• Published 14th Jun 2018
  • 6,161 Views, 473 Comments

Sunset Shimmer The Pony of Earth - luckyboys121

Now that Sunset Shimmer is able to be a pony whenever she wants she is excited to start her new life with her friends by her side. Now though she has to deal with how others will react and learn just how poorly she has thought this life choice out

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Not So Dazzling Beginnings and a Mysterious Stallion

Author's Note:

OK I would just like to let you all know before you start reading that the next few chapters are going to be just Adagio's memories. I am sorry to anyone looking forward to more Sunset Shimmer antics but please bear with me as we will be back to her soon enough. Right now I figured I should keep my average chapter length but if you would prefer me doing the rest of the memories in one long chapter please let me know in the comment section. Have a good day and I hope you enjoy this chapter

Over 1000 years ago

Adagio awoke to the usual sight of her partners Sonata and Aria still sleeping in the grassy field to which they had decided to spend the night. She referred to them as partners because simply put they had lived and been together for as long any of them could remember and the exact nature of their relationship was something none of them could recall. She didn't think they were truly blood related and yet they had a repartee with each other that was not unlike that of sisters. Lately however Adagio viewed them more as daughters then sisters as she felt she was the one who needed to look after them and keep them safe now that so much had changed.

Before she could dwell on these thoughts though Sonata opened her eyes and yawned before stretching her hooves and tail saying, "Morning girls, what's for breakfast?"

At hearing this Aria began waking up and stretching saying, "Probably just some stupid scraps again. We haven't been able to get anything good since those ponies showed up and started taking everything."

Sonata the ever innocent one sat up confused at this and said, "I still don't understand. We've been living here like forever and those ponies only showed up a few years and whenever we get near one they call us monsters and say we shouldn't be in "Equestria" whatever that means," she then looked up at Adagio as she became saddened and asked, "Are we monsters?"

Adagio instantly felt pain that Sonata would even think such a thing as she looked at her and said, "Of course we aren't monsters..... it's just that," she thought for a moment at what she could say to cheer her up before a reassuring smile came to face as she said, "some creatures like these ponies are just scared of things they haven't seen before and considering that me, you, and Aria are the only ones of our kind that WE remember ever seeing of course they haven't seen any of us before either, but we aren't monsters and I'm sure even those ponies will relieve that eventually. Who knows maybe the next group of ponies we meet will accept us and let us live with them."

"Really?" asked Sonata with a hopeful grin.

"Wait seriously?" said Aria as her normally bitter tone melted for a moment at hearing this declaration.

Adagio seeing a look of joy and hope on her partners faces that she hadn't seen in so long could say nothing other then, "Yes," as she saw their hopeful smiles grow wider while hoping that what she said was the truth.

The three began flying towards the horizon as Adagio thought, "Please let us find something good some fruit, fish, squirrels! Anything really. I mean seriously these ponies seem to eat exclusively plants so why do they insist on taking in animals anyway?"

Eventually they came to the top of a hill and as they looked over what they once remembered being a lush field good for hunting, unfortunately it was no longer how they remembered.

"Uhhh seriously! Why the heck do they need to build so many villages. Can't they leave us anything," said Aria exasperated as this was now an all to familiar change for them at this point.

Sonata looked at the annoyed Aria and then to Adagio who seemed to be worried about what they should do next. She decided that it was her turn to try and cheer everyone up as she said, "Maybe this village has ponies who will accept us like you said earlier, right Adagio?"

Adagio turned to Sonata wanting to explain that they should be cautious and avoid the village for now but when she looked at her she saw an innocent and hopeful face of a girl who was trying to help and without thinking she said, "Maybe. We should go and check it out."

Sonata gleefully clapped her hooves together as she began flying down towards the village while Aria followed after her with a look of doubt on her face but a glint of hope in her eyes. Finally Adagio gulped and she silently prayed that their hopes would not be crushed before flying to the lead of the group and down towards the village.

It didn't take them long to reach the village and it took even less time for Adagio to notice that any pony who saw gave them dirty and angry looks. She turned back to Sonata and Aria who hadn't seemed to notice this yet as she attempted to think of an excuse to get them to leave before any pony took action against them.

Unfortunately she was to late as her side was struck by rock and she turned to see a crowd of ponies each ready to throw more stones at them before a stallion spoke up saying, "YOU MONSTERS GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!"

Sonata moved forward saying, "We're not monsters... we're just trying to- OW."

She was interrupted by a rock hitting the side of her face before the mare who trough it said, "NICE TRY BUT WE WON'T FALL FOR YOUR TRICKERY!"

Aria grew angry and prepared to charge towards the crowd before Adagio put her hoof on her shoulder and said, "No. You'll just be proving them right," she then bent down and helped the dazed but thankfully not injured Sonata up before saying, "Come on let's just go."

They began flying towards the end of the town as the crowd threw more rocks at them and the head stallion said, "YEAH YOU BETTER RUN BEFORE THE PILLARS SHOW UP! THERE GONNA GET RID OF ALL YOU FREAKS!"

The three made it to just outside the village before they all collapsed on the ground. Sonata curled on the ground and began crying and Aria raised her head and opened her mouth to say something, only to then follow her lead and begin crying herself. Adagio looked at the ground as tears began to form in her eyes as well and she thought, "What can I say to make this better? I let them get their hopes up and now those stupid ponies crushed them! If only we could find just one pony who accepted us."

Those thoughts were soon interrupted as she heard a voice say, "My word! Are you ladies all right?"

Adagio looked up to see a tall gray stallion with a black mane and tail looking down at them with what appeared to be genuine concern on his face before saying, "Umm we're fine just a few scratches that's all."

"Now now no need to put on a brave face. I saw what those villagers did to you and I am simply appalled at their behavior. Three young ladies such as yourselves don't deserve such treatment," said the stallion as he began walking towards them and helping them up.

As she was being lifted up Sonata sniffled before saying, "Wait you don't think we are monsters?"

"Goodness no. I can assure I'm not as foalish as those ponies in the village and have no intention of treating you as badly as they did," said the stallion as a huge smile formed on Sonata's face at hearing this before he continued saying, "Now do you three have a safe place to go to and recover?"

As he helped Aria up she groaned and said, "I guess we will be sleeping in another field tonight and hope no pony finds us just like every night now."

"Oh my that simply can not do....listen I live a castle just north of here and my wife and son are currently visiting Canterlot so I'm all alone and there is plenty of space for you all. I would be more than happy to let you spend the night to make up for how those other ponies mistreated you," said the stallion.

Sonata clapped her hooves and smiled at this where as Aria looked somewhat excited before her stomach growled and she blankly looked at the stallion simply saying, "Do you got food for us at this castle to?"

"Why yes of course. I actually have imported several exotic foods from all across the land and you are welcome to try any you desire," said the stallion.

Aria had a content smile on her face as she said, "Sounds good to me. What about you girls?"

"It sounds amazing to me! This is exactly what we wanted right Adagio?" said Sonata.

Adagio simply stood there taking this all in. She began thinking, "This strange pony came out of no where and is the only one who has given us a chance so far, it seems to good to be true. It has to be to good to be true I need to keep them safe." After she finished that thought though she looked at them and saw how happy they looked and once again she melted as she thought, "As much I want to keep them safe I also want them to be happy and if this guy can help with that, than I should at least give him the benefit of the doubt."

Adagio then said, "Alright," she then bowed her head towards the stallion as she said, "We thank you for hospitality good sir and we would be eternally grateful for your service."

"No need to thank me, I'm just doing what is right," said the stallion as a smile formed on his face. He then turned and began walking away from the village before saying, "Follow me ladies."

The three then began following the stallion before Sonata spoke up saying, "OH! I just realized we never introduced ourselves I'm Sonata Dusk and it is so awesome to meet you! The purple girl in front of me is Aria Blaze."

Aria then let out a, "Sup," as Sonata gestured to her.

"Finally the yellow girl right behind you is Adagio Dazzle," said Sonata.

"It's very nice to meet you, and might I ask what your name is?" said Adagio.

"Oh forgive me for not introducing myself sooner. My name is Silvercoat Neighsay and I do say it is very nice to meet you as well," said Neighsay as a very wide smile formed on his face and he continued saying, "I can assure you this is a meeting neither of us will forget. "