• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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A Blue Sunset (Edited By YB, CC And GT4)

The Princess of the Night stretched and ruffled her wings as she made her way to her balcony to raise the moon. Once there, she looked to her sister’s tower, quickly spotting Celestia looking back at her. Sharing a nod, the two sisters shifted their attention to the sky and, lifting their forehooves and making their horns shine, they commenced their daily ritual once more. The day was coming to a close as the moon announced its arrival. The sky burst into a beautiful sunset, yellows and orange blazed across the sky until finally the stars peeked out from their blanket of the night, moving into their usual positions to form constellations.

With their ritual complete, Luna dropped back on all four hooves and gave a final glance to her sister, who smiled back at her and retired to her chambers. Luna followed suit, knowing that she would see Celestia soon enough in the dining room.

Shutting the balcony door behind her with her magic, she opened her closet and donned her regalia. Her pet possum, Tiberius, was beginning to stir in his own bed, opening his mouth in a wide, toothy yawn and arching his back up like a cat in a long stretch.

Luna smiled as she approached him, gently petting his head. "Good morning, Tiberius," she cooed. “I trust that you slept well?” The possum licked her hoof in reply.

A knock at the door caught the blue alicorn’s attention. "Princess Luna? Do you have a moment?" a stallion’s voice called out from the other side.

"Of course, just a moment," the princess replied, placing some food on Tiberius’s plate and moving to the door. She unlocked and opened the door to reveal a familiar stallion holding a folder in his hoof. "Ah, Dr. Caliber, how may I help you?" she asked.

"Just some precautions, Your Highness. I don't want you scaring my patient until he faints again, like your sister did," he explained, mumbling the last part under his breath.

However, the princess’s sharp hearing was able to pick up on the muffled speech. She narrowed her gaze at him. "What do you mean, ‘like my sister did’? Doctor, what are you talking about?"

The doctor passed the princess a folder. "Here, you should take a look at this."

She grabbed the folder in her magic and started to inspect its contents, her eyes quickly darting over the pages contained within. "I'm sorry, I don't follow. This seems like an ordinary medical report. Everything seems to be in order here."

"Exactly!” Caliber pointed out, retrieving the folder again. "This is every single test I gave the prince this morning. Blueblood is in peak condition."

Luna, now beginning to understand what was happening, sighed in frustration. "I am fully capable of reading a medical chart, doctor. Blueblood appears to be in perfect health for a stallion his age." She cast her gaze around, warily looking up and down the hallway outside her room as if expecting somepony pink to jump out and blast her with confetti. "Did you stop to think that, perhaps, he is playing some kind of practical joke?"

Caliber shook his head. "I can assure you, Your Highness, this isn’t a joke. In fact, this is extremely serious." The doctor stepped away from the door and motioned with a hoof down the hallway. "Please, walk with me."

Luna looked at him with a raised eyebrow but decided to humor the stallion. She allowed him to guide her through the hallways.

"The details of how it happened continue to elude me but the results are crystal clear, princess. Your nephew has a very unusual type of amnesia. He couldn't remember his own name and had to be taught how to walk again." He looked back at her. "That being said, his condition seems stable enough at the moment, and he has shown some remarkable signs of improvement."

"Or he is giving the best performance of his life." Luna retorted with a roll of her eyes.

Caliber sighed and closed his eyes. "Your sister thought the same and, as annoying as it is, I can't really blame either of you. This truly is something that needs to be seen to be believed."

“I suppose, although I doubt I will be convinced,” Luna said with a shrug of her wings.

"Then all I can ask is that you try not to scare him too much. His condition is a delicate one," he informed her. Caliber pulled a loose sheet of paper out of the folder and passed it to her. "Please take this, princess."

"More medical charts?"

"No, just some questions I would like you to ask. I had thought that, as the guardian of Equestria’s dreams, you could find more clues on how all this happened while he sleeps. Just be careful while you're there and not force any memories to the surface if he’s unwilling."

Luna gave him a flat look. "Dr. Caliber, are you seriously telling me, the mare who literally wrote the book on dream magic centuries ago, along with its second edition of the present day, to be careful while stepping into somepony’s dreams?"

"My deepest apologies, Your Highness. Just consider it my concern for the well-being of the royal family running ahead of my common sense," he replied. "Please inform me of any findings you make while in his head. This type of amnesia is something that I truly haven't seen before and I would rather not let it become an unsolved mystery."

"I will keep that in mind, doctor," Luna said with a nod, taking the instructions with her. "Now go home. It’s late, and I’m sure your family is waiting for you."

The doctor smiled and gave her a nod. "Thank you, Your Highness. Have a lovely evening."

"You too, doctor. Sweet dreams."

After exchanging goodbyes, the two parted ways and left in different directions. Luna soon found her way to the dining room, where her sister was waiting for her with a plate of salad placed on a long, ornate oak table. Celestia sat at one end while Luna’s seat lay waiting for her at the opposite end.

"Good evening, sister,” Celestia offered her a smile, raising a cup of tea. "I hope you slept well."

"Indeed I did, sister," Luna replied as she took her seat. "And now that I'm well-rested and my mood more pleasant I would like to address the subject of Blueblood as he appears.” She looked at Celestia with a raised eyebrow, just as a maid — Mist, if she remembered correctly — approached the Princess of the Night and placed down her breakfast. "Are you still clinging to the idea of our nephew’s change of heart? Or did you finally come to your senses again?”

Much to Luna’s displeasure, Celestia shook her head with a demure smile. "It is like I told you Luna. Our prayers have indeed been answered and I can only consider it a miracle. Our nephew has changed for the better. He is once again the stallion I wanted you to meet."

"Tia, please, listen to yourself!" Luna pleaded. "A mysterious case of amnesia and he’s suddenly so friendly? Dr. Caliber informed me of all of this but none of it adds up. Yes, I believe that ponies can change, I’m living proof of that, but for one such as him to change so quickly without an external force such as the Elements of Harmony? That is why I find this whole thing so ridiculous. Such change does not happen overnight."

Celestia bowed her head slightly at what her sister said, acknowledging her argument and letting her vent. She knew quite well that had their positions been reversed, she would be making the same argument. "I suppose this is something you need to see to believe, isn't it, sister?"

"I'm afraid so, Tia. It seems that you’re either getting rusty in discerning one's character or our nephew has found your weak spot and managed to exploit it so subtly that you are not seeing things clearly. Your emotions are clouding your judgment.”

"We’ll see, dear Lulu," Celestia replied, donning a bemused smirk.

"Yes, that we will," Luna agreed in a flat voice, accepting her sister’s challenge.

An uncomfortable silence settled over the table for a few moments, before Celestia cleared her throat, eager to change the subject. "Ah, I almost forgot, Cadance and Shining Armor are here. They came for a surprise visit and will be staying a couple of days here at the castle.” Celestia took a sip from her teacup. “They wanted to discuss some sort of plan involving my school.”

"Well, now that is certainly more heartening news," Luna replied in-between bites of her meal. "It's always nice when our niece and her husband come for a visit, for as short as it so often is."

As if on cue, the door to the dining room opened to reveal the royal couple in question. Cadance’s already radiant smile brightened further when she saw Luna sitting at the table. "Auntie Luna!" she sang, rushing towards her aunt and embracing her with her hooves and wings. Flurry Heart, not wanting to be left out, flew towards Luna as well to give her muzzle a hug.

"Dearest niece and grandniece, it's always a pleasure to see you," Luna cooed warmly, enveloping them both in a hug and nuzzling their cheeks together with her own. "Celly told me that you’ll be staying at the castle for a time?"

"That's right! There's some business that we’d like to take care of and we wanted to make sure that we stopped by to say hi."

"You know that all of you are always welcome here." The hug ended and the family took their seats and were served their meals. Cadance didn't waste time and began to feed Flurry, but unlike everypony else, she refused to eat.

"What’s the matter, dear?" Cadance asked her daughter.

Celestia hummed, a knowing smile on her face. "I do believe Flurry wishes to wait for everypony to be present before we eat.”

Shining turned to his daughter and nuzzled her cheek. "Is that true, pumpkin? You want to wait for Blueblood?"

Luna coughed on her bite and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Blueblood will be joining us?"

"I know! Crazy, huh?" Shining answered her. "We met him this afternoon in the garden. It really took us by surprise how much he’s changed."

Luna face-hooved. "Oh no, Shining, not you too…" she groaned. "His amnesia is nothing but an act! Can’t you see he’s playing you all?"

"I'm not so sure, auntie," Cadance answered. "Like you, I had my own doubts. I tried to break through that mask of his but it was more solid than administratium. He didn't budge an inch. I'm sure that he’s hiding something but the part about him not remembering his past seems to be true.”

Celestia snickered in a rather unladylike manner. "I’d hate to tell you that I told you so, Luna, but I told you so." She took another sip of her raspberry tea.

Luna glared at her sister and glanced at Cadance in worry. This is becoming more troublesome by the second. Cadance has known Blueblood even before she earned her horn! They practically grew up together. Other than Celestia, she may be the only one that truly knows how he thinks. If he really has managed to fool her…there is a high chance that strong magic may be involved. Or perhaps rogue changelings. I must remain vigilant.

Nopony had anything else to add so the room fell into silence while everypony waited for Blueblood. The tension in the air was slowly increasing and making everypony present very uncomfortable. It wasn't until they heard the tell-tale sound of hooves approaching that they focused on the door once more in anticipation for the final guest to arrive.

The doors finally opened and the most-recent hire, a young, male unicorn butler with a joyous expression, gray fur, and short white mane and tail entered quietly before moving aside, allowing Prince Blueblood to enter. Blueblood looked at everypony in the room, embarrassment clearly showing on his face as he rubbed the back of his head. "I am so sorry, everypony. Clean Breeze told me where to go but I got sidetracked by some beautiful mosaic windows and ended up losing myself in them," he explained, trotting in quickly. "Luckily, Silver Treat found me and he was kind enough to guide me…" he froze, feeling everypony’s eyes on him, he looked around in slight confusion. "Is this a bad time?"

"Oh no, not at all, dear nephew. Please join us," Celestia offered him a seat next to her, which he promptly accepted. The butler, Silver Treat, bowed and took his leave, closing the door behind him. A maid approached Blueblood and offered him a salad plate and a glass of sweet-smelling tea. Blueblood smiled and thanked the maid as she left, surprising her for a moment before she resumed her duties. All the while, Luna and Cadance never stopped eyeing him with suspicion.

Blueblood was about to take a bite of his salad when he noticed the mare on the other side of the table staring at him. Feeling unnerved but not wanting to appear unfriendly, he turned and smiled warmly at her. "Hello miss, I don't think we’ve met before."

Luna arched her brow, not believing a word. "So it would seem…"

Celestia glanced between the two of them, feeling the tension rising, and decided to intervene. "Blueblood?"

"Yes mom? Oh! I-I mean, auntie?" Blueblood quickly corrected himself with a slight shake of his head. "I need to get that clear in my head," he mumbled to himself, completely oblivious that his words touched Celestia’s heart, even if they were by accident.

She recovered quickly though, and continued, "I would like for you to meet your other aunt." She gestured to her sister. "Princess Luna."

"Greetings, nephew," Luna said in a harsh, somewhat cold voice, which confused Blueblood. Celestia shot a glare at her before using her magic to give her a little shove in the shoulder as a warning.

Luna understood the message and decided to play along. Acting quickly and skillfully, she cast a charm on her own mind to block any type of mental manipulation or hypnosis before speaking once more. "I’ve been informed that you were struck by a mysterious and severe case of amnesia. Is that true, nephew?"

Blueblood nodded in reply. "Yes, so I've been told."

Luna’s eyes remained focused on him, studying his every move as if he were a bug under a magnifying lens. "It must have been a horrible ordeal,” she continued, glancing down at her food and stabbing at her salad with a fork.

"Oh yeah, at first it was terrifying. But thankfully, I'm not so worried now."

"Truly?" Luna took another bite of her meal and continued to gaze at him with judging eyes. "And why might that be?"

"Sister…" Celestia warned.

Luna ignored her, and pressed her subtle attack. "Did you, by chance, recover a piece of your memory? Perhaps you have remembered something that you wish to ask us? Hmm?"

"Well…" Blueblood started, then put a hoof to his chin in thought. "Actually, yeah, there is something."

And there it is! "And what would that be?" Luna smirked.

Blueblood looked at her, then at Celestia with some curiosity. "What’s up with your mane and tail?"

Luna jumped up from her seat and pointed a hoof at Blueblood. "Ah-ha! I knew you were…wait, what?" She froze, watching as Blueblood extended his own hoof and tried to catch some of Celestia's mane, making her giggle at the touch.

"Blueblood, that tickles!" Celestia laughed, before looking sideways and shooting a smug smirk in Luna's direction.

"Ah, sorry." He retracted his hoof and leaned back in his chair.

"What? That’s it?" Luna asked in disbelief. "That’s all you wanted to know?"

"Well, I was also kind of wondering why all the mares in my family apparently have wings," Blueblood confessed. "I was hoping it was a family thing and that I’d get my own pretty soon." He clapped his hooves in excitement. "I mean, could you imagine? Me flying around? I’ve always wanted to know what it was like to be a bird."

Shining, who had been taking an inopportune sip of his tea at that moment, snorted in laughter, spraying tea everywhere. "Oh, that is…" He gasped between laughs. "Ha! That is rich!"

"Blueblood, that’s not exactly how it works," Cadance explained, her eyeballs doing a lap in their sockets. "And we are not birds, either!”

"Sorry, cousin, I didn't mean to offend you. Honestly I was just wondering how you all have them while I don’t" Blueblood replied in earnest.

"Have no fear, dear nephew. It's a legitimate question." Celestia nodded. "Unfortunately, becoming an alicorn is not the easiest thing to achieve."

"Mist explained some of it to me. Little Flurry Heart here has been the first naturally-born alicorn since you and Princess Luna. Princess Cadance mastered the magic of love, and Princess Twilight mastered the magic of friendship. Those two have been the only ponies able to ascend," he recited, his eyes holding a sad but understanding look in their gaze. "But hey, something so rare only makes obtaining it all the more satisfying, right? Work hard to obtain it and receive a pair of wings and a horn as proof of your dedication."

"Ah, so Mist told you my story?" Cadance asked.

"Oh yes, she did. Cousin, it’s really incredible, how you managed to master the magic of love and unite an entire nation!"

"Oh…well, thanks,” Cadance replied with an unsure smile. On one hoof, she appreciated the compliment. And yet on the other hoof, the compliment came from the most unexpected of sources. "So, you say you wish to become an alicorn?"

“Not really, but it is a nice thought. If I change my mind though, I would at least like to try and earn it. To prove myself worthy of ascension like you did."

Luna blinked, not believing what she was hearing. Where had this come from all of a sudden? Blueblood had never expressed interest in earning anything before, much less ascension! He always assumed — in his own odd way — that earning something meant you took it from somepony else and claimed all the credit.

With these thoughts in her mind, she slowly gathered up a cup of coffee in her hooves to steady her nerves. “It takes a lifetime of hard work and focused dedication to ascend to alicorn status, nephew. Are you sure you are up for such a task?” She took an unsteady sip of her drink.

"Yes, are you absolutely sure you want to walk that path, nephew?" Celestia inquired, a hint of worry creeping into her voice. "I must tell you, the task is an unforgiving and difficult one. Ascension is exceedingly rare. That's why there are only five alicorns in existence."

"I understand, Aunt Celestia. There is nothing to worry about. I swear I will be careful and not jump into anything head first. And besides, I haven’t decided anything yet." With a labored motion, Blueblood carefully took a fork in his hoof and gingerly picked at a cherry tomato on his plate. "The first thing I want to do is better understand the world around me, see who I really am, and maybe try to correct some of the mistakes I’ve made in the past." He gave a melancholic look to the other ponies around the table. "I was a real jerk back then, wasn’t I?"

Nopony knew what to say, so they just kept their eyes stuck to their plates. All except for Luna, who stared at Blueblood in complete shock, her cup of coffee shaking unsteadily in her magic.

"Let the past be the past, dear nephew,” Celestia said to him in a soothing voice before she pulled him closer to her with a wing and nuzzled his cheek. "It’s true that in the past you may have been a bit…difficult to love, but I can assure you, Luna and I will never stop loving you. If you really wish to make the effort to change and become a better pony, know that you have our complete support."

Blueblood returned the nuzzle out of instinct. "Thank you, auntie. I swear I will work as hard as I can to become the pony you deserve. I'll try to make you all proud."

"You already have, sweetie," Celestia whispered, a solitary tear falling from her eye.

"You can count on our support too, Blueblood," Shining Armor offered with a sharp grin. "It’ll be great having another stallion around to talk about…stuff and things. No offense to any of you ladies, but sometimes guys just need to talk about guy stuff."

“Ugh, stallions…" Cadance rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Regardless, you can count on my help too, Bluey. These may be confusing times, but I really would like to get to know this new cousin of mine."

"Thanks, Cadance," Blueblood replied, matching her smile with his own.

Everypony turned to Luna, who had grown quiet. Luna remained still as a statue, staring at Blueblood as if he had grown a second head.

"Dear sister? Isn't there something you would like to say?" Celestia asked, her voice betraying her thoughts of smug satisfaction..

Her answer was swift and decisive. The Princess of the Night’s eyes rolled backwards until all everypony could see was white, and she slumped to the side and fainted on the spot. One of the nearby maids yelped and deftly grabbed the cup of coffee out of the air with her magic before it could spill on the scarlet carpet.

"Luna!" Celestia yelled in alarm as everypony sprung to their hooves and rushed to her.

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