• Published 15th Nov 2017
  • 1,265 Views, 7 Comments

The Revenge of the Bluebloods - efug25g

When the civil war began, Unicornia makes its move while Equestria's heroes struggled to fight back but without each other by their side.

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Crystal Chaos

At the Crystal Empire, Shinning Armor, the Captain of the Equestrian Royal Guard and Prince of the Crystal Empire, just got up first thing in the morning to check up on his daughter Flurry Heart. Upon seeing his baby alicorn daughter in the crib, Shinning could not help but remember the sheer trauma that he experienced in the nursery back at Canterlot. After 3 days of giving birth Flurry Heart, some terrorists stormed into the nursery and attempted to fillynap Shinnings newborn daughter out of the blue. What's worse is that, by the time Shinning apprehended Flurry's kidnappers, he committed suicide without any warning. Feeling traumatized by this sick, twisted event, Shinning and his wife Princess Cadence had no choice but to leave Canterlot immediately, along with their daughter, in order to seek sanctuary at the Crystal Empire. It's bad enough that Shinning's sister Princess Twilight Sparkle wasn't here to see his daughter at the Crystalling Event, along with the rest of the Mane 5 and Sunburst, the crystalling Orange unicorn.

It has been six years after Twilight's death. Even though the Crystal Empire was able to train most of the Changelings to serve under the Equestrian Royal Family as the Changeling Republic due to the decree of their reformations by the order of Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence, Shinning still have inner grief that his sister wasn't there to see all of this Democratic change turn into a reality. Shinning could not forget that one of his fellow guard ponies, Gallant Heart, would go against him and his family by killing his one and only sister. That wasn't the worst of it, Gallant Heart had claimed that Amadeus Blueblood, the most ruthless pony noble that wouldn't stop treating Shinning's little sister like dirt, made him do this to spare the life of his brother, Gladius Strife. After hearing every word from Gallant Heart's mouth before he was publicly executed, Shinning Armor wanted to tell Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about this but he was hesitant to do so for it may put them and the rest of his remaining family in even more danger. What's worse is that his other sister, Mystic Sparkle, ran away just recently after the bombings of Princess Celestia's School back in Canterlot. No pony ever saw or heard about Mystic Sparkle ever again. Rumor has it, that she will not show up anymore until Mystic gains enough confidence and power to prove to him and his family that she can take care of herself.

Ever since that Shinning Armor heard that Gallant Heart and four royal guards were convicted and executed for murdering his sister, it made Shinning Armor hesitant to recruit any other Royal Guards from Canterlot to serve under him and his wife. However, when he learned about how a pegasus guard named Flash Sentry was able to able support Princess Twilight with her Royal Decisions revolving around Equestria's Democracy, he could not find any reason to not trust Flash. But now that Twilight is dead, Flash committed suicide after suffering from such grief.

As soon as Shinning Armor snapped out of his thoughts from his horrible past, he turned around to see his wife, Princess Cadence, sleeping in the same bed that he was sleeping in. Upon seeing the pink alicorn sleeping peacefully, Shinning could not help but notice how beautiful his wife really is. After he smiled at his wife, Shinning Armor received a newspaper from a crystal pegasus pony who works at the Foal Free Press. As soon as he grabbed the newspaper with his magic, he went down to the Crystal Throne room before reading it. After skimming through the first paper of the news article, Shinning's eyes widened with horror. It says on the article that Canterlot was under attack by a massive invading Army that came from the Kingdom of Unicornia. Before he could show what he just read to his wife, a Crystal Guard Commander came bursting into the Throne Room and bowed before Prince Shinning Armor.

"My liege!!!" The Crystal Pony spoke. "We have received word that the evacuating ponies from Canterlot are trying to seek refuge at the Crystal Empire. They just made it at the landing site near the train station outside of the Crystal Empire and are requesting an emergency escort to the city!!"

"Commander, ready the Crystal Pony guard." Shinning Armor said giving out orders to his Crystal soldiers. "Have them assemble at the Crystal Gates and stand by until I arrive there!!!"

"Yes, your majesty!!!" The Crystal Guard Commander acknowledged with a salute before he left the throne room.

Shinning Armor went to the Crystal Armory to gear up before heading out. Just when he finished gearing up, Shinning turned around to see a worried Princess Cadence appear right behind him.

"Shinning, what is going on?!" Cadence asked out of concern for her husband. "When I woke up you were gone for a couple of minutes and the next thing I heard was that the warning bells started ringing in our castle, as if something bad is about to happen."

"Cadence, I just received word that Canterlot is under attack by some unknown Unicornian Army." Shinning Armor explained briefly, much to the shock of his alicorn wife. "They're requesting an emergency escort to help the evacuating citizens to the Crystal Empire!!"

"But that means......" Cadence muttered in fear. "Oh No!! Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna. We should try to go help them."

"Well, we don't know what they're doing right now." Shinning Armor said to Cadence. "Escorting the citizens of Canterlot is our top priority here."

"Shinning, please be careful out there." Cadence said in a worried tone. "I don't want to lose you them way we lost your sister."

"I'll be back before you know it, my darling." Shinning Armor said as he and Cadence both hugged each other in their hooves and made one small kiss before moving on.

After Shinning Armor left Cadence's embrace, he left the Armory to go meet up with his Crystal Empire Guard outside of the gates. The moment he put his helmet on his head, Shinning galloped straight to the Crystal Courtyard, along with Commander Quickstar. He happens to be a Crystalized Blue Unicorn that has been in charge of training the Changeling Republican soldiers to serve their new rulers of Equestria. Throughout his military training, he had made quite an ace with crystalized forged lances in the Crystal Empire. As of right now, Shinning Armor appointed him to be his personal honor guard. When Shinning Armor went outside of the Crystal Empire to meet up with the Crystal Royal Guard Army, Quickstar appeared right next to his side before giving out his speech towards his fellow guard ponies.

"Crystal Guard Ponies!!!" Shinning Armor announced at the top of his lungs. "In all my life, I live by a code. And the code is simple. Honor Faust, love your mares, and defend your country!!! Equestria is a mother to us all!!! FIGHT FOR HER!!!"

Upon hearing Prince Armor's speech, the battalion of Crystal Pony Guards cheered for their Crystal Prince as they all galloped out into the battlefield along with him. As they approached the evacuating refugees, Shinning Armor found his birth parents Twilight Velvet and Night Light carrying their luggage with their magic as they proceeded towards the Crystal Empire. Upon seeing their son, Night Light and Twilight Velvet were relieved that Shinning was here to help them out. However, before they could say anything to their son, they heard an explosion come from behind the train station. As Shinning Armor looked closely at the horizon, they spotted an Army of Changeling Insurgents, along with a detachment of Unicornian Soldiers heading their way.

"Crystal guards, form up ranks with spears in front and rifle ponies behind!!!" Commander Quicksilver said while issuing orders to the Crystal Guard Ponies.

As soon as they setup a defensive perimeter around the train station, Shinning Armor makes his stand between life and death as he checked every one of his guards to make sure they're ready to engage the enemy at will. Behind Shinning Armor's ranks, the Changeling Republican Soldiers brought forth an artillery of Crystalized Cannons, fully loaded and standing by to fire at will. When the invading armies advanced forward 250 feet apart from them, Shinning gave his men to unleash their volleys.

"FIRE!!!!" Shinning Armor shouted orders at the top of his lungs.

In just an instant, the Crystal Empire guard unleashed a barrage of fire from their crystalized musket rifles. Upon impact, the invaders were struck with crystal spear-like bullets penetrating their exposed flesh. As for the cannons, they fired a huge red explosion of crystal shards at the ground where the invaders are. When getting struck by the Crystal Cannon fire, the blasts sent the invaders flying with red crystal shards lodged into their legs, bodies, and in their skulls. When the invaders hit the ground, blood started seep from their exposed wounds as they lay dead on the ground of the Crystal Wastelands. When they invaders got closer, Shinning Armor issued another order at the top of his lungs.

"CRYSTAL GUARDS!! SPEAR FORMATION!!!" Shinning Armor said as his guards raised their spears up high before engaging the invaders at the train station.

As soon as the two sides converged, the Crystal Ponies charged forward head first and stabbed several of the Changeling Insurgents and Unicornian Soldiers without hesitation. After that, the other invaders that weren't stabbed drew out their swords and faced the Crystal Guards in brutal close combat. In the middle of the battlefield, Shinning drew out his crystal sword and shield before engaging several Changeling Insurgents and Unicornian guards up front. One Unicornian drew out his sword and started swinging it at Shinning Armor. However, Shinning held his sword in front of his face and performed a guard break, making the Unicornian lose his grip on his sword before getting stabbed by Shinning's crystal sword in the head. As Shinning pulled his sword out from his defeated opponent, he ducked forward away from a Changeling Insurgent that was armed with a crude halberd. When the Changeling was about to slam his halberd on Shinning's head, the Crystal Prince swiped his sword in a horizontal slash and stabbed the Changeling in the side of the head, making him let out a deathly gurgle before Shinning pull his sword out and kicked the dead Changeling to the ground.

Commander Quickstar lunged his Crystal Lance and skewered two Unicornian soldiers with just one thrust. As they started bleeding to death, Quickstar pulled out his lance from the two dead invaders and whacked a Changeling Insurgent on his right, breaking his skull in an instant before he collapsed onto the ground dead. When another Changeling came out from the warring crowd and attempted to charge at Quickstar, he was met with a hip-firing shot in the stomach by Quickstar's flintlock pistol, which was being carried by his magic. After the Changeling fell on his back dead on the ground, Quickstar moved forward and stabbed another Unicornian soldier in the back, impaling him with his lance and threw him straight into the group of three Unicornians. The three Unicornians retaliated by charging up and shooting their magic at Quickstar. However, Quickstar reacted by raising a huge magic kite shield to block all three Magic beams that are aiming directly at his face.

As the fight between the Crystal Guards and the Changeling Republic versus the Unicornian Army and the Changeling Insurgents continued for several more minutes, Shinning Armor just received word from one of his emissaries that all Canterlot refugees have successfully made it into the Crystal Empire. Upon hearing this, Shinning Armor was about to give the order to fall back to the Crystal Empire, when all of a sudden, he started hearing loud heavy stomping coming from the direction of where the Invaders came from. The moment the Crystal Prince turned around he sees a wave of unidentified two legged mechs heading straight for them. As soon as Shinning took a closer look at them, he sees a squad of huge robots armed with rockets, huge gauntlets, and Venom throwers marching forward on his position.

"EVERY PONY FALL BACK TO THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE ON THE DOUBLE!!!!" Shinning Armor said as he shouted orders at the top of his lungs.

After hearing Shinning Armor's orders, the Crystal Empire guards and the Changeling Republic soldiers disengaged from their fight with the invaders and made a run for it, with having each Crystalized Cannon hauled away by 5 changeling republic soldiers each. During their retreat, the huge robots started to open fire at the Crystal Guards and the Changeling Republicans with their rockets from behind. When the rockets struck at them, several Crystal Guards and CR soldiers were sent flying off the ground and plummeted to their deaths, while some of them returned fire with their crystalized magic and with their crystalized musket rifles. However, despite their returned fire, the huge robots didn't receive too much damage and continued to open fire at the Armies of the Crystal Empire.

As Shinning Armor and his men got closer to the Crystal Empire, they were still being pursued by the enemy robots from behind. When they explosions continued to erupt from behind, Shinning Armor also lost his footing on the ground as he galloped to the main gate of the Crystal Empire. Unfortunately, after the Crystal Empire Army finally reached the main gates, despite suffering from a score of casualties on the battlefield, Shinning Armor and Commander Quickstar got way left behind due to the persisting fire coming from the enemy robots. Suddenly, one of the explosions sent Shinning Armor flying towards the gate just a couple feet away, while Commander Quickstar fell flat on the floor. As Quickstar struggled to get back on his feet, he saw Shinning Armor unconscious. Just when one the robots came up to the unconscious Crystal Prince and was about to crush him with its huge foot, the robot got blasted away by one of the Crystalized Cannons at the outer walls of the Crystal Empire. After taking several more shots from the other cannons, the huge robot blew up into smithereens as Quickstar used his magic to carry Shinning Armor all the way back inside the Crystal Empire.

The moment the Main gates closed behind them, with Quickstar and Shinning Armor inside the city, Shinning Armor immediately woke up only to find himself on top of his Crystal Guard Commander. After Shinning got off the Commander, they told him that everything is okay now and that all refugees are safely secured underneath the magic barrier that Princess Cadence had just casted over the Crystal Empire. Even though he felt relieved at one point, Shinning Armor is starting to get a frightening vibe that it will not be the last he'll ever see those traitorous fiends in Equestria.

"I want the entire city of the Crystal Empire reinforced as quickly as possible. All entrances and exits completely sealed. No pony is ever to enter or leave the city for any reasons." Shinning Armor said while giving out orders to the rest of the Crystal Pony Guards and Workers through the city. "And make sure we can still keep in touch with the Royal Sisters at Canterlot."

Before Shinning could carry out anymore orders to the rest of his subjects, Princess Cadence came out of the Crystal Palace, while carrying Flurry Heart with her magic.

"Dearie, do you think the Royal Sisters will come to aid us very soon?" Cadence asked Shinning Armor out of concern for their family and for their country. "I'm scared about what will ever become of the Crystal Empire now!!"

"I'm scared too, Cadence. I can't say for sure or when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will come to our aid. Though, we still have to stay strong for the rest of our remaining family until then." Shinning Armor said to Candence, while trying to control the situation. "I just hope we don't have to deal with those murderous contraptions again."