"Really?" asked Artemis. Mario nodded and looked towards Luigi. Luigi put his hand over his ear and spoke into the earpiece.

"Kylie we're ready," he said.

"What now?" asked Flurry.

"Wait for it," said Mario. For a while nothing happened but after 10 minutes of waiting we heard the sound of propellers spinning. "It's here," said Mario. We all look up to see a pirate ship hovering above us.

"Pirates!?" I scream.

"Not really," said Luigi.

Just then something poked it's head off the edge and waved at us,"Mario, Luigi up here!" said a woman's voice.

"Kylie toss down a rope ladder!" Mario ordered.

"Right away!" Kylie called back withdrawing her head onto the ship. After a while a rope ladder was flung off the edge and fell in front of us.

"Go on climb," said Luigi. Shrugging I grab the ladder as Pikachu climbed onto my shoulders. I began to climb with Yoshi and Link following behind. Meanwhile Mario and Luigi jumped high enough to climb onto the flying pirate ship making my jaw drop. But both Flurry and Artemis ignored the surprising act performed by the brothers and flew up onto the ship. I shook myself back into reality and continued to climb. By the time we hopped on, the brothers were talking to a turtle with pink boots, green hat with a pink bow and a camera.

Wow even when boarding the deck looked like an actual pirate ship. Behind me I could see Link pull up the rope ladder while Flurry and Artemis gazed at the ship itself. After a while the brothers gathered us around and introduced us to the captain to the airship.

"Everyone I would like you to meet Kylie Koopa, she's a reporter working undercover as Bowser's writer," said Mario.

"Nice to meet you all," said Kylie. "The brothers explained everything, you say you want to save your friends and take back the element that Bowser has?" Kylie asked. All three of us nod. "Well then I'll take you back to HQ," said Kylie.

"HQ?" asked Flurry.

"Yeah, both The Sinister Legion and Necro Zynx transformed Celestia's castle into their private Head Quarters," answered Kylie.

"Oh great," I say.

"But don't worry I'm sure you'll be able to take it back from those creeps," said Kylie. "Anyway let's not dawdle on nothing, next stop HQ" announced Kylie. She ran up to the airship's wheel and steered the ship towards Celestia's castle. Meanwhile Mario takes out an earpiece of his own.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"If you want to save Flurry's friends, you'll need all the help you can get," answered Luigi. Just then a voice from the earpiece spoke up.


"Hey Benny you there?" Mario asked.

"Yeah I'm here," answered the voice.

"Listen we're heading over to HQ do you know where Bowser is keeping the so-called Elements of Harmony?" asked Mario.

"No but I can look for it if you want," answered Benny.

"That'll be great thanks," said Mario.

"Anything else?" asked Benny.

"Yeah I have Princes Flurry Heart with me right now and her friends, as you know, have been captured, do you think you can find a way to help free them?" asked Mario.

"No but I'll find a way, let me know if you're close," said Benny.

"Roger that," said Mario shutting off his earpiece. "Don't worry Flurry we're working on freeing your friends," said Mario.

"Thank you Mario," said Flurry. Smiling I've noticed that even though she's been through a lot, Flurry is cheerful as ever. I walk up to the bow and look towards the horizon.

We'll save them......

I promise.

Author's Note:

Chapter 4 complete. So now we're heading back to Canterlot. If what Mario and Luigi said is true then Bowser should have the next element. Hopefully though we can also free Flurry's friends.