• Published 15th Nov 2017
  • 1,257 Views, 7 Comments

The Revenge of the Bluebloods - efug25g

When the civil war began, Unicornia makes its move while Equestria's heroes struggled to fight back but without each other by their side.

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Rescuing Princess Luna

One the next day, after Applejack and Rarity are put to work, Majesty orders her guards to bring a powerless Princess Luna to the altar at the Castle Ruins of the Two Sisters in the Everfree Forest. As Majesty Blueblood and Amadeus Blueblood entered the Old Castle Throne Room, General Morning Blade and Commander Vermillion dispatched their soldiers to secure the entire area.

As for Lt. Eagle Eye he and his men brought in a cart that was carrying a caged up Princess Luna. While they took her down to the altar, Princess Luna looks up to see her old home. When the night alicorn looked down at herself, she sees both of her hooves wrapped around in chains with a lock restraint on her front hooves. Luna has a magic seal on top of her horn. After realizing that Luna is now under the mercy of the Bluebloods, Amadeus started laughing at the night princess to scorn.

"So Luna, did you really miss living in this castle?" Amadeus snickered maniacally. "The very same castle where your betrayal took place in? Where you went against your own sister and made her banish you to the moon for a thousand years? And that you threatened to put the entire land into an eternal night?!"

"I wish you stop reminding me of the past, Amadeus Blueblood!!!" Luna snarled while still incapacitated inside her prison cage. "I'm not Nightmare Moon anymore, I am Princess Luna of the night!!!"

"Nightmare Moon or not, you'll still have to pay for what you do," Amadeus hissed. "You think you're pretty clever in outsmarting me with Gallant Heart, huh?! Well, it's time to end the nightmares that you gave to me before I went to the Unicornian Kingdom with my daughter."

"How are you going to do it, Amadeus?!" Luna sneered at the evil Noble. "The Tantabus only listens to me."

"Well, when I had took my daughter to study magic at the Kingdom of Unicornia, they also had Majesty practice some exorcism spells that are known to drive the malicious spirits away from their possessed victims."

"For your information Amadeus Blueblood, the Tantabus doesn't possess ponies, it curses them," Luna spoke in anger.

"It's the same thing, Princess!!" Amadeus snapped at Luna before moving on. "I like to see you try and have the Tantabus resist this exorcism!!"

Before Luna could say anything, Morning Blade dragged her in chains to the middle of the altar. On top of the altar, they tied up the dark-blue alicorn to a crucifix made out of plywood, without nailing her hooves down on it. Majesty takes out a spell book filled with exorcism spells from her saddle bag and placed it on top of a podium front of the night princess. As soon as Majesty started chanting, she took out a holy Cross from her saddle bags and raised it up to her eye level with her magic.

Meanwhile on the other side of the Everfree Forest, Discord's group received word that Princess Luna is being hauled into the Old Castle of the Two Sisters to perform an exorcism to remove the Tantabus from Amadeus Blueblood. As Discord's group move deeper into the woods while infiltrating enemy territory, Spike and his Guild members followed from behind and setup ambush points around the Castle ruins. Before they proceeded forward, Spike and Discord decided to go over the plan to rescue Princess Luna.

"Okay guys. It's time to take point," Spike announced as he brought out a map of the Castle of the Two Sisters. "Changeling, you, Fluttershy, and Discord find Morning Blade and knock him out cold. After you guys hide him in a secluded area, tied him up, and gag him, the CR agent will disguise himself as Morning Blade. As soon as they're done with their exorcism, Majesty will order the CR agent to lock Luna back up in her cage, while under the guise of Morning Blade. During that time, you guys take Luna to the Everfree Forest where we'll free her from her restraints and bring her back to the sewers underneath Canterlot. Discord, you will be our eyes and ears at the Castle of the Two Sisters. If they catch us helping Luna escape, you raise the signal. When you do, my Guild members will come out of hiding and keep Majesty's forces at bay. This may be very risky because, it won't take much for Majesty to alert the rest of her men of our presence. In just a few minutes later, the entire forest will turn into a Tartarus-like battlefield with little chance of escape."

"Spike, are you saying that this rescue mission will turn into suicide mission?" Aqualina asked in a worried tone.

"Sorry I had to do this to you guys." Spike said with sympathy before carrying out with their mission. "But it's the only way to make it up for lost time after abandoning the Princesses of Equestria. I wish I could rescue Rarity first. However, we do need one of our leaders to help us carry out our rebellion against Queen Majesty first."

"Alright every pony, time to take point." Discord announced quietly to his friends and allies. Before they could do anything, Discord snapped his claws and disappeared into the trees within the Everfree forest, along with Trixie and Fluttershy.

As for Spike and the Guild, they hid themselves behind the bushes inside the Everfree Forest while Discord and Fluttershy moved through the woods to reach the Castle ruins. When the pegasus and the draconneques reached towards a nearby bush, a couple of feet from the castle's entrance, they spotted a squad of 10 Unicornian soldiers standing outside and on guard. Unbeknownst to them, Discord spots Trixie appear from the other side of the castle's entrance and pulled out a sparkler from her saddle bag. Upon seeing Discord nodding his head, Trixie threw the sparkler out in the open. In an instant, the Sparklers started popping up loud noises, catching the attention of the enemy guard squad.

"What's that noise??" One of the guards spoke in alarm.

"I don't know. Let's go check it out." Another guard suggested as they all left their post.

While they're distracted by the Sparkling noise coming from the bridge outside of the Old Castle, Discord, Trixie, and Fluttershy moved into the entrance unnoticed.

Meanwhile back in Canterlot, Sunset, Starlight, Pinkie, Gladius, and Stag came out of the secret passage that leads to the Throne Room inside the Canterlot Palace. Before they moved on, Sunset announces their plan of rescuing Celestia. They insisted on disguising themselves as Unicornian Royal Guards to infiltrate the Palace and head down to the dungeons to rescue Princess Celestia.

"Okay guys, we're going to need some pony to guard our escape route incase anything bad happens during our rescue mission." Sunset Shimmer suggested to her team.

"Okie Dokey!! I'll take care of the escape route." Pinkie Pie insisted as she put on her guerrilla camo and saluted the orange unicorn.

"Try not to get too crazy again if they see you, Pinkie." Starlight told the pink pony.

"You can count on me, Starlight Glimmer!!!" Pinkie said in a confident tone of voice.

"Okay, guys. Let's put this on." Sunset told the group as they put on the Unicornian Royal Guard armor that they retrieved from Spike's loot.

"By the name of our holy order, I command thee to leave my father's body alone!!!" Majesty chanted while still holding the cross with her hoof in front of Amadeus. "Tantabus, on the behalf of the Queen of Unicornia, I banish you from this noble soul!!!"

As Majesty continued with her exorcism, the walls and floors all around the altar started vibrating vigorously. In a instant, a small tendril of the Tantabus started to come out of Amadeus' body but in a slow pace. In the midst of its struggle, Amadeus was held down by Morning Blade and Eagle Eye to keep him from thrashing around during the exorcism.

"Tantabus, I command you to depart and go back to your master!!!" Majesty shouted during her exorcist. "The Father Commands You! The Son Commands You! The Holy Spirit Commands You!!"

In less than 5 minutes of chanting, more of the Tantabus is starting to leave Amadeus's body during the exorcist. Upon seeing its tendrils, Amadeus started screaming like a banshee out of pain and losing consciousness. As the same time, Luna's eyes turned white as she screaming in pain, with her magic being forced out of her body to bridge a connection between her and Amadeus. Majesty's holy cross starting lighting up in a black and blue aura as she lifted it up into the air with her magic. As Majesty pointed the cross at the Tantabus, which is still struggling to stay inside Amadeus' body, it shot out a dark-blue beam at it while continuing to pull itself out. When more of the Tantabus started seeping out of Amadeus, Majesty grunted in pressure while holding the cross with both of her hooves, with her face sweating under stress. Just when all of the Tantabus is about to leave Amadeus, Majesty shouts out more of her exorcising chantings.

"THE HOLY SPIRIT COMMANDS YOU!!!" Majesty shouted while pulling the Tantabus out with the magic of her holy cross. "THE MYSTERY OF THE CROSS COMMANDS YOU!!!"

"ARRGGGGHHHH!!!" Luna shrieked as she felt the Tantabus getting sucked back into her body during the exorcism.

"THE HOLY GHOST COMMANDS YOU!!!" Majesty shouted during her chanting at the top of her lungs. "THE BLOOD OF THE MARTYRS COMMANDS YOU!!! IN SIR BLUEBLOOD'S NAME DEMON..... I CAST YOU OUT!!!!"

After pulling the Tartarus out of Amadeus completely, the dark-blue bundle of energy started squirming while being bound by Majesty's holy cross. Despite its struggling, Majesty pushed the Tantabus back into Luna's body by force. In an instant, Luna started screaming in pain as she felt the Tantabus inhabit her body once more. Just like that, the night princess blacked out while still being crucified. As for Amadeus, his eyes went blank and motionless. After Morning Blade and Eagle Eye got their hooves off Amadeus, Majesty went up to his side to make sure that he's alright. In just seconds, Amadeus started blinking his eyes. As he got up to face Majesty, she sees Amadeus's eyes turned bloodshot.

"It's alright father," Majesty said while comforting Amadeus. "The Tantabus is finally out."

"Thank you, my dear," Amadeus said congratulating her daughter for her successful exorcism. "Now that I'm finally free from Luna's Tantabus, let's get ready to pack up and head back to Canterlot, after we finish dinner."

"Sure thing, father." Majesty said before issuing orders to Morning Blade. "General, take Luna down from there and lock her back up in the prison cage outside of the Castle Ruins."

"Yes, my queen." Morning Blade said as he saluted the Unicornian Queen before moving on.

While Morning Blade took Luna down from her Wooden Crucifix, Majesty and Amadeus started eating sandwiches for dinner in the old castle library.

Inside the room next to the altar, Discord, Trixie, and Fluttershy went hiding during Amadeus's exorcism. As soon as they see Morning Blade bring an unconscious Luna down the hallway with his magic, Fluttershy sees the Royal knight walk right past her unnoticed while she was hiding right next to the doorway of the room that she was in. As soon as Fluttershy got out of her hiding place and snuck behind Morning Blade, she struck without warning. Before Morning Blade could realize what is happening, he was met with a hard punch in the back of the head, sending him falling face flat on the floor unconscious. Not a moment too soon, Trixie and Fluttershy dragged an unconscious Morning Blade out of the hallway and into an isolated room and tied up and gagged him. Despite his muffled shouting, Fluttershy gave Morning Blade a scary glance at his face before he started sweating in fear.

"Struggle all you want you big bully, but it won't do you any good right now," Fluttershy snarled. "You may have conquered all of Equestria, but you will never defeat the Elements of Harmony entirely."

As soon as Fluttershy moved away help let one of her Changeling friends come in from the windows, he disguised himself as Morning Blade, much to the general's fright. Just when the Changeling spy impersonating Blade went back out into the hallway to carry Luna to their rendezvous point, Discord stepped in and made his speech in front of the evil unicorn. The next thing Blade felt, was a small dagger held up to his throat by the draconneques

"We could've killed them all. I could've killed you, for making my dear Fluttershy suffer. In Canterlot, you're the law. Out here, it's me," Discord hissed as he glared at the Unicornian General while grinding his teeth, giving him a fair warning. "Don't push it. Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go, mister. Let....it......go!!!"

After a few minutes of being held at knife point, Discord left the room that he, Fluttershy, and Trixie were hiding in, Morning Blade started panting and sweating while being gagged and tied up against his own will. In his mind, Morning Blade was trying to find a way of how to get himself free from being tied up and trying to warn his Queen of the intruders inside this castle. However, the Unicornian General continued to struggle in a futile way as he started making loud grunting noises, unable to be heard by his leaders or his men.

In Canterlot, after Sunset and Starlight disguised themselves as Unicornian Guards, Stag used his magic to transform himself into a Unicornian soldier. As they made their way down the dungeons, they ran into several other guards and nobles. Despite their presence, the two disguised unicorns and the disguised Changeling did their best not to draw any attention towards themselves. Even though the three infiltrators were able to head down to the dungeons in less than 10 minutes, Tirek started seeing one of them looking awfully familiar. Unbeknownst to the infiltrators, Tirek was about to head out the palace entrance after up packing for the return trip to the badlands when he spotted them making their way through the Canterlot Gardens, several meters away from where he was standing.

"I smell a unicorn rat lurking in Canterlot," Tirek grunted out of suspicion.

As soon as the infiltrators went down to the dungeon, Tirek followed them from behind unaware of his presence. In the dungeons, Celestia couldn't stop crying from the fact that her entire family was torn apart after so much suffering from the loss of Princess Twilight Sparkle and from the civil war that tore her beloved land apart.

"My poor dear sister. Oh Faust, please save us all!!!" Celestia whimpered before breaking down in tears. "I hope Sunset Shimmer will be okay out there without me. My kingdom, my home, my entire life, my subjects. All of it is gone!!!"

While Celestia continued to weep and cry in her own hooves, the jailers ignored her sniveling and moved on to continue with their patrol around the dungeon. All was silent until, a stray knife pierced the neck of one of the jailers. In an instant, blood started gushing out from his neck before he collapsed onto the floor, dead. Before the other jailer could react, he was met with a throwing axe lodged into his head, killing him instantly. After the second jailer fell on his back, dead, the third jailer was grabbed from behind with a headlock and pulled back into the shadows. The next thing Celestia could hear was the 3rd jailer getting pummeled and beaten to death as blood started seeping all over the dungeon floor.

"W-What?? What just happened??" Celestia muttered to herself, startled by this sudden noise.

Before Celestia could see what was going on, Sunset, Starlight, and a Unicornian guard appeared from the shadows of the dungeons. As the two unicorns got closer, the Unicornian guard unveiled his disguise revealing himself to be none other than Stag, one of the CR soldiers serving under the Equestrian banner. Upon seeing Sunset again, Celestia's eyes started tearing up in happiness. As soon as Sunset unlocked the jail cell that's holding the sun princess, Celestia embraced Sunset in her hooves with both of them crying in silent.

"Oh Sunset, I'm so glad you're safe," Celestia whimpered as she wiped her tears from her face. "How did you find me here? Where's Gladius?"

"He's still here with us Princess," Sunset explained. "Were here to get you out."

As Sunset took the chains off Celestia, Gladius went inside Twilight's old royal chambers. When he went inside, the guard pony retrieved Twilight's Journal from her bookshelf before heading back to the secret passageway. However, as Gladius made his made through the hallway, he heard Tirek speaking to Dark Scissors about a group of infiltrators inside the Canterlot Palace. When Gladius went to look out the window, he sees Tirek, Dark Scissors, and a group of Unicornian Guards assemble at the courtyard and headed down to where the dungeons are, much to his horror.

"OH SHIT!!!" Gladius muttered to himself in fear before activating his earbud with his magic. "Sunset!! You've got trouble!!!"

"What sort of trouble??" Sunset asked through Gladius' earbud.

Before he can answer Sunset's question, Gladius ran into 3 Unicornian guards in the hallway. The moment they saw him, they opened fire with their magic at Gladius Strife. When Gladius reacted, he used his shield spell and bashed his way through the enemy guard trio and made his way back to the throne room.

Back at the Dungeons, while they were escorting Princess Celestia to the secret passageway, they made their way to the great hall inside the Canterlot Palace when all of a sudden, the doors closed immediately and the curtains came down and covered up the windows. Before any pony could see what was going on, the two unicorns, Princess Celestia, and Stag saw themselves surrounded by a squad of Unicornian Soldiers, Dark Scissors, and Lord Tirek.

"Sunset, do you have a plan B?" Starlight asked while sweating in fear for their lives.

"You really think that you can escape us twice in a row, do you?!" Tirek smirked as he drew out his Giant Sword. "I can't wait to drain all of your magic before leaving Equestria, along with a dozen of pony slaves to scrub my floors back at my homeland and take their magic."

"I'd like to see you try, you four-legged buffoon!!" Starlight hissed as she charged up her magic.

"RRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRR!!!!" Tirek bellowed in anger as he charged straight at the group with his Giant Sword raised up high his head.

At the Castle Ruins, Discord casted a invisibility spell over Trixie and Fluttershy before they made their way out the other exit, watching over the Changeling disguised as Morning Blade take Princess Luna out to the Everfree Forest. As soon as Luna woke up, the Changeling held her mouth with his hoof telling her to keep quiet.

"Quiet please. We just got you out of the General's grip," The Changeling whispered to the night princess. "Your friends are here to help you out as well."

"Are you sure?" Luna asked in silent.

"Yes, your highness," The Changeling said.

While they were escorting Princess Luna out of the Castle Ruins, Majesty and Amadeus just finished with their dinner and are about to meet up with Morning Blade outside of the main entrance of the Castle Ruins. However, Amadeus was the first to notice that something wasn't right. As he looked out a the scene around him and his daughter, Majesty's guards weren't at their post and Morning Blade isn't anywhere close by the prison wagon.

"That's odd. I thought I told Morning Blade to secure Luna onto that Prison Wagon. Where did he go??" Majesty said in a suspicious grunt. "Where's Eagle Eye and Vermillion?"

As soon as the two unicornian officers showed up behind Majesty, she turned around to face them before giving them orders. During that time, Amadeus teleported himself to somewhere inside the Castle Ruins.

"Guys, I want you to find Morning Blade and Princess Luna," Majesty ordered the two of her guards. "Something strange is going on here!!"

Upon hearing Majesty's orders loud and clear, Vermillion ordered his men to regroup and have them search the entire Castle Ruins double time. At the other side of the Castle Ruins, the Changeling disguised as Morning Blade made his way out of back entrance but not before he ran into Amadeus Blueblood. Upon seeing the evil noble, the two ponies and draconneques that are still hiding under their invisibility spell stared at the two in fear from the fact that their cover is going get blown.

"General, what are you doing wandering around inside the Castle Ruins?" Amadeus glared at the guised unicorn. "The Prison Wagon is at the main entrance!!"

"Sorry sir, I kind of got lost," The guised unicorn said while sweat was covering up his face. "I probably had too much to drink."

"Are you feeling okay, Morning Blade??" Amadeus asked in a stern tone. "You're not hiding something from me, are you??"

During their conversation, one of Blade's guards heard some muffling noises several rooms away from Amadeus and the guised unicorn. As soon as the guard opened up the door, he sees the real Morning Blade all tied up and gagged, much to the guard's shock. Without hesitation, the guard untied General Blade and got up to his feet before they head down the hallways to recapture Princess Luna.

"I was just asking Luna is she wanted to use the restroom first before we leave this abandoned place," The guised unicorn spoke to Amadeus in a nervous tone. While in silence, Luna smacked her face with her hoof out of embarrassment between the two.

"How would I know that you're not doing anything else that's irrational, Morning Blade?!" Amadeus said as he continued to glare at the guised unicorn.

Before the guise unicorn could answer Amadeus' question, Vermillion came up to the Blueblood noble from behind with the real Morning Blade on his right side. Upon seeing this, Amadeus got confused for a few seconds.

"Just who are you, really?!" Amadeus glared trying to make the guised unicorn get to the point.

"Oopies, looks like my time is up," The guise unicorn said to himself in a panic.

"YOU'RE NOT GENERAL MORNING BLADE, ARE YOU??!!!!" Amadeus and Vermillion shouted in anger, much to the guise unicorn's shock.

As soon as the guise unicorn made a run for it, Vermillion and Amadeus grabbed him by the stomach and held him down. In an instant, the guise unicorn accidentally revealed himself to be one of the CR soldiers of Equestria!! Before they can secure Princess Luna again, Trixie and Discord appeared and casted a duo shockwave spell that sent Morning Blade, Amadeus, and Vermillion crashing into a nearby wall on their backs. As for the CR soldier, he threw a sticky bomb at them. Upon impact, it exploded in front of the three evil unicorns. However, instead of damaging them, the bomb unleashed a sticky web that preventing them from getting up.

"ARGH!!! I'M STUCK!!!" Vermillion shrieked as he struggled effortlessly to get free from the sticky web.

While the three unicorns were struggling to pulled themselves free from the web, Trixie, Discord, Luna, and Fluttershy made a run for it down the hallways leading to the other exit on the other side of the Old Castle Ruins. After the ponies and draconneques disappeared, Majesty and Eagle Eye came up to them under a state of shock. Before they could do anything, Amadeus shouted at the two surprising them both.

"Don't worry about us Majesty," Amadeus bellowed. "A group of rebels are trying to get Princess Luna out of here. Go after them, smash them all, and recapture Princess Luna at all costs!!!"

Without hesitation and without saying another word, Majesty ordered the guards to capture the ponies participating in rescuing Princess Luna from their captivity. As for Eagle Eye, he took another route for he had a plan up in his hooves.

Back in the Everfree Forest, Discord's group was able to reach a nearby stagecoach that the CR soldiers have hijacked at an Ponyville, in which is already part of the Unicornian territory. However, as soon as they got Luna onboard the stagecoach, several magic beams came shooting from behind, hitting several trees and bushes, just inches away from Discord and his group. The moment they turned around, Discord, Trixie, and Fluttershy see a battalion of Unicornian troops aiming their magic and their spears at them. Before any pony could say anything, Queen Majesty Blueblood appeared from the Unicornian Battalion and glared at them in a vile, threatening look.

"Silly little ponies. You really think that you can save Princess Luna from me, huh?" Majesty sneered in a hostile tone. "Even if you can, none of you will be able to live to tell the tale. Now that your harlot princess is gone and that Equestria now belongs to me, I'm giving you all one last chance to surrender and hand over Princess Luna or prepare to meet your DOOM!!!"

After hearing Majesty's speech, Trixie came out from Discord's group and approached the Unicornian Queen in a fearless stance.

"Ooohhh, so scary. Well for your information your royal looney, the great and powerful Trixie has no intention of turning over the very same princess that Trixie worships as her night mother," Trixie hissed as she stepped forward with her horn lighting up with her magic. "She may have done some bad things a thousand years ago, but that doesn't mean that Luna can get another chance to try again in resuming her reign in Equestria."

"YOU WISH!!!" Majesty snapped at the light-blue unicorn. "Trixie Lulamoon, isn't it?! I thought you were jealous of Twilight Sparkle at one time and that you wanted revenge over her for humiliating you back in Ponyville. Yet, you actually gave up on all of that and let her live??!!"

"When I heard about how Twilight Sparkle became great and powerful without giving in to such madness like you and your father, I learned a very important lesson thanks to her: If I were to be powerful and great too, I do need to listen to Twilight first because without her, I'M NOTHING!!!" Trixie glared at the Unicornian Queen. "If you think you're so great and powerful, why don't you come over here and show Trixie what you're made of, Majesty Blueblood?!"

"You and what army??" Majesty said taunting the light-blue unicorn.

Before Trixie could say anything, Spike, Rainbow Dash, and the Red Lightings Guild popped out from the bushes behind Trixie, Discord, and Fluttershy, all of them armed to the teeth. As soon as they're ready for face each other head on, Fluttershy and Discord went onboard the stagecoach before she and the CR helped take Princess Luna to the underground base in the Canterlot Sewers. With Spike and Rainbow Dash going up to Trixie on both sides, they issued a full-frontal charge against Majesty and her guards.

"Say hello to the Red Lightnings Guild, bitch!!!" Trixie cackled as she lunged forward at Majesty Blueblood. "Trixie will do anything to honor the Great and Legendary Princess Twilight Sparkle!!!!"

"GET THEM!!!!" Majesty roared as she charged forward at Trixie Lulamoon with her horn lighting up.

As Trixie and Majesty slammed their magic spells at each other, the Red Lightnings Guild charged at the Unicornian soldiers with all their might. Minotaurs came out and swung their axes and clubs at the soldiers. Griffons opened fire with their musket rifles and flintlock pistols at the enemy. Dragons spew out fire and lashed out at them with their claws and their swords. As for Rainbow Dash and Spike, the two flyers charged straight at them, with the pegasus flying low above the green teenage dragon.

Back at the Canterlot Palace, when Tirek charged at Sunset's group, he lunged at them with his horns pointing straight at them. Ultimately, the two unicorns and stag teleported themselves away from Tirek's bull charge and reappeared in different spots all over the great hall. In just seconds, the Unicornian soldiers drew out their weapons and attempted to neutralize Sunset, Starlight, and Stag. After the two unicorns threw away their disguises, they retaliated with their magic. Starlight shot out a blue-green beam of magic and struck at the Unicornians that came towards her. Stag drew out his long sword and struck at one guard that attempted to stab the changeling with his spear. Sunset drew out her Flamberge and with just one horizontal swipe, she let loose a huge wave of magic and decapitated several of them in two.

In the hallways, Gladius bursted through the great hall, with several more Unicornian guards following him from behind. As they continued to shoot out their magic at the young royal guard, Gladius used his magic to shut the doors behind him and sealed them up with a welding spell. As soon as he turned around, Gladius sees Sunset and her group get ambushed by Tirek, Dark Scissors, and their men. Just when he drew out his spear, Gladius sees more of Unicornian guards attack him from his right. In quick reaction, Gladius blocked one of their swords with the shaft of his spear before he stabbed the guard in the chest, killing him immediately.

Sunset shoved the grip of her sword into the face of one of the enemy guards at point blank range and in the eyes, making him lose his sights before he was met with a sword thrust into his neck. After Sunset pulled the blade out of the dead guard's neck, she ducked one oncoming sword swing from another Unicornian guard and kicked him in the groin with her left hind leg. Feeling the pain coming from his groin, the guard collapsed on his side while grunting in pain. Sunset used her magic to pick up a spear from a fallen enemy soldier and did a pinwheel parry against the 3rd guard's sword before stabbing him in the right side with her sword, resulting in the blade coming out in his left side. After Sunset pulled her sword out from the 3rd dead guard's side, she sheathed her sword and made a very hard whack on the head of the 4th guard, knocking him out cold.

Gladius shoved one guard up to a nearby wall and punched him several times with his hooves before knocking him to the ground. After that, Gladius grabbed one of the enemy guards by his axe and shoved his right hoof in the guard's mouth, making him fall on his back unconscious. When Gladius drew out his sword again, he used it to block one guard's spear thrust and redirected the speartip to his left. Before the enemy guard could react, Gladius grabbed him by his mane and shoved him straight into a wall, smashing his face in and making him spill out blood on it.

"COME HERE YOU LITTLE RUNT!!!" Tirek roared as he charged at Starlight Glimmer, with his sword slamming right on top of her shield barrier.

As the Tirek's sword struck Starlight's shield, she started grunting while struggling to keep her shield intact during her fight with the demonic centaur. In an instant, Starlight shoved her shield straight into Tirek's chest, making him stumble backwards a few feet away from where Starlight was standing seconds earlier. Just when Tirek is about to grab Starlight with his left hand, the pale purple unicorn teleported herself away from his grip and reappeared at Tirek's left. The next thing she did was when Starlight fired a flashing beam of magic at Tirek's face, only for him to deflect it with his giant sword.

While the Red Lightnings Guild face off Majesty's forces, the Minotaurs were slowly losing their ground after fighting endless numbers of Unicornian guards, the Griffons were losing ammunition and were forced to fight with their claws, and the dragons are getting exhausted. However, some of the Guild members were able to keep their guard up throughout most of the fight, until several of them were getting repeatedly stabbed in the back by 3 or 4 Unicornian soldiers before succumbing to their wounds.

Spike spit out fireballs at several Unicornian soldiers upon front. When another guard came up to the green dragon and attempted to stab him with his spear, Spike reacted by blasting the guard with his flintlock pistol that he took out from his right holster. Behind Spike, another enemy guard attempted to leap on top of him, with his sword being held in his left hoof. However, Spike whacked the enemy guard with his tail, sending him flying into a nearby tree. The guard broke his neck as he slammed his back into the tree's bark and fell face flat on the dirt ground. Another guard came up from Spike's left and attempted to shot out several magic beams at him. Unfortunately, Spike retaliated by unleashing a torrent of fire at the guard's face. As his face was set aflame, the guard screamed in pain as he was running around aimlessly before he tripped over a tree root and fell on the ground dead, with burns all over his face.

Aqualina drew out two of her flintlocks and shot two enemy guards that almost shot her with their magic. After the female griffon threw her two sidearms away, she took out her musket rifle and blasted one guard in the face, making his head explode into a million bloody pieces. As soon as the dead guard collapsed, Aqualina drew out her cutlass and hack off one guard's left hoof with it and stabbed him in the neck, ending his life completely. Another guard came from warring groups and charged straight at Aqualina with his spear in his hooves. However, before the guard had a chance to thrust his spear at the female griffin, Aqualina slammed her cutlass into the guard's chest and slashed at his guts, making him fall on his side, succumbing to his wounds.

Rainbow Dash slammed her front hooves into one of the guard's face, breaking his nose. Before the guard had a chance to react, the light-blue pegasus grabbed him by the neck and hurled him straight into a group of 4 Unicornian guards. Upon impact, all 4 guards fell on their backs and struggled to get up on their hooves. Unfortunately, they didn't get up in time as Rainbow grabbed a nearby double-bladed axe from a fallen Minotaur and chopped off a huge tree branch that was right on top of all four guards. As soon as the huge branch slammed its mass on top of the bodies of all four guards, their ribs broke, making them all scream in pain before they blacked out.

When Trixie made her first move against the evil alicorn, she shot out a blizzard spell and aimed it at Majesty Blueblood. Unfortunately, Majesty counteract Trixie's spell with an inferno spell that she learned from Tirek's teachings. As the inferno melted away the blizzard shards, a large part of the forest was covered up in steam, making both the alicorn and unicorn unable to see each other on the forest battlefield. Before Majesty could see what was going on, Trixie appeared from above the trees and attempted to slam a huge boulder on top of the alicorn's head, which was being held with the unicorn's magic. However, Majesty raised her shields up high and upon impact, Trixie's boulder was smashed into a million small pieces. As soon as Trixie landed on all four hooves, she shot out several beams of light-blue magic at Majesty's face. Unfortunately, Majesty repelled all of Trixie's magic beams with her own magic beams and charged at the light-blue unicorn while a huge magical surge wrapped around her body. Almost caught off guard, Trixie teleported herself right behind Majesty, but before Trixie could attack the evil alicorn from behind, she was met with a strong kick in the neck. In an instant, Trixie was sent flying straight into a nearby tree, knocking her out cold.

"Some Great and Powerful unicorn, you really are," Majesty thought to herself as she negatively criticized an unconscious Trixie Lulamoon. "You can't really think that you're better than me, Trixie. I'm born a pure-bled noble; you're just a foolish unicorn commoner who can never compete with nobles like me."

Before Majesty could have Trixie arrested, Discord appeared right in front of the young alicorn and grabbed Trixie with his claws, leaving behind a flash bang grenade. Upon impact, the grenade exploded with a huge blinding light that stunned Majesty in an instant, unable to see what was going on around her. While Majesty was incapacitated with the grenade's effects, Discord disappeared along with Trixie but not before leaving behind a fair warning to the alicorn Queen.

"Don't even think that this war will be over quickly, Majesty Blueblood." Discord sneered at the stunned alicorn. "Since now that we rescued Princess Moonbutt from you, I will not rest until I see the land of Equestria restored of its former, chaotic, and harmonizing glory!!! If you do not want to die during our future rebellion, listen to your heart for once!!!"

After Discord disappeared, along with an unconscious Trixie, the blinding light fadede away. As soon as Majesty regained her sights, she looked around again to see the light-blue unicorn nowhere in her sights. Undaunted by such disappearance, Majesty takes off to the skies and makes her personal search all over the Everfree Forest. Behind the evil alicorn, the Red Lightnings Guild went down with just 2 Minotaurs, One Dragon, Spike, Aqualina, and Rainbow Dash. With just six of them fending themselves off against the endless waves of Unicornian Guards, Aqualina threw a cluster of cherry bombs at the enemy guards. After the bombs exploded, a group of 6 guards were blown into bits, reducing them into bloody chunks and leaving a gap from Rainbow and Spike to escape.

"Get out while you still can, Spike." Aqualina shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Aqualina, you can't fight them off alone here, you're going to die." Spike shrieked.

"I don't care anymore. You and Rainbow Dash go help save your homeland." Aqualina said persisting her dragon friend. "I don't have any future in Equestria like you and the Element bearers of Harmony do. I already served my purpose in the guild. Now it's time to serve your purpose. Just do it, for me!!! And go find yourself other recruits to join your Red Lightnings Guild."

"You can't be serious!!!" Spike shouted back at her.

Before Spike could even stop her, Aqualina grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up high with both of her claws holding him by the neck and by his back.

"It's been an honor serving under your guild, Spike!" Aqualina said before she threw the green teenage dragon up into the sky as he unfurled his wings, with Rainbow Dash following him from behind.

Before Spike could get back to where Aqualina and the remaining Guild Members are, his eyes widened as he sees them all go down one by one. As the female griffon went back into the fight, Aqualina sees the remaining Guild Members make one last stand against the overwhelming battalion of Unicornian soldiers. After Aqualina stabbed one guard with her cutlass, 7 enemy guards jumped on the first Minotaur and repeatedly stabbed him all over his muscular body with their swords. The Minotaur let out a painful, blood-curdling scream before he collapsed on his stomach, with several swords penetrating his exposed flesh. As for the second Minotaur, he whacked three guards with his club before he was met with a powerful magic beam in the face by the fourth Unicornian guard. In an instant, the guard's spell caused a small explosion making the Minotaur cough up smoke before he fell flat on his back. Just when he was about to get up, the second Minotaur was met with 4 spear thrusts into his chest. As a result, the second Minotaur coughed up blood as he was pushed straight into the ground before succumbing to his wounds. After the RD Dragon unleashed a torrent of fire at 3 Unicornian guards, a loud bang rang out in the middle of the battlefield from somewhere in the Everfree Forest. Before the Dragon could see what was going on, some bullet penetrated him in the left shoulder blade, causing it to rupture in a bloody fashion. As the Dragon collapsed onto his knees, grunting in pain while holding his wound with his right claw, one of the Unicornian guards came up from behind him and impaled the dragon with his spear. Upon feeling the spear stabbing him in the back and the speartip coming out of his chest, the Dragon's eyes widened with horror as his mouth made a big "O" before he collapsed on his stomach dead.

After she gutted out one of the guards with her claws while holding him by the throat, Aqualina threw the dead guard at a nearby tree and raised her cutlass up to her left side. As she looked around, the female griffon spot Lt. Eagle Eye appear emerged out of the Unicornian battalion with a sniper rifle billowing a smoke from it firing barrel. Upon seeing this, it turns out that Eagle Eye was the one who shot her Dragon Guild member from a couple of meters away before they finished him off. As Eagle Eye threw his sniper rifle to the ground, the Unicorn warrior drew out his spear and pointed it at the female griffon, readying himself to strike at her with all his might. Just when Aqualina lunged at him, Eagle Eye did a backward twirl to his right, evading Aqualina's sword chop. Before she could turn around, Aqualina was met with a spear thrust in the lower back of her abdomen. As the spear pushed the female griffin into the ground, Aqualina squawked in pain as she felt blood seeping out of her wound. Just when Eagle pulled the spear out of her wound and when Aqualina was about to get up, she was met with several brutal beatings from the hooves of the surviving Unicornian guards, slamming her into the dirt ground again. After getting beaten by the guards, they grabbed her arms and lifted her up on her knees. The next thing Aqualina saw was when Amadeus appeared before her and drew out his black sword from his scabbard. The last thing the female griffon could see from Amadeus is when he raised his sword up to his right and swung it straight at Aqualina in the neck, ending her life as her head came flying off from her body, with blood squirting out from her neck.

"God Dammit, Aqualina!!! You idiotic, stubborn little bitch!!!" Spike muttered to himself as he closed his eyes grief as tears came out of his eyes.

After helping his female griffon friend more than once during his time at the guild, it all had to end when Aqualina paid him back by sacrificing herself in helping Spike escape his doom on the Equestrian battlefield. Unable to bear seeing the female griffon die before his very eyes, Spike and Rainbow flew away to meet up with the others.

After Tirek redirected Starlight's magic away from him with his giant sword, he rammed straight into the pale-purple unicorn, knocking her off guard with his front hooves. Stag wasn't doing to good with the enemy guards at the great hall either. As the CR soldier held one of the guard's sword with his own, he was met with a kick to the stomach by his opponent. The moment he collapsed on the ground, Stag was met with a guard slamming his warhammer into the Changeling's face, knocking him cold with blood coming out of his left check. During the fight, Sunset took Princess Celestia to the hallways leading to the Throne Room. However, just when Sunset was about to bring Celestia to reach the doors of the throne room, they were both met by Dark Scissors who teleported himself in front of the unicorn and the sun princess, drawing out his double-bladed axe.

"So Sunset Shimmer, just how is it that the sun princess was able to forgive you of your sins years prior, huh?!" Dark Scissors hissed while taunting the reform female unicorn.

"Why don't you come over here and I'll show you." Sunset growled as she drew out her Flamberge with both of her hooves.

As the yellow unicorn and the vile Changeling Insurgent charged at each other, both of their weapons clashed into each other with their blades inches close to their necks.

Back at the great hall, Tirek was gaining the upper hand as he lifted Starlight Glimmer off the floor and grabbed her by the throat with his right hand. Before she knew it, Starlight was being held up high above Tirek with his right hand, while holding his left hand with his giant sword. As Starlight struggled to break free from Tirek's grip, she lit up her horn only for her to get slammed into the walls by Tirek.

"URRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!" Starlight grunted as she felt Tirek strangling her while under his grip.

"Say goodnight, little lady!!!" Tirek smirked as he opened his mouth to drain Starlight of her magic.

"Princess Celestia! Sunburst!! Twilight!!! Trixie!!! I'm sorry!!!" Starlight muttered to herself as she slowly start to lose consciousness.

However, before any of Starlight's magic flew into Tirek's mouth, Stag rushed right at Tirek's face and slammed a shield into his jaws, forcing him to unhand the unconscious pale-purple unicorn and land on his right while clutching his bleeding nose as he grunted in pain. Earlier, after taking a beating from the Unicornian guards, they let their guard down only for Stag to get up thanks to Gladius' wake up call and grabbed a nearby wooden shield from one of the dead Unicornian guards. Before any of the guards could see what was going on, Stag let loose a huge bundle of changeling magic and smashed his way through them, sending several of them flying into the walls around them as he save Starlight from Tirek. Using every last ounce of his strength, he immediately teleported Starlight and Gladius away from the great hall and into the throne room. As soon as they're gone, Tirek got up on his hooves again and angrily slammed his right hand on top of Stag's face, rendering him unable to get up because of Tirek's overall strength.

"You got some nerve in stopping me from getting my prey, bug!!!" Tirek snarled as he drained the magic from the CR soldier in no time flat. "Well, you'll lose more than just you're magic when Queen Majesty finds out about what happened here!!!"

After draining the magic from Stag, Tirek lets go of him only to let the Unicornian guards restrain the CR soldier immediately. As they took Stag away, Tirek stormed out of the great hall to continue pursuing the three unicorns and the sun princess.

While still up in the air, Majesty was searching far and wide for the stagecoach that was taking Princess Luna away, she finds herself intercepted by the green dragon and the light-blue pegasus from behind.

After Spike spit out several fireballs at the evil alicorn, Majesty dived down into the Everfree Forest to find cover from enemy fire. As Majesty landed on all four hooves, she sees the green dragon and the light-blue pegasus land on all fours, just several meters behind her. When the alicorn queen turned around, she sees the two creatures snarling at her, poised to strike at will.

"So, you must be the Element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash. And you must be Spike the Dragon, that whore's adopted son," Majesty smirked in a sly tone as she mentioned Princess Twilight Sparkle. "I do wonder how far are you two going to get in messing up Equestria like that harlot Twilight Sparkle did, let's find out shall we?!"

"There she is, Spike. Let's get her!!!" Rainbow Dash snarled as she flew straight to Majesty's face, attempting to delivered a kick to the skull.

As Rainbow charged forward, she delivered a flurry of kicks at Majesty only for her to block them all with her shield spell. Majesty jumped backwards and opened fire with her magic at the light-blue pegasus. However, Rainbow flew in a very fast pace, dodging every single magic beam that the evil alicorn is throwing at her. In retaliation, Rainbow flew up to the sky and dived down at right where Majesty is standing. The moment she got close to Majesty, however, the alicorn queen flew upwards, dodging Rainbow's aerial lunge attack and aimed her horn directly on top of the pegasus' head. Upon impact, Majesty's spell slammed Rainbow straight into the ground, with her grunting in pain while being stunned. As Majesty started hovering in mid-air, Spike came up from behind her and unleashed a torrent of Dragon fire at her. In less than a second, Majesty casted another shield barrier to ward off Spike's dragon fire. As soon as Spike stopped breathing fire, he flew straight at her while drawing out his two swords, which were both enchanted with green fire, and attempted to perform a dual cross slash at the alicorn queen. However, Majesty drew out her silver halberd and blocked both of Spike's swords in a vertical guard, right where the blades are crossing each other. After Spike flew backwards with his swords in his claws, he unleashed several waves of green fire that is coming out of his swords, heading straight towards where Majesty is. In an instant, Majesty thrusted her halberd at ever green fiery wave that headed straight for her, making them disappear into a puff of harmless smoke.

"Try dodging this!!! HA!!!" Majesty shouted as she started spinning her halberd in a vertical pinwheel and slamming it at Spike while in mid-air.

Surprised by this, Spike veered to his right, missing Majesty's halberd by mere inches from his let shoulder. Continuing with her vertical pinwheel attack, Majesty attempted to slam her halberd at Spike on from his left. In a panic, Spike made a big flap of his dragon wings and flew backwards, evading Majesty's halberd by centimeters away from body. During the fight between the evil alicorn and the green teenage dragon, Rainbow Dash got up after being stunned for one minute and took to the skies again, this time by making a sneak attack from behind Majesty Blueblood. As soon as Majesty made one more thrust with her halberd at Spike's face, it was stopped by two of his swords with them at a scissors angle just inches from where the dragon's face is. Before Majesty was able to pull her halberd back, Spike forcibly snapped off the blade from her shafted weapon, making the halberd's spear tip fall straight into the Everfree Forest, in a place where it will never be found. Realizing that the halberd is now useless, Majesty threw her long-shafted weapon away from her hooves and charged up her horn with her magic. In less than a minute, Majesty unleashed a very powerful beam of magic straight at Spike for him to block it with both of his swords in a "X" cross. Upon impact, however, Spike gets pushed back by Majesty's spell and disintegrated both of his swords in an instant. Just when Majesty charged forward, surrounded in a surge of her own magic, Spike reacted quickly enough to whack her with his dragon tail, sending her flying straight into the ground back at the Everfree Forest.

After she shrugged off the pain the was received from getting whacked by Spike's huge tail, Majesty spots Rainbow Dash zeroing in on her location. Upon seeing this, however, it gave Majesty a very grim idea. The moment Rainbow Dash flew straight into Majesty's face, attempting to deliver a kick to her skull, the unexpected happened before her very eyes. After Majesty dodged Rainbow's attack with a left sidestep, she used her magic to restrain the light-blue pegasus. Before Rainbow knew what was going on, she felt her wings breaking apart with snapping twigs, making her scream in pain.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Rainbow shrieked loudly as she felt her wings bending in the most excruciating, painful way. "N-N-N-N-N-NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! IT HURTS!! PLEASE STOP!!!!"

"Is that the best you've got, Rainbow Dash? I was expecting more from the Element bearer of Loyalty!!" Majesty smirked while taunting Rainbow Dash. "So pathetic!!"

"Not quite, asshole!!!" Spike shouted as he disengaged from his flight and landed on two legs.

As soon as Majesty turned to face Spike, he charged forward and unleashed a torrent of dragon fire at Majesty Blueblood. Unfortunately, for her, Majesty was already prepared for it. After Majesty broke Rainbow Dash's wings, she used her magic to levitate Rainbow in front Spike's attack, using the pegasus as a meat shield. After Spike stopped spewing out fire, he realized that Rainbow was writhing on the ground, screaming in pain as her mane got caught on fire. Upon seeing this, Spike's eyes widen with horror due after doing something that he didn't mean to do.

"WAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!! IT BURNS!! IT BURNS!!!" Rainbow screamed in pain before she blacked out.

"OH MY GOD!!! RAINBOW DASH, NO!!!!" Spike screamed. Before he could see what was going on, one of Majesty's guards came from behind and whacked Spike with a war hammer, knocking him out cold.

"Thanks for dropping in lieutenant." Majesty said. "Now, if you don't mind, I want you to take these two miscreants down to the prison in Manehattan and lock them up for their mutiny."

"Yes, my Queen." Lt. Eagle Eye acknowledged her orders as he dragged Spike and Dash away with his magic. As Eagle Eye took the two to a nearby caravan, he ordered the medical team to treat Rainbow Dash of her burnt injuries before hauling them both to the Research Prison Facility in Manehattan.

As soon as Majesty went back to her Royal Caravan before heading back to Canterlot, she meets up with her father, Morning Blade, and Vermillion outside of the Castle of the Two Sisters.

"Majesty, were you able to get Princess Luna back?" Amadeus asked.

"No, father. They already got away when that wretched dragon and his pegasus friend got in my way." Majesty responded in a undiscouraged tone. "But no matter, I had them both taken to the Research Prison Facility to meet their fate, as a reminder to any pony who dare try to rescue the Princesses of Equestria."

"I see." Amadeus said while grunting in disappointment. "Either way, we already stuffed the Tantabus back into Luna's body. That's all I want from her for now. Well, if we ever see her again, Luna will be dealt with harshly."

"Understood, father." Majesty said acknowledging her father's request.

Before Majesty, her father, and her officers went onboard the Royal Unicornian Caravan, another guard appeared from with the Everfree Forest with some news.

"My Queen!!" One of Majesty's guards said out loud as he came up to her from behind. "We have a situation back at Canterlot!!"

The moment they clashed into each other with their weapons, Sunset Shimmer and Dark Scissors both traded attacks and parries against each other in their one-on-one duel. Sunset raised her flamberge up high and swung it right across Dark Scissor's left only for him to swing his battle axe from his right and redirect the sword to Sunset's right by force. As her blade hit the ground, Sunset fell on her stomach for a few seconds before getting back up. When Sunset turned around, Dark raised his battle axe high above his head attempted to do an execution, killing blow, going for the female unicorn's head. As she used the strength with her hooves, Sunset blocked Dark's axe using both of her hooves to lift the sword up above her head. The moment Dark's axe hit Sunset's blade, she redirect his axe to her left and made a lower sweep towards Dark's front hooves. However, Dark lifted both of his front hooves up and let Sunset's blade swing across from where his hooves used to be, cutting up nothing. As Dark slammed both of his front hooves on the floor, he lifted his battle axe to his right and prepared to do a clean hack towards Sunset in the neck. By the time Dark swung his axe at Sunset, she leaned back inches away from the axe's sweeping arc. As Sunset jumped back a few feet away from Dark Scissors, he raised the axe up high like a spear and attempted to thrust the axe's tip at Sunset's face. Before the axe's top was able to hit Sunset in the eye, she blocked it with her Flamberge in a vertical parry, with the axe's blade just inches from her face. Just when Dark was about to shove his axe straight into Sunset's face, she lifted the axe with her sword up above her head and as soon as her blade disconnected with Dark's axe, she rotated her blade around and stabbed Dark Scissors squarely in the chest. Upon receiving a fatal wound from Sunset's sword, Dark Scissor's mouth was left widen opened in shock. At the same time, Dark Scissors dropped his battle axe on the palace floors. After a few seconds of silence, Sunset pulled her sword back, letting the blood leave Dark Scissors body. The moment Sunset stared at Dark Scissors for a few minutes, he finally collapsed onto the floor, dead in her tracks. Before Sunset was able to leave the palace with Princess Celestia through the secret passage at the throne room, Gladius came storming in while carrying an unconscious Starlight Glimmer with his magic.

"Sunset, time to go!!" Gladius shouted.

Unfortunately by the time Sunset, Celestia, and Gladius reached the throne room, they were met by Lord Tirek who was waiting for them at the place where they least expect his presence. Upon seeing the demonic centaur again, the two unicorns and the white alicorn all stared at him in a state of shock and terror. As Tirek glared at the three ponies, he snorted out some steam from his nose and from his ears and had fire in her eyes. It turns out that Tirek is furious for letting his guard down when they attempted to escape.


In a heartbeat, Tirek grabbed Sunset, Gladius, and Starlight with his hands and attempted to strangle the life out of all three unicorns.

"FOOLS LIKE YOU, I'LL CRUSH YOU ALL WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!!" Tirek snarled as he held tight onto the three ponies as they all started suffocating.

Before Starlight, Sunset, and Gladius got strangled to death, Princess Celestia charged straight at Tirek, with sun magic swirling around her white, elegant body. Upon impact, Tirek was sent flying by Celestia's power straight into the doors leading outside of the throne room. As the three unicorns struggled to get up and catch their breath, Celestia directed them straight to the secret passageway again. But before Celestia can reach the passageway, after Sunset, Gladius, and Starlight went inside, she felt her hind leg getting grabbed by Tirek's hand. Just when Tirek was about to pull Celestia away from the unicorn trio, she grabbed onto the throne seat with her hooves.

"NO!! PRINCESS CELESTIA!!!" Sunset wailed as she was about to see her mother-figure get captured by the enemy again.

"It's not my time to be rescued yet Sunset Shimmer," Princess Celestia said as she was slowly losing her grip on her seat. "Go find more followers first, then come and find me."

Upon hearing this, Sunset started crying again for her failed attempt of rescuing the sun princess. Before she could say another word, Sunset was dragged away from the passageway. After they fell back to the sewers, Pinkie shows up and is preparing to blow up the passageway to kingdom come. Before that, Pinkie set up demolition charges all over the secret passageway and placed a remote detonator at the entrance of the sewers.

"Permission to blow up the passageway!!" Pinkie requested loud and clear.

"Permission granted, Pinkie Pie!!!" Gladius acknowledged.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Sunset screamed in terror.

As soon as Pinkie heard Gladius' accepting her request, the pink pony activated the detonator. In an instant, all of the demolition charges went off, exploding throughout the passageway leading to the Canterlot Throne. The moment Tirek got closer to the Secret passageway, it collapsed right in front of the centaur, sealing it off forever. Enraged for not getting the three enemy unicorns, Tirek turned his face towards Princess Celestia and Stag who were being restrained by the Unicornian guards, glaring both of them with livid facial features.

"So, it seems that your bodyguard and several Equestrian Loyalist unicorns came and tried to rescue you, huh?!" Tirek summarized in a growling tone of voice. "NOT SMART!!!"

Before Celestia could see what's happening, she was met with a huge punch to the face by Tirek out of anger, knocking her to the floor and receiving a big bruise on her face. As Celestia went in and out of consciousness, she started coughing up blood. Just when Tirek grabbed Celestia by the throat, the doors of the throne room bursted wide open. The moment Tirek turned around to face the doors, he sees Queen Majesty Blueblood and Amadeus Blueblood appear before him.

"Tirek, what in the name of Sir Blueblood just happened in my castle?! And why are you holding Princess Celestia by the throat for??" Majesty asked while under exaggeration.

"When I was about to head back to my homeland, a group of intruders tried to rescue this little bitch I have in my grip just now!!!" Tirek explained in a grunt. "We already gained the upper hand and drove them back, but not before they took out Dark Scissors here."

"It seems that this is just the beginning of another rebellion, Majesty." Amadeus told his daughter. "We'll take it from here, Tirek. Thanks for stopping them for us."

"It was nothing. After all, I already gained enough magic from the ponies of Equestria to rule over my badlands Kingdom." Tirek said while smirking to himself. "Farewell for now."

After Tirek left the Palace Throne Room, Amadeus and Majesty turned towards Celestia and Stag. As they both approached the sun princess and the CR soldier, Majesty steps in before making her decision.

"Guards, I want you to take Celestia to the Crystal Empire where Cicada and her forces will be keeping a close eye on her to make sure she doesn't attempt to get away again." Majesty said as she issued orders to her guards before facing Stag. "Have Stag taken to the dungeon to await his execution by tomorrow morning."

After they made it back to the sewers, Sunset's group and Discord's group were able to recover Princess Luna. Unfortunately, because they made a run-in with Equestria's powerful enemies, both of the rescue teams suffered heavy losses.

"Discord, where's Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Aqualina?" Fluttershy asked in a worried tone.

"Our griffin friend did not make it. And Rainbow and Spike are both captured upon their defeat. I'm sorry." Discord said in a somber tone.

After hearing about the fate of three of their friends, Fluttershy started breaking down for not being able to see Rainbow Dash and Spike, not once but twice in a row. As Fluttershy continued to sob in her hooves, Discord sat right next to her and comforted the sad yellow pegasus in his arms.

"It's okay, Fluttershy. Someday, we'll find a way to rescue them. Somehow, someway." Discord said while trying to cheer up the crying pegasus. "We will find them."

As soon as Luna recovered several hours later, she recalled every pony to the briefing room in the sewer hideout. Just when all of the remaining creatures loyal to the Equestrian crown assembled, Luna steps forward to make her speech in front of the group.

"All right every pony and creature, listen up!!" Luna announced in a Royal Canterlot voice. "We may have lost the civil war against the followers of Majesty Blueblood and Unicornia. They may have taken all of Equestria to make them submit to Majesty's tyrannical rule. They may have defeated the forces of Equestria. But since you guys saved me from my dreadful fate, I will do whatever it takes in my power to find a way to reclaim Equestria, hopefully one day we'll be able to save our land. As your princess of the night, I, Princess Luna, shall establish the Lunar Republic HQ to help the ponies of Equestria fight back against Queen Majesty's tyranny for whatever the cost. I can't say for sure when we'll be able to strike back and regain our freedom to live in the peaceful sun of Equestria, but as long as the Lunar Republic stands tall against all enemies of our beloved country, were going to live on, were going to survive. FROM THIS POINT ON, WE SHALL FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM! FIGHT FOR OUR FRIENDSHIP!!! AND FIGHT FOR EQUESTRIA!!!"