• Published 15th Nov 2017
  • 1,257 Views, 7 Comments

The Revenge of the Bluebloods - efug25g

When the civil war began, Unicornia makes its move while Equestria's heroes struggled to fight back but without each other by their side.

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The Rising Sun

Author's Note:

Sunset Shimmer: Yellow-Orange Unicorn that bears the yellow-red sun.

Weapon: A Flame-enchanted Flamberge and a Combat Rifle with scope.

It has been six years after Sunset learned about Princess Twilight's death back in Equestria. When Sunset Shimmer, a red-flame haired teenage girl, came by to see the statue at Canterlot High, she could not stop thinking about not being able to make amends with Twilight. As she approached the statue, Sunset turned around and sat on the ground and leaned on it with her back facing towards the wall of the statue. As she looked up to the sky, Sunset started crying in silent as tears came down from her eyes. Ever since Sunset Shimmer found out that Princess Twilight was killed, she's been watching over her hero, the Twilight in the world of Canterlot High, because she was afraid that someone out there will try to go after Twilight when entering into politics.

Throughout those six years, after Sunset graduated from Canterlot High, she helped Twilight enter college to study politics in order to help change the world, protecting it with Democratic reforms. As for Sunset, she went into the Marines to gain some good fighting techniques to help protect Twilight from anyone that is threatening to attack her out of protesting against her dreams of political change. Because she learned from her former mentor, Princess Celestia, that not every pony is taking Twilight's Reforms of Democracy for granted, Sunset doesn't want her Twilight to fall for the same horrible fate that her pony counterpart did. During her military training, not only did she learned how to use firearms, she also went under karate training with one of her drill sergeants and learned how to fight with a sword in various duels, learned various disarming techniques, and stealthy kills. As soon as Sunset gained an honorable discharge from the Marines that she was in, she went to stop by at her friends' favorite place to see how they're doing.

After checking up on her friends, Sunset decided to pay her respects one last time before moving on to check up on Twilight. Back to her present time, as she continued to stare up into the sky in tears, Sunset was wondering if Princess Twilight is still watching her from the heavens, enlightening her way towards the path of redemption. As the light shines on top of Sunset and the statue, a reflection of Sunset's pony form appeared behind her on the wall of the statue, while tearing up in silent sadness.

"Oh Princess Twilight, I wish you were still here for me." Sunset as to herself as she cried while covering up her face with both of her hands. "I'm so sorry, if only I was still able there to make it up to you when I still had the chance."

After sobbing for 30 minutes, her journal started vibrating, with red aura lighting up. As Sunset took out her journal, she read Princess Celestia's message, making her eyes widened with shock and fear. Upon reading her message, Sunset is starting to fear for the safety of her former mentor that was like a mother to her. After she closed her journal, Sunset wrote a note to let the rest of her friends, including her Twilight, that she'll be in Canterlot to do some errands with Princess Celestia and will not be back for awhile.

As Sunset took a deep breath, she packed up her belongings and armed herself with two revolvers, a two-handed Flamberge sword, and an semi-automatic assault rifle. When Sunset was done packing, she went through the portal leading back to Equestria. The moment Sunset came of the portal, she finds herself a unicorn pony once more. Before Sunset was able to proceed any further, the doors opened in front of her revealing the presence of Princess Celestia herself. After staring at each other for a few seconds, Sunset ran straight to her and hugged her while in tears, claiming that her mother-figure was alright.

"It seems that you already got my message, Sunset." Celestia proclaimed.

"Yes, I have." Sunset responded to the sun princess. "I don't understand, why would Unicornia be attacking Equestria for?? What did we ever do to them??? Why are they.....

Before Sunset could say anymore, Celestia raised her hoof to demand utter silence. After that, Celestia makes her speech in front of the orange female unicorn.

"I know you still have a lot of questions you want to ask about the situation at hoof." Celestia said in theory. "But I'm afraid Princess Luna might be the one who can answer questions like that."

"I understand." Sunset said as she casted an illusion spell on the mirror gateway that she came out from.

In an instant, the gateway to Sunset's world disappeared blending in with the walls of the Canterlot Palace.

"Good work, Sunset Shimmer." Celestia said after seeing the mirror portal disappear. "Come this way, my dear. We've got work to do."

As the sun princess lead Sunset Shimmer outside of the palace, the orange unicorn sees most of the citizens of Canterlot proceed on to the airships at the evacuation area. For the rest of the city, there were Equestrian Guards running all over the place, trying to escort the civilians to the evacuation area, while some were scrambling for orders while heading out to the garrisons near the courtyard. Before Sunset could say anything, Princess Luna appeared before her and greeted the female unicorn up front. Upon seeing the dark-blue alicorn again, Sunset took a bow in front of Luna before she could ask what is going on in Canterlot right now.

"As you can see, Sunset Shimmer, everything that happened in Equestria before the civil war began, about how Twilight was killed, and how some of the nobles turned their backs on us, all of this was part of the plan done by the most ruthless and powerful Noble Families in Equestria, the Bluebloods." Luna explained. "Despite the fact that they were direct descendants of one of the most powerful and loyal knights of Equestria, Sir Augustus Blueblood, they have all degenerated into a bunch of sleazy, remorseless, greedy, merciless, power-hungry overlords!!! As of right now, they're lead by Amadeus Blueblood, the senior unicorn and the most ruthless noble heir to the Blueblood family."

"Amadeus Blueblood??" Sunset asked while under a state of shock. "I never heard of him before. If that's true, then how did he got the Kingdom of Unicornia to be on his side?!"

"Well, despite Princess Platinum's peace treaty, Amadeus planned to have his newborn daughter, Majesty Blueblood, proposed to offer a hoof in marriage to Unicornia's future ruler, King Dauphin." Luna explained. "By doing so, they gave the Bluebloods all rights to command the Armies of Unicornia at will. When I saw his dreams, Amadeus wished to create a so-called "Unity" to dominate and control all life in Equestria; one Unity to rule them all!!! When Majesty Blueblood gained the command to lead the armies of Unicornia in their midst, they spat on Princess Platinum's peaceful legacy. Of course, there were some Unicornian citizens and soldiers who protested against Princess Platinum's rule as well."

Upon hearing all of this, Sunset never felt even more horrified than ever before, not when she saw Princess Twilight inside the glass coffin, put under eternal sleep. After a few minutes of silence, Luna continued with what she learned about the Bluebloods.

"But no matter, I have dispatched another secret fighting force that will help us and the Armies of Equestria drive back the Unicornian Invaders in this civil war." Luna continued. "I called them 'The Lunar Republic!' They happened to be orphaned foals that I have raised until they reached up to their mid-teens and the most trusted soldiers from the Equestrian Army that I have recruited myself. When Bon-Bon, a.k.a Agent Sweetie Drops, successfully helped the Mane 6 captured the Bug Bear that escaped from Tartarus, I secretly gave her an offer to pursue her career by joining the Lunar Republic to continue to serve under the Equestrian Crown. After hearing about how Daring Do was able to successfully secured most of the exotic treasures and stashed them away into the Canterlot Museum, away from Dr. Caballeron and Ahuizotl, I decided to give her an opportunity where she can help save Equestria from the darkness that the Bluebloods are unleashing upon us. I also convinced her that by doing so, she'll be able to help A. K. Yearling write more stories revolving around the civil wars between the Equestrians and the Unicornians. As for Red Moon, she was one of the most well-accomplished warriors in Pegasus Guard ever to serve under the Lunar Republic. She was know to break the hearts of the enemies of Equestria with sheer force and gain 20 Honorable awards for serving and protecting our country from any invasion that came in our way. She even slain a score of dragons alone, and helped liberate the Griffon Kingdom from the insurgents that are threatening to overthrow their ruler residing there. I already sent Red Moon to notify all the L.R garrisons all around Equestria about this impeding attack. Hopefully, she'll report back to us if something happens outside of Canterlot."

"Wow, that must be a complete hoof-full." Sunset said in awe. "Well, I still wanted to help out anyway I can."

"Are you sure about this, Sunset?" Luna asked showing concern for the yellow-orange unicorn. "If you get involved in this war, you'll likely be facing a lot of dangerous situations from left and right."

"I don't care and besides, I still wanted to make it up to Princess Twilight whether or not she is there for me!!!" Sunset said while expressing their determination to redeem herself.

"By the way Sunset, where did you get that huge sword and that rifle from?" Celestia asked the female orange unicorn.

"After me and the other Twilight graduated from Canterlot High, I went into the Marines and gained some intense military training over firearms and melee weapons." Sunset Shimmer explained. "As soon as I honorably discharged from the Military, bought some firearms and a two-handed Flameberge sword from a nearby weapons store. Of course, I already showed them proof that I was honorably discharged from the service before purchasing both of them on the same day. I used the money that I received after I helped fight against the terrorists that threatened to tear their country apart three months after my military training. When you send me that distress message back at Canterlot, I brought these weapons with me just incase."

"I understand." Princess Celestia acknowledged. "Because we are in a civil war right now, I want to know if you are with us, Sunset Shimmer."

"Yes, I am." Sunset said as she stood up on all four hooves and saluted to Celestia without hesitation. "I'll do anything for you and for Princess Twilight. Just tell me what to do!!!!"

"Very well." Celestia responded before giving Sunset her first order on the battlefield. "Sunset Shimmer, you'll be helping Private Shell and Lord Fancy Pants defend the outer walls with everything you've got. But first, I need to see your sword before moving on."

Without giving it another thought, Sunset used her magic to lift the scabbard carrying her flamberge and presented it the to sun princess. In just an instant, Celestia grabbed the flamberge with her magic and lit up her horn, emitting a full bright light that made a huge blinding flash between the white alicorn and the orange unicorn. In an instant, the light disappeared as Celestia gave Sunset her sword back. Before Sunset could ask what did Celestia do, her Flamberge emitted a huge bright magical flame surrounding the blade in a spiral fashion. Upon seeing this, Sunset started at her sword with such amazement. It turns out that Celestia enchanted Sunset's blade with fire magic.

"Just remember to use the magic from your sword wisely." Celestia informed Sunset Shimmer before moving on.

"Thank you, Princess Celestia." Sunset Shimmer said as she saw the sun princess move on and issued orders to the rest of her fellow guard ponies.

After seeing Celestia disappeared back into the crowd, Luna escorted Sunset all the way to the battlements and up the outer walls before the night princess went back to her post. As soon as Sunset went up to the walls, she sees thousands of Unicornian troops stationed everywhere outside of Canterlot at every angle. Right behind them, there were tents setup, tall ladders lying on the ground, and several airships landing next to the battalions of Unicornian troops. When Sunset looked closer, she saw white banners and flags bearing the emblem of the Unicornian Kingdom. Upon seeing all of this, Sunset could not help but pray that she'll survive out on to the battlefield in the city of Canterlot.