• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 868 Views, 37 Comments

Diamond of Darkness - alfonso_rd_33

My name is Diamond Tiara, and this is the story of how I became a Succubus Royal in another universe...

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18 - Youth in Ecstasy – Aftermath and Investigations 2.

"To say that I wasn't frightened by the general atmosphere of the library would be a disservice to Father, both of us, so I won't deny that the haunting voice and those almost soulless golden eyes that pierced the darkness were terrifying, after all, I was just a teenager at the time, yet the next thing that happened was surprising in itself."

Diamond of Darkness

Chapter XVIII: Youth in Ecstasy Aftermath and Investigations 2.

Then, without any warning, an enormous pressure of power washed over Diamond and the fearful Ruby, who clutched her chest as if in great pain, while the haunting voice took on an almost demonic quality as it said.

"You! Defiler of books! Worshiper of lesser literature! Destroyer of the sanctity of the library! Go away!!!"

Of course, Diamond Tiara only knew that her regent was being hurt, so she did the only thing she could think of: when she realized she could see the magical power crushing Ruby, she used her right hand to push it away.


Hearing her Mistress's cry, Ruby moved forward, noticing how said Mistress's right arm dangled limply seemed to galvanize her, as she moved in front of her wounded Mistress, automatically deploying her scythe in a clear display of power, while the "monster" apparently tilted its head.

"Oh? What is this? Who are you and why are you with the defiler of books?"

The "monster" said just before tiny footsteps began to be heard, and finally Diamond noticed that the only dark part was the head librarian's desk and a small area around it, then, as if by magic, a frail-looking little girl emerged from the pool of darkness that was the head librarian's desk.

"Answer me! Who are you and why are you with the defiler of books?"

Looking at the figure that emerged from the desk I could only stare at her in disbelief, for she was a little girl, her golden eyes both beautiful and a little more alive up close, but only a little, and her hair and fair skin were impeccable. She was dressed in what was once a fancy set of blue robes, now dirty and tattered, yet she asked her question again, so I could only say.

Wh... what does this mean? Where is the Head Librarian? Who brought this girl to a place of learning?"

Of course, the pout that graced her features and the scowl that burned in her golden eyes were directed at me this time, even so, I returned my best haughty look, of course, seeing her magic flow wildly and focus on me, I was worried, since deflecting the magic she had used to crush Miss Rose's heart had numbed my entire arm, knowing that, if she repeated that feat, I would be helpless, yet I was surprised when Miss Rose stuttered.

"S...stay away from Mistress Diamond, you unholy abomination!"

I will say that such bravery in facing her "Monster" was an admirable feat for Miss Rose, even so, I had to step back and say.

"That's enough, Miss Rose, and you little one, I think we got off to a bad start. My name is Diamond Tiara Aensland, it's nice to meet you little one, now can you tell me where the Head Librarian is, and how he has allowed such vandalism to this library?" "

"Aensland, you say? What has happened to Belial? Has he finally passed away?"

This of course brought a rosy tint to my cheeks, how dare the little brat hint at Father's death? Of course, this exchange caused Miss Rose to glare at her "Monster", but before she could act, said monster moved on.

"No, it's not that, if it were, those uptight nobles of yours would have tried to force me to close my library in a hollow, empty, useless show of 'respect', so, the question remains, why is the defiler of books accompanying you?"

And again he called Miss Rose that way, what exactly was the story between these two? It was one of my many doubts, the main one being where the Head Librarian was, and why he was allowing such a ruckus. In the end, I couldn't help but say.

"Well honey, I could answer your question, but I don't think you deserve that, after all, you've been so terribly rude to my poor long-suffering regent and me. Now, why don't you try introducing yourself before you do anything else, yes?"

And I saw the girl tilt her head in confusion, almost as if no basic manners had been demanded of her in centuries, yet I wanted the girl to submit to my will, at least in this small, insignificant detail, after all, I am one of the heirs of Belial Aensland and this little idiot was going to show me the respect that is due to me, or else!

"My name…? I don't have a name anymore, so that doesn't matter, but if you really want to address me, 'Miss Head Librarian' will suffice."

This was somewhat unexpected, so I looked at Miss Rose, who nodded solemnly. This little girl was the Head Librarian? How is that possible? Did Father allow this girl, who looked younger than Morrigan and me, to be the head librarian? Surely there was a mistake, though, Miss Rose. said.

"Though I'd rather not be here, Mistress Diamond has a use for this place and for you, monster. So don't you dare disappoint her! Understood?"

Of course, saying that to the girl turned out to be the worst course of action, since the little librarian only looked at Miss Rose before declaring.


And, in an impressive display of power, I watched as the slightest bit of her magical power struck Miss Rose's stomach and launched her out of the library, rolling her across the floor several times until she was able to use her outlandish Crescent Rose to stop herself. Still, the damage was already done, the library doors closed, separating Miss Rose from me, and the stupid little librarian said.

"The defiler of books is not allowed in my library, yet she said that you had a use for this library, so come on, follow me. And what are you looking for? We have books that teach how to seduce men and women, books on ways to truly enjoy intercourse for various of the Makai subspecies, and of course various treatises and books describing the variety of erotic positions while in bed."

And she started to walk, but honestly, she was so slow that I brushed past her, moving forward and past her before sneaking a peek at her.

"Actually, I'm looking for information about the Shikima and their lands."

This seemed to stun the little librarian, which made me smile, after all, the silly girl seemed to think I was just another pleasure-focused succubus, so my question about something unrelated to pleasure wasn't something she asked. I expected.

"R... Right. Here..."

The girl stuttered and stopped and made a sharp right turn, forcing me to walk back to get closer to her, then upon reaching a bookstore she extended her small right hand, which was glowing with her magic while a book was pulled out of its place, floated towards the librarian, and was lovingly embraced by her little hands even though the book was even taller than her, then she effortlessly offered it to me as she said.

"Here, you may find what you are looking for in this book, now, as you can see, there is a table there where you can read, or that comfortable reading sofa over there may be of use to you."

Unfortunately, her change in mood was something of a shock to me, so I took the offered book, barely thanking her before moving mechanically to the chair by the table to read it.

A few days later, Diamond was reunited with her father, much to the relief of her poor Regent, who was traumatized yet again by having to face her monster those days by bringing her Queen and Mistress to the Main Library, even so, it seemed that her Mistress was pleased with the monster's performance, which made it worth it for Ruby Rose.

"And have you decided on my proposal, Diamond dear?"

"Yes, Father, I have...investigated, and I believe that banishing the Morrigan to the Shikima lands is best, at least publicly."

That was the conversation between Belial Aensland, House Lord of Aensland, and Diamond Tiara Aensland, future advisor to the House Lord of Aensland, so Belial went ahead, smiling at his daughter who seemed to preen at the attention.

"Very well, I have spoken with the Lord of the Shikima, and we agreed that the Morrigan would be trained in his lands, but in secret."

"So, my 'banishment' of your heiress will be used as a surefire way to remove the Morrigan from the political landscape, denying your detractors and political enemies a weapon to use against you, yes?"

And Belial laughed heartily, his "firstborn" was as perceptive as ever, her brilliant mind seeing his plans as clear as day, obviously, Makai's future was going to be bright, with Morrigan leading with her overwhelming power while Diamond's cunningly brilliant mind would be used to guide the brave Morrigan onto the proper path to greatness.

"Then I guess I should remove the other weapon that they would use to hurt you and Makai. I'm considering relocating to the Main Library so that I can study in peace. As you know, the shadow of that damn servant of mine has long since disappeared, so I feel A little restless, but the last few days investigating have been... lovely."

And Belial smiled again, looking at his daughter, who was swaying in her chair as if to show said uneasiness.

"So, the Head Librarian has won you over with her overwhelming cuteness, yes?"

"Of course not, father! How can you suggest something so sordid? She's a nice being to be around, nothing more, nothing less."

Hearing this, Ruby Rose, who until then had been standing behind her mistress's chair, shuddered. Surely she wouldn't have to go live in that damned place with his mistress, right? Still, looking at the figures behind Master Belial's chair, Lucien and Mudo shrugged, honestly not sure what Diamond Tiara meant.

“I see, still, having you live in the Main Library seems too much, so I advise against it, but if you want to study with the Main Librarian, I would suggest using some of your succubi to guard you on the commute between here and the library."

"Oh? And why do you think so, father? Do you feel that the current arrangement is not suitable?"

The girl replied, which made the Dark Lord smile wider before saying.

"Well, for starters, it looks like poor Miss Rose is going to die if you do, there's also the fact that if you do, the rumors would be just as damaging as using you directly to attack me, so it would be a moot point, and finally, I guess the Head Librarian needs to get out of that library of hers from time to time."

"So, you'd rather I bring that little one here than have me go live with her?"

Was Diamond's response, a little ruder than she intended, but even so, she ended up smiling strangely when she finished saying that.

"Also, I think you should have some kind of guardians or something, at least if you want to move around with some freedom."

Belial answered, seeing how his little girl couldn't help but show how the Head Librarian had affected her, but that wasn't something that surprised Belial, since he himself had been seduced by the Head Librarian's cuteness, that's why the Master and House lord Aensland couldn't help but smile when he heard his little pony say.

"Very well, I will take some of my succubi and create an Honor Guard, if only to please you, daddy, in fact, I think I already have several candidates in mind for it."

And as Ruby Rose gazed at the smile that graced her Mistress's lips, she felt both a great euphoria and the most disturbing feeling of dread she had ever had, even in the days of the Grimm wars.

Author's Note:

Well, we got back to this.

I'd love to say I've not seen any more of this story, but I have, and I can string chapters of them but I've been exceptionally busy lately, so I hadn't actually written or posted this.

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