• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 868 Views, 37 Comments

Diamond of Darkness - alfonso_rd_33

My name is Diamond Tiara, and this is the story of how I became a Succubus Royal in another universe...

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Gaiden 1 - The Spoon Dilemma.

"Of course, Mistress. I will be and do whatever you tell me."

"NO! Don't you understand, miss? What I want is a friend, not a slave who pretends to be a friend."

Diamond roared at the response she received, to which Azaji just cringed in pain, which made Diamond feel bad, so he sighed as he said.

"Forgive me, Miss Windsoul, but as I said, as far as I remember, Sil always kept me honest and having a slave as a friend would not do that if you want to be my friend, she will not be like my slave Do you understand me? "

And the young succubus looked at Her Mistress, whose emotions were shown as the beginning of a crying fit, which broke Azaji's heart. Her lover was suffering, what was worse, Her Mistress was suffering for her! So she felt that she had to do something.

Diamond of Darkness

Gaiden I: The Spoon Dilemma.

"And that's what happened. In the end, Mistress held back her tears and asked me to think about her offer, but I'm not sure, sister. "

It was what Azaji Windsoul said once he met his brother and sister at the end of the day, eager to hear the opinion of her revered Eldest Sister and the surprisingly insightful vision of her older brother.

"What I still don't understand is why you decided to become a slave to that little pony. If you ask me, the succubi are fools to trade your freedom and free will for the dominance of that pony."

It was the response of Azaji's brother, a mountain of muscles whose appearance contrasted with the stereotype of the incubi, with brown skin and a frank face, yet he was strangely attractive for the women -and men- who valued immovable strength above all else. Still, his honest opinion was greeted with an expression of anger and discontent by the two women, indicating that any opinion she had on the arrangement to make Diamond Tiara become their Succubus Queen was not welcome.

"Hush now, little brother. Or do you not remember that it is not your place to talk about the issues of those who are your Betters? Thanks to the Abyss we haven’t introduced you to the Mistress, or I am sure you will find a way to embarrass us with your idiocy."

Said the older sister, dressed in a casual outfit, a simple pink dress, a white apron and her feet covered with crimson heels as she put her hands on her hips in a clear sign of discontent and dropped a small sliver of murderous intent, enough to terrify her rebellious little brother into proper obedience, which was greeted by Azaji with a sad shake of her head as a way of showing her disgust and disapproval towards his sister's attitude.

"Oh come on, Azaji, honey, you know I'm right. Rahjeet here should not be talking about the affairs of the Succubus, especially in these moments when he is not graced by the security and blessings that Mistress kindly offers us. "

" Although I will admit that you are right that the Mistress has been extremely kind to us, that does not excuse you or allow you to continue abusing our brother, Ajamiri, "darling". Besides, we are discussing my problem, not dealing with our brother's macho babble. "

And the hitherto imposing figure of Ajamiri Windsoul disappeared, leaving only an extremely punished woman, her eyes downcast, unable to meet her sister's gaze younger while whispering,

"Still, he shouldn't have called us idiots, a... and it's my duty as the Eldest Sister to make sure my cute little brother and sister are the best they can be. You can't blame me for trying to correct your stupidity, Azaji, darling. "

"It’s okay, I understand you Ajamiri, I know that your heart is in the right place and your intentions are good... it’s not your fault that your brain forces to you act like a stupid bitch and you can't control your impulses, just remember that, as MY revered Eldest Sister, I expect nothing less than perfection from you, understood? Don't forget that for me you are the most important person in this world, after Mistress, of course.”

Azaji replied as he approached his sister, lifting her head by the chin, showing how the lessons she had taught her had not been forgotten by treating her as the most insignificant living creature, and Ajamiri could see in the beautiful eyes of her little sister how much she loved her, despite considering her less than nothing at the moment, blushing as pride struggled with the humiliation of being scolded and dominated so easily by the youngest of all, only to be interrupted by her brother again, who said.

"As I was saying, I don't understand the reason for your decision, but I respect it, so it seems strange to me that the pony wants to give up Azaji's submission gift so easily."

And Ajamiri hastened to regain control of Azaji, coughing a little before saying.

"Well, Rahjeet, I think Mistress wants Azaji to do what she already does to me: keep her on the right track, so Spoiled Bitch's teachings don’t influence her choices and behaviors, that seems to be the role of the Silver Spoon."

At this Azaji just pouted cutely while complaining petulantly.

"Well, for my part, I don't see how it could be that being one of her most devoted slaves interferes with my task of keeping her in the straight and narrow. I could totally do it if I wanted to!"

Then Rahjeet and Ajamiri looked at each other for a moment, smiled and Ajamiri said sweetly.

"Azaji, darling, I suddenly feel tired, but I don't want to sit in a chair, would you be so kind as to help me?"

"Of course sister! Here, do you think this could be useful?"

Azaji replied, immediately falling on all fours, turning into a makeshift chair, which Ajamiri used to sit down, stroking Azaji's head as he looked at her, Azaji noticing how she had been dominated by her Eldest Sister without even trying, which caused her to blush in embarrassment.

"Do you see it now, Azaji, darling? I'm not even your Mistress, but here you are, on all fours, serving as a chair for someone you recognize and accept as your Better. Now imagine trying to mix that with the role of the Silver Spoon for the Mistress. "

"She would just have to order me to shut up and I would obey as the domesticated slave I am, right? But then what if I'm not good enough to be the Silver Spoon? What will happen if I fail? Will Mistress throw me out and discard me? Or will I die of shame and humiliation? "

It was Azaji's pitiful response when her older sister got up off her back, causing her to collapse, ending up on her knees, her head down as she continued to imagine scenario after scenario of her total failure as the Silver Spoon, then a great a brown finger lifted her head, forcing her to look at the smiling face of her brother she said.

"Nonsense! You will not fail, you are my pretty little sister! The cutest and most compassionate succubus ever! There is no one more qualified to keep that pony under control than you, but that is just my opinion."

"Well, it seems that, for once, the big lug is right, there is no one better to keep our Mistress "leashed" than you, but only if you choose to renounce your beloved slavery, and if by some miracle it happens that you fail, I'm sure our Mistress will take you back, as long as you beg and degrade yourself properly, but even in that department, you are one of the best, my dear. "

Ajamiri said, who had barely finished saying that when Azaji leaned forward and started kissing her Eldest Sister's heels, babbling her thanks almost incoherently, only to stop once the Eldest Sister grabbed her head by the hair and forced her to lift it painfully while saying.

"You're welcome, Azaji, now I'm sure I should punish you for that little stunt from before, as I seem to remember that we agreed that you would point me out when I was too big a bitch in private, yes? But I think you should show our brother your proper thanks first, after all, he was the one who pointed out your solution in the first place, wasn't he? Afterward... we'll see. "

"Aw, y... yes Sister, thanks for rem... aw ... reminding me of that... aw could you, could you let go already? It's starting to hurt too much."

Azaji whimpered and wasn’t very unhappy once she was released, throwing herself onto the mountain of a brother she had, hugging, kissing and generally being "too affectionate" towards him to his eternal shame as she thanked him for helping her, then, after a few moments passed, Ajamiri coughed into her fist before saying.

"Okay, that's enough you two, it's late and we’ll need our strength tomorrow, so let's go to bed. Azaji, with me."

That last part was said with enough Domination that her two younger siblings trembled with terror, so they obeyed and went to their respective rooms, Azaji started walking behind Ajamiri, who only looked back and said.

"Properly, my dear."

And Azaji, for the second time in the night, returned to stand on all fours, crawling towards her Eldest Sister as she walked to her room, swaying seductively before looking back for a moment as she spoke arrogantly.

"Much better. Now come, you will need to rest for tomorrow."

And they arrived at the simple room of the Eldest, which consisted of a huge four-poster bed, a dresser, a wardrobe and a cage a little too small to contain a single person, the spartan room wasn’t so much since it was decorated with paintings depicting the family's most important moments, yet once they both entered, Ajamiri closed the door, turned to look at the youngest sister, and raised an elegant eyebrow, prompting the younger sister to look at her and say.

"Can you allow me to go to bed, oh powerful Eldest Sister?"

And the blush Azaji wore on her face would be enough to power a Human World city, yet Ajamiri lust looked at her sister with utter contempt, the same act that urged her to "ask correctly."

"C... Can you allow me to go to bed, oh mighty Eldest Sister, so that tomorrow I can degrade and humiliate myself enough so that our Mistress grants me the title and the role of the Silver Spoon so I can show the House, Makai and all those other bitches and whores who dare to falsely say that they are our Mistress's favorites that our family is as blessed as the Rose Xiao Long, please?

And the sadistic succubus only smiled with her most beatific smile, which combined with the words "You may, little sister", made Azaji undress quickly so she could crawl into the cage, the rough bars scratching and rubbing her naked flesh, while Ajamiri undressed before going to her soft and comfortable bed, listening to her sister say,

"Good night, O most powerful of the Elder Sisters, may Mistress honor you with the sweetest of dreams."

"Good night, my most beautiful and lovable of the youngest sisters, may Mistress vanish any nightmares of your dreams you so you can rest."

Replied Ajamiri as she blew the single candle that lit the room, and the two sisters slept the most placid of dreams in the complete darkness the room provided.

Author's Note:

And Diamond of Darkness is back ...

This chapter was hard to do back in June 2019, but yesterday I started writing, and it just flowed freely, and it's finally done! Next time, we'll go back to our scheduled succubus and see how Azaji Soulwind turns into the Silver Spoon and more.

See you there!