• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 868 Views, 37 Comments

Diamond of Darkness - alfonso_rd_33

My name is Diamond Tiara, and this is the story of how I became a Succubus Royal in another universe...

  • ...

8 - The Early Years... After These Mazingers, After These Mazingers, After These Mazingers... We'll Be Right Back...!

Meanwhile, several universes away, an Alicorn looked at a unicorn intensely.

"Can you tell me why you used the spell on the door after I SPECIFICALLY ordered all tests to be stopped.."

Diamond of Darkness

Chapter VIII: After These Mazingers, After These Mazingers, After These Mazingers...


The unicorn stammered, seeing his employer confused, who only looked at him harshly, waiting for an answer that would never come, then the unicorn only said.

What happened? The last thing I remember is that being told the tests had to be stopped, then nothing."

Then the Alicorn just closed his eyes, sighed, and started muttering incoherently before saying.

"Discord... very well, could you go and bring Princess Twilight? please?"

Poncho said to the unicorn, who only nodded before leaving the room, then a flash illuminated the room.

"Did you call me?"

And Discord, the spirit of chaos floated next to the Alicorn, once the flash faded, true to his nature, Discord was face down, his face turned 180 degrees to comfortably see Poncho, who said.

"Did you make that poor stallion send Diamond Tiara to another universe on purpose?"

At this, Discord only floated in front of Poncho, while with a flash he changed, wearing a crown of thorns and with a spear piercing his left side and said.

"Oh, you wound me...! Do you think I would send the instigator of my most prolific acolytes to another universe on a magical journey of growth."

Poncho meanwhile only looked at the spirit of chaos before sighing, telling him in an irritated voice.

"OK, In first enough with religious allegories crap, they are annoying, bothersome and disrespectful, and # 37... Wait, what...? How come she’s ‘the instigator of your most prolific acolytes'...?"

And Discord, spoiled child that he was, showed his annoyance with a grimace before saying.

"But of course, or why do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders spent so much time and made so much chaos in the search for their Cutie Marks."

We'll be right back…!

"As you command, Mistress Diamond Tiara."

Hildegard replied, her smile still directed at Dorothea's echo, even so, in the mind of the Succubus, Hildegard was furious, so she screamed and hit against the magic that made her a slave, while in the chamber Julia said.

"W... well, seeing that Mistress Diamond has made Hildegard Von Krone her slave I propose that we vote to remove her of this Council."


Said Diamond in a slightly more fearful voice than she intended it to be, honestly scared that the council would make her enslave all succubi. Luckily for her, she was able to compose her tone quickly.

I mean, it is not necessary to vote for that, in fact, voting will no longer be necessary."

"Oh, how come we can't get enslaved, Miss Diamond Tiara?"

Asked Yang in a playful tone, yet the unexpected question shocked Diamond and her entourage, causing her to look at the women again, finding clear signs of pure and unadulterated terror in them, after all, Diamond had managed to defeat the current most powerful succubus of the Aensland lands effortlessly, all remembering Hildegard's multiple, multiple attempts to defeat Dorothea in combat, which always left them both exhausted. In the end, the as-yet-unnamed council member asked fearfully.

"So... Will you enslave us as you did Hildegard?"

And Diamond's musical laughter was heard in the chamber, along with a giggle from Morrigan, then Diamond said.

"If you really want to know that, why don't you join us down here? Then I will gladly answer any questions you have."

So the council members saw each other, internally struggling with the terror that invaded them, yet they decided to meet with the girls, letting Diamond see them for the first time in all their glory. Hildegard, unlike Dorothea, seemed to favor light blue, as her elegant dress was a sky blue one, with a white chest piece, just like her fingerless gloves. Yang meanwhile wore a short yellow top with a black"heart of fire" print on the left boob covered by a tan jacket with a golden brown trim with short, fluffy sleeves with black cuffs and two gold buttons, a pair of mini black shorts with a brown belt, brown boots up to the knee and orange socks on these, although only the left was visible, orange scarf and gloves without black fingers completing the outfit. The unnamed member of the council wore a simple set of mini skirt and top in ocher red, without any shoes. Finally, the yet unnamed council member wore a miniskirt in black, light pink top, and high heels in black. In the end, the same unnamed council member repeated her same question, but in an even softer voice, to which Diamond answered as the other woman looked away.

"That depends... Does this council plan to oppose me?"

This declaration of the future Queen of the Succubi surprised the council, surely she did not think that the succubus that Dorothea Von Berner gifted to her would be so ungrateful as to oppose her will, right? Still, Yang could only say.

"You mean you think Hildegard was going to betray and oppose you, Mistress?"

Luckily for Yang, she was able to address Diamond properly on time, who only looked at her before saying.

"Hildegard, As my first order as your owner I want you to, until I order otherwise, act as you would if you were still a free woman.”

As soon as Diamond had finished giving the order, Hildegard threw herself against her, with a clear intention to strangle her, only to fall squirming pain, screaming uncontrollably as the Magic of Slavery overloaded her nervous system with a lesson… IN PAIN!

"As you can see, her first impulse was to try to hurt me, that was my reason for enslaving her. Enough Hildegard, it is no longer necessary for you to keep pretending to be a free woman and go back to being my completely broken, devoted, loyal, and obedient slave."

Diamond told Council members before addressing Hildegard, who started muttering among themselves while Hildegard upon receiving the order immediately crawled at Diamond's feet and began to lick them in an overwhelming display of both her appreciation for the mercy shown by her Mistress and her total and complete submission, which caused the Council members to look at each other in shock before Julia saying to her not yet named friend.

"And what do you think, Ali-ka, we should accept the Dominion of Mistress Diamond?"

Yet, before Ali-ka could speak, Yang said in an unexpected display of her intelligence.

"Well, we already saw that Hildie, if she could, would have attacked Mistress Diamond but did anyone else bothered to ask what her plans were?"

And, with the exception of Morrigan, Hildegard and Diamond, all of them gasped in surprise, seeing the blonde as if she had grown another head, which made Yang ask them, rudely, what was happening.

"Y... you'll have to forgive us, Yang, it's just that that level of awareness is something uncharacteristic of you, dear Yang, even so, it is a valid question..."

"Certainly Ali-ka, slave, as my next order, now we will ask you some questions, and you will answer with only the truth... Is that clear?

And before the slave could answer, Yang asked in a voice full of aggression and a deadly edge.

"Ruby. Why did you say that Ruby was a low-class succubus?"

And, with a look of absolute disdain, the slave that used to be the head of the Succubus Council roared.

"Are you kidding, you stupid bimbo? Do you think that having the daughter of Summer Rose, the White Death, and the Dragon of the East, Taiyang Xiao Long as regent of the little upstart would have been beneficial for my plans? I had to stop the idiot from naming that ditz as regent."

And all of the Council members gasped in shock upon hearing Hildegard, of course, everyone knew about the Ice Maiden's mean streak, but they never expected that she would ruin her fellow succubi merely to advance her own agenda. Of course, this reaction was more a sign of how honestly impressed they were by the depth of Hildegard's depravity than anything else. Then Julia asked.

"A... And what were your plans?"

"Julia, my dear, don't play stupid, it doesn’t suit you, my plan was simple: to become the Succubus Queen."

Then, the surprised looks were replaced by furious ones, Yang even showing how her hair turned into a living flame.

"Oh, Hildie..."

Said the shadow of Miss Von Berner while the succubus of the council practically were assassinating to Hildegard with their glares.

"Yeeep. Miss Diamond, Miss Morrigan... Remember how we said that Hildegard was a little idiot with delusions of grandeur...? On behalf of the Council, I want to amend that. Hildegard Von Krone is the most stupid succubus alive."

Yang stated, only for Ali-ka to continue, almost growling the simple request.

"And we would like to part with her if you will allow it, Miss Diamond. That's why we ask you to remove Hildegard Von Krone from this council so we can take care of her properly."

And while every Succubus alive that wasn’t Diamond Tiara or Morrigan took out some weapons Dorothea Von Berner's shadow whispered to the little ones...

"The only way to choose a new Queen is with the death of the old one, provided that she does not name a successor, I would assume that they want to deny Hildie any measure of a chance to become the Succubus Queen. Or they just want to kill her to apologize."

Then the sound of metal clashing with metal attracted the attention of the young succubus, who saw a smiling Yang Xiao Long crash his fists covered by golden gloves, Julia pulling a monstrous-looking whip and Ali-ka a spear that vibrated with power. While Ruby Rose took out a crimson painting, which unfolded until becoming a demonic-looking scythe, finally Dorothea roared jubilantly, reaching out to cover the succubi of the Council with her outstretched arms.

"Do you see it, Mistress Diamond? This is the extension of my gift, succubi who are not only adrenaline junkies, but also unparalleled warriors, all ready to fight and die for you."

With this, Diamond only looked at the succubus before her for a moment before roaring in an authoritative voice.

"Enough! Hildegard Von Krone is no longer a threat, in fact, as my slave will be useful to me and my succubi, so any punishment she receives will be solely my decision. At the moment, the only thing that binds her to me is the Magic of Slavery, so if I leave her be she will attack me, but rest assured that, in the end, she will love me with such madness that being away from me will be almost deadly to her."

The certainty and finality of Diamond's statement seemed to calm the succubi, who immediately lined up with respect to the authority Diamond exuded, prompting Ali-ka to say.

"So, Miss, then this council begs of you to make us your slaves too, ad it's more than obvious that you are the path to our prosperity."

Ali-ka said while the rest Council smiled, making Diamond answer.

"Very well, I think I can accept your submi..."

Diamond began, who was sure that the Council succubi were asking that only they were to be enslaved, unfortunately, Julia interrupted her future owner saying.

"A moment please, Miss. Apparently you have misunderstood us, what this Council is begging you for is that you make each and every succubus that lives and thrives in the territories of the House Aensland your slaves."

Such a statement, of course, stunned Diamond and Morrigan, as they had both been raised to appreciate and love their independence and free will, from what Morrigan could only say.

"Y... You have to be kidding me. Why would you want to enslave the entire succubus race in the House?"

To which, of all the people, Ruby Rose was the one who ended up saying while pointing to Hildegard, who continued to lick Diamond's feet in gratitude for ending her pain.

"Mainly because of that, Miss Morrigan, I mean, as far as I have known Hildegard Von Krone, I've never seen her so... calm and serene, look at her, she's honestly grateful to Mistress Diamond."

And both Morrigan and Diamond looked at the latter's feet, which were being worshipped by Hildegard, which made the first daughter of Belial Aensland say.

"I'm certainly young, but if… if I were to die... all of you would die, it would be the extinction of the race! I... I can't... I don't want to risk... no..."

Diamond Tiara said clearly in shock, so, seeing the state in which Diamond Tiara clearly was made Yang cross the distance between her and her future Mistress to hug her tenderly, while Ruby did the same with Morrigan.

"Shhh... it's okay, everything’s all right. Miss... calm down..."

And both daughters of Taiyang Xiao Long saw the other members of the council, waiting for help to calm the future queens.

"We understand the risk, Mistress Diamond, but those of us in the council are sure that we will prosper by living under your feet, at least more than we would if we were merely under your reign, so paying up for the privilege with the free will of the race is a small price to pay, at least in our opinion..."

Julia said, looking at the future queens, smiling warmly, luckily Diamond looked back from the safety of Yang's chest.

"I... I can accept the submission of this Council... but, for the rest of the race I believe that each succubus must know what will happen, and what is at stake."

And Ali-ka smiled, grateful that Diamond had considered their plea, manifesting it so.

"But of course, Miss, once again you show what the loyalty of this council has gained you. If we assure you that each succubus in the House will be informed and allowed to decide, could you accept our submission at your coronation and oath of allegiance to the House ceremony?"

Diamond was nervous, supposedly the council had told the Succubus of the House of their plan to become voluntarily her slaves, so she could not enjoy the dance offered by Belial to crown her and renew the oath of allegiance of the succubi to the House, so it was almost lost when Hildegard Von Krone drew the attention of the guests.

"Master Belial, Mistresses Morrigan and Diamond Tiara, dear guests, succubus sisters, welcome one and all to the coronation ceremony of Miss Diamond Tiara Aensland as the thirty-fourth Succubus Queen, Mistress Diamond Tiara, please come."

So Diamond got up and approached Hildegard Von Krone, her white dress shining in the ballroom, next to Hildegard the rest of the council wearing their best, most luxurious clothes. observed their future Queen, then Julia took control of the process...

"Miss Diamond Tiara, please kneel."

Diamond Tiara then obeyed, kneeling, and watching the audience while Julia continued.

"Miss, Do you accept the responsibility and the power to control the destiny of the Succubus of the House Aensland? Do you promise to protect us and help us prosper? Do you accept our loyalty and willingness to use it for the benefit of all?"

Of course Diamond accepted each question, then Yang presented a beautifully decorated golden crown, and gently placed it on Diamond's head After helping her stand.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my infinite pleasure to present before you the thirty-fourth Succubus Queen. All hail Diamond Tiara, the Succubus Queen! Long live Queen Diamond Tiara!"

Diamond Tiara then greeted the audience, smiling gently, watching as all the guests applauded with pleasure.

"Thank you, thank you all, as you know, I am still too young to take control of the succubi, that's why I've decided to appoint a regent, so please let me introduce my regent, Miss Ruby Rose."

And then the young woman appeared next to the new Queen, blushing as she waved shyly, to the applause of the audience.

"Thank you, thank you all, now, it's time to renew the oath of loyalty of the succubi to the Lord of the House."

Ruby said, then Belial moved to the center, Morrigan noticing how the Council placed itself as an honor guard behind the Dark Lord and Diamond Tiara before joining them.

"Master Belial, please accept the loyalty of each succubus that lives in the territories of your House, please protect us from any threat to our prosperity, and we will fight to the death for your protection, your family’s and of your House. Our loyalty will be eternal to you, Master Belial Aensland, so please heed our plea."

"But of course, my dear Succubus Queen but tell me, why have you offered your loyalty and that of your sisters to my person instead of the house?"

Belial asked, integrating the audience's doubt into the act itself, to which Diamond Tiara smiled before continuing.

"For the same reason that I beg to Mistress Morrigan Aensland, your heiress to accept the loyalty of the succubi as well: so, in case any upstart tried and succeeded in defeating you and yours, my succubi and I would seek revenge and restore control of the House, and Makai, to its rightful owners."

And the guests' gasping echoed in the ballroom, while Morrigan said arrogantly.

“Even though I know it will be impossible for someone to defeat my beloved father, I, Morrigan Aensland, legitimate heiress of Belial Aensland accept the Loyalty of the succubi of the House, represented by their Queen, Diamond Tiara Aensland... May the Abyss take pity on any being stupid enough to challenge the House Aensland."

And the applause, despite not being general, was great, each being considered as part of the jubilant Aensland House roaring for the declaration of their princess with the exception of a couple of them, who joined the guests of the other Houses in reproving said princess, murmurs of war and dissension mingling with the joy while the succubi gathered at the party moved forwards until a group of women of extraordinary beauty appeared before the podium from where their leaders had endorsed the loyalty of the race to their Masters.

"Thank you very much to all those attending this ceremony, before we end the protocol and return to the party, the Council that since time immemorial has served the Succubus Queen has one last thing to do."

Julia said as she, Ali-ka, Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long knelt before the newly crowned Queen, Hildegard Von Krone meanwhile, watched the rest of her succubus sisters, the furious impotence that roared inside her invisible before her frank smile, hating that any dream of dominion that she would have had turned into smoke.

"My Queen, do you remember that when you introduced yourself to this council we begged you to make each of our sisters in the house your slaves?"

And the attendants to the ceremony were again shocked surprised, the news that the powerful Council of the Succubus had proposed to their new Queen true slavery surprised, and terrified a little each soul in the ballroom.

"W... What’s happening?"

Whispered one of the guests, with platinum blond hair, blue eyes, ivory complexion and emerald lips sheathed in an elegant crimson dress, seeing her companion, a tower of an ebony woman, with powerful green eyes, red hair like fire and pink dress, the Queen of the Shapeshifters giving voice to the confusion of each guest while her bodyguard only watched the procedure passively.

"L... I remember, Miss Soulseer, and I remember I told you it was something I would not do unless each of my succubi knew all about your daring plea."

Hildegard then stepped out forwards, addressing the gathered succubi with a voice that left no room to reply.

"In the previous days each of you was summoned before the council, the situation was explained to you and were even shown the meeting of our Queen. Tell me, my sisters. Do you want our Queen Diamond Tiara Aensland to become your owner? Will you, voluntarily, renounce your free will so that our Queen may take it, and we all may become but mere instruments of her will?"

And the succubi raised their right arms, shouting.

"Long Live Mistress Diamond Tiara!"

As a sign of their acceptance of the slavery that was in their future, this made Diamond blush furiously, embarrassed for the forwardness of the succubi.

"Please Mistress Diamond, Take the succubus race living in the lands of the Aensland House as your slaves, we all know that we don't deserve such a gift, but we beg to take pity on us and accept us. We have decided, as a group, that our relationship with the Aensland family be like this from now on, use us to fulfill your whims, we implore you."

The shock of the declarations turned the ballroom into a tomb, each incubus, demon, and non-succubus creature of Aensland, including the Master of the House himself, watched expectantly to the 34th Succubus Queen, whom only said in a resounding shout.

"Damn you all! Do you want to be mine that badly? Very well! I AGREE! You whores will belong to me until the very day of your deaths, and in case of my death, you will be the property of my closest direct descendant. ARE YOU HAPPY!?"

And a massive explosion of power was expelled from the young Pony Demon, who was coated in a cocoon of power, floating on the stage for a few moments before gently descending once the power dissipated, the crown of the Succubus Queen was no longer in place, instead a Diamond Tiara adorned the young Queen, who lay fainted as the council moved to attend to her.

"And that's how I got my Cutie Mark, my eternal diamond tiara, but it was different, or at least that's what they tell me, since my tiara now served as an accessory for crimson lips, meaning my domain and property of seduction itself. I did not know it then, but the act of enslaving the succubus race would be beneficial not only for my father, sister, and the world that adopted me, but for my father and my homeworld, but that would be in the future."

Author's Note:

And with this the Early Years come to an end, Diamond Tiara is firmly secured as Makai royalty, Morrigan is still a young, demure succubus madly in love with her Father, as is Diamond, Hildegard Von Krone, Spoiled Rich / Milk's Expy is her slave, but a new threat looms in the horizon, one that would take a certain Kamen Rider to be solved...

Next, We start the Tween years, with a visit to the place where wet dreams are born... and the hell that awaits to our heroines...