• Published 28th Oct 2017
  • 872 Views, 9 Comments

Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria - FandomPlays1234

A new threat awakens, Equestria on the brink of destruction, and the Elements of Harmony captured, welcome to the Smashverse

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Chapter 8: Meet Samwise

Aether Paradise, a floating island in the Alola region, was said to have been built by man himself to hold and care for Pokemon abused by terrible trainers. The workers on the island is once working hard today.

" President Lusamine please I'm telling you we can't trust your daughter and those kids with that Ultra Beast,"

"And I'm telling you Faba, there's nothing to worry about, I mean yeah it's an Ultra Beast but the reports we received from Burnet the only thing that 'beast' can do is teleport," said Lusamine calmly. "Now if you'll excuse me I have some work that needs my attention,"

"But President," Before Faba could oppose Lusamine was already going down on the lift. "Ah what a pickle i'm in," sighed Faba face palming himself. Suddenly a strange ringtone began to play catching Faba of guard. Panicked he quickly pulls out a small purple device and presses the red button in the center. The screen on the top began to fluctuate until Krysis's face appeared. "Oh Mr. Krysis what a surprise, can I help you with something?"

"Didn't think you'd actually pick up Faba, but yes I came to check on the progress with Necrozma," answered Krysis.

"Oh yes Necrozma, we're on it sir," said Faba.

"Good, any news or sightings?" asked Krysis.

"Not yet sir, the radar can't seem to track him," answered Faba.

"Well keep up the good work, I'll call you back to check on you," said Krysis.

"Got it sir," said Faba. He let out a sigh of relief as soon as the screen cut off. How could he tell Krysis that he failed to capture Necrozma. He had to find Necrozma and catch him before Krysis found out. Reluctantly he put away his device when he froze. He turned around and looked around the observation deck. He could've sworn he was being watched. But looking around he found himself alone with the Pokemon, maybe he was just imagining things. Shrugging it off he hopped on the lift and headed down not noticing the strange figure hiding behind the tree nearby.

"Faba you think you're the only one who knows, what a fool," said the figure walking out.

It was two days since Artemis was declared temporary bearer of Loyalty, today was just another beautiful day and everyone was having a barbecue on the airship while it rested. Shining Armor was busy flipping burgers while Flurry and Cadence took the time to catch up with each other. Kylie was below deck organizing some things while Artemis and I hung out on the bow.

"Thanks for coming up here with me babe," said Artemis cuddling with me.

"Anything for you Artemis," I say kissing her on the forehead.

"So now that we're officially in a relationship, what do you plan to do from here on out?" she asked.

"Well, after all this is over I want you to come live with me," I answered.

"I'll go anywhere as long as you're with me baby," said Artemis hugging me. Smiling I stroke her mane and hug her back. Suddenly a flash of light appears above our heads forcing us to cover our eyes. When the light dies down we look up to find a strange hole in the sky. The hole was glowing in a deep blue color and strange aura seemed to flow out of the hole. I slowly get to my feet as everyone else on the airship runs onto the bow to join us.

"What is that?" asked Flurry.

"I don't know but I don't like the vibe it's giving off," said Cadence.

"Hey look," said Artemis pointing at something in the hole. We all look closely to see something falling out of the hole and into the forest underneath.

"Something fell out," said Shining.

"What do you think it was?" asked Cadence.

"I don't know but I'm going to check it out," I said jumping down onto the deck.

"Are you crazy!?" asked Flurry.

"Come on doesn't it make you curious?" I ask.

"No definitely not," answered Flurry.

"You can stay here, but I'm going to check it out," I say throwing off the rope ladder.

"Hey Fandom wait for me!" said Artemis jumping onto the deck. I began climbing down and made my way into the forest with Artemis following behind.

As Artemis and I walked around in the forest looking for the thing that fell out of the hole, I heard Artemis's stomach grumbling.

"Ah, Fandom," said Artemis stopping.

"You're hungry aren't you?" I asked.

"Sorry I probably should've stayed on the airship," said Artemis apologetically.

"It's not your fault everyone gets hungry eventually," I say. "Can you keep going?" I ask. She shakes her head. "I could go look for an apple or something,"

"Sorry Fandom, but I'm a changeling, eating an apple won't change anything," she said.

I let out a sigh,"Well I guess I have no choice to feed you," I kneel down so I could face her. I gently touch her cheek and look into her blue eyes. The desperation in her eyes were strong. I knew I couldn't let my girlfriend starve. I wrap my arms around her and gently pull her closer. I inch closer to her face until our noses were touching. We both close our eyes and kiss.

"Oh baby more, I need more," Artemis groans. I continue to feed Artemis not noticing the strange figure hiding behind the tree several feet away from us. "Ah," Feeling my cheeks grow warm I kiss her harder. "Mm, so delicious," Meanwhile neither of us hear the figure approaching us from behind. We go like this for a while, but after 5 minutes I pull away from her as she slurps and licks her lips. "That was delicious, thank you,"

"Anything for you Artemis," I say. A smile appears on her face for a minute before it melts away into a nervous look.

"Fandom," she says.

"What is it?" I ask. She points behind me with a scared look. Slowly I turn around to find a large bee with twin spear like needles on it's arms. Panicked I scramble to feet, the bee glares a us and shoots multiple thin lights from it's spears. I quickly turn around and shield Artemis from the attack. The stinging sensation was so painful I nearly collapsed after the attack.

"Fandom!" Artemis yelped catching me.

"Ow damn it," I wince. As Artemis began removing the needles from my back, the bee flew back and charged at Artemis with it's needles pointed at her chest. Artemis clenched her teeth and hugged me tightly in attempts to protect me. But just as the bee got with reaching distance, a strange creature jumped out from a nearby bush and slashed at the bee with it's talons. We both looked up to see what had saved us. What we found in front of us, we couldn't explain. It had a body of some sort of animal, it's front legs were talons, but the hind legs were paws with several blue scales on it's legs with a fin as it's tail. The fur on it's head was cream colored and had what seemed to be a beak. A slight green color in it's ears completely outmatched the color of it's fur and it had a large Mohawk like headpiece with several fins coming out from the back.

"Fandom what is that?" Artemis asked.

"I don't know," I answer. The creature turns it's head to face us.

"Are you ok?" it asks. Both of us nod. "Good, stupid Beedrills they're aggressive so you need to be careful around them,"

"Um sorry who are you?" I ask.

"I am Samwise the Shiny Talking Silvally, but my friends just call me Sam," answered the creature.

"I beg your pardon?" asked Artemis.

"Look I know it's confusing but I'll explain everything later, right now just get outta here," said Sam.

"But what about you?" asked Artemis.

"I'll be fine trust me, just go!" Sam ordered. We didn't need to be told a third time. Artemis helps me up and both of us run back the way we came leaving Sam to deal with the bee.

We burst out of the forest running back to the airship as fast as we can.

"Took you two long enough," Flurry called from the airship.

"Kylie start the airship!" I call out to her.

"Why what's the rush?" she asks.

"Don't ask just start up the airship!" Artemis called out. Confused Kylie walks to the wheel and starts the engines. The airship roars to life as Artemis begins climbing the rope ladder. After she gets halfway up, I jump on began climbing, at this point the airship began to move forward.

"Keep climbing!" I say. Artemis quickened her pace and continued to climb. Just as the airship's speed began to pick up, we hear a cry from inside the forest. We look back to see Sam burst out and run towards the airship with a horde of bees in pursuit.

"Hey let me up!" Sam calls out to me.

"Jump!" I tell him. Sam picks up his pace and makes his way towards the ladder. Once he was close enough he leaps up and I grab him by his talons and pull him onto my back. "Hang on," I tell him. I quickly make my way up and onto the airship with Sam on my back. Flurry and Artemis quickly hoist Sam on and I jump on as Cadence and Shining pull up the rope ladder. By this point, the bees stopped chasing us and returned back into the forest.

"Are you crazy, what were you thinking!?" Flurry screamed. But Sam, Artemis and I are too busy catching our breathe to answer Flurry. "I knew it was too risky going in there,"

"Sorry Flurry," I apologize.

"Next time you should really be careful," said Flurry. She moves a stream of hair out of her face before asking,"SO did you find the thing that came out of the hole?"

"Afraid not we got attacked before we even got a chance to continue," I answer.

"Luckily Sam here saved us," said Artemis pointing to Sam who was still catching his breathe.

"What is that?" asked Cadence.

"I don't know but he was kind enough to stay behind and hold of those bees," answered Artemis.

"We really appreciate it, thanks Sam," I say.

"No need for your thanks," Sam says.

"What are you exactly and where did you come from?" Shining asked inspecting Sam.

"Right let me explain, but I will tell you there is a lot to take in so are you ready?" asked Sam. We all nod in unison. Sam takes a deep breath and says,"Alright starting from the beginning,"

Author's Note:

Chapter 8 complete. Well that was quite the excitement. We nearly got killed by those bees but thank goodness Sam saved us before they got a chance. So apparently Sam is a creature called a Pokemon and he came to this world because he knew something about Necrozma. At first I didn't think of it as much until I realized that the conscience of the two elements we reclaimed had mentioned something about Necrozma. Sam is still explaining his situation but I only hope that Necrozma is only just a rumor.