• Published 15th Nov 2017
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The Revenge of the Bluebloods - efug25g

When the civil war began, Unicornia makes its move while Equestria's heroes struggled to fight back but without each other by their side.

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No Escape, No Sanctuary

"So, you guys were saying that you all had to go save your families when the Unicornians attacked Ponyville and Canterlot?!" Twilight asked trying to summarize up their past.

"Yes." Rarity said, answering Twilight's question. "Though it didn't end well for any of us."

"Why not?" Twilight said, trying to get to the point.

"Because we weren't able to get very far, the Unicornians are too many." A familiar earth pony spoke.

As soon as the Mane 6 and the Royal Sisters turned around, they see Crimson Cross appear before them. Upon seeing his friends again, the brown earth stallion smiled at all of them without fear.

"Crimson Cross!!" Twilight exclaimed in surprise. "I didn't think you'd show up so soon like that."

"Heh. Heh. Well, I just came by to visit Canterlot to see how things are doing." Crimson chuckled.

"Howdy, Crimson. How's yer family doing back at Manehattan?" Applejack asked the brown earth stallion.

"They're doing fine. Ever since the peace treaty has been reestablished for Unicornia, the city mayor of Manehattan ordered the construction ponies to dismantle and salvage the remains of Felhand's Research Prison Facility." Crimson explained to the rest of the Mane 6.

"That's good ta hear, y'all." Applejack said out of relief. "So Crimson, what did ya and yer family do when those Unicornian buckers attacked Manehattan?"

"We tried to seek sanctuary at Manehattan's Royal Embassy." Crimson said. "Unfortunately, it was more of a bigger mistake than a chance for salvation."

At the start of a bright new day, a big strong brown Earth stallion named Crimson Cross, came out of his house to take another walk around the street. As he makes his way to the Foal Free press stand, he sees ponies playing music on the sidewalk, selling produce from food stands, taking strolls around the city, socializing with each other, and hanging around at their favorite restaurants with their friends or family. The moment Crimson reaches the newsstand, he purchased a newspaper for several bits. As he sat on a nearby bench and started reading his newspaper, Crimson started to hear rumblings all around him. He noticed that the lanterns hanging on the food stands are vibrating, ponies are getting scared and saw something behind him that made run off without saying anything, and the store owner ponies closing shutters down, sealing off their stores. As Crimson got up from his bench, he turns to his right to see an army of Manehattan's riot police marching forward towards his position, banging on their tower shields with their nightsticks and with their spears. On his left, he sees another army dressed in strange black armor, carrying spears and swords, and marching towards the Riot police in a warlike formation. Behind the riot police, a police commissioner shouted something indistinct at the soldiers in black armor with his megaphone.

Before Crimson could see what was going on, one of the soldiers in black armor was about to hurl a grenade at the Riot police only to be shot at in the head by a unicorn officer armed with a flintlock pistol, killing him. As a result, the grenade set off an explosion killing or injuring several more of the black armored soldiers. In a rage, the soldiers charged at the Riot police to be met by their spear formation. As the two sides converge, swords started swinging at each other's throats, spears thrusting in their opponents' chests, and tower shields slamming into each other aggressively. Even though the riot police fought valiantly against the soldiers, they were met by several more grenade explosions coming from their opponents. What's worse is that several officers that were moving too far away from the group were getting hammered by the soldiers left and right, while the rest were getting bombarded from a mile away. After losing half of the officers in less than a few minutes by the continuous explosions and by the black armored soldiers, the police commissioner issued his remaining officers a full retreat to the Western sections of Manehattan.

During the fight between the two sides, Crimson Cross helped the cowering civilians escape the exploding chaos without hesitation. As the Riot police fell back to the Western sections of the city, Crimson ran into the alleyways, along with several fleeing police officers and citizens. However, the bombarding explosions did not end there. Instead, the explosions struck at the fleeing ponies, killing several of them before the rest fled inside nearby buildings. As Crimson made a run for it back to his house, he almost vomited after seeing dead civilians and police officers all over the streets, with missing limbs and fresh bloodstains all over the pavement. In just a few blocks away from his home, he spots one of his fellow farm workers get shot at in the head by a commanding unicorn officer for refusing to submit to the invaders' cause.

After seeing this, Crimson ran into a nearby alley and hid in an empty dumpster between two stores to evade capture by the invading soldiers. As they soldiers left, Crimson came out of the dumpster, all smelly and stinky, and continued to make his way back home to warn his wife and daughters of the oncoming threat in Manehattan. As soon as Crimson went back home, he stormed through the front door while under a state of panic. Upon seeing he abrupt behavior, Yellow Peach, his wife, came up to him before asking.

"Crimson, dear. Are you feeling okay??" Yellow Peach asked his panicky husband.

"No, I'm not, my dear." Crimson spoke in a exaggerating tone. "Get our daughters up here now, were leaving right now!!!"

"Why?? What's going on out there? And why are you so smelly??" Yellow Peach asked further as she waved her hooves in front of her face out of disgust.

"We don't have much time. Some group of unknown pony soldiers started attacking the riot police in the city streets, overwhelming them in the process." Crimson explained briefly before he went to take a quick shower in the bathroom.

As soon as Crimson was done rinsing off all the nasty stuff off his fur coat, he sees his daughters, Bright Song and Bella Harp standing behind Yellow Peach. In their eyes, Crimson saw confusion for not understanding in what is he getting at. Before any of his daughters could ask him what is going on, Crimson sees a regiment of invaders from one of the windows at the front marching straight up to his doorstep. Without hesitation, Crimson orders his children to head to the back porch and have them climb over the brick wall surrounding their backyard. Yellow Peach was the first to climb over the brick wall. Unfortunately, his daughters are getting too scared to do anything.

"Daddy please, I don't want to go!!" Bella Harp wailed.

"Daddy, I'm scared." Bright Song sobbed.

"I know, I know. But you both have to stay for me. You're not infants anymore." Crimson said persisting them to move on. "Bright Song, you go first."

"No dad, no!!!" Bright protested in a worried tone.

"Your mother will be there on the other side of that wall." Crimson told Bright Song. "Just trust me."

As Crimson lifted his daughter Bright Song up to the brick wall, he hears the soldiers breaking into his house, trying to find him and his family. The moment Crimson threw Bright over the wall, she screamed as Yellow Peach caught her daughter in her hooves.

"Father please, I don't want to leave here!!!" Bella Harp cried while in Crimson's hooves.

"Look, I'm scared too but we all have to take risks in order to survive." Crimson said while holding Bella up with his hooves. "We'll find another home to live in, once this mayhem is over."

Before Bella Harp could say another word, Crimson tossed her over the brick wall to have Yellow Peach catch her on the other side. By the time his wife and daughters made it over the brick wall, Crimson sees the soldiers trying to break down the door right behind him. Unable to stand around any longer, Crimson backed up a bit and without hesitation, he charged forward and took a leap of faith over the brick wall. As soon as the soldiers broke the door down, they opened fire with their magic and with their rifles. However, none of them were able to get a clear shot at Crimson Cross, for he was able to jump over the wall in a nick of time.

Upon seeing them disappear over the brick wall, their Commander, Sir Morning Blade, ordered his soldiers to find another way to pursue Crimson Cross and his family from the other side. As for Crimson and his family, they fled down the alleyways surrounded by brick walls. However, escaping from their house is the least of their worries. As Crimson looked far and wide, he also sees other ponies continuing to flee for their lives as they were escorted by small squads of riot police ponies. Crimson wasn't able to figure out where to go from their house, so he went to get a map from one of the directory stands on the streets. As soon as Crimson got a map to look at, he and his family went to a nearby abandoned tower at the Manehattan Park. After skimming through Manehattan's city map, he spots a Royal Embassy down south nearby the Mare Statue. When Crimson went up the balcony of the tower, he looked towards the south and spotted enemy warships all over the waters of Manehattan bombarding the rest of the city and a wrecked Mare Statue out in the distance, with smoking coming out from certain parts of the city.

As soon as they left the abandoned tower, Crimson and his family ran into a group of 6 enemy soldiers. However, before they tried to apprehend Crimson, his wife, and his daughters, another group of pony warriors appeared from their left side and killed them all immediately. They were lead by a female dark-red pegasus who grabbed one soldier with her right hoof and slammed him onto the pavement. Before the soldier had a chance to react, the pegasus grabbed him by the neck and broke his spine with her left hoof killing him. When another soldier tried to get the pegasus, she reacted by pulling out a knife hidden underneath her chest and slashed at his neck, making blood squirting out of his wound before collapsing dead on the ground. The third soldier that appeared right in front of the female pegasus was met with a throwing knife lodged into his head before he fell on his back, dead. After the female pegasus and her team took out the rest of the enemy soldiers, she escorted Crimson and his family straight to the Embassy, along with several other families who are under distress after the attack on Manehattan. As soon as they went inside the Embassy, Crimson was the first to thank his saviors for helping him and his family reach this place, unscathed.

"I don't know how to thank you, Miss uh....." Crimson said not knowing the name of his immediate savior.

"My name is Red Moon, the Commander of the Lunar Republic." The female pegasus spoke out loud. "My mission is to serve and protect the innocent by the order of Princess Luna, the founder of our special forces organization."

"Thank you, Red Moon." Crimson said congratulating his savior. "Do you know what is going on, and why is Manehattan getting attack by an army of invading soldiers?"

"The soldiers that attack this city belong to the infamous Kingdom of Unicornia." Red Moon explained. "They're lead by another alicorn Queen who goes by the name Majesty Blueblood. I've been sent by Princess Luna to help reinforce the garrisons all over Equestria during the invasion of the Unicornia, after the attack upon the Capital City of Canterlot."

"Do you know how are we going to survive here?" Crimson asked.

"We can't say for sure." Red Moon spoke in a dark tone. "They already took down all communications in Manehattan. So, I seriously doubt anymore help will come from Canterlot or from the Crystal Empire. I'm sorry sir, but we are on our own."

As Red Moon took Crimson and his family down to the Lobby of the Embassy, they were also meet by other families that just escaped from the invaders' onslaught, along with the surviving Manehattan Police. After Red Moon left Crimson and his family at the Lobby, they went back into the city to help rescue the other ponies who were still trapped in the mayhem. Crimson and his family went to the Embassy's mess hall to eat some food in order to regain their energy. After spending two more days in the Embassy, Crimson continued to hear the distant explosions from the rest of the city of Manehattan. During that time, Crimson's family went to sleep in the hallways along with the rest of the surviving citizens. Crimson continued to read the headlines in order to understand what is going on out there during the civil war. Hopefully, Red Moon will call in for reinforcements to help rid Manehattan of Unicornia's Invasion.

Just when Crimson and his family are about to settle peacefully in the Royal Embassy, some unknown pony came entered the Embassy's checkpoint, hauling a large wagon full of food crates to feed the citizens residing in the Embassy. However, just as soon as the guards came closer to check up on the goods, the wagon exploded, killing all of the guards at the checkpoint. As a result, a huge smokescreen started to appear in front of the Embassy's entrance. Upon hearing the explosion close by from where he was, Crimson came up to the entrance to see the thick smoke covering up the checkpoint. Just when everything fell silent, the very same soldiers that tried to go after Crimson and his family came charging out of the smoke and into the entrance with a surprise attack. As soon as they broke through the entrance of the Embassy, the Equestrian Royal guards and the remaining Riot Police came up to defend the people who're trying to take shelter here. However, the Royal Guards and the Riot Police were soon overwhelmed by the endless waves of enemies pouring through the wrecked checkpoint.

During the fight between the Royal Guards, the Riot Police, and the Unicorian Invaders, Crimson took his family again and headed out the emergency exit in a desperate attempt to escape. However, by the time they reached the emergency exit, they were met by another group of Unicornian Soldiers led by a Royal Knight Commander named Sir Morning Blade. Upon seeing them, Crimson's children started screaming in terror, while they and his wife tried to make a run for it. Unfortunately, they didn't get very far. Before they had a chance to react, Blade's men came up from behind Crimson and his family to be tied up and gagged with cloths. When that's done, Morning Blade ordered his men to take them to the brig onboard Admiral Thunderball's ship to be sent to one of the recently established Concentration Camps south of the Crystal Empire.

"I'll speak to that Earth Stallion later, after we take over Manehattan." Morning Blade informed his men while looking through Crimson's background papers, followed by an evil chuckle. "I have an important job for him where he might be proven to be useful to our cause later on."

As Crimson and his family get hauled off away from the Embassy, the rest of the Riot Police and the Royal Guards inside the complex have all surrendered after getting attacked from all fronts. After they dropped their weapons, Morning Blade ordered his men to have them all detained and taken into custody outside of Manehattan. As the Royal Knight Commander of Unicornia went outside of the Royal Embassy, he sent a message to Queen Majesty, telling her of his successful attempt at conquering Manehattan.

Back to the Present......

"Sweet Celestia!!!" Applejack exclaimed out of horror. "Ah didn't think that dey used suicide bombers to accomplish der conquest in Manehattan."

"That was the most scariest event that me and my family had ever experienced." Crimson said while shivering in fear. "But now that Unicornia has lost control over Manehattan, we won't be seeing those scary demons again, I hope."

"Now that you mentioned it, I think Red Moon might have something to do with leaving you and your family in the Royal Embassy before they bombed the entrance." Celestia spoke.

"Wait, you mean Red Moon was....." Luna asked before her speech was interrupted.

"When I read Lord Bronze's diary, during the time he was exiled to the Kingdom of Unicornia, it did say that Red Moon planned to lure the surviving citizens of Manehattan into the Embassy, so that she can let the Unicornians capture them, as if they happened to be easy prey." Celestia said as she took out Bronze's journal with her magic. "It turns out that Red Moon lured about 37 families of Manehattan refugees into a trap during the time that Unicornia attacked that city."

Upon hearing this frightening, sick twisted turn of events, every pony stared at Princess Celestia under a state of shock.

"No wonder why my family was captured there!!!" Crimson muttered to himself in horror. "Unbelievable. Well, now that Red Moon is dead, I hope she'll rot in Tartarus for eternity!!!"

"I guess I should never have trusted Red Moon from the start." Luna said out of disappointment to herself. "They said that she was a double agent working for Amadeus earlier and has been setting us up the entire entire time, as a fraud."

"So guys, what happened next?" Twilight asked before any of her friends continued with their stories during the civil war.

"Perhaps the Great and Powerful Trixie will explain her story during the civil war," Trixe suggested as she made her appearance along with Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst as they entered the Canterlot Palace.