• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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A Penny For A Friend? (Edited By BS)

Once Penny managed to calm down enough, and right after having agreed and been filled in on their plan, the self-appointed avatar of Desire began sharing what she knew would be valuable information.

"You made a flower that feeds on chaos?" AJ repeated, blinking a couple of times as Penny nodded.

"It's a specially designed trap we made to keep Discord out of our manes while we conquered Equestria, yes." She sighed in embarrassment. "Now that I have time to think about it, I realize how extreme that plan was in hindsight, and who knows how many ponies were zombified before Discord arrived and sprung the trap. Not to mention that it wasn't needed in the end because we grabbed him before he could spring it...and then he sprung it anyway when he r-returned there." She looked back at the group and gave them a weak smile. "On the bright side, that means the infection has stopped, and all the plants and infected ponies are now converging on his body...which then transformed into a plant dragon that turned the Crystal empire into a giant garden, trapping everyone inside and blocking all magic, even teleportation."

She offered a weak smile at Cadence, but when she only remained quiet while staring at the poor novelist, Penny had no choice but to recoil a little "I can fix it, don't worry! Just need to get close enough to the dragon plant to cancel the spell."

"Don't worry; I will make sure that happens." Cadence finally spoke up.

"And what about your other spell, sugar cube?" AJ reminded the group, "Do you also need to get close to make those giant flowers disappear."

"Unfortunately, with those, things get a bit tricky. You see, I can't undo that spell, and neither can Desire now since the one that cast them is her brother."

"What?" The group exclaimed in surprise

"Yeah, Desire didn't want to have any loose ends, so she collected a favor from her brother Dream and between the two of them, they created those flowers. The pollen is actually his sand keeping everyone asleep. If they are still there, it means Dream has control over them now."

"Wait, Dream? There's another endless that controls dreams?" Cadence asks in shock, "How come Aunt Luna has never mentioned him before? Isn't she the mare of dreams?"

Penny chuckled and shook her head a little "Yeah; I asked something similar once. Dream is the laziest of all endless, so much so that he has no issue with the princess taking his title and doing his job. Nobody has ever heard of him in more than a millennia. According to Desire, the only thing Dream wants is peace and quiet to sleep indefinitely."

"If that is all he wants, why help in the first place? Or keep things going?"

"I don't know, even Desire told me how difficult and unpredictable it is working with him, but he always keeps his word, all endless do, actually. Not even Discord can break a promise. That is why he works in loopholes when making one."

"That...explains a lot," Rarity mentioned remembering their first encounter with him and how he technically DID say where the elements were in the form of a riddle.

"Great, there is another spirit we need to be worried about." AJ sighed in exhaustion. "Do you even know what he looks like or where he could be?"

"For the first question, yes, have you ever heard of the legend of the sand hawk?"

"Don't you mean the sandman?" Blueblood asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Man? Oh right! It must be their human equivalent." Penny nodded a couple of times before continuing, "And I suppose that would be a no"

"The sand hawk is a nursing rhyme partner." AJ explained, "Granny used to sing it to all of us when we were little colts and fillies." She blushed and then looked away. "But don't expect me to sing it now. It embarrassing"

"Oh! Oh! I know it. My mommy used to sing it to me all the time" Pinkie volunteered

"~Mr. Sand Hawk! Bring me a dream~

~Make him the cutest I could ever seen~

~Give it some sand to play on the covers!~

~And a yummy pastry to make it a wonder~

~Mr. Sand Hawk! Please let me play~

~On your back made of granite and mirth~

~And use your wings to slide on deserts for hours~

~Mr. Sand Hawk, why do you cheat?~

~in staring contests! With four eyes to play...~

Pinkie got lost in the chorus as the rest let her finish her song in the piece "So you are saying that Sand Hawk all this time was Dream?"

Penny nodded once. "Yep, I was shocked when I heard about it for the first time too. According to Desire, he is a griffin made of golden sand the size of a small hill with four wings, two tails, and four eyes. He can also change his size at will and well. All he does and wants to do is to sleep in a quiet place. I'm sorry, but I don't know where he could be right now. Maybe Desire knows, but I only know what she told me. When I let her out, I allowed her to have some fun and stretch her legs since it had been a millennium since she was free. I couldn't deny that to her.

It wasn't until I was here that she gave me back complete control, or we both were in control of our bodies. I only know that Dream is the reason why everyone is asleep. For how unpredictable he is, he could still be in his own plane of existence."

"That is ok, Penny. At the very least, we can make more sense of everything happening, and waking everyone up isn't our priority right now." Blueblood concluded. "For now, I need you to tell all of this to the other rulers, so we all are on the same page and can keep an eye for that spirit." He turned around and prepared to leave before turning back once again to regard Penny. "Is there anything else I should know?"

"Yes, while I still have plenty, it never hurts if I collect more desire and be prepared, so maybe you could..."

"Thank you, Penny!" Cadence stood in between the two with a glare and a forced smile. "I'll take care of that if needed." She then looked at Blueblood. "You can go, Bluey. We can take it from here."

"Got it. Thank you girls and Penny, thank you so much for helping us."

"My pleasure" She then brought a hoof to her chest. "I have to say. This is kind of weird. I have never helped others like this before. It...feels nice."

"Glad to hear that, Penny." Fluttershy smiled before her expression turned a bit somber. "Unfortunately, we aren't done with you just yet."

"Took the words right out of my mouth, sugar cube." AJ agreed. "We still need to talk about what you did to all of us."

Penny only sighed in surrender and nodded with closed eyes. "I was afraid of that, but I suppose it is inevitable. Even more, if we are going to work together." She smiled slightly, "I've been meaning to talk with you all anyways."

That caught the girl's attention as Penny played with her mane. "Another thing Desire's magic granted me is the ability to see into pony's hearts, and I can sort of see a certain flame ignited in all of yours." She confessed with some excitement and brought her hooves to her mouth. "It could still work." She mumbled, making the mares feel a tad bit uncomfortable while forcing Cadence to contain her anger, as she only blew some steam from her nose while glaring at the novelist.

A couple of hours later

After discussing the new information with his peers, Blueblood and the other rulers deliberated on their course of action, finding that not much had changed, and they agreed to keep a lookout for the spirit.

"This changes nothing save being a rescue mission instead of a reconnaissance mission." Pharynx spoke up.

"But we shouldn't take the news of Dream lightly either. The fact that we don't know exactly where he is or how to operate around him is concerning." Nefertiti pointed out. "What's to say that we are only safe from his influence inside the hotel?"

"According to Penny, Dream is known as the laziest of all endless. Considering how my aunt Luna has held the title of a mare of dreams without meeting him once, I am convinced enough to believe her." Blueblood argued. "If he wanted to trap us, he would have done it already. We are safe for now."

"Still, Nefi makes a good point, Blueblood," Hestia pointed at the table. "As Dream is responsible for all those flowers holding the world hostage. We will have to deal with him eventually. Maybe it would be best if we were prepared." They all nodded and glanced at one another before turning to Blueblood.

"You are right, but we should approach this situation carefully. If any of us find him while on our mission. Sierra, do you think you could come up with..."

"Say no more, Blueblood" She winked at him, "I'm great at multi-tasking. Just give me some time and the right tools, and I will give you something to deal with the sky AND that spirit."

"Great, thanks"

"Say Blue. Didn't you have some sort of special power to tap into dreams and such? The Blood Moon thingy?" Skystar reminded him. "Can't you enter into the dreams and look for him there?"

"I can, but I'm not sure if I should test out my dusk form with the sky as it is currently." He explained with some worry. "With the night and day sharing space simultaneously, I might be blocked off from that form...or risk overcharging. But your idea could work with something I had in mind." He started to pounder. "Originally, I was thinking of sending Pinkie into the dream realm on a scouting mission for Princess Luna to see if she can help. Knowing about Dream, she would only have to be on the lookout for that spirit too."

"The party planner? That is what you had in store for her? Why give her that task instead of going yourself?" Triceps asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought about it but ultimately decided that she was the best option between the two. Trust me, for how confusing and bizarre the dreamscape can become, a pony like Pinkie would feel right at home." He explained confidently. "Plus, she is also an excellent tracker with all those hide-and-seek games, heck she might consider this mission one of them, which would work to our advantage."

The royals glanced at one another before agreeing, "Makes sense, but how exactly were you planning on sending her there?" Hestia inquired, tilting her head.

"Let me worry about those details. For now, does this information change anything else?"

Everyone pondered about it before collectively shaking their heads. "Good, then the plan is still on track" Blueblood yawned and covered his mouth. "And right on time too. We better grab some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for all of us."

Once they all said their goodbyes, Blueblood went to see Pinkie Pie to discuss the special mission he had planned for her.

"You want me to go explore the dream realm?" Pinkie repeated in excitement as the Prince nodded.

"I know this seems like a weird request, but I couldn't think of anyone better to explore the bizarre world of the dreamscape." He chuckled a little "Plus, I'm sure your Pinkie sense would keep you safe."

"Oh, will it be like a super secret spy mission? Do you want me to retrieve something important? Or maybe take pictures of something you are looking for?" She rapidly asked, suddenly dressing in an all-black outfit with a bizarre set of goggles with three green lenses on them as she moved around until she was upside down behind him.

"Nope," He tapped her head to stop her, "I need you to look for Princess Luna and be on guard for Dream."

She dropped down and looked at him in surprise. "Ah, I get it! Because she is probably asleep, and since she is the mare of dreams..."

"Exactly, we wake her up, and she can wake everyone up or help us deal with Dream." He then handed over the collar Luna gave him when he was trying to make amends with ponies in Canterlot. "This collar has a special enchantment that lets Aunt Luna see what I was doing, but it can work both ways."

Charging his horn, he cast a spell of his own on the necklace before handing it over to Pinkie. "I put a tracking spell and part of my Nightmare Opera spell into it. It can be tricky to use, but if you wear this and follow my instructions..."

"No need!" Pinkie grabbed the collar and put it on before flashing an earpiece. "Sierra already gave me a listen-to-ear so that we can talk." She pantomimed unzipping the air, and to bluebloods surprise, she opened a portal into the dreamscape.

"Wha...But I haven't told you how to use it..." She interrupted the Prince by kissing his cheek.

"Don't worry, Bluey, you can count on me. I will look after Princess Luna and help you wake everyone up."

Recovering, Blueblood smiled and hugged the party mare. "Tell me if you see anything or need any help, and be careful out there, ok?"

"Will do! Super Secret Pink agent out!" She exclaimed before jumping back into the portal, which closed once she entered, leaving him alone to chuckle

I knew she was the right mare for the job. Boy, all of Equus is about to have some strange dreams. He laughed internally at all the things Pinkie might do in the dreamscape as he went to rest for his respective mission.

The next day

Once the Prince explained where Pinkie had gone, with the preparations ready and every team checking their equipment before departing, the only thing left was for Blueblood to address the public one last time before boarding his designated train.

"Ponies of Equestria, or rather. Citizens of all of Equss. I have heard how the last couple of weeks has been tumultuous, to say the least." Blueblood addresses the general public alongside the other royals. "We have heard your voices. We understand how every creature has every reason to be afraid. But know this, your rulers haven't failed you yet. Quite the contrary. These events have only strengthened our resolve and forged stronger bonds of unity under the banner of friendship and with a single goal to achieve!" He cast a quick glance at his peers before continuing. "And while dire, all of you can rest easy knowing that there is no looming danger, and even if any threat should manifest, you couldn't ask for a better refuge than what stands before you. The Golden Rose will continue to serve. It is well equipped, staffed, guarded, and prepared for your continued survival and comfort. So forget your worries and relax as the society of heirs works tirelessly to fix the world!"

The audience cheered, and now, with that out of the way, the royals gathered around to ensure everyone was on the same page. "Remember, maintain radio communication at all times unless something forces you to go silent." Sparrow reminds them. "If one link brakes without warning, I will send a platoon to investigate."

"I'm impressed, little pony. You seem like a quick learner," Sierra smirked at him. "Look at you, mastering high-tech language like it's nothing."

"Just doing my job, ma'am" Sparrow maintained his military professionalism as the diamond dog nodded before looking at everyone. "Everyone remembers how the comlinks work?" They all nodded and activated their earpieces.

"Let's do this" Breaking the circle, the royals said their goodbyes and started boarding their respective trains, with Blueblood and the rest of the elements being the last ones to board. The Prince, in particular, felt a bit ashamed.

"I am so sorry things ended up like this. I wanted to discuss "us" properly, but well..."

Fluttershy interrupted him by lifting her hoof. "Say no more, Blueblood. We understand." She lowered her leg and smiled at him along with the other mares. "We can discuss this properly once we fix the sky."

"Yeah, partner, no need to do it all at once."

"Darling, I, more than anyone, understand how it can be overwhelming when you have to take on more than one order. Definitely would have preferred it if we came first, but..." Fluttershy lightly jabbed her side in response. "...what I mean is, we just figure out our emotions, no need to speed things up either."

"Thank you, girls, but at the very least, I owe you this. To all of you," He turned on his link, "Pinkie, can you hear me?"

"Hi, Bluey! How did you get inside my mind? Oh, is this part of what this collar can do?" Pinkie immediately asked with her usual cheerful tone, making him laugh.

"It's the earpiece, silly. Let me put you in conference with AJ, Shy, and Rarity. You all need to hear this."

"Oki Dokey Loki" Once the conference was set up, Blueblood addressed the group, "Listen, while Penny's make us realize a lot. The truth is...I'm not ready to start a herd. At least, I don't want to start one just because a spirit forced me to see all of you in, for lack of a better word, an erotic light."

All the mare's faces blushed immediately, and the Prince didn't need to see her to know that Pinkie had stopped and was in the same position as the rest. "So please don't give me your answers yet, and let's try to move on from this whole ordeal. But once everything calms down, and you all have had a chance to sort this out, and if you are still interested. Would you like to form a herd with me?" He asked hopefully as the mares relaxed and smiled at him once more.

"You already know my answer, partner, but sure let's do that." AJ placed her hoof on his shoulder. "We can wait until after this mess is sorted out to define all this messy, mushy stuff."

"If there is anything I know, it is patience. So there would be no complaining on my part." Rarity continued with a nod. "I just hope you don't mind if I take a bit of pride in knowing that I turned the head of a prince."

They all shared a laugh and rolled their eyes.

"I like it. It sounds like a surprise party where you get a surprise even when you know it's coming. Hmmm, how does that work anyway?" Pinkie pondered before laughing. "Oh well, we can figure it out once we are done here."

"I don't have an issue with waiting, but I was thinking. Would it stop with just us?" Fluttershy asked with a raised eyebrow, confusing the Prince.

"What do you mean?"

The shy pegasus glanced at Sierra and Nefertiti, glaring at each other while waiting for Blueblood and Rarity to board the train, while Skystar waved at her. Shaking her head, she turned to the prince "Nevermind! I'm getting too far ahead of myself, I like that idea, and I think it's perfect." She surprised him with a hug. "Especially since it is what you truly want."

"It is," Blueblood confirmed, returning the hug, which soon turned into a group hug. "Also, not to be mean, but maybe we should wait for a little while before we tell Twilight about us?"

"Oh yeah, darling, what happens here in Las Pegasus stays here in Las Pegasus!" Rarity nodded rapidly

"Yeah, perhaps it's best if we don't give Twilight a reason to have a mental freakout." AJ agreed with a roll of her eyes, fearing how Twilight might react.

"I'm a bit sad, but I wouldn't want to make her nervous or scared with something. We don't even know what it is yet," Fluttershy said as all the mares nodded.

"Plus, it will be one heck of a surprise party when we are ready," Pinkie added, making the group laugh.

"It sure is quite the news. But until then, be safe out there, ok?" Blueblood said, staring into their eyes.

"You too" Fluttershy took one last glance of concern at him before they broke the hug, and each of them went their separate ways. The whistling of trains announced their departure as all the soldiers and civilians waved goodbye to the royals wishing them good fortune on their respective missions.

Staring at the window, Blueblood waved back until they were too far away to see. The moment that happened, he let go of an exhausted breath and leaned back against his seat, And so it began.

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