• Published 15th Nov 2017
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The Revenge of the Bluebloods - efug25g

When the civil war began, Unicornia makes its move while Equestria's heroes struggled to fight back but without each other by their side.

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Darkness Rises, Equestria Burns

During the Democratic Party in the Canterlot Palace, Majesty Blueblood, the Queen of Unicornia, and her son Prince Virgil Blueblood were standing right outside of the Palace, looking up to the windows of where the party is taking place in. After looking around at the very same castle that Majesty took over by force, her past still haunted her ever since 9 years ago. Even though Twilight and her friends forgave her of her tyranny, despite that she was forced to do this by her father, Majesty is still afraid of what will ever become of Equestria now. In her thoughts, Majesty is asking herself if the rest of the Equestrians will forgive her and move on or will they still fear her due to her past life.

"Mother, are you okay?" Prince Virgil asked Majesty, making her snap out of her negative thoughts.

"I-I don't know. I mean, every time I visited Canterlot, I couldn't stop thinking about all the horrible things that I caused during my reign over Equestria." Majesty said to her son. "Who am I trying to act like a spoiled tyrant and prejudicing Queen Twilight Sparkle of the way she is? Who am I believing in the false images that my father and his men are portraying Twilight Sparkle as? Who am I to treat Twilight's friends like dirt? How could I be so blind in listening to my father, if I actually had a choice to make? I wish I could take back all the vile things that I said about Twilight, her friends, and her mentor Princess Celestia."

"They seem pretty nice to begin with. I don't see really see anything wrong with what they usually do in their everyday life." Virgil said to himself. "When I went to play with Twilight's daughter, she seems pretty nice too."

"Well my son, I could've sworn that Twilight and her friends are all a threat to our very existence." Majesty said to her son, still shaken from her past. "But I was wrong. Maybe I should've listened to Sunset and Celestia when I had the chance a lot more sooner than later."

"Why didn't you?" Virgil asked Majesty.

"My father and his associates were the ones who taught me everything on how to be a pony noble; likely to help protect Equestria from suffering. Father was the one who raised me since on the day that I was born." Majesty said briefly. "Yet, I never thought that my father is still hiding something from me, Admiral Thunderball, and Lord Copper Bronze. When I took over Ponyville........"

It has been two days since Unicornian has declared a civil war upon Equestria. As Majesty was able to settle in Ponyville, establishing it into a makeshift fortress and a base of operations, she has received word that Felhand's Nullifier Cannons have reached Canterlot. The moment Majesty Blueblood arrived at the encampment near Canterlot, she received a report that Lord Bronze and his men have already infiltrated the city and taken positions at the Gatehouse and near the main gate. At the start of the second siege upon Canterlot, Majesty gave the order to commence another attack upon the capital. As soon as the Nullifier Cannons took down the Royal Sister's shield barrier, the Main Gate exploded, leaving behind a huge gap in the outer walls for Majesty's forces to pass through. In the next minute, Majesty ordered the cannons to blow that Gatehouse to Kingdom Come!!! Upon hearing the Queen's orders, they responded by bombard the Gatehouse will a couple of shots before it came crashing down onto the city pavement and onto the outer walls in front of it, smashing some of the Equestrian guards that got to close to it.

With just one wave of her hoof, Majesty issued a full-scale charge at Canterlot. The moment her forces breached through the outer walls, Majesty unleashed a troupe of Unicornian Chariots to have them fire a barrage of Crossbow bolts at Canterlot's defenders, with Tirek hunting down the stragglers that were still inside the buildings of Canterlot. After a couple of minutes of fighting, the Royal guards of Equestria fell back to the Palace but not before Majesty ordered the immediate capture of Lord Fancy Pants, along with several of his noble friends that survive her attack upon the capital and that one of the Changeling Republican soldiers blew himself up, taking down half of her main force. Upon witnessing such casualties, Majesty ordered her remaining soldiers to regroup at Ponyville before requesting more reinforcements to continue with the attack upon Canterlot. The moment they brought Fancy Pants into their custody, Majesty saw Tirek and Bronze gave him an evil gloat before interrogating him outside of Canterlot.

Back at Ponyville, Majesty ordered her guards to lock up Fancy Pants inside one of the cages inside the Town Hall, along with Mayor Mare. When time went on, Majesty received reports that Morning Blade and his men successfully conquered Manehattan, using its waters to build a Research Prison Facility to create and test out Felhand's experiments. As for Black Scythe, she has conquered all of Cloudsdale and Los Pegasus throughout those two days. For Dark-Light, however, he failed to conquer Appleloosa due to the fact that the Element of Honesty has rallied an army of militia to defend that town. What's worse is that one of his officers, Gundawarg, was beheaded and was sent straight to Queen Majesty's doorstep, as a warning for all Unicornians who dare oppose Applejack and her militia group. Feeling disgusted and furious for Dark-Light's failure, she orders him not to show his face in Ponyville again until he has successfully conquered Appleloosa in their midst; otherwise, she'll have Dark-Light executed for his incompetence during the civil war. As Majesty went up to the balcony of the Town Hall, she held out a black magical sphere that shows her everything that the Unicornians done when she lead them to attack all over Equestria.

"The world is changing. Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Traditionalists and Unicornia? To stand against the might of Amadeus and the Bluebloods and the union of the two towers?" Majesty muttered to herself in a deep, vile tone. "Together, my father, we shall rule this Equestria."

As the alicorn queen looked through her black sphere, she sees battalions of her troops marching through Manehattan, Baltimare, Cloudsdale, and Los Pegasus. When Majesty used her magic to show bring forth a image screen from her sphere, it reveals most of the inhabitants in all four conquered cities wrapped around in chains and are put to forced labor left and right. However, from Majesty's point of view, she has ordered her commanding officers to recruit slavers and slave masters to keep the enslaved ponies in line for she fear that they might one day start rebelling against Majesty's rule.

After giving out orders to her officers, Majesty went down from the Town Hall to see pony slaves forced to cut down trees, mine deposits to forge metal weaponry, and create various siege weapons to increase strengthen the military power of the Unicornian Kingdom. Every time they bring in those resources from the Everfree Forest, from the caves outside of Ponyville, and from the Pie Family's Rock Farm, they haul it all the way to the Ponyville Marketplace to do their work there. For Felhand, he brought a massive supply energy crystals to create and program new technological weapons of mass destruction at Manehattan; most of this unstable resources were imported by Admiral Thunderball's ships entering the city's shipyards and with the help Admiral Valiant's airships. After they finished forging weapons and armor for the Unicornian Army, the pony slaves were forced to haul and store them at the barns of Sweet Apple Acres

"The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A New Order will rise!!!" Majesty said to herself while continuing with her dialogue as she made a detour around the Ponyville Marketplace turned War Factory. "We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of a Unicornian pony!!! We will remove those who oppose us."

As the Traditionalist Rebels have assembled outside of the Town Hall, Queen Majesty and Amadeus Blueblood appeared before them and made their speech that will encourage them to get revenge on the Equestrian Progressors and the Alicorn Princess that betrayed them.

"The Royal Sister have took your lands!!!" Amadeus announced to the Rebels. "They drove your people into the hills to scratch in living off rocks!!!"

"MURDERERS!!!!" One of the Rebels shouted with anger and fury, while the rest roared in a hostile war cry.

"TAKE BACK THE LANDS THAT THEY STOLE FROM YOU!!!!" Majesty shouted at the top of her lungs. "BURN EVERY VILLAGE!!!"

Upon hearing what Amadeus and Majesty just said to them, the Traditionalist ponies made an uproar before they ran off to unleash a destructive Tartarus all over Equestria. Throughout day and night, the Traditionalists wreaked havoc upon isolated pony villages and raided various merchant trade caravans. During the rampage of the Traditionalists, innocent ponies were screaming as they made their attempt to flee with their lives. However, those that were caught in the crossfire were killed immediately on sight!!! Various detachments of Equestrian Royal Guard fought desperately to drive away the rebellions traditionalists. Unfortunately, some of the Royal Guards became very defective and joined in the slaughter that put millions of lives in mortal danger.

"It will begin in Equestria. Too long have those Progressors have stood against us, but no more." Majesty said while continuing further with her dialogue. "Equestria, Father, is ready to fall!!!"

Back inside the Town Hall, Majesty comes face to face with Lord Fancy Pants in a small room. The moment Majesty enters the room that Fancy Pants is in, she sees the capture noble hoisted up several feet from the ground, stripped of his Noble armor and clothing, reducing him into an exposed, beaten stallion. In addition Fancy Pants had his hooves stretched out wide from his body tied up in strong rope, with his back facing the alicorn queen herself. Right next to him is an earth pony wearing a black executioner mask, with a whip held on his right hoof. Upon looking closer at Fancy Pants, she sees fresh whiplash marks all over his white fur coat. Before Fancy Pants could say anything, Majesty makes her speech while interrogating the pony noble.

"So, Fancy Pants, are you still that foolish enough to listen to those whore some Princesses of Equestria?" Majesty sneered

"What makes you think I would submit to you and your father??" Fancy Pants wheezed as he was met with another whip on his back, making him grunt in pain. "Me and my family may have been as powerful as the Bluebloods, but we would never accept a noble family for whom their pride doesn't know any bounds!!!"

"OH REALLY??!!" Majesty snarled as she grabbed the whip from the torturer and slammed its lashes at Fancy Pants several more times before continuing with her interrogation.

"UGH!!! You heard me, Majesty Blueblood. I mean, I could've sworn that because of how much power your father has lost after they killed Twilight, they wouldn't try to dare stop Equestria from its changes." Fancy Pants spoke in a wheeze. "I mean, we Equestrians have worked very hard to establish peace to the other nations outside of this country, such as Saddle Arabia, Yakyakistan, the Griffon Kingdom, and the Changeling Kingdom. We were able to win their allegiance because we already gain enough power to do so."

"Well, what about Father?!" Majesty asked in anger. "Why didn't you yield to him, when he had more power for my family?"

"Because it's not going to do us any good in winning over Equestria by force; he's going to sell you out sooner or later." Fancy Pants grunted after getting whipped again by Majesty. "He's nothing more than a ruthless, childish coward!!! And it will be too late for you to understand the fact that he's not going to teach you properly on how to become a pony noble like Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia."

"WHAT DO EVEN KNOW ABOUT MY FATHER AND THAT HARLOT TWILIGHT ANYWAY??" Majesty screeched in anger for hearing his insult towards her father Amadeus Blueblood.

"My story of how I became a noble in Equestria is kind of similar to that of Princess Twilight's story." Fancy Pants spoke weakly. "I'm nothing like your father because he was just only obsessed with power and nothing else. If you still don't get it, one of these days you will regret letting your father do to you what he did to his son, Prince Blueblood. When Princess Twilight came up on the throne, she insisted on helping me and my family save Equestria through all aspects of friendship and reformations. We don't really care what kind of creatures were dealing with, like Discord, the Changelings, and the Griffons. Your traditional obsessions will just make you even more hated by them and by us Equestrians, likely through egregious, prideful circumstances."

After hearing all of this, Majesty could not tell if Fancy Pants was lying about her father or not. The moment Majesty left the torture chambers, she's still isn't sure if she really believed that the Royal Sisters are more tyrannical than she is or not. During her fight with Sunset Shimmer, Majesty felt a little lost from the inside after what that yellow orange unicorn just said to her.

"I used to be just like you once. But there's actually nothing good about gaining power in Equestria. Believe me, I learned all of this the hard way."

As soon as Majesty exited the Town Hall of Ponyville, she received a letter from one of her messengers that Morning Blade just brought in and personally trained a new earth pony recruit to help her enforce the Slave Labor in her territories. They said that his name is Crimson Cross, who used to be in charge of a Fruit marketing company in Manehattan. Despite his immediate capture at Manehattan, Morning Blade intended to take advantage of him by pressing him into Blade's Army and serve under them as their Head Slavemaster, in exchange for his family's freedom. Upon reading all of this, Majesty send a reply back to Sir Morning Blade, telling him that she needs Crimson Cross's aid to conquer Appleloosa.

In just 4 days later, Majesty was finally able to see Morning Blade bring forth Crimson Cross from his airship in Ponyville, along with an army of earth ponies and Unicornian soldiers at his command. After taking a good look at Crimson, Majesty sees him wearing a full set of Slavemaster Armor.

"So, you must be Crimson Cross from Manehattan." Majesty spoke, introducing herself to the big earth pony stallion. "Who do you fight for?!"

"For you my lady because I refuse to let Princess Twilight or her friends take advantage of us with their threats!!" Crimson answered in a loud, clear voice.

"If that's so, I still want you to prove to me on where your loyalties lie!!" Majesty demanded the earth pony stallion. "There is another town that is still standing tall against us. It is known as Appleloosa. That town is heavily defended by a army of village militia led by a young earth pony mare named Applejack!!! She bears the Element of Honesty and used to live in Ponyville as a stalwart Apple Farmer. I want you and your men to go help Lt. Commander Dark-Light conquer that town with extreme prejudice and capture Applejack as soon as you see her in your sights. Do not fail me!!!"

"YES, MY LADY!!!" Crimson Cross shouted while acknowledging Majesty's orders at the top of his lungs.

In just an instant, Crimson lead his troops away from Ponyville to meet up with Dark-Light and his platoon at Appleloosa. The moment Crimson left Ponyville, Morning Blade started snickering behind his back unnoticed.

"So Morning Blade, you're not going to let his family go after he helps us take over Equestria will you?!" Majesty asked the Royal Knight Unicorn.

"Indeed, not!!!" Morning Blade snickered. "I still need him and his family to serve under us through by all means of force."

"When do you think our reinforcements will arrive at Canterlot?" Majesty asked Morning Blade.

"Very soon my dear. When that's done, we'll strike down Canterlot with just one more swoop." Morning Blade answered with determination.

"While you're at it, make sure they don't stop until that city is taken!!!" Majesty ordered her unicorn Commander. "I want the Royal Sisters captured so that they can see how we Bluebloods preserve Equestria!!!"

"Yes, my lady!!" Morning Blade said as he saluted the Queen before moving on.

"Even though I helped Twilight with managing Ponyville, some of the ponies residing there still find my presence intolerable." Majesty told her son. "They were gossiping a lot of negativity behind my back, staying 50ft away from me, and turning their backs on me; who can blame them. Even Mayor Mare was anxious to see me again; always giving me those stern, hateful looks on her face every time I see her. If only there was another way to make ponies stop fearing me anymore."

As Majesty took a stroll around the Canterlot Gardens, she looked down at her reflection at a nearby lake. Before Virgil could say anything, he noticed that tears were coming out of Majesty's eyes. Majesty's tears came dripping down onto the lake as if she felt bad in displaying such vile behavior when ruling over Equestria with an iron hoof.

"I'm also afraid about how will the future hold for you if you were to take the throne when something happens to me out there." Majesty said to Prince Virgil. "I know you're still young Virgil, but it'll be a matter of time where you have to learn how to handle leadership seriously when you get older."