• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,860 Views, 5,477 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Clash Of The Party Planners (BS and RB)

With the upcoming party only days away, everyone in the castle was hard at work ensuring that everything would be ready for the event. Some would wonder about what was looking more and more like a second Grand Galloping Gala. Others were curious as to what this unexpected and brand new event would turn out to be a, and a third group was just about ready to burst from the excitement with the prospect of having fun and experience a new type of party. With a confirmed guest list twice as long as any other, this was going to be the largest party Canterlot has ever seen.

Such was the excitement of a certain pink pony who, by the request of Princess Celestia, became the co-party planner for this event alongside Scarlet. This was much to the noblemare's displeasure, who quickly learned that her partner was possibly the most stubborn mare she had ever met when it came time to make any decision for this social event

Shaking in anger, Scarlet stopped talking with a pair of waiters to address her co-worker who just set off another of her dreadful confetti bombs, which she was unfortunately caught in the blast radius of. Taking a deep breath, Scarlet calmed herself down before she turned and approached the mare. "Pinkie darling, I was under the impression that I had already told you that confetti will not be needed for this type of party." She addressed her, holding a practiced smile.

"Ah come on Scarly, not even a little bit?" Pinkie pleaded, going so far as to use her puppy eyes. Yet even in the face of this onslaught, Scarlet remained neutral before sighing "Walk with me, dear."

Turning around she started to trot through the castle with Pinkie in hot pursuit. "Tell me, Miss Diane…"

"I keep telling you Scarly, just Pinkie is ok" Pinkie correct her.

"Such a waste for a refined name, but as you wish, tell me Miss Pie, with such a refined and well-studied knowledge on the subject of parties, I'm sure you can answer me this, what do you think is the purpose of a party?"

"To have fun, duh." She quickly answered, to which Scarlet just chuckled.

"Well, I'm sure that, that is a factor. And it's probably the case for the parties you are more familiar with planning Pinkie. Unfortunately, for nobles, a party such as this has a much deeper meaning."

"Really?" She asks in surprise while Scarlet nodded.

"It's quite true. A party is for us nobles is an intricate game of intrigue and maneuver; we bluff and flirt, we are seen and speak but more importantly, see and listen. Deals and secrets are struck and discovered all while the music plays, and everyone dances the night away." Scarlet paused upon seeing the confused expression on Pinkie Pie's face. "Let me rephrase that, in other words. Do you like to play hide and seek?"


"Do you like to play hoof-ball?"


"Well, you don't play hoof-ball when playing hide and seek, don't you?"

"Of course not silly that will give my hideout right…oh!" Pinkie stops what she understands what Scarlet was implying.

"Exactly! And that is what I need you to understand, it's nothing against your type of parties, I'm sure they are quite a delight to be around, and I would be more than happy to assist you with one of them, but this event, unfortunately, it's not that type of activity Pinkie."

"Aww" Pinkie sighed in disappointment as Scarlet patted her on the head "Don't be sad honey, I'm sure we can find a way for you to enjoy the party as much as we do, and look at the bright side, you are stepping out of your comfort zone and planning a new and different type of soiree. Isn't that in itself exciting? You could add 'high-class party planner' on your resume."

"Yeah, I guess."

"So do we have an understanding?"

"Yep, this is not my usual type of party" Pinkie replied.

"I am glad we had this conversation. Now, why don't you go and help the catering staff with the food, while I go see if the ice sculptures are…" Scarlet commented conversationally as she turned around, ready to leave the party mare only to stumble back a step in shock when she sees the pink mare in front of her with a giant smile again.

"But this is not your usual high-class type of party either, Scarly!" Pinkie exclaimed, as her co-worker busied herself by looking back and forth between her current position and where she had been but a moment ago in total confusion.

"Ah…how did you…you were…when did you…?"

Before she could say anything else, Pinkie brought her into a hug using one hoof. "Don't you remember what the princesses told us? This is not a high society party or a regular type of party. It's something called a Masquerade Ball, a new and daring type of party that Bluey invented himself, so commoners and nobles mix together in dance, games, and masks." She said while taking one of the masks off a table and putting it on before she dragging Scarlet into an improvised dance. "A party where we all equal and can have fun seeing the wonders of both classes," She tells her with a smile.

"Well yes but…ahem!" Scarlet pulled herself free from her companion's hooves and cleared her throat "As you say, it's to be a balance between both types of parties, we must be careful not to go too far in one way or another right?"

She points to a cadre of distinguished musicians entering the room "This event required the finest in entertainment and decor…"

"Without forgetting the games and snacks~" Pinkie countered, gesturing to a table being prepared with cakes, candies and all sort of sugary treats.

"Oh, most definitely not! This is a special event, not a birthday party" Scarlet growls out her temper building.

"It a party, not a snooze fest." Pinkie counters back. "Admit it Scarly, we have enough of your fancy stuff, let's start putting in the fun stuff!"

"We need, class."




"Another heated argument, I see." The voice of Blueblood caught the attention of both mares before they quickly turned to see the prince fast approaching. "It's so lovely to see you both still have such passion for this project even when it's about to start."

"Blueblood darling, I'm so glad to see you." Scarlet went to give him a hug only for Pinkie to rush in and make it a group hug, much to her displeasure.
It was something the pink mare often did, and it kept her from getting more close to the prince. At first, Scarlet thought that the pink menace was another potential rival in love but the more time she spent with Pinkie, the less sense she seemed to be making, much to her confusion and annoyance. It felt like somehow Pinkie was dragging her into a bizarre and confusing friend zone with her and the prince, and not even the kinky type. That was an idea that both frightened and angered Scarlet to no end. Yet she was determined not to let this set back keep her from her ultimate goal and professionalism.

After taking a deep breath to recover her cool, the noblemare soon noticed that, unlike other occasions, the prince wasn't being escorted by his two usual guards. "No guard's today honey? What is the occasion? Or did your escorts finally stop viewing me as a threat?" Scarlet inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Nah, Amber told me that a special mission came up and both were needed elsewhere for the day, but don't worry. They didn't leave me defenseless either." he then cast his gaze upwards. The two mares followed his eyes to see a squadron of Pegasus guards hovering above him in a fairly discrete formation.

‘Special mission?' Scarlet pondered before a smile starts to form. 'Did my provocations finally to take root and they decided to enter the courting game?' She began to chuckle at the implications. 'Oh, it will be so adorable to see them try.' The voice of the prince then snapped her back to reality

"But that is not what is important now" The prince mentioned while breaking the hug "It's so nice seeing you two getting along so well."

"Yep, Scarly and I have become the bestest of friends" Pinkie proclaimed for all to hear with a look of complete pride, making the prince chuckle and look at the noblemare.

"And you were saying that Pinkie would only annoy you," He remarked to her with a smirk

"I'm mare enough to admit when I'm wrong honey; I simply feared that we would have a repeat of the series of events from her first Grand Galloping Gala" Scarlet comments provoking an embarrassed blush from Pinkie who looks away nervously at the memory.

"Y-yeah, not one of my best moments, but in my defense, you were overselling the event just a bit." Pinkie defends herself.

"It is for the members of the highest class, dear. What were you expecting?" Scarlet comments.

The prince chuckled at the new argument. "Anyway, how has everything going?" He asks, casting his eyes around at the decorations "Is everything ready?"

"Almost ready" Pinkie bounced next to him "As you asked us, we got everything you wanted for it," Pinkie tells him, taking off the mask she was wearing. "I have to say Bluey, I've hosted a lot of parties before, but this Masquerade thing you told us about? It's definitely something I have never heard of before."

"That makes two of us." Scarlet ads, approaching the pair as well "Blueblood darling you have to tell us, what could possibly have given you such exotic ideas?"

"Will you believe me if I told you that it was a memory from my past life?" The prince asked them with a raised eyebrow. After a pregnant pause, Scarlet and Pinkie burst into laughter "Oh dear, Blueblood that was…oh what a hilarious joke!"

"Yeah, right?" The prince chuckled for a moment before clearing his throat. "In all seriousness, the idea came to me after thinking of the problem we are facing. The division of the classes that has put everyone on edge, sure all these arrests were what started this, but the crown itself and the division of classes is the real issue to be addressed. It was preventing us from speaking freely. So if we need to talk, we need to take those statues away."

He picked up Pinkie's discarded mask and began to examine its facade. "And that is where this comes into play, as I told you, other than some ornaments, and colors that everypony is free to add, all of these masks are, more or less the same for all of us, and that is what exactly what I want them to represent."

He turned the mask about and slipped the mask over his face "With this mask on I'm no longer the prince of Canterlot, you are no longer a noblemare, or you an element of harmony." He then removed it and placed it back on a nearby table. "We are what we are at our core, just three ponies having a nice chat."

He stops and looks at everyone hard at work "That is what this party is all about. Sure we have our lives and our status but we are also just normal ponies that wish to be heard and listened to, and that is exactly what will happen" He mentions in pride. "This is not only another type of party girls, but I also plan to transform this event into an annual celebration. One intended to erase present and future anguish my people might have, a very long party where their voices are heard and their happiness flourishes."

"So that is why you invited the common folk along with members of the peerage darling?" Scarlet asked in wonder.

The prince nodded without missing a beat "that, plus it will be a way for us to create a magical little world of wonders, no noble class, no common class, and no royal class. Just ponies having fun and seeing the best that all classes can offer." He started to laugh at the image on his head. "Oh we are so going to be redefine the word 'exotic' at this party" The prince tells the two mares as he looks at the jugglers ponies, some dragon flamethrowers, zebra fortune tellers, and other types of entertainers warming up their acts and even giving some free demonstrations to any passing butler or maid who was captivated by their performances.

"I must say, honey, I had my reservations when you insisted on adding this type of entertainments at first, but now I'm intrigued to see how it will play out when put into action," Scarlet states with a smile, looking at the group.

"I knew you would warm up to the idea" He mentions before starting to walk away "Well, I will leave you girls alone so you can finish your job in peace. I just wanted to check out how was everything going."

"There is nothing to worry Bluey, we got this." Pinkie answered before Scarlet could have a chance to say anything.

"Awesome! Now, where are those confetti bombs you requested me to order?" The prince asks mostly to himself as he started to look around some crates that were recently opened but not unpacked yet

Scarlet eye twitched once she heard that and was about to glare at Pinkie before being surprised and confused by the mares innocent smile, as she looks away and offers her a remote control with a single button on it, The image of confetti engraved on its surface. "Before you do anything think about this Scarly, you could either be mad at me or have a little fun~" She offers her as she points at the prince inspecting the crates.

Scarlet ponders the idea for a moment before smiling and presses the button, resulting in the prince getting startled by a loud bang and a face full of confetti. Looking back he sees both mares giggling at him, and he soon joins them as he clears his head "Oh you got me, Scarlet, you got me good you" He tells inbetween his own fits of laughter as he waves them goodbye.

After their laughing fit, Scarlet stopped and realized what she was doing, before looking at Pinkie in surprise who smirked at her "Well Scarly?"

"Oh all right, you win. We can have some confetti bombs here and there, but nothing too excessive, and I don't want any of that anywhere near the dance floor, you hear me!" Pinkie surprised her by giving her a hug "Already done, and ready."

"Wait, what? You already…"

Pinkie Pie only giggled and patted her head "Oh Scarly there is nothing your little head needs to worry just let your old aunt Pinkie take care of everything."

"We are the same age" Scarlet argued back.

"Sure we are" Pinky replied simply and pulls her into one final hug, bringing her close to get near her ear "Also, you might as well give up on Blueblood; I will not let you play those kinds of games on him."

"What?" Scarlet whispers in shock as Pinkie breaks the hug and bounces away, acting as nothing happened at all "Come on Scarly, we still need to discuss where to put the last decorations."

Scarlet was left speechless at her words until she starts to process everything.

‘That little mare just tricked me into having things her way AND is actually trying to keep me away from my prince. Oh, Diane, you smart girl' She takes out a pen and a parchment from her scarf ‘you are so going on to the list.'
Writing her name, Scarlet admired the file with the title of 'Herd Candidates' in which the names of Ember, Chrysalis and Novo were written as well. ‘We can always use a nice jester in our little love nest.' Hiding the parchment once more she follows Pinkie with a sinister smile ‘I smell a sequel in the making.'

The night of the party

As the royal sister's made their way to the ballroom, they stopped momentarily and glanced at Scarlet with a smirk at the mare in question. She, despite sporting one of her most gorgeous dresses which combined perfectly with her mask, was relegated as the pony in charge in receiving all the guests for the party. A job that, unfortunately, meant that until the last guest arrived, she couldn't join the party.

Naturally, the mare didn't show her distress on the outside and was greeting everypony that reached the end of an unusually long line, with a smile and a courteous greeting. Yet the sisters knew both from experience and practice studying body language for years, that the mare didn't like her current situation one bit…and they couldn't be happier because of that.

"It was a magnificent idea, requesting that Scarlet Lips be relegated to receive the guests as one of the conditions, sister. Personally, I would have simply forbidden her from entering the castle grounds or even approaching or nephew, yet I can see the merit of your choice."

"See Luna? Some things can be solved without the use of violence or heavy-hoofed approaches." Celestia replied with a prideful smile, "And this is nothing, I also placed her in charge of the catering service as well as seeing to the needs of the evening's entertainment, and the security of belongings for any guest."

"Sister that is just diabolical." Luna rebukes her in surprise.

"Yeah, and?"

"I like it."

"Me too, by the time this party ends, that mare will have a hard time lifting a single hoof." Celestia announced with a malevolent smile "That will teach her not to mess with our family.”

"Yeah ok, Tia, we get it, you are a mastermind, no need to inflate your ego anymore over it." Luna complained while rolling her eyes earning a giggle from her sister as they both entered the chamber.

"Now let's go, Blueblood is waiting for us, so he can make his announcement." Luna insisted to her sister with a worried voice as they sped up their pace inside, neither of them noticing a particular group of ponies approaching Scarlet who made her smile genuinely.

"Sharp Shot, Crossfire Tempo, Upper Crust, Jet Set, it's so nice to see you made it." She tells them faking surprise as everyone exchanged greetings.

"But of course darling," Upper Crust tells her "We wouldn't miss it for the world." She mentions before putting on her mask, designed to that leave her muzzle in the open. The rest of her companions followed suit. "Especially with such a special occasion about to happen."

"Yeah," Jet Set adds, "Something tells me that this will be one night to remember."

"I would be careful if I were you," Sharp tells them both before entering the room followed by her companion who remained quiet and by his side during the whole ordeal "You wouldn't want the guards to believe you are dangers to the crown, right?"

"Oh dear Sharp, what makes you believe that?" Scarlet ask him with an innocent smile.

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