• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 868 Views, 37 Comments

Diamond of Darkness - alfonso_rd_33

My name is Diamond Tiara, and this is the story of how I became a Succubus Royal in another universe...

  • ...

Gaiden 2 - The Path Paved With Good Intentions.

Of course, not everyone in Makai was pleased with both Morrigan's and Diamond Tiara's ascension, luckily for both of them, the conspiring forces against them needed time to be a problem.

Diamond of Darkness

Gaiden II: The Path Paved With Good Intentions.


Do you trust that the information is legit?

Asked an elegant voice, to which the young man who was bowing before the throne could only say.

"That's right, My Empress, the information comes directly from our spies at Aensland Castle, Morrigan and Diamond Tiara will soon start their works at the Dream Factory.

"Then, of the obscured throne, came a white hand, obviously gloved, in it, a bag of hard material, while the musical voice said.

"Very well, in this bag are a few small tokens of my thanks, make sure they are distributed among our spies at Aensland Castle and include your reward."

And after a few words of servile devotion, the bowed figure took the bag and withdrew, leaving the hidden figure, who rose from the throne, while another voice said.

"My Empress The contents of that bag?"

"Little things, trinkets with no real value that only serve to buy the loyalty of those who receive them."

And then, from behind the throne came an ebony sculpture, with fiery-colored hair and emerald eyes, which they watched gently as she extended her right hand, offering it to the supernatural beauty with platinum blonde hair, who graciously took it and was helped to get down from the dais where his throne rested.

“So don't worry dear Ástríðr, now what will we do with the information that they have brought us?"

Asked the so-called Empress, looking at her guardian, appreciating her shining armor, one of European style, but with a skirt, to denote her femininity, who in turn watched her Empress, emerald-colored silk dress shining like the most precious of the gems, and still overshadowed by the beauty of the creature wearing it.

"M ... My Empress, I, I am not the best suited to answer that but tell me, do Master Belial's bastards deserve your august attention?"

"Dear Ástríðr, you already heard the stupid pony who is now the Succubus Queen. It seems Belial has made the mongrel his heir, which destroys my chance to be the Queen of Makai, and we both know that even Belial is not worthy of being the King of Makai, especially now that he has become even softer in his elderly years, however, let's plan how to destroy the work of Belial Aensland so that we Shapeshifters ascend to our rightful place as the dominant lifeform in Makai.”




"Mistress Opal, Mister Lucien wants to see you..."

Opal's secretary said that while looking at the succubus, who was looking back at her, the bubbly rainbow cat was always a nuisance to Opal, however, Miss Goodbitch had assigned her for Opal, as well that Opal was trapped with a dumb secretary of an inferior race, she had to bear it.

"And why didn't you let him in? Don't you know that if one of Master Belial's retainers comes to you personally, it must be important? ”

Opal squealed, fortunately, the secretary was more than used to the "lovely personality" of the Beacon Dream Factory Staff Teacher / Director, so she said in her overjoyed voice.

“B ... but Miss Goodbitch just summoned you, Mistress Opal, she wanted you in the tower before Miss Morrigan and Miss Diamond Tiara arrived! There is no time to entertain Mr. Lucien. ”

Hearing the mangy thing, Opal just glared at her, furious at the lack of respect she had, so Opal got up from his desk and roared.

“Are you deaf, or is stupidity inherent in your inferior race? Wait, don't answer m, you idiot, hurry up and bring Lord Lucien! I'll deal with that upstart Glynda Goodbitch later!

"Given this, the poor secretary rolled her eyes and hurried out of the office, bringing the most slender of the servants of Lord Belial moments later.

"Lord Lucien, welcome! I apologize for the rudeness of keeping you waiting and omitting the proper courtesies, but unfortunately, Miss Goodbitch wants me to return to the Beacon Tower as soon as possible, considering that today is the day that Master Belial's daughters begin their stay in our little dream factory, so I'll have to beg you to get to the point, please, "

Opal said in her sweetest voice as she bowed appropriately to the retainer, who only weirdly looked at her before saying.

"Erm, yes, to the point then, yeah? Well, as you know, Master Belial wants to make sure that Miss Morrigan is fit to inherit the House and that Miss Diamond Tiara will fully support her, so he has me tasked with making sure that both Miss Morrigan and Miss Diamond have no special privileges while they are here, so I am here on his behalf to recommend that you give Miss Morrigan and Miss Diamond the harshest, most unpleasant dreams you can, understood Lady Opal?”

This made Opal smile. As one of Hildegard Von Krone's supporters, Diamond Tiara's ascension had been a sore spot for her. However, the magic of slavery she had consented to (" voluntarily ", of course) compelled her not to harm the succubus pony in any way, shape or form, so every accumulated negative desire that she had towards the daughters of Belial Aensland was to be directed towards Master’s half-breed "heiress".

"Oh, I understand Lord Lucien, and don't worry. I'll make sure Miss Morrigan is hardened... As for my dear Mistress, well, the slavery magic I am bound with prevents me from causing her harm in any way, so I will focus on increasing her intelligence. Would this be a proper exchange?"

As Opal was excited at the prospect of damaging Morrigan ruthlessly, she didn't notice the dark mood that seemed to infect "Lucien" for a moment before he responded in a grand voice.

"Oh well, I guess it's inevitable, I would still like everything to be as challenging as possible for her, understood?"

And again, Opal was quick to reassure Lucien that she would do above-average work to make sure the future queens of everything become the best they could be, regardless of their well-being and safety before saying.

"Very well Lord Lucien, I must now beg you for your permission to leave, as Miss Goodbitch is waiting for me, and don't worry, there will be no need to review my work until completion, yes?"

And Lucien nodded, moving to leave the office, where the ever-helpful secretary led him out of the building, watching him climb into a carriage, which brought Belial's right hand back to Aensland Castle.

"It is done, my Empress, unfortunately, we will not be able to hurt the pony bitch as much as we would have hoped, but I assure you that the life of the Morrigan Aensland dream factory will be hell, it was a wise move to use "Lady" Opal as our agent there."

Said "Lucien" as he melted into a colorless mass, one that twisted and turned into the shape of a plump woman, molding her features as she spoke to a pearl that rested in the carriage chair in front of her. Said carriage stopped moments later and after the colorless woman got out, it also twisted and turned into another colorless woman, and both began to walk once they finished changing shape, the first woman turned black hair, with the long wavy hair with a white streak in it, her body changing its outer layers to a crimson hunting outfit while the second, which had the childish figure, with short platinum hair and dressed in a maid outfit, her plum-colored eyes instantly looked down as the other woman spoke.

"Well done my dear, our Empress has expressed her gratitude to us and as such allowed us to have a little fun."

"Of course, Milady, Our Empress is the kindest and most perfect being in existence, and you are the best of her agents, which makes me grateful to be in your mere presence."

"As it should be, now, our Empress has allowed us to have a little fun, so we'll enjoy partying with any poor devil that appears in a carriage now."

Said the called "Milady", while the maid answered with the same predatory smile that her Mistress had while they waited for the poor and unfortunate soul destined to become their prey before returning to their lands in the Aensland territory.


"Are you sure she will do as I ask, dear Ástríðr?"

"Of course, My Empress, after all, she is yours, just demand, and I am sure the little witch will perform as you wish, so is the depth of her debt to you."

And the Queen of the shapeshifters just smiled saying.

"And all it cost me was a rebellious shapeshifter and a poison of love, a real bargain indeed."


-Honestly, upon meeting Diamond Tiara Aensland, I didn't know what to think, of course, in the last month Ruby had been happy, almost as she used to be... as she used to be in good times... before sealing Salem-

Weiss Schnee thought as she gently took off her clothes, showing her blackened, almost flabby right arm, one last parting gift from the so-called "Mother of the Grimm", true, she normally had almost complete control of the limb, but the channeling her aura and the use of her semblance was lost forever in that arm, although it should have been obvious, after all, no one should expect to be able to seal an evil immortal witch at no cost.

-I guess… I guess slavery can be a good thing, provided you find a truly deserving owner.-

Was the thought of the former heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, fortunately, her life was complete now: Winter was now in charge of Atlas, and Whitney was taking the Schnee Dust Company to unsuspected heights, especially R&D to find new sources of energy now that Dust itself was disappearing, its purpose fulfilled a long time ago, so those of them who still depended on the crystallized magic in their daily lives would suffer once it disappeared, all this crowned by the new relationship between the three heirs of Nicholas Schnee, a true kinship had flourished between them once Winter and Weiss properly apologized to their brother, causing her to open a drawer at her desk, revealing the snow-colored necklace Whitley had forced her to wear during her year of atonement for leaving him. While the new Glynda Goodbitch recalled her past, she was startled when her scroll rang, taking it and opening it to reveal the grim face of Winter Schnee, Atlas General, and its nominal "Queen".

"Winter, dear, what a surprise! What made you call me?"

Weiss said as she smiled at her older sister, who returned a warm smile as she said.

"Can't a sister call her dear little sister at her new job?"

"Oh? Of course, she can as long as her Master allows her to."

And Winter had the decency to blush as she stuttered.

"W ... Whitley knows that his Dominion over me ends at the mansion and the SDC facilities, so whatever I do while guiding Atlas to a bright future is something that only I and I can decide."

And Weiss just laughed musically as she said.

"Calm down Winter, I was just remembering my life and I was in the year of my apology to Whitley when you called"

"Well, I'll be sure to tell Master Whitley that his bitch Weiss misses him the next time I see him, but you know very well I didn't call you to talk about how my apologies are going, Weiss."

It was Winter's quick comment that made her younger sister smile playfully as she replied.

"Oh? And what are you calling me for? Are you going to bear the power of Atlas to 'rescue' me again?"

Now it was Winter's turn to laugh musically as she looked at his younger sister, quickly regaining his poise and composure as she answered.

"Well, I heard a rumor that Master Belial's heiresses had joined Beacon, so I had to hear all the juicy gossip about them."

And Weiss blushed when she looked away for a moment, letting Winter see her Grimm arm, causing a cloud of sadness to cover Winter's eyes as she said.

"Haven't you… haven't found a way to undo that curse, Weiss dear?"

This made Weiss smile sadly as she said.

"Ruby came to Beacon earlier, she was in charge of bringing in Miss Morrigan and Miss Diamond Tiara, it was ... nice to see her again."

"Do you still miss him? Being a field hunter along with the rest of the RWBY team?"

And Weiss's smile changed when the melancholy disappeared.

"Of course I do Winter, my dear, but as long as this arm of mine is like this I will only be a liability since I cannot use my glyphs or my summonings, so I will be training the last generations of the Beacon Combat Academy, the same way you will train the last generations of specialists from the Atlas combat academy. "

And Winter and Weiss looked at each other sadly, well aware that their lifestyle was dying fast, according to Whitley, Dust reserves were steadily declining, and in no more than a decade Solitas would be a land without Dust, still, Winter continued.

"Anyways, besides Miss Rose... have you seen any of your former teammates?"

"Not really, although the last thing I heard was that Yang was named acting head of the Succubus Council, which is normal considering Ruby's duties as Miss Diamond's regent. As for Blake ... the last thing I heard, her new White Fang was helping not only the remaining Faunus who were mistreated and impoverished by Father but humans too. Community kitchens in Mistral seem to be extremely popular. "

And Winter smiled confirming that anything that erased the late Jacques Schnee was seen as a positive change for the future.

"The Master told me that the reforms he has been enacting to the SDC have also helped, adequate wages and better working conditions are great steps towards the equality that the Belladonnas have been fighting for, even my star student is a Faunus now!"

"I'm glad she's okay, I honestly miss them all, even if Ruby seems almost as happy as she was before now that she's a slave."

And Winter raised an eyebrow, prompting Weiss to continue.

"I spoke to Miss Diamond Tiara about it, and she seems to be very upset about the whole slavery thing, but she endures it because she knows it's something they need now."

And Winter smiled, asking kindly as she looked at Weiss.

"And after meeting them, what is your opinion on Miss Diamond and Miss Morrigan?"

"They seem to be good girls, Miss Diamond is a smart miss, and she even managed to surprise Miss Goodbitch for a moment, and Miss Morrigan seems to have a martial inclination as she showed interest in joining Beacon, but as a Combat Academy, Unfortunately, Miss Goodbitch refused, it would have been nice to have her. I can say with absolute certainty that the Makai will be in good hands and hooves with them in charge."

This widened Winter's smile when she said.

"Well, Weiss, dear, it was a pleasure talking to you, but I have many other matters to attend to, so I hope we can speak in person soon."

"Of course Winter, we could even get the three of us together, that would be fun."

And the last thing Weiss Schnee saw from her older sister was the furious blush that bathed her at the implications of what the young former heiress said. who dressed again when she felt his arm return to what passed as normal nowadays and continued to look at the cameras that covered Beacon for any sign of wrongdoing before preparing for her first classes.