• Published 14th Jun 2018
  • 6,161 Views, 473 Comments

Sunset Shimmer The Pony of Earth - luckyboys121

Now that Sunset Shimmer is able to be a pony whenever she wants she is excited to start her new life with her friends by her side. Now though she has to deal with how others will react and learn just how poorly she has thought this life choice out

  • ...

A Forced Day Out and Forced Rest

As Bright Lights stood on the platform in her underwear, once again grateful that the portal had given her the appropriate attire for her new gender, Rarity pulled a role of measuring tape out of her pocket and began the fitting.

Bright's blush deepened as Rarity moved the tape across her arms and sweat began to form on her brow, however since Rarity seemed to be moving along rather quickly she allowed herself to think, "OK, maybe this will be over really quick and it won't get any worse."

That thought was quickly shattered though as Rarity measured her bust and with a sly smile she said, "My my my, with a figure like this you probably get quite allot of attention from boys."

Bright's blush deepened as she stammered out, "Um, not really," as the nervous sweat threatened to overtake her vision.

Rarity, perhaps sensing the fluster, said, "Oh sorry darling, I forgot your wardrobe is more quite and modest... since your current ensemble isn't either of those things... and would get you quite a lot of attention." She then let out a slight giggle as she continued the measurement.

Bright let out a nervous giggle as while her blush did deepen, the sweat thankfully calmed down at the joke.

"Forgive me for that bit of off color humor darling, it's just I've found that the best way to get through these types of fitting and calm a nervous client down is to, rather than avoid mentioning the situation like one would think, make it somewhat absurd by calling attention to it in such a manner," said Rarity as she looked at Bright and smiled saying, "I got a few more tricks like that if that one didn't work though."

For the first time in a while Bright's blush faded a bit as she let out a genuine laugh at her friend's efforts to relax her as she said, "No... I think that was enough for now."

"Excellent darling... now then, if you wouldn't mind us getting back to the previous topic, even if you don't revel in attention I'm sure you have a few stories to share about the various gentlemen callers you've had over the years," said Rarity as she measured Bright's waist.

The blush once again returned as Bright, not knowing how to respond, stammered out, "I, ummm."

Rarity simply brushed that off as she said," Oh come now darling, it's just a little harmless gossip to help pass the time... in fact I'll even go first."

Bright opened her mouth to object, but was soon cut off as Rarity went to measuring her thigh and continued saying,"One time I was on a blind date with a member of the Canterlot social elite by the name of Blueblood. Well the second he walked into the restaurant I knew it wasn't going to be good as he DEMANDED that I get out of my chair in order to pull his out for him."

Bright tried to comment on this but was once again interrupted as Rarity said, "From there it only got worse as he opened his mouth expecting me to feed the appetizer to him and at first I thought this would be a romantic back and forth but when I opened my mouth he just sat there not doing ANYTHING! All throughout the night I tried to tell him about myself and ask him questions, but each time he came forth with a new selfish demand."

Bright didn't even bother to speak as Rarity moved the measuring tape down to her ankle and said, "And then after it was all over I had to open to the door for him and as he's leaving, I think about what I told him and say to myself, 'well at the very least I got to tell a member of the social elite about my latest clothing line,' and just as I'm ready to write this off as networking and move on, he turns around and says, 'thank you for lovely evening miss Plainity.'" Rarity's anger began swelling as she said, "After all I had done for him that night,I find out that that jerk didn't listen to a WORD I SAID!"

As Rarity said all this she accidentally pulled the measuring tape a little too tight as Bright let out a yelp in pain, causing Rarity to return to herself as she blushed and said, "Ahem... sorry darling, I guess I got a little carried away there."

"It's fine," said Bright, hoping that her little outburst would cause Rarity to want to change subjects.

Unfortunately that wasn't the case as Rarity said, "So now that I have humiliated myself, both through the story and my reaction to it, I think you owe me at least one story."

"Well I," said Bright as the blush returned.

"Oh come now just one story. I understand if you've never been on a date that bad, as I don't know many girls who have, but just anything well do so I feel like we're even," said Rarity with pleading eyes.

"It's just I..." said Bright trying to think of something to say as any complex lie could back fire on her later on, and after a little thought Bright realized that the best way to get out of this was to do something she hadn't done in a while... tell the truth. She then looked at Rarity, feigning embarrassment, as she said, "I've never actually been on a date with a guy before."

Rarity's jaw dropped at this statement, but before she could say anything a new voice said, "WHAT!" It was then that a woman, who Bright recognized as being Principal Cadence from Crystal Prep Academy, burst through the door saying, "HOW COULD A GIRL OF YOUR AGE HAVE YET TO EXPERIENCE ANY OF THE JOYS OF LOVE!?"

Rarity and Bright both just stood there dumbfounded at the sudden intrusion and as Bright saw the CMC look in and begin giggling behind Cadence, she then remembered her current lack of attire as her blush returned to her and she moved her arms to cover herself, fist both in front of her waist, only to then remember her recent change as she moved one arm to her chest.

Cadence looked her up and down before realizing what she did as she closed the changing room curtain behind her and smiled saying, "Sorry for the intrusion, I just couldn't help but over hear what you where saying while I was getting dressed in the room next to this one and well.... I think you've missed out a bit as while yes, I know most girls aren't lucky enough to meet the man of their dream in high school like I did, that shouldn't stop you from trying."

Bright's blush deepened as tried to come up with something to get away from this new level of awkward as said, "I guess... but..." as she paused though she remembered a detail of a previous lie as she said, "I attended an all girl school before transferring to Canterlot High so I never really had the opportunity to learn how to flirt or anything."

Cadence simply smiled at this as she said, "Oh, well if that's all then I can change that no problem."

"What do you mean?" said Bright, scared too hear the answer.

Cadence then turned to Rarity as she said, "Rarity, get me Lyra's bride's maid dress prototype 1A."

Rarity then had a giddy smile come to her face as she said, "OHHHH! That is going to look positively smashing on her... how did you know that they have roughly the same proportions though?"

"Well with all the planning I've memorized every detail including dress proportions and," she said before glancing at Bright before looking back at Rarity and saying, "It's not exactly hard to get an idea of her proportions right now."

"Right then," said Rarity as she subtlety agreed before running out of the changing room.

Bright then looked at Cadence, her face now as red as an apple as she had officially gone to embarrassment and beyond, and said, "What exactly are you planning?"

In contrast Cadence looked at her with the biggest smile as she said, "Get ready.... what's your name?"

"Bright Lights," said Bright, stunned at the realization that Cadence was doing all this.... whatever she was doing without knowing her name.

"Bright Lights... get ready for a crash course in romance as I take you out on the town and teach you the tricks to land yourself the guy of your dreams," said Cadence.

"Oh um..." said Bright fumbling for an excuse, before once again remembering the truth as she said, "I can't because I have school today... and don't you need to be at Crystal Prep?"

"Please, I'm sure Vice Principal Skystar can handle things for a day... and as for you," said Cadence before pulling her cell phone out of her pocket, as she dialed a number and spoke into saying, "Hi Aunt Celie, it's Cadence... I've been good, how about you?... Glad to hear, anyway one of your students, a Miss Bright Lights, is interested in transferring over to Crystal Prep so I'd like to have her for the day to give her the tour and interviews and all... great, thanks and- hmm... Eh, don't worry about it, with all students you have mistakes like that are sure to happen.... anyway I'll see you and Aunt Luna this weekend, bye."

Cadence then hung up the phone and smiled at Bright saying, "Alright, we got the go ahead, though it was a little odd she couldn't find your name in the schools computer system to mark your absence, but I'm sure she'll figure out."

"Oh," said Bright both nervous about what was about to happen and the new fear that Celestia might figure out something up since she didn't have a student file.

Bright didn't have much time to dwell on these thoughts though as Rarity soon walked back carrying a very light pink dress, bordering on white, matching shoes, a thin pink ribbon that appeared to go around the waste, and a thicker pink ribbon that appeared to go around the wearers neck.

"Umm, I'm not sure if that's quite the right outfit for me," said Bright.

"Why whatever, do you mean daring? It has the soft non showy colors that we talked about before, but with just the subtlest touches to draw attention. It's perfect for your first foyer into dating," said Rarity excitedly.

Bright prepared to speak up, but was interrupted as Cadence had a sly smile form on her face as she said, "Now now Rarity, we shouldn't make her wear this if she doesn't want too. Let's just get something she might be more comfortable with." Unbenounced to Bright though, Cadence then gave Rarity a wink as she nodded in understanding placing the dress on a hook in the changing room as Cadence grabbed Bright's original outfit and they both ran out.

"HEY!" said Bright as she realized what just happened.

"You can either go out in the dress or as you are now, and I don't think you'd like the kind of attention you'd get like that," said Cadence.

Bright then looked around the changing room to make sure their wasn't any of her old outfit or another outfit Rarity had left in here by mistake, but had no luck. She then looked at the dress and sighed saying, "Whelp... final frontier," before she looked down at herself and realized that her undergarments, which she was embarrassed to be in, still covered more than your average swimsuit as she nervously said, "At least I hope it's the final frontier."

Meanwhile back at Sunset's apartment.

Sunset now stood on top of a fallen book shelf screaming, "I AM THE LIZARD QUEEN!" as Aria chased her with a blanket trying to catch her.

"Seriously Sunset, you need sleep," said Aria as she once again tried to reason with the pony.

"Do not dare tell your queen what she need purple salamander!" said Sunset, confirming once again that her sanity was on vacation.

Aria leaped to try and grab Sunset in the blanket, only to hit the floor as Sunset jumped over to the arm rest of the couch before running to a window saying, "I MUST FLY MY FOOL!"

"Sunset, wait-" said Aria, but it was too late as Sunset face planted on the closed window, for the fifth time that day, before falling flat on the ground.

At this, Sonata began stretching and yawning as she said, "What's with all the noise?" before opening her eyes and seeing just how messy their shared apartment had become.

"Finally you're awake," said Ara looking at Sonata, relieved that she now had a comrade in all this, "Sunset is on about twenty eight hours no sleep and her brains pretty much turned to pudding."

"Hey, did I ever tell you all about the time a giant pudding monster almost ate Twilight and her friends," said Sunset as she glanced at the two with a smile.

"See, she's not making any sense," said Aria agitated after having to hear all this stuff and chase her around for hours now.

"Wow, she's almost as bad as you where when you had a little too much punch at that party in Rome and went off about Caesar in front of those guys," said Sonata.

"I don't think I was this bad," said Aria as blush formed on her face.

"I don't think Caesar felt the same way," said Sonata with a flat look on her face.

"WHATEVER!" said Aria embarrassed as she said, "Just help me get her."

Meanwhile Sunset started flapping her front hooves saying, "I'm gonna go find the magic reindeer to thank them for saving everypony," before she started jumping to try and take off.

"OH! I know what to do," said Sonata excitedly as she ran up the the stairs.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!?" yelled Aria agitated that her new ally had abandoned her.


As Aria reluctantly turned her attention back to Sunset she saw Sunset was still trying to fly with her front hooves as she said, "I am the fool, I am the one who flies."

Thankfully, Sonata then returned down the stairs as she said, "Alright," this should take care of it as she pulled out what appeared to be a pistol and pointed it at Sunset.

"Wait, what are-" said Aria in protest, but she was interrupted as Sonata pulled the trigger and they all heard a whistling noise as the shot whizzed through the air.

"Ow," said Sunset as she felt a slight pinch and glanced down see a dart embedded in her flank and as she felt it's effects taking hold she turned to the others saying, "Remember girls, their are a lot of ways to eat chocolate, but only one way to eat a chocolate bar." After she got out that bit of "important advice" she passed out onto the floor with a satisfied smile on her face.

Sonata then walked up to Sunset and grabbed her back hooves saying, "Well what are you waiting for, help me carry her to bed."

Aria stood there in disbelief for a few seconds before saying, "OK... a couple things. Firstly, thanks for helping me, that really saved time. Secondly, WHERE THE HECK DID YOU GET A TRANQUILIZER GUN!?"

Sonata then casually glanced at the weapon in her pocket saying, "Oh this, I found it in the bottom drawer of Sunset's dresser."

Aria stood there a moment before saying, "Whelp, that just raises more questions... but only Sunset can answer them and there is no way I'm waking her up after all that," she then glanced at the pool of drool now forming under Sunset's limp head as she said, "Even if I could wake he up."

Aria then walked over to them saying, "Alright, I've got her front hooves, you've got the back ones."

"You got it," said Sonata with a smile as they both got to work carrying her. As they made their way to the stairs Sonata struggled slightly as she said, "Geeze I think she might be eating too much of those of Blush Bread sandwiches."

"Just be glad she's a pony, imagine how hard this would be if she was human," said Aria.

She instantly regretted that though as Sunset mumbled, "Human," before the flash of light occurred and they where both greeted by a much heavier weight as their knees buckled and they "slowly" sat her down.

"SERIOUSLY!" said Aria annoyed.

"Come on Sunset, be a pony again," said Sonata gingerly as she slightly brushed her hair trying to goat her into it.

"Pony," mumbled Sunset before the flash of light happened again and turned her back.

They smiled in gratitude at the sleepy Sunset's cooperation, before Aria decided to take charge.

"OK! NOW WHATEVER WE DO, WE CAN'T SAY HUMAN!" said Aria, before realizing what she had done.

"Hum-" began Sunset before Sonata pulled out the gun and shot a dart into her belly, causing the worlds to devolve into a gurgling noise that thankfully didn't trigger the transformation.

"SONATA!" said Aria.

"I PANICKED ALRIGHT!" said Sonata as she gestured with the gun in a way that made Aria decide to pursue this matter no further.

Author's Note:

Well, Cadence is taking Bright to meet guys and Aria and Sonata, mainly Sonata, have gotten Sunset to sleep... sort of. How will Bright's day on the town go? Will she have any admirers by the end? Why the heck does Sunset have a tranquilizer gun? Find out all this and more next time, whenever that may be.

Anyway, hope you all liked this, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a good day.