• Published 14th Jun 2018
  • 6,162 Views, 473 Comments

Sunset Shimmer The Pony of Earth - luckyboys121

Now that Sunset Shimmer is able to be a pony whenever she wants she is excited to start her new life with her friends by her side. Now though she has to deal with how others will react and learn just how poorly she has thought this life choice out

  • ...

Another Day, More Weirdness

Sunset Shimmer awoke to the sound of her alarm as she groggily got out of bed. She made her way to the bathroom and brushed her teeth before heading to the living room while barely opening her eyes.

She began thinking, "Uhh. Why did I stay out so late last night," before she glanced at the couch and saw the still sleeping Aria and Sonata, the latter of which was smiling as she clutched her still pretty full pail of candy to her chest. Sunset then smiled as she thought, "Oh yeah, that's why."

She then went to make breakfast only for her tiredness to return with a vengeance as she decided to simply move a couple boxes of cereal and toaster pastries out in the open for Aria and Sonata as she grabbed her backpack, being sure to slip her wallet into it, and headed out the door to get breakfast from a cafe.

After a short walk she made it into the cafe and began walking to the counter, only for Doughnut Joe to turn to her and look angry as he said, "Hey! I thought I told you kids no dogs allowed in here!"

Sunset was too tired to take offense to this and began moving forward to talk with Joe about her order, only for someone to run forward and stop her saying, "Oh. I'm so sorry Joe she's mine... I'll just lead her outside."

Joe then turned to her curious as he said, "Ms. Sparkle? I thought you had that one purple dog?"

Twilight than turned back to him, somewhat nervous, as she said, "Yes well... Spike was getting lonely while I was at school so I picked her up from the shelter to keep him company. I guess she still hasn't gotten used to me leaving yet though and followed me here."

She then began leading Sunset out as Joe said, "Oh I gotcha. Hey I've been looking for a dog myself so if Spike and her have puppies let me know."

Twilight began blushing as she just said, "Well do," and led Sunset, who was thankfully too tired to process that sentence, out.

After a moment to calm herself Twilight looked at Sunset concerned as she said, "Are you OK? I mean I know you like walking around as a pony as much as possible but you haven't been this careless so far."

Sunset looked at her and simply said, "Too tired, didn't think it through, coffee now." She then levitated her wallet up to Twilight and said, "You get please."

Twilight was somewhat taken aback at how simple minded those statements where but she quickly got over it as after plenty of all night study sessions and lab experiments she knew how much it took to, well do anything when you were as tired as Sunset looked. She then smiled and said, "Sure thing, you want your usual caramel latte and poppy seed bagel?"

Sunset grunted and nodded at this as Twilight walked in and soon came out with her order as they headed down the street to school.

As they walked Sunset began eating the bagel and shipping her latte as tiredness began to melt away and she looked at Twilight saying, "Thanks for getting me breakfast."

Twilight looked at her smiling as she said, "No problem. It looked like you had quite the night."

Sunset smiled to herself as she said, "Yeah. Sonata just kept saying 'just one more house please' and before we knew it we had hit like twenty more and it was after midnight. Also it didn't help that some of the houses had something going on that we had to deal with before going, including but not limited to some guy talking about weird sci-fi stuff, a girl who was struggling with her self image related to her band persona, a guy who thought I was a Halloween Spirit, and some blonde girl in a red and white hoodie who just threw beans at us."

Twilight raised her eyebrows at this as she said,"Wow! It sounds like you girls did have a big night."

Sunset had another sip of coffee and smiled as she said, "Yeah, but it was still fun, for them and for me." She then glanced at Twilight as she said, "But enough about that, how was the Halloween Bash?"

Twilight then blushed at this as she said, "Oh it was good, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo did their skit with Applejack and Rainbow Dash and..."

Sunset recognized this blush as she teasingly grinned at Twilight and said, "Annnnddddd?"

Twilight blushed further as she nervously twirled her hair and said, "And I didn't see much else because I spent most of the night dancing and talking with Timber."

Sunset continued grinning as she said, "I kind of figured, so what did he dress as?"

Twilight then looked forward as she quickly said, "We actually did couples costumes, with me as Cinderella and him as Prince Charming," trying to brush past it like it wasn't a big deal.

Sunset wasn't having that though as she giggled and said, "Seriously?"

"Yes," said Twilight, once again trying to brush past this.

Sunset then burst out laughing before calming herself and saying, "So putting aside the fact that you two were wearing the cheesiest couples costumes ever, what did you two talk about?"

Twilight looked away as she said, "I'm not sure if I want to tell you now."

Sunset looked at her as she said, "I'm sorry, I was just poking a little fun." Twilight mood didn't appear to soften though so Sunset got serious as she said, "I didn't mean to offend you or anything, it's just what best friends do."

Twilight then looked back at her as she said, "I know, and it's not really what you did it's just..." she then trailed off before stopping and looking around. She then turned back to Sunset as she said, "OK, I'll tell you but you gotta promise not to tell any of our friends. I don't want them making a big deal out of it."

Sunset then sat in front of her and said, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Twilight then took a calming breath before saying, "OK, so Timber and I were talking and he said how he's not sure what he's gonna do this Christmas since Gloriasa is gonna be busy teaching ice skating on the recently frozen over lake to the new winter campers, which he doesn't like doing because one year he accidentally broke through the ice and has been scared to do it again ever since, and my parents have been wanting to meet him lately so, after texting to make sure it's OK, we agreed that he would spend the holiday with my family this year."

Sunset looked at her and smiled saying, "Wow, that's quite the step in your relationship."

"Which is why I don't want you telling anyone else because Rainbow Dash will probably crack a few jokes about how 'sappy and romantic' it is, Rarity will start comparing it to some of her favorite romance novels, and Pinkie will view it as a que to start planning every party she can think of for us from a six month anniversary of us dating to probably even picking dates for a wedding and even a baby shower!" said Twilight as she became a little panicked at the end of all that.

Sunset then thought a minute before saying, "Yeah, I see your point. Don't worry though your secrets safe with me."

Twilight looked at her and smiled as she said, "Thanks."

They then continued on their way to the school before finally walking through the front door before someone bumped into Sunset before saying, "Sorry," and continuing along as the CMC followed after them.

It appeared to be Flash Sentry based on the lighting bolt and shield patches on the hoodie but the hood covered the face so Sunset wasn't entirely sure. Not only that but when he spoke his voice sounded higher then usual and his proportions looked somewhat more slender, though the hoodie was baggie so again she couldn't say for sure.

Nevertheless, the person who seemed to be Flash glanced back at CMC and said, "Look I already told you a hot spring didn't do this to me!" They then began to mumble to themselves saying, "Stupid Poison Joke, that's the last time I suggest a romantic picnic near that forest. That freakin zebra better finish making her cure soon."

The CMC didn't seem to hear this though as Sweetie Belle said, "Come on please tell us where the Jusenkyo springs are?"

"Yeah, I want to see if they have a spring of drowned eagle," said Scootaloo.

Thankfully for Flash this caused the other members of the Canterlot Movie Club to stop as Apple Bloom said, "Now why in the blooming apples would you want to be an eagle?"

"Duh, so I can fly," said Scootaloo.

"Yeah, but what if you get warm water splashed on you while your flying?" said Sweetie Belle.

"Hm, I didn't think about that," said Scootaloo as they continued talking while walking off in another direction.

Sunset glanced at Twilight as she said, "Do you know what any of that is about?"

Twilight then looked back at her as she said, "If you're talking about the CMC I think there playing another game based around an anime they saw, but if your asking about Flash, at least I think that was Flash, then I don't know. He's been acting kind of weird lately, like the other day he asked me what my favorite candy was and when I told him he said thanks and started running off where I think I hear him say, 'I hope she likes that candy too'."

Sunset chuckled at that and was ready to say something before the bell rang and she said, "Well, there will be plenty of time to try and figure out all the weird stuff that goes on around here later. For now let's just get to class."

"Yeah, though I doubt we could ever truly understand EVERYTHING that goes around here," said Twilight before they both chuckled and headed to class.

Author's Note:

Well Sunset started her next day at school and so far, it's going about as good as usual. How well it turn out though, find out next chapter, whenever that maybe.

OK first things first I'm going to address the elephant in the room, as many of you noticed this chapter is not as edited as carefully as usual, which is not particularly careful to begin with. This is because I am now holding auditions for an editor, or editors, and editing this chapter is part of the audition. Check my blog post for more details.

Secondly for those who didn't get the joke Flash Sentry was on a date with Twilight in Equistria and accidentally stumbled into Poison Joke which turned him into a girl and he is now trying, and failing, to get through his school day while Zecora brews up the cure. Thank you Twilight_Shimmer for giving me the idea and I hope you liked what I wrote based on it.

Finally once again, thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, and have a good day.