• Published 14th Jun 2018
  • 6,181 Views, 473 Comments

Sunset Shimmer The Pony of Earth - luckyboys121

Now that Sunset Shimmer is able to be a pony whenever she wants she is excited to start her new life with her friends by her side. Now though she has to deal with how others will react and learn just how poorly she has thought this life choice out

  • ...

Breakfast and Banishment

Sunset carried the three girls through her living room and carefully laid them down, Adagio on the recliner and Aria and Sonata on the ends of the couch, extra carefully to ensure that they did not wake up. After they were settled she glanced at her clock and noticed it was somehow already four a.m. before she thought "What? But it was only eight when I first saw them in the alley?" She turned over this information in her head for abit before thinking, "I guess I was watching their memories for longer then I thought, I mean I know it usually takes a moment or two but that's when I look at a only a few memories. This was the first time I saw hours worth of events from over a thousand years in the past so it would make sense that it would take longer. Well thankfully I'm not tired so looking at memories must be at least comparable to sleep."

She then glanced over at the sirens still sleeping before she walked into her kitchen quietly saying, "Well if I'm gonna make a good first impression on them when they wake up I should probably prepare a few things for them. After all if what I've seen is any indication some good food and coffee should at least win over Aria." She then chuckled to herself a little as she started her coffee maker and said, "You know despite the sentiment behind it, "tolerating you idiots juice" is actually a pretty accurate name for coffee."

Sunset then got to work pouring pancake batter into a bowl as she quietly said, "OK so I make some food for when they wake up, I try to make them comfy and relaxed to let them know they can trust me, I let them know how I saw their memories and apologize to them for all the stuff we inadvertently put them through when we beat them, and all the bad stuff they went through in general, and I let them know that if they are willing to change I will be their friend and let them stay here.... It will be a little weird to all of a sudden have three roommates but I remember after I started to reform how hard it was coming back to my place alone every night, laying in bed and struggling to sleep as I think about all the terrible things I did and panic trying to make up for them. I always wished I could have Princess Twilight or one of my other friends there with me to reassure me during those times and I want to be there for them if I they'll let me." After that she levitated some pans out of her cabinets and poured the batter into them as she turned the stove up to temp and prepared to grab some bacon for them.

About thirty minutes passed as Sunset began humming to herself as she finished the pancakes, bacon, and coffee and began moving it all into the her living room and sitting it on the table for them. Sunset then walked back into the kitchen saying, "Maybe I should find some kind of garnish for this, after all Rarity always says the presentation of cuisine is almost as important as how it tastes."

It was at that moment that Aria's nose twitched as she began to smell the food in front of her. She opened her eyes and looked around the unfamiliar room before she noticed Sonata sleeping next to her and nudged her while whispering, "Yo Sonata wake up."

Sonata then sleepily stretched and yawned saying, "Hey Aria what's up."

Aria then whispered in her face, "Shhh, keep your voice down."

Sonata looked confused as she whispered, "Wait but why?" It was at that moment that she finally noticed her surrounding as she became scared and whispered, "Aria, where are we?"

"I don't know but I think we should lay low until we figure it oooouuut-" said Aria as she trailed off the second she caught sight of the cup of coffee in front of her. Without thinking she simply yelled, "COFFEE!" grabbed the mug, and began chugging it.

"Um Aria I thought you said we should be quite... and I don't think it's a good idea to drink that since we don't know who made it," said Sonata as she became concerned for her partner.

Aria didn't hear her though as she finished off her current mug and then grabbed the one next to it and began chugging it as well.

At this Sonata's concern started to be replaced with annoyance as she said, "Hey! I'm pretty sure that was my cup!"

Aria then gave Sonata a death stare as she said, "I've been dealing with your nonsense, Adagio's constant rage, and being freakin homeless for months without this stuff. I'll drink as much as I want."

Sonata then opened her mouth to reply but was soon interrupted as they both heard a familiar voice say, "Oh good your both awake."

They then both looked in the direction the voice had come from as they saw an orange pony with red and yellow hair and holding some small plant stuff in her magic field standing in the doorway as she said, "I thought I heard you but I wasn't sure if you were just talking in your sleep or what so I figured I should finish picking the garnish before I came in to check on you." They were both confused for a few seconds before they remembered what Adagio had said about her magic pendant and realized that this pony had to be Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset approached the table getting ready to put the garnish on before Aria and Sonata backed away as Aria angrily said, "Look Sunset, I don't care how much coffee you have you're not laying a hoof on either of us."

Then the clearly more scared Sonata said, "Yeah I mean you and the Rainbooms already took our magic away, what more could you want from us."

At this Sunset instantly dropped the garnish as she raised her front hooves in the air defensively and said, "OH NO NO NO. I'm not planning on doing anything to you."

Sunset then moved forward to try and comfort them resulting in Aria raising her fists in front of herself as she said, "Nice try but we've heard stuff like that before."

Upon seeing her partners confidence Sonata joined her side as she also raised her first and said, "Yeah we aren't gonna let you mess with us."

Sunset continued to move forward defensively as she said, "No please I'm not like Neighsay I'm not going to hurt you."

At hearing this Aria and Sonata stood there stunned for a few seconds as Sunset realized what was wrong with what she just said. Aria spoke up, her anger now melted away into fear and confusion as she said, "How do you know that name?"

Sunset then sighed as she said, "Well I was going to wait until you were all awake to tell you this but," she then glanced at the still sleeping Adagio before continuing saying, "Considering how hard she pushed herself last night I don't think she's going to be waking up any time soon so I'll just explain it now," she then moved onto the couch and gestured for Sonata and Aria to sit next to her and while they did hesitate, they also wanted answers so they obliged.

Sunset then sighed as she said, "OK so I'm not sure how much you know about my magic, other than the fact that it let me be a pony again."

Aria then glanced away as she sarcastically said, "Really I didn't notice."

Sunset had a flat look as she said, "Moving on, the main ability of my magic is that it allows me to see other peoples memories and emotions when I touch them and when I found you all passed out in the alley," she said as she decided to leave the details about Adagios breakdown out for now, "and was wondering what I should do Adagio's hand accidentally brushed against my hoof and I saw into all your pasts."

"Oh," said Aria as a strange combination of annoyance and disappointment appeared on her face.

Sonata on the other hand became a little curios as she said, "What exactly did you see?"

Sunset prepared to speak before Aria spoke up saying, "Isn't it obvious? She saw all the bad stuff we've done over the years and is either going to send us to some magical jail for all the mind control stuff we did or just a regular human jail for all the regular illegal stuff like stealing we've done too." She then slumped down with her arms crossed as she said, "Just go ahead and do it already, at least we'll be getting food and beds in jail."

"Actually after what I've seen I just wanted to say sorry," said Sunset.

Both girls now sat up and looked at her confused and simultaneously said, "What?"

Sunset looked at them with as much sympathy and sincerity as she could convey, as she felt they deserved it, as she said, "I'm sorry, for how you all lost your home and everything after me and my friends beat you at the battle of the bands and more than that I'm sorry for all the horrible stuff ponies like Neighsay did to you and how it made you feel like you needed to lash out against the whole world."

"Oh," said Sonata as she instantly looked touched by the statement as despite all they've been through deep down that is all she ever really wanted to hear.

Aria however got angry at hearing what to her sounded like a shallow empty statement as she stood up and looked at Sunset saying, "Oh so your sorry?! Well good for you, now you've got a clear conscience but I don't know how that helps us. I mean how do you expect to make up for all that has happened to us over the years."

Sunset looked down somberly as she said, "Well I don't expect to... I know no matter what I do I can never truly make up for everything that has happened to you," at this statement Aria crossed her arms smugly as to her it looked like Sunset was being just as shallow as she thought but that attitude soon changed as Sunset continued saying, "But what I can do is let you stay with me and help you be better, like how I know you want to be deep down."

Aria than backed up shocked by this as she said, "What?" While Sonata simply had a smile begin to form on her face as Sunset might as well have been reciting from her dream journal with all the sweet and sincere things she was saying.

Sunset then looked down again, this time in shame as she said, "Look I never told anyone this but when Princess Twilight and her friends first beat me and I was laying in that crater defeated I wanted to do exactly what you did. I wanted to run away and figure out some way to make them all pay for beating me... but that all changed when I heard some kind words and I saw a purple hand reach out to me in friendship. As I took that hand I realized that as much as I thought I wanted to dominate and destroy everything around me deep down what I really wanted was now holding onto me and that was a friend who could accept everything I had done and help bring out the real me, and now... if you'll let me I'd like to do the same for you," she said as she reached out to them before glancing down and letting out a small chuckle as she said, "Though of course with an orange hoof instead of purple hand."

Sonata, who had been sitting next to her the whole time, giggled slightly at this joke as a few tears of joy formed in the corners of her eyes and she reached out and took Sunset's hoof saying, "That's all I've ever wanted too."

Sunset smiled before they both looked up at Aria who looked somewhat reluctant before a smile formed on her face and, as tears filled her eyes as well, she grabbed Sunset's hoof and said, "OK there is no way someone would say something that cheesy and not mean it so... I guess I'm in too."

Sunset smiled at this but that smile was soon interrupted as she heard a voice say, "Oh please you idiots can't possibly be falling for this ridiculous drek or hers."

They all then looked over to see that Adagio, who had apparently been playing possum for an indeterminate amount of time, was now standing before them all with a look of unyielding rage on her face as she said, "Now you two grab her so I can steal her magic pendant and we can get the plan under way."

Aria and Sonata then looked back and forth between Sunset and Adagio as they were suddenly being torn between the person who they had listened to and trusted for almost their whole lives and someone who was giving them what they always wanted, however this moment of indecision only made Adagio angrier as she said, "What are you waiting for Aria, Sonata grab her now."

Then to everyone's shock the normally lighthearted Sonata stepped forward with determination on her face as she simply said, "No."

"What?" said Adagio as her anger now focused on Sonata specifically.

However this did nothing to shake her confidence as she said, "I said no. Look Adagio I don't know how much of what she said that you heard but she understands what we've been through and wants to help. She has seen every mean and nasty thing we have done and yet she is offering us the acceptance that we always wanted... that you told me we could have all those years ago."

Adagio just looked annoyed as she said, "Fhh you still believe all that. That was nothing more than a pipe dream I said to make you feel better... I never thought you'd be naive enough to believe it for this long." At hearing this statement Sonata broke down holding her chest as her eyes, previously filled with tears of joy, were now shedding tears of sorrow as Adagio turned to Aria and said, "Come on Aria I know this one here is dumb enough to fall for such things but you have to be thinking the same that I am, that the only way for us to be happy is to get our magic and get our revenge."

Aria then looked over at Sonata before placing her hand on her shoulder to comfort her and turning to Adagio and with an equal look of rage on her face saying, "You know what I think? I think that I don't like the way you've been talking to us. Ever since we met that Darkness chump and began this whole revenge mission you've changed and we've been facing one bad thing after another from being banished to this world, to the Rainbooms beating us, and to losing our home and if there is even a chance that Sunset here can really help us be like we were before any of this junk happened than I want to take it and I hope you will to."

Sonata then dried her eyes as she said, "Yeah. Can't we just have our old lives and the old nice Adagio back."

Adagio looked stunned at what the two of them were telling her before her anger returned and she said, "You.. YOU IDIOTS! HOW COULD YOU FALL FOR THIS AGAIN! SHE'S JUST LIEING TO US JUST LIKE NEIGHSAY DID!" She then locked her eyes on Sunset as she said, "If you fools won't help me take her down then I'll just do it myself."

She then began moving towards Sunset who backed into her couch in fear only to feel it bump against her backpack, which she had never bothered to take off, as she remembered what was in their and realized that she had no choice but to bring it out. As Adagio moved closer she levitated a scroll out of her backpack and unfurled it as she said, "Adagio listen this scroll is a one way portal spell that leads to Tartarus and if you don't calm down and listen to us I'll have no choice but to use it."

"What?" said Sonata with a look of hurt and confusion on her face.

"You had that the whole time?" said Aria who had the same look on her face.

"Yes but it's not what you think. Princess Twilight gave it to me because she knew that if any creatures who had been banished from Equestria saw me as a pony they would instantly want to take my magic. I swear it was a last resort that I never wanted to use against any of you," said Sunset as she looked back at Adagio hoping that the mere threat of this would be enough to talk her down.

Adagio however just looked at her partners with a renewed sense of rage as she said, "YOU SEE! DO YOU SEE! SHE IS JUST LIKE NEIGHSAY! Trying to lure us into a false sense of security so she can trap us," she then prepared herself to lounge at Sunset as she said, "AND I AM NOT LETTING THIS HAPPEN AGAIN," before she jumped to tackle her.

Without even thinking Aria and Sonata moved themselves in front of Sunset to protect her and both said, "SUNSET! USE IT!"

With tears in her eyes Sunset simply said,"I'm sorry," as she ignited the scroll causing a portal to open in front of them and the still airborne Adagio to fall through it.

An unknown amount of time passed as the three girls just stood there in total silence before Sunset said, "Girls I'm so sorry I-"

She was then interrupted as a very somber Aria said, "No... it's OK. You did what you had to do."

Sonata, looking down in sadness, said "Yeah and maybe some day after she's had time to cool down, Adagio will be willing to listen."

Sunset smiled at that statement as she said, "Yeah... I hope so to." Before they all joined in a group hug trying to comfort each other while they prepared to face the new road that lied ahead for all of them.

Author's Note:

Well then that was pretty sad I'm sorry to all my readers who mainly came this story for comedy. Good news though since as you can see the heavy stuff for them is, mostly, over and soon we will back with Sunset Shimmer daily struggles as a pony but now with Aria and Sonata thrown into mix. And to those who are wondering what is going to happen to happen with Adagio find out whenever that maybe because that is probably gonna be a few chapters away (as no matter what she does she is going to need at least a little cool down time before she can think of anything)

Thank you all for reading have a good day and any constructive criticism is welcome.