• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,857 Views, 5,477 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Warning Vision (Edited By BS)

"Ok, kid, remember, don't stretch your wings right away, or you will be flung straight up, wait until you feel you are in a horizontal position; otherwise, you will end up spinning backward out of control. Keep your mouth shut to avoid insects and birds and finally keep your hooves stiff and close to your barrel to keep control of your movements at all times, got it?" The instructor listed off as he stuck a pair of goggles on Blue Yonder's head and then placed him in the slingshot before pulling him back.

"Got it!" repeated the colt with a smile before pulling the goggles over his eyes and looking straight up with determination.

"I will launch you into that cloud overhead of us, to help you time the moment you can open your wings. Once you clear out from it, look for the cloud beneath you with a giant red target on it, your mom will be there, aim for her and glide down, once you manage a straight route three times in a row, you are good and ready for the next lesson. So keep that in mind, and most importantly of all, have fun!" He finished with a smile before smirking. "Ready, champ?"


"Then here…you…GO!" Yelling the last part, the instructor let go of Blue Yonder, and the instant he does, the young pegasus flew straight up into the air with enough force to make him dizzy for a moment as he kept repeating all that had been instructed to him in his mind to make sure he got them right.

Legs to barrel, wait for the moment, mouth shut, just wait for it, wait for it… He kept chanting as he went through the cloud like an arrow, and there was nothing but mist in front of him as he kept ascending more and more until he started to see a light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel. Almost there and…!

The prince was about to open his wings the second he exited the cloud when suddenly the view in front of him made him pause and forget anything he had on his mind …it, so beautiful.

Bathed in the morning sunlight, the reflection of streams of water in the rivers in the park, and the imposing trees made a magnificent contrast of colors with clouds that looked like they were made of gold being conquered by the green of the threes melding harmoniously with cumulus as some of the tops of the trees were lost in other clouds, or making them look like they were literally a cloud tree, seemly fading into the sky. In contrast, others were spread worldwide, even floating on small island clouds were benches, and jungle gyms were the perfect spot for parents to watch their kids play. All around him, kids were flying around, filling the air with their laughter and giggles as their eager mothers waited for them on a vast marked cloud as some daring birds passed near and even played with them as they glided effortlessly everywhere. Whoever was the landscaper in charge of this park was undoubtedly the greatest of his profession as such a magnificent view had once more entranced the prince.

"BLUE, THE WINGS!" A sudden yell from a nearby filly snapped him back to his situation and reminded him what he needed to do just before plummeting to the ground. Once his wings were spread, a rush of wind carried him upwards with enough force to make him tumble a little before he recovered a modicum of control. He then managed to stay balanced and to see the filly in question sighing in relief as she keeps flying backward in front of him. "That was close. I know the place is pretty, but you need to stay focused, Blueblood."

"Thanks," he said, slightly embarrassed for forgetting something so obvious "Also, I know is you Fortune. You can leave the small filly act."

"Fortune? No silly" The filly shook her head with a smile. "You are talking about my other one. I'm Vision! Eager speaker of everything that will!" she replied enthusiastically before spin to her left to be right side up again, approaching his side and whispered into his ear, "Free tip, Spitfires herd will confront her pretty soon" She then shhed as if to ask him to stay quiet before casually flying around him.

"Her herd? She has a...?" He shook his head to stay on track. "What do you mean by 'other you'? There's more than one Fortune?" Yonder asked the filly in confusion as she gets close and bopped his nose with her wing. "Someone didn't do his research~" She sang-songy before flying away. "And yes...and no about that question. And don't bother asking, if you are not going to look it up, I will not tell you," She blamed, toying with him.

"O...k?" Blueblood finally responded, understanding he will not be getting anything else out of her.

Well, it looks like I will have to add 'search for weird ghost pony things' to the to-do list' He mentally groaned before addressing the filly once more. "So Vision, right?"

She nodded eagerly

"Why exactly are you here, then?"

"Same as you! Just to let my mane lose and forget about everything for the day." She quickly answered, "You were right on the money, prince; we all could use a bit of a breather."

"Ok, then why come see me? Not to be rude or anything, but you are interrupting a day for just me and my aunt."

"Am I? Or I'm ensuring you have the best day ever," She countered with a smirk.

"Didn't you just say that you only wanted to let loose and do nothing for the day?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't lend you a hoof too. Besides, after all that you've been through, I owe you that much." She mentioned with a hint of embarrassment. "Which is why you can't do it."

"Do what?"

"Ask the question, find out if your aunt can freeze time," She said with concern catching the prince off guard "…how did you?"

Before he could finish the sentence, she interrupted him and caught him off guard once again. She pulled up her mane and revealed not only a small growing horn on her forehead both also how both her eyes were glowing with intense white light. "'Everything. That. Will.' as in everything that will happen? Get it? I see what will happen, every single outcome."

"You…you can see into the future?" He asked, astonished as he noticed how the sounds were gone and everything around them had turned gray, while she nodded and covered her eyes too. "And only that, so that's why I close my eyes because in either case, I'm sort of, kind of blind at the moment." She half-joked, trying to lighten the mood, which unfortunately didn't seem to do the trick.

"Anyway, everything is cool. I'm happy with how things are, and if you want to be too, then you will NOT question her about that spell or what happened that day." she commanded, getting very serious and poking his chest. "I know how it ends, and it's not pretty. Trust me, there will be tears involved and not the good kind, and you will not be able to see her the same way ever again."

"But I…"

"Is that what you want?" She shouted in anger, "Please, prince, just think about it. Really think carefully about what you are risking here. Think where you two are currently. What you are to one another right now at this moment. I'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't be doing. I'm just warning you. There is no going back once you start down that path. Ask yourself, would it be worth it?"

The prince just remained quiet, no longer sure about what to do.

"Also, out of control Scoots at 10 o'clock." She said out of the Blue.

"Out of control, Scoots? What is that supposed to…?" Confused, the prince looked up and saw how color returned. Vision was nowhere to be seen as he looked around for her until his gaze landed on a small orange dot heading straight toward him at a blistering speed before said spot became a filly with orange fur and purple Mane and tail, currently spiraling out of control in a free fall. Out of instinct, he flapped his wing out of the way to avoid the filly projectile, only to find that his wing was caught by the screaming filly yanking him down with her and making him hiss in pain at the sensation he was receiving. Scootaloo was not only gripping onto his wing for dear life. Her hoof's frog somehow had gotten ahold of many of his primary feathers in the process and was threatening to rip them out by the roots. The sensation was horrible.

Flapping his free wing for all he could, Yonder was able to maintain an unstable pace into the air until giving up, as the sensation was unbearable, all he could think of right now was how what Scootaloo was doing was like a fusion of someone trying to rip out both his hair and nails simultaneously in one agonizingly slow yet brutally firm yank. Tears were starting to cloud his Vision as the screaming resumed, and before he realized it, both of them were plummeting through the air, alerting the other moms as the place was filling with screams.

"GRACE! WE HAVE TWO DIVERS!" The screaming voice of Spitfire alerted Blue once more as he opened his eyes to see a large shadow appeared over top of them, approaching at Mach speed before he closed his eyes again only to feel the pulling of the hoof that was causing him so much pain ceased, followed by him landing on a perfumed cushion of feathers as he moved sideways and started to circle gently until finally, he felt the ground beneath him once more as the bed of feathers move sideways and rolled them over before placing itself on top of them as what felt like a beak began to pluck at his injured wing gently.

Opening his eyes again, Blue was slightly startled as he saw a giant bird was indeed pecking at his wing before retreating and sitting on both him and Scootaloo as she kept trembling in fear.

"Blue!" A very frightened Sunshine rushed to their side alongside Spitfire and a couple more volunteers, as well as a tall pegasus mare who he supposed was Scootaloo's mother. Sunshine was about to go to his aid, but one of the volunteers stopped her advance and shook his head. "Please stay calm, ma'am, until we give him a quick check. It wouldn't be wise to move them too much." He instructed as she tried her best to remain calm and comply while Spitfire and another volunteer went and checked on the colt and filly.

Without saying anything, Spitfire whistled, and the bird on top of the two stepped back so she could inspect the injured wing with a critical eye top to bottom, going so far as to nudge some of the feathers as the prince flinched in discomfort but thankfully not like the pain as he experienced before. Turning to look at him, Spitfire spoke, "How is your wing champ? Think you could move it up and down for me?"

Nodding, Blue complied and moved it a couple of times, much to her relief. "Well, count your lucky stars, kid, because everything seems fine." She smiled and helped him stand up once more. "But just to be safe, rest that wing for an hour or so before trying again, ok? Better safe than sorry."

"Same for you, you might be fine, but that heart of yours is racing a mile a minute. Try to calm down before we try again." The other volunteer told Scoots as he does the same and let the mothers go to hug their children.

"Thank the stars, you're ok," Sunshine professed, hugging tight to Blue Yonder.

"Scootie, what happened back there? You were doing fine a moment ago. Did your wings get tired?" Mane Allgood ask Scoots, who looked down at the ground in shame. "Sorry, mom. I wanted to impress you, so I…tried to fly right away but lost control the second I started moving them."

"Oh, Scoots, that was very dangerous. You could have hurt yourself or others with that stunt."

She held back tears in shame. "I'm sorry."

With a sigh, Mane smile and pet the top of her head. "The important thing is that your alright, sweetie, just please don't try that again. I know you are eager to fly, but this is why you must take these lessons one step at a time, understand?"

She merely nodded at that. "Good, in that case, once we have calmed down, we will try again, correctly this time, but before that, you need to apologize to that poor colt, ok?"

Scootaloo continued to nod as Mane scooped her up and hugged her tightly, rocking back and forth to try calming her down.

"What is your name, champ?" Spitfire asked Blue

"Blue, Blue Yonder, miss."

"Well, Blue, I have to say that was an impressive reaction time you had back there." She complimented, impressed by the facts. "If you hadn't spotted that filly in time, she could have hit your wing right at the base." She comments, pointing at his wing and at how close Scoot was to grabbing at the joint, which was no more than five centimeters away. "Trust me. nopony would have walked away from a clean hit like that right at the juncture of bones right there, especially at the speed she was going. That move you pulled saved you both a pretty painful trip to the hospital."

"Really?" Blue eyes widened in realization.

So that is what Vision meant by ensuring the day will not be ruined.

A sudden beak at the side of the colt startled him as he turns to the side to take stock of the giant bird currently nuzzling his face. At first glance, it looked like an ordinary seagull except that her beak was light pink in color and was twice as large, her wings were also incredibly long to support such a humongous body that was easily double the size of even Princess Celestia, as well as being pitch black at the front, and white at the bottom, and her giant webbed feet had a light blue coloration to it. As the bird kept nuzzling him, Spitfire can't help but chuckle at the display. "Looks like Grace has taken a liking to you, champ."

"Such a well mannered and docile bird." Sunshine commented, petting the bird in question before addressing the wonderbolt. "Is she your pet, miss Spitfire?"

"Yep, Grace is my pet albatross, of the giant size subspecies to be exact, as well as the most graceful of her kind and greatest nanny you could ask for." She complimented as Grace moved to be behind Spitfire and extend her wings in a display. As if she was showing off. "This bird likes to view kids as her eggs." Spitfire joked while petting Grace, who cooed with contentment at the attention and reciprocated by pressing her head against Spitfires.

"I still say she just copied the traits of her owner." The raspy voice of Rainbow Dash caught everyone's attention. Looking to their left, they were surprised to see not only her but also a pegasus stallion with a light blue fur, a dark blue spikey mane and tail, green eyes, and a lightning bolt with wings as a cutie mark, and an older pony with the same colors and mane style as Spitfire with a strange half flame half twister hurricane as a cutie mark wearing a purple sweater and white pearl necklace, flying toward the group. "Sup Cap, surprised to see me?"

Rainbow Dash was smirking as they descended. Not to keep her eyes off Spitfire as she caught her captain off guard while the stallion and mare behind him seemed happy yet were showing signals of concern towards her as well.

"Rainbow!" Scootaloo gasped in happiness before rushing to her side and excitedly hugged her, an act that she soon reciprocated, "Hey squirt, I heard you entered some flying lessons? You should have told me. I would have come to cheer you on."

"Well yeah…sorry, it just that this was a mommy and me thing." Scoots replied sheepishly, pointing to her mother.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind Scoots," Allgood replied with a dismissive hoof. "She never gets tired of talking about how much she wants to one day be just like her hero."

"Mom!" Scoots cheeks got even redder at the comment making Rainbow chuckle again.

Grace chirps in happiness before moving to greet both Soarin and the older pony nuzzling her head against the two. Making the mare chuckle and pet her head, "I'm glad to see you too Gracey, Spitfire just bathed you didn't she? So glad that daughter of mine finally remembered to attend to you." She half-joke with a roll of her eyes, earning a light blush from Spitfire at the embarrassment; loudly getting everyone's attention, she approached the three new guests.

Wow, she is Spitfire's mother? Huh, well, it's not that surprising in retrospective considering how that mare is her spitting image! Blue Yonder thought in surprise.

"Weeeeeeell! This was an exciting surprise and all but might you tell me why you are all here? Because you're interrupting." Spitfire suddenly said with a forced smile as she addressed Rainbow. "We were kind of in a session here, soldier" She then got closer to her keeping her eyes closed.

"You brought my mother into this?!" She harshly whispers at Rainbow Dash reproachfully.

"You left me no choice, Spits."

Rainbow whispered back, trying to make sure no one noticed the exchange, no one other than Blue Yonder, who looked at them with confusion before Sunshine gave him a light shove on his side and cleared her throat. He looked back at her and saw that she was shaking her head in no.

"Hey, Spits! Would you like for me to cover your shift for a moment while you deal with your family?" A coal black-furred stallion with a short, spikey gray Mane and tail and a twister as a cutie mark flew lower towards her with a raised eyebrow. "I don't mind; just lend us Grace, and we will be fine."


Spitfire and Soarin replied simultaneously, earning a glare from the latter as Spitfire pointed at him.

"Spits, please talk to us. We are worried about you. And no, you are in no way fine." Soarin pleaded in concern for his captain.

"Listen to me and listen well I told you I'm…"

"Hold it right there! That is no way to speak to your mate Spitfire!" Her mom intervened with a glare. "Now you will apologize, take a deep breath, and allow yourself a break right now, young filly!" She ordered, giving her a severe expression and leaving no room for argument.

"But mom!"

"Don't force me to bring out the baby album" That comment left the captain cold on her hooves before glaring at her. "You wouldn't dare."

In response, the mare smirked and started to pull a small blue album from her sweater, turning to look at Sunshine and Allgood. "Say, ladies, would you like to see my sweet baby when she was 3? This little trouble maker just loved to cover herself with her food." She said whimsically while reminiscing about the past.

"NO!" Spitfire shouted, her face red as a tomato. "It's cool, everypony, let's just calm down, no need to do anything rash. Soarin, I'm sorry I snapped at you." She quickly turned to her partner. "I will take you on that offer, Whirlwind. I will be back in an hour. Grace, keep an eye on the kids." She quickly instructed everyone before looking at the kids.

"Say you two, what would you say if my team and I give you some tips on how to fly better?" She looked at the two with a smile, making them both gasp.

"Wait, really?! Wow, miss, thank you."
"Yes, please!"

Scoots and Blue answered at the same time, much to the surprise of their moms.

"Then it decided! Let go!"

"Now, just wait a minute, Spits, I know what you are doing. You can't keep dodging…" Soarin complained, but it was too late since before he was done talking, Spitfire had already grabbed them and put everyone on a cloud and started to push it away as fast as her wings could allow her.

"…us?" Soarin looks back, starting to realize what was happening.

"I'm still a volunteer for the day," Spits replied with a smile. "So if you want to talk, you better help me with at least this."

She just placed seven ponies on a cloud and flew us away from the park and into the city in about a minute and a half. Damn! This mare has some muscle. Blue Yonder thought in surprise, slowly blinking to realize what just happened.

"You have to give her that. She is dedicated to her job," Allmane mentioned while regarding Spitfire.

"Oh, she was always a very passionate mare, even when she was a filly," Her mom replied, looking to the two with an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry you were dragged into this, you two."

"It ok, that's how kids are at times, right?" Sunshine dismissed her worries with a waved hoof. "If anything, this will make it even more of a day to remember, right?"

"A chance to have tips on flight from the wonderbolts themselves? I think your daughter just made us supermoms." Allmane jokes, lightening the mood as all the mares chuckle and talk about it.

"Isn't it exciting!? While we wait and try again, we will be getting tips from the wonderbolts!" Scootaloo babbles to Blue Yonder, barely containing her emotions and grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah! and at the end of the day, we might even be able to fly like the professionals," Blue replies. Equally happy with this course of events. "That collision ended up been a stroke of luck." He casually mentioned before pausing to listen to himself, and his eyes widened in realization, remembering Vision words, and then looking back at Rainbow Dash and Soarin.

No way

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