• Published 14th Jun 2018
  • 6,181 Views, 473 Comments

Sunset Shimmer The Pony of Earth - luckyboys121

Now that Sunset Shimmer is able to be a pony whenever she wants she is excited to start her new life with her friends by her side. Now though she has to deal with how others will react and learn just how poorly she has thought this life choice out

  • ...

...Give Us Something Sweet To Bite

Sunset walked with Pinkie, still struggling to get over everything that has happened but trying to role with it and move on, as they caught up to Luna, Sonata, and Aria.

Soon they all walked together as they approached the first house and Sonata wrung the door bell. The door opened and they all said, "TRICK OR TREAT."

On the other side of the door was a man with brown hair and a matching brown trench coat over a blue suit looked at them and said, "My word it's Halloween." He then pulled out a pair of glasses and a fob watch as he said, "I could have sworn it was Thanksgiving last week... looks like I might need to adjust the chronal matrix again."

Everyone seemed confused by this, except for Sonata who just looked antsy as she said, "Umm, sir. Our candy."

He then looked back at them and said, "Oh right sorry, just give me a second to grab something, allons-y." He then went back into his house as Sonata started pacing in place as she became more and more impatient.

Thankfully it didn't take long for him to return as he came back with a small blue box and reached in saying, "Sorry I don't have any proper candy but thankfully this cookie jar here, just like the thing it looks like, always has much more it than you'd think." He then placed a few chocolate cookies in each of their candy pales before reaching Sunset and saying, "Oh a unicorn marvelous and..." he then paused before pulling out a small silver rod with a blue light on the end it and pointed it directly at Sunset. He then with-drawled it to his face and said, "OK good, not a Zygon." He then placed a few cookies in Sunset's pail before they all said "Thank You," and walked away resulting in him saying, "It's no trouble ladies, I'll either see you later or see you earlier."

Sunset glanced at the others hoping they could make any sense of that but only saw Sonata holding one of the cookies in excitement as she squeed and said, "MY FIRST EVER HALLOWEEN TREAT!"

She then ate the whole cookie in one bite and prepared to grab some more but was stopped by Pinkie as she said, "Woah, I know you're excited but if you eat all your treats now you won't have any for later."

Sonata calmed herself as she said, "That makes sense," but then her excitement returned as she continued saying, "OH, but now I can't wait to get all my treats home to chow down!"

Aria then chimed in saying, "Hey, you better not eat it too fast, cause I don't want to have to deal with you getting another stomach ache after what happened last time."

Sonata then pouted as she said, "How was I supposed to know that it wasn't real steak?"

"Maybe because you got it for three dollars from a guy in a van," said Aria.

Sonata then beamed with pride as she said, "True, but I did learn my lesson and haven't gotten sick like that since then."

"Still doesn't change the fact that I had to throw away my favorite boots because you couldn't make it to a trash can in time," said Aria.

Wanting to change the subject Luna said, "Moving on girls, I think I see another house we can go to." She then pointed at one just ahead which they all approached and this time Luna rang the door bell.

When the door opened they were greeted by a girl with a dark purple complexion, a scar over one eye, and a red Mohawk who was wearing a black leotard with armor plating on it. Before they could say anything though she gasped and ran back into her house.

They all stood their dumbfounded for a moment as Aria said, "Now what?"

Before anyone could respond to that she returned caring a large stack of records as she said, "OH MY GOD NIGHTMARE MOON I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN! I have every one of your albums from your band Children of the Night to the solo single you put out before retiring. Could you please sign some of them for me?"

Luna looked a little shocked at this as she said, "Well thank you and of course I will," she then glanced at the cover of the solo album entitled The Moon Rises before chuckling and saying, "I'm surprised you have this, we all made solo albums before splitting up and even I thought Chrysalis's song Feed Me With Your Heart was the best."

The girl chuckled at this as she said, "I mean it's pretty good, but I've always loved your sound. It's the primary influence for my band, Stormy Empire."

Luna continued signing the albums as she said, "So you have a band then, tell me what is your name young lady."

At hearing this she immediately took on a serious look as she flatly said, "Tempest Shadow."

Luna noticed this sudden change and said, "Is something the matter?"

The girl looked uncomfortable as she said, "No it's nothing, just that my real name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist."

"Oh that's a pretty name," said Luna.

PInkie then burst forward saying, "Pretty name? THAT IS THE BEST NAME EVER!"

Fizzlepop giggled at this as she said, "Thanks, unfortunately our leader 'The Storm King' as he likes to be called insists I always go by my stage name to complete the image."

Luna looked at her saying, "I can sense you don't really like this guy much."

"Well I mean, I feel like I do all the work writing the songs, setting up the instruments, and pretty much everything else and he takes all the credit, and well..." said Fizzlepop who trailed off as her hand touched the scar on her face.

Aria then spoke up saying, "Woah, he didn't give you that scar did he?"

Fizzlepop raised her hands defensively as she said, "Oh nothing like that, it's just when I first had the idea to form a band I actually wanted to be a cutesy soloist under the simplified name Fizzleberry."

Sonata smiled saying, "That sounds nice. Why aren't you doing it?"

"Well The Storm King said no one would want to see a cute idol with a scar like this and that I needed to change my sound," said Fizzlepop sadly. She then looked up and said, "But it's OK though just as long as I get to make music I'm happy."

Luna then walked closer to her as she said, "Fizzlepop; what do you see when you look at me?"

"Well duh, I see the awesomely confident and cool Nightmare Moon," said Fizzlepop.

At this Luna simply sighed before putting her hands together and opening her mouth as she began singing

After it was over they all stared at Luna as they took in the hauntingly beautiful melody of it all.

Luna then glanced at Fizzlepop as she said, "Now what do you see?"

Fizzlepop wiped some tears from her eyes before saying, "I see a beautiful young girl full or regret and sadness."

Luna smiled at her as she said, "And yet I haven't changed my appearance at all. That's the thing about music; it doesn't matter what you look like because the song itself can convey who you truly are deep down."

"Wow, but wait what was that song? I've never heard it before and like I said, I have all your albums," said Fizzlepop.

"Actually it's one I wrote for my sister, that I unfortunately never performed because, like you, I was worried about ruining my image as a confident bad girl," said Luna before placing her hand on Fizzlepop's shoulder. She then said, "Please don't make the same mistake I did, you need to sing out all the feelings you want to before it's to late."

Fizzlepop smiled at this before a determined look came to her face as she said, "You're right. You know what, I'm calling The Storm King or should I say FRANCIS right now and quieting."

Aria chuckled as she said, "Pftth, Francis."

At this Fizzlepop became excited as she yelled out for all the world to here, "THAT'S RIGHT! THE HARD ROCKER STORM KING'S REAL NAME IS FRANCIS!" She then slammed the door shut and everyone walked away as they could heard her loudly chewing out Francis over the phone.

After a few steps Sonata spoke up saying, "Wait, shouldn't we have gotten candy?"

Luna looked at her and smiled saying, "Fear not young Sonata, for we just changed a young girls life for the better and in the end there is no sweeter treat then that."

Sonata pouted as she said, "I guess but I still want candy."

Sunset, wanting to cheer her friend up said, "No problem there is another house over there," she then paused before continuing saying, "Let me take the lead this time. I got something I want to do."

They all agreed as they approached the house and wrung the bell. When the door opened Sunset smiled and eagerly said, "Nightmare Night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite."

The man on the other side of the door twitched a bit before calmly placing the bowl on the ground, closing the door, and yelling, "TAKE AS MUCH AS YOU WANT HALLOWEEN HORSE SPIRIT AND JUST LEAVE ME BE!"

Sunset stood there dumbfounded as Pinkie said, "SCORE!" and started dividing up the bowl into their pails.

Sunset thought to herself, "I just wanted to say the Nightmare Night chant like when I was a filly," before she glanced at everyone else and noticed how happy they looked as she thought, "But I guess at least this time a freak out worked out."

She then began grinning as they walked away with Sonata skipping with joy at seeing her now nearly full pail and Aria cracking a small smile as she said, "Alright, I'm feeling good so I think it's time."

Sonata glanced at her as she said, "You don't mean?"

"Yup," said Aria before glancing at Luna as she said, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know how to play the opening to Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi on that guitar of yours would you?"

Luna pulled her guitar off her back smiling as she said, "Indeed I do. After all when you're an educator you have plenty of free time over the summer to binge watch shows on Hoofflix." She then tuned her guitar before saying, "Ready when you are girls."

Sonata and Aria stood next to each other as Pinkie and Sunset sat down on the grass to watch what was about to unfold.

Sonata and Aria breathed in deeply before they began

As both Pinkie and Sunset sat listening Sunset thought she saw a faint blue light coming from Aria and Sonata's necks before she noticed a large pink light next to her as Pinkie had apparently blown up a piece of candy corn she was about to toss into her mouth.

Sonata giggled at this as Aria said, "Geeze, from what we've seen I thought you had better control over your magic at this point."

Pinkie looked confused as she said, "I thought I did too." She then shrugged as she said, "Oh well. I was probably just a little too excited with all the awesome stuff that happened tonight and lost it for a moment. The important thing is that night is still young and there is still candy to be had."

She then stood back up and began walking to the next house with others following as Sunset thought about what just happened. In the end though she decided not to say anything that could spoil the night and, still not sure if she saw what she thought she did, decided to file it away in the back of her mind for later as they continued through the night.

Author's Note:

Well that's it for the girls Trick or Treating adventure and it went very well. But what was up with that magic hiccup and the blue light from Aria and Sonata? Find out later whenever that maybe?

OK so in all honesty aside from some people freaking out over Sunset I didn't have much planned for the actual Trick or Treating and that's why there are so many diversions. Seconly as you may have noticed I referenced two songs by the YouTuber Ponyphonic. If you haven't checked out his work I suggest you do as it is amazing.

Finally as always thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, and have a great day.