• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 868 Views, 37 Comments

Diamond of Darkness - alfonso_rd_33

My name is Diamond Tiara, and this is the story of how I became a Succubus Royal in another universe...

  • ...

7 - The Early Years... The Beautiful Braves...

Incredibly, after the rituals, Diamond Tiara and Morrigan's relationship changed. They were no longer a child aging faster and a baby with too much power for their age, but a couple of girls with at most two years apart. As predicted, absorbing Miss Von Berner Diamond stopped aging so quickly, but the unpredictable thing would be what happened to Diamond Tiara a few days later.

Diamond of Darkness.
Chapter VII: The Early Years... The Beautiful Braves...

"Mistress Diamond Tiara."

Said a melodious voice as a beautiful brunette woman with the reddest hair ever seen appeared in front of Morrigan and Diamond Tiara, the strange woman was a complete stranger, but Diamond felt a certain familiarity, smiling when she saw her kneel before her.

"Uh... do I know you...?"

"I don't believe it Mistress, but you are known by every succubus of the House of Aensland, you are the heiress of our deceased queen, Dorothea Von Berner. My name is Ruby Rose, and the council of the succubi has given me the task of informing you that we would wish for you to visit us as soon as possible."

Then Diamond checked the prostrate figure before her, who was wearing a tight Hunting outfit, colored black, and red. The corset of the suit making her chest look bigger, and the boots with an almost impossible heel gave her a height... currently average. Morrigan meanwhile, had been studying the stranger and was about to attack her, unfortunately for her, she felt something that forced her to gasp and she turned to the door of the rooms, watching how the Master and Lord of Makai was standing in the door.

"And why should Diamond visit the council, Miss Rose?"

Asked Belial while holding and tickling Morrigan, watching the succubus before him.

"Master Belial."

said Ruby as she rose to bow before the King of Makai.

" You know that Miss Von Berner appointed Mistress Diamond as her heir, so it is her duty to lead the council of the succubi."

At this, Belial just gave Ruby a look before saying.

"That may be true, but Diamond doesn’t have the age or the maturity to assume such a role, and Miss Von Berner knew it. Now retire yourself, Miss Rose, and tell the council that I will take Diamond myself when appropriate."

To which Ruby only smiled at the Dark Lord, challenge present both in the smile and in the look, but said politely.

"You know very well that you are not allowed to go to the Council chambers, Master, and you should know that you can’t stop us. Mistress Diamond will lead us and renew our loyalty to You and the House of Aensland."

"Go away, Miss Rose, Tell the council that it is not the time to introduce Diamond to them. but that, in a week's time Diamond shall visit."

'Very well, Master, but before retiring, Could I visit Mistress Diamond during the week? To help her know how to behave before the council."

Ruby offered to Belial, who was placing Morrigan back on the floor, watching both Ruby and Diamond, then nodded slightly, causing the succubus to disappear as quickly as it appeared, of course, kissing Diamond's hand before leaving.

"What Did She mean that I should lead the succubi, Daddy?"

Diamond asked as she got closer to be loved by her father, watching Morrigan scoot closer too.

"Just that Diamond, your maid was the leader of the succubi in the Aensland house, I selected her because she was the most appropriate being to take care of you, unfortunately, her death has made you responsible and the owner of all the succubi on our lands. But for now, I've come to see my princesses."

To which Diamond innocently asked.

" So Morrigan is mine? as was the maid? "

" I don't belong to anyone! But if I was someone's, it would be Daddy's."

Morrigan complained as she made a cute pout, which Diamond laughed arrogantly while Belial said patiently.

" No, Diamond, the succubus BORN of Makai succubi are yours, Morrigan was born of a... consort... I had in the human world, so she isn’t part of your possessions. But enough of politics... I came to enjoy my perfect little princesses."

And for the next two hours, Belial Aensland stopped being the King of Makai to become a loving father, playing with and educating his daughters.

A few days later

"You're so a Rainbow Dash, Morrigan!"

Diamond Tiara said without thinking once Belial left them, Mudo was about to arrive for their afternoon lessons, but Diamond felt that she should tell her sister how rude and tawdry her attitude of fighting constantly seemed.

"Hey, Dia... Who is Rainbow Dash?"

"Are you kidding me? By the abyss, Rainbow Dash is the fastest Pegasus in the world, or at least that's what the Crusaders say... "

To Diamond's surprise, Morrigan only noticed the fact that Diamond remembered things from her homeworld, and she showed it childishly.

"Dia...! You remembered something from where you came from. let's tell Daddy."

At the exuberance of Morrigan Diamond just shuddered and, without warning, shone for a moment and, once the glow vanished sitting next to Diamond Tiara was Miss Dorothea Von Berner, who, with a brush in her hand, her elegant crimson dress shining while her cruel eyes saw the girls.

"Seriously Mistress Morrigan...? Of everything that has happened today what catches your eye is an expression of the past of the Mistress Diamond of which she has no control...?"

As expected, Morrigan jumped and tried to attack the maid, launching herself to attack with a punch, just to pass through her, upon hearing Diamond sigh Morrigan just sat across from Diamond, who only then saw the ghost of Miss Von Berner.

"I thought your maid wasn’t coming back Dia."

Morrigan said while watching Diamond cry, for some reason this made Morrigan herself sad, and she decided to hug her.

"She sniff... she was supposed to sacrifice herself so that I could live a normal life for this world, that stupid bitch left me alone! "

Diamond roared, Miss Von Berner, watching the interaction between the heirs of Belial Aensland.

" Come on, come on Miss, you know you don't feel that for me. "

At this Diamond saw upward, her puffy red eyes from all that crying watching the imposing figure of her maid, who looked back at her with a look of absolute superiority.

"By the Abyss, I leave and you lose all your dignity Mistress Diamond, it's disappointooof..."

Miss Von Berner could not finish speaking as Diamond threw herself at her, hugging the figure while Morrigan looked curious.

"Weren’t you dead, maid? And why can't I touch you and Dia can? "

Asked the excitable Morrigan, while Diamond pressed the woman closer to her, who turned to Belial's heiress before saying with a laugh in her voice.

"Well, as you know, Mistress Morrigan, my soul was fused with Mistress Diamond’s soul, that's why I can manifest myself... regarding the fact that you can’t touch me, well, now I am a part of Mistress Diamond, I am an echo. I technically don't exist, and my existence as an echo will not last forever."

At this Diamond squeezed more, trying to prevent her from leaving, just then Mudo appeared in the doorway of the rooms.

"Mistress Diamond, Mistress Morrigan, it's time for your lec... "

To say that Mudo was a low-class demon would be a disservice, after all, he was considered the "left hand" of Belial Aensland, an accomplished strategist and a Master in the art of war, so when he saw the figure of Dorothea Von Berner, his surprise was minuscule, so he ended up asking.

"Shadow or projection of the soul? "

At this Miss Von Berner only smiled before saying.

" Shadow, Mudo dear... And where is Lucien? I thought that you both were an item."

" Har dee har, very funny, Miss Von Berner, tell me Do you plan to continue interrupting the lessons of the Mistresses?"

Mudo answered while watching Diamond Tiara not let go of Miss Von Berner.

" Of course not, come on Mistress Diamond, time to learn. You too Mistress Morrigan."

And having said that, both girls sat at the desks that were prepared for them, and Mudo began the lesson, the shadow of Miss Von Berner helping at times when Mudo could not explain the lesson properly.

" Well, this is it... "

Said Diamond Tiara as she saw the huge door that led to the chamber where the most powerful succubi of the House of Aensland met, on her right side little Morrigan dressed in an elegant and beautiful emerald dress that complimented her hair. On the left, Ruby Rose, wearing the hunting suit that she was wearing when she met Diamond, but adding a long crimson hood.

"Whenever you’re ready, Miss."

Said Ruby gently, to which Diamond just opened the door and entered imperiously, observing the succubi before her.

"What is the meaning of this outrage?"

To say that Hildegard Von Krone was furious would be an understatement. Not only that bitch Dorothea Von Berner ended up dying, but also managed to prevent Hildegard from becoming the Succubus Queen, luckily the little upstart had set up a limit for her to appear before the Council of the Succubi, and in less than 5 minutes the term would expire, and Hildegard could assume her proper place as the Succubus Queen. Unfortunately, as she thought that, the massive doors of the council chamber opened wide.

"What is the meaning of this outrage?"

Hildegard roared as she looked down, watching the three figures in front of the council. First watching Ruby Rose, the little plebeian wearing her traditional (and distasteful, in the expert opinion of Hildegard) hunting suit in red and black, with the stupid hood down, on her right a little girl, a horse demon with deformed features wearing an elegant pink dress, with coral colored fingerless gloves and even more to the right a little emerald haired succubus wearing an elegant light green dress.

"I've brought..."

Ruby started as she bowed to the council, only to be stopped by the horse demon.

Once they entered the chamber, Diamond immediately moved to the center, with Morrigan to her right and Ruby to her left, only then she deigned to see the council, meeting four succubi watching her and an empty chair in the center, noticing that the cruel Amazon with strong features of Germanic origin had spoken to them, her long flowing golden hair framed an ivory face like a pair of floes of the deepest blue Diamond had ever seen looked at them like something the cat refused to drag, the crimson lips pursed in a clear grimace of disgust. Then, as Ruby began her introduction, Diamond stopped her with one hand.

"Madame Hildegard Von Krone, this August Council of the Succubi has called me and I have come, my name is Diamond Tiara Aensland, first daughter of Belial Aensland, the older sister of the heiress of Master Belial and heir of Dorothea Von Berner."

Diamond Tiara said as she bowed politely.

" Very well... And what is that... thing... doing here...?

Hildegard asked as she looked at Morrigan, to which Diamond could see the other members of the council, to the right of Hildegard was a woman of Asian descent with, strangely, golden messy long hair and crimson eyes that seemingly could see the soul of the lucky ones on her sights, with nose and lips perfectly proportioned, that woman only saw Hildegard out of the corner of her eye before saying.

"Hildie, I think that Diamond must have had some good reason to bring the half-breed runt."

"Also, we never said that Diamond had to come alone, right Julia?"

Said the woman to the left of Hildegard, an ebony figure with pink lips and mischievous eyes, who turned to see the last member of the council, the woman was certainly the stereotype of the "Latin Goddess," with coppery gold skin, crimson lips practically begging for a kiss, hazel eyes that, like the rest of the council, seemed to see through the body to see the soul of those who deserved their attention, fortunately, before the named Julia could respond, Diamond Tiara said.

"Excuse me... are you referring to Morrigan Aensland, Legitimate Heiress of the Master Belial Aensland and future leader of the house and, by extension, Makai itself as a 'thing'!? Sweet Celestia the maid was right... this Council is too stuffy... Morrigan, Miss Rose... Shall we?"

Then she turned to leave, only stopping when a musical voice said.

"What Madame Von Krone and dear little Yang here tied so rudely to say is that this Council usually deals with succubi born of Makai beings in Makai, Miss Morrigan is clearly a special case, please accept the apologies of this Council for the rude and unsightly manners its members had regarding our future Queens, okay Miss Diamond Tiara?"

So Diamond and her entourage turned around, looking at the Council. Hildegard Von Krone was clearly infuriated by the words said to her, the Asian woman now known as Yang looked positively embarrassed, deciding to better focus on Ruby Rose while the black goddess was smiling at whom had spoken, and Julia herself just smiled pleasantly at the guests, even winking a playful eye at Diamond Tiara.

"I guess I can accept your apologies, as long as you whores don't forget that, regardless of what you think about your supposed ‘racial superiority’, in the end, it will be I who will become the Queen of Makai."

Said Morrigan looking haughtily at the council, on her left Diamond smiled while Ruby Rose looked at her horrified, at least that was until a burst of musical laughter permeated through the chamber.

"Excellently said Mistress Morrigan, with a little luck when you become Queen and Mistress Diamond is the Queen of this council we can finally put an end to that boring notion of superiority by born of Makai's creatures."

And, after Diamond shone for a moment, the members of the council were shocked as the former Succubus Queen Dorothea Von Berner appeared in front of them.

"And of course, Hildie is the instigator of stupidity."

"What is this? Y… YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!"

Cried Hildegard hysterically, as she saw her hated rival standing in front of her, an impossibility as allegedly she had given her soul to the stupid upstart, then, to her eternal horror, said upstart said.

"Oh? Perhaps the powerful Hildegard von Krone does not know about the shadows? My dear maid is now but an echo, which means that she can’t take that empty chair in this council, so... What is the plan of this 'August' Council regarding me?"

" Pft, of course, I know about shadows, you stupid little up... "

Hildegard began to say, luckily Yang interfered before Hildegard could bury herself completely.

"That is common knowledge, but honestly Diamond, it had never been seen, that's why it surprised us, with respect to our plans, that's simple: We will declare you our Queen and you'll swear our loyalty to the Aensland House and Master Belial, as for the rest of your responsibilities, Madame Von Krone will be regent in your name until you are of age to assume the role."

At this Diamond saw the four succubi before her, carefully considering the best course of action until Dorothea said.

"Hildie was chosen because she was my second in command, had you never come to this world, it would have been highly possible that she would have become Queen in case of my death."

" Mmmmmm... that I don't think is right..."

Diamond murmured before continuing.

"Alright, this is what will happen, yes, I will be crowned by you, and I will swear the allegiance of the Succubi to the house and the Master. But who will serve as regent in my name will be Miss Ruby Rose... Are we clear, ladies?"

Having said that, Diamond unconsciously launched a wave of power, which washed over the chamber, meanwhile, the members of the council looked surprised, then Hildegard screamed again as Yang grinned madly.

"B... But Ruby Rose is a low-class succubus...! Obviously she is not qualified to be your regent Miss."

Meanwhile, Ruby Rose was surprised... she was first named Regent for the new Succubus Queen, then, without warning, she was washed with Magic, the magic literally claimed her as the property of said Queen, then the shadow of Dorothea Von Berner, who was watching the puzzled young succubus, whispered to her.

"Delicious, don't you think so? When I first met her, she fell for my allure, at least until Master Belial told her about it, then, without warning, her innate magic saw me as something that could be useful, that magic destroyed my allure as if it was nothing and forced me to obey her. She is a natural-born leader, it is almost as if it was her talent. If you are lucky enough to be able to stay by her side, You will surely fall in love with her, it happened to me."

While this was happening, Diamond deigned to answer Hildegard Von Krone's whining.

" Do you dare to talk back to me, Hildie? May I remind you that I was appointed by the former Queen herself? Obviously, she thought I was more than qualified to be your next Queen, so with that in mind, I think I'm more than qualified to name my own regent, besides, there's also the issue of the need for Morrigan and myself to attend to the Dream Factory. The succubus power that my maid gifted me is new to me, I have to learn to control it, and I heard that EVERY succubus has to work in the Dream Factory once they become teenagers."

"Please, forgive us, Mistress Diamond. Hildegard is obviously... still upset about your ascension, after all, She was the next in line to become Queen after the sad demise of Miss Von Berner. And honestly, she has always been a little idiot with delusions of grandeur. On behalf of the council, please accept our apologies."

Said the ebony beauty of the council, to which Yang and Julia nodded in approval.

"I will accept the apologies of this August council, provided that Hildegard Von Krone is removed from it, she has offended me, my maid and my sister. That is a sign of how inadequate she is for this council... "

After hearing the proclamation of the New Queen, all the members of the council were left speechless, She was in her right to remove Hildegard from her position, but before they could answer, the young queen continued.

"Of course I am willing to forget the offense if Hildegard herself submits to my will and apologizes appropriately to me, my sister, and my new regent."

Then the succubi of the council turned to see Hildegard, all watching the face of disbelief that had been there since the outburst of Diamond.

"Well, Hildegard Von Krone, you have been judged and found unworthy. What will you do now?"

Julia said, the other three succubi looked at Hildegard with curiosity, but more importantly, they looked at her as someone else would look at an insect, faced with such pressure, the prosecuted did the only thing she could do, so Hildegard Von Krone got up from her seat, and went down to be in front of Diamond Tiara.

"I'm waiting, Von Krone."

Diamond said, and so the proud Hildegard Von Krone prostrated before her, kneeling and with her head on the floor while saying in a whisper that clearly was heard across the chamber.

"I... I, Hildegard Von Krone submit myself to Diamond Tiara Aensland and offer my body, mind, and soul to my new Lady. I promise never to act against you in work, word, or omission and I beg you to take this pathetic being under your august protection. Please accept this pathetic excuse of a Succubus, my Succubus Queen. "

To say that Diamond Tiara and Morrigan were pleased would be an offense, during the week Dorothea's shadow had told them about the powerful Hildegard Von Krone, the most powerful succubus after herself, and there she was, prostrating herself, pleading for the Protection of Diamond Tiara, who only said.

"Look at me, Hildegard..."

As this happened, each of the succubi in the room not called Morrigan watched with joy the scene, Hildegard Von Krone always treated them as little less than crap and now she was there, being treated in the same way, forced to submit or lose everything she had fought for.

"I guess I'll accept your submission, but I want you to understand one thing, never again doubt my judgment... I may be young, but I am clearly your superior, and, unless I say otherwise, Morrigan and Ruby Rose are your superiors too. Understood? "

In response, Hildegard just smiled, her gaze fixed on the shadow of her old rival as she finally understood why Dorothea sacrificed everything for the little succubus pony, and then, she moved and kissed the ground in front of Diamond as her magic created a necklace and chain of power connecting them.

Author's Note:

GundamDragon pointed out that since I had the Red Ruby Rodent that is Ruby Rose as a sucubus that I should have Yang Xiao Long as one too, so I made her one of the members of the council...more after the break...