• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Daily Family Drama (RB And BS)

Prince Atticus never truly believed himself to be perfect, far from it. As the immediate heir to the throne, he, more than anyone, knew about the game of power. How to play it and how questionable decisions are needed and even expected when dealing with other rulers from far away. That is why he was on board with helping his sister perform her usual role as a 'friendly' princess to obtain future allies and perhaps even uncover one or two secrets to use in at a later time. No real harm was done and another friend to rely on in the dreadful case of a war with another nation, so just business as usual.

The events that were transpiring in front of him, however, didn't seem like the typical drama in the slightest. True to the rumors, The natural maternal instincts that Princess Celestia was known for had been on the rise for the last couple of months, and he had the intention of observing and, if given the opportunity, exploiting that mentality of hers. Yet any plan he might have been formulating died a swift death once he discovered that those same instincts seemed to be contagious. Judging by the sudden change in demeanor that overcame his father who, contrary to his ordinarily chilly disposition to his sister's exploits, had now become an overprotective, worried, and dare he say, doting, parent.

Either Equestria's parental instincts are legitimately contagious to anyone with offspring, or Princess Celestia is the greatest mind manipulator in the world. Atticus thought as he remained silent in his seat while his dad finished his little rant, ending on a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"This was a mistake."

"Mistake?" Nefertiti asks in anger. "Daddy dearest, if you have just had bought me a little bit more time, Blueblood would be wrapped around my finger THIS very instant!" she yelled in anger. "What in Tartarus happened back there? I was this close to making him open up to me," she held her index and middle finger as close as possible without touching. "When you suddenly went mad with worry and instead of letting Ati and I finish the job in another room while you distracted the princess. You dragged us out of the castle the moment I reached the throne room. I barely even had the chance to say goodbye!" she whined in exasperation. "What the hell happened to the plan?"

"It was over the moment Celestia impressed upon me how dangerous it could be for you to be outside without your guards, young lady," Atticus responded immediately.

"You mean like the dozen guards we each have at all times hiding in the shadows to prevent exactly what you were worried about, dad? The ones that Celestia is well aware that we have, and you were supposed to remind her of them to buy Nifi the extra time she needed all along?" Prince Atticus asked rhetorically.

"Exactly! I…" The king needed a moment before he processes what just happened this early in the morning and how Celestia's words had got inside his head. "…That little alicorn tricked me!" he yelled in anger, finally realizing what happened before smiling. "Well played, Celly."

"Are you kidding me?!" Nefertiti facepalmed, not believing what she just heard. "You destroyed the plan just because you got played?!"

"Hey, game recognizes game, sweetheart, a king must not be a sore loser or underestimate his opponents, take note Atticus. It will be wise for you to remember that lesson."

"Don't worry, dad, I took mental notes of everything that has happened," his son responded.

"And besides, although it didn't end exactly as we would have liked, I wouldn't say that we failed, right Nifi?" The king asked her daughter with a raised eyebrow, who calmed down and relaxed, looking at her dad with a smile. "Yes, at the very least, I got into that pony's mind," she smirked and pulled two pictures from between her breasts, revealing a photo of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, respectively. "Just as our intel gathered; kindness and eccentricity, A curious combination to be sure, but nothing I can't handle. I didn't even need to pull off my kindness act all. The second he saw my eyes. I was playing him like a fiddle," she boasted with pride.

"And you figured out what type of mares Blueblood is attracted to just by studying each newspaper article he has been in recently? That is indeed one scary ability you have there sister," Prince Atticus commented, impressed by her investigation prowess.

"Please, brother, It is nothing unusual for an actress to rehearse and study for her roles! And if one knows where and how to look, the media can be an incredible tool to discover how others think. Blueblood wasn't exactly secretive with his intentions." Taking out an old newspaper from a compartment at the door, Nefertiti admired the front page that described the prince talking about the events that changed his personality so drastically. "Such a naive, innocent pony, thinking that you had us fooled with your story of a near-death experience. Even I almost fell for it…almost!" she chuckled a little before turning to her brother.

"After the announcement of the royal masquerade and then his self imposed exile, figuring out his personality was all too easy. After that, it only required some slight digging here and there, following the most prominent rumor and then…" Nefertiti pointed at the two ponies in the picture "…I did some light research to find my character, add a dusting off 'the charm'" She explained her eyes growing wide and for a moment as she invoked her ability for but a second. “And I was ready for my role”

"Ha! That is my girl, always planning!" the king commented in pride "And are you sure he does not suspect anything?"

"Him suspecting me? Ha! No male can escape my beauty once they see my eyes; that pony has no clue whatsoever. He was ready to reveal everything when his guards appeared seemingly out of nowhere," she recapped in frustration from being denied her objective when it was so close.

"And even if he starts to get suspicious later, it won't matter anymore. After what he heard, he will not speak with the princess for a long time; I guarantee that dad," she bosted, full of confidence.

"It hope so, honey," The king grabbed her right paw and lifted it in the air, "Otherwise we might have to return to our original agreement and put a ring on this finger, are we clear?" he warned, dropping any pleasantries and being completely serious, which in turn made Nifi gulp.


"Good, and just so you know, in case that happens, I'm sure you would be one lovely bride. I would make sure the photographer takes plenty of pictures for our father-daughter dance."

"DAD! Snap out of it already!" The siblings yelled at him, having heard enough of his antics

Meanwhile back at the palace

Once the cats were gone, Celestia let go of a breath that she didn't know she was holding in exhaustion. "By the stars, I'm glad that drama is over, now..." She turns her attention to her nephew. "Might you explain what were you doing?"

"Only if you do the same, for early in the morning, first," Blueblood countered immediately.

"Excuse me?" Celestia looked at him in surprise before Blueblood sighed and looked at her in sadness.

"I heard part of what you said during the meeting with the other kings, auntie," He looked back at her with determination, "I just want to hear the full story before jumping to conclusions," He took a step closer, "Please tell me you didn't use me as some sort of pawn in a game board."

"Of course not! Wait, you spied on…!?" She collected herself and did some breathing exercises to calm herself. "Nefertiti's idea, I presume?"

Blueblood nodded. "I'm only telling you because not doing it would be playing into that cat's game. Part of her plan is to put some distrust between us, from the looks of things."

"Of course she would do that," Celestia just sighed in frustration before looking at him. "How much did you hear?"

"Long enough to hear Prince Atticus suggest that I help other nations with their economic problems like I did with Manehattan…and then I heard you agree to discuss that option," His eyes hardened in anger, "now I know that all of this was just a trick from Nefertiti to make me angry at you, so that is why I want to clear the air. I want to hear the rest, and I want to know if you would be willing to use me as a pawn or not."

"I would never do that!" Celestia yelled in anger as she approached him. "Blueblood, I'm hurt that you even considered that; I would never force you to do something against your will." She smiles and brings him into a hug. "You are my precious little nephew; sure, I did mention the possibility of your help, but what you didn't hear was that before we even consider that. We would make sure to ask you first and respect your decision, no matter what that might be. And IF you agree to do so, said help would come under your terms." She ended the hug and looked him in the eye. "Just like I said, we care about your opinion, sweetheart, and would never dismiss your voice."

Blueblood's gaze softened upon hearing that and chuckled. "God, I'm such a moron, Nifi was playing me like a fiddle, and I ALMOST fell for her trap. It was so obvious, and yet I didn't see her tricks."

"There is no need to punish yourself so much, dear, that lioness is a crafty little princess, You have managed to experience first hand what a master in the art of acting and manipulation can do. Even Luna and I have difficulty reading what she thinks at times, and her skill has only been improving with age," she commented with a smile "No pony would blame you for falling for her tricks," she reassured him

"No pony but me!" he said in irritation, confusing Celestia with his sudden outburst. "If you take away the dramatics and reverse the gender, she is me. The manipulation, the skill, the sweet words. She is basically what I…" he stopped himself, taking a glance at the twins who looked at him, both appeared confused and worried "…what I used to be before the accident. I should have known better than that. For crying out loud, I was being deceived by someone who is my doppelgänger!"

He stomps the floor in frustration. "I can't believe that the very second I lowered my guard; this happens again. I have had enough of being treated like a fool! That cat just messed with the wrong pony," he promised as his anger just kept rising more and more.

She treated us like fools…the kitty is just asking for it…let's teach her how a wolf plays…let make her squeal! Strange thoughts keep appearing in Blueblood's mind as he started to feel his surroundings fade.

"Blueblood stop!" the stern voice of Celestia snapped him back to reality, and he shook his head, recovering his senses and looking at her as she glared at him. "I understand that you are angry, but what you are implying is revenge, plain and simple, and that is something I would not allow in this family." Her gaze softened as she lifted his chin. "Those kinds of thoughts have been the cause of so much pain already, and you know you are better than that. Please, sweetie, promise me that you will let go of your rage against Nefertiti. When the time comes, we will deal with her together as a family, but until then, you will let go of what happened today and will stay away from that cat."


"Promise me!" She repeated sternly. "I'm not joking here, mister, for the sake of your family, yourself, and our kingdom, you will stay away. It's not worth it!"

She is also in our way…she is controlling us…she is on our way to freedom…she needs to g…

Blueblood realized what was going on this time and, in fear, snapped himself out to reality, ignoring the voice and answering Celestia.

"Y-Yeah, you are right, it's not worth it. I-I will let it go." Blueblood promised, recovering his composure, much to the happiness of Celestia.

"Thank you for listening to reason, sweetie."

"Not a problem, I mean you are right she is good, and I must applaud her skill, that performance of hers was incredible. She fooled me there for a second. But what bothers me is that there is still one thing I don't get it..."

"What is it, dear?" Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Once I figured out her tricks, everything fell into place pretty quickly, and it was rather obvious what she was trying to accomplish. And yet, I couldn't piece anything together until Daga and Garra put things into perspective. Before that, I was unable to think clearly; why did it take me so long to regain my senses?" he questioned himself, not understanding fully the events that occurred.

"Sir?" Daga interrupted his train of thought while raising her right hoof. "If I'm allowed to be so bold, perhaps I could shed a reason for your behavior."

"Really? Well, sure, go ahead, what do you have in mind."

"Well, sir. As smart, witty, and wise as you have become in recent months…you are still a stallion," Celestia's ears perked up the second she heard that. She turned to regard Blueblood with worry.

"And what does that have to do with…?" his eyes wide in realization. "No."

"It's ok sir. There is nothing wrong with having those kinds of feelings. Princess Nefertiti is quite the looker," Garra commented, "And my sister's right sir: Sudden stutters, inability to think, chronic glances at her, an increase of heart rate. It checks out."

"No, I mean that is not…how did you knew my heart rate was accelerating?" Blueblood asked with a raised eyebrow to which she only pointed at her ears.

"Improved hearing, sir, if we are too close to a pony, we can hear their heart rate when it accelerates and well …your's were doing that, especially when she pressed your face into her chest."

"She did what now?" Celestia asked in flat surprise and anger at the princess's boldness.

"No, I mean, I get what you are saying and understand your point, but that is not what it happened. I know what feels attraction is. I have experienced it before."

With disastrous consequences, in each and every one of them, thank you very much, dad…although she does look a lot like a human lady, and that fur looks so soft, it makes me want to pet it and… what am I thinking! She is a cat lady for crying out loud, basically an alien!

"And I'm telling you, I don't find Nefertiti attractive," Blueblood tried to defend himself. "Whatever happened with her might look like that, but it's not that."

"You shouldn't dismiss the possibility so fast, sir," Daga continued. "The heart can work in mysterious ways, at times in a way that we don't even realize at first glance. You can trust us. Plus princess Nefertiti is a master in manipulating others, how can we be sure she didn't try to perform a very complex and subtle form of seduction that made you pay attention to her yellow eyes?"

"Uh Daga, her eyes are a vivid emerald," Blueblood corrected her, earning a smirk from both twins. "What?! I can catch details too."


"Look, I'm not a 14-year-old teenager, nor a pervert, I do not just get stupid each time I see a pretty face. And ok, I admit it, she is attractive…and I might have taken one or two glances at her. I'm not made of stone, but whatever happened to me, it was a completely different thing altogether."

"Fair enough, if that is your belief, then we will respect your opinion," Celestia spoke up. "But as your aunt and a princess, I must say to please do not close your mind to that option." She approached with a sympathetic smile. "Your cousin Cadence would feel terrible if she heard you rejected such beautiful things like love and attraction. Even toward someone undeserving. A good prince is the one willing to listen, not only to the advice of others…" She placed her hoof over his chest, "…but also to his heart, so please be open to the possibility, at the very least as an option. No one would think any less of you for having those thoughts, so don't be ashamed of them."

He sighed in defeat and rolled his eyes. "Fine, auntie, for you, I will keep it in mind as an option." He smiled while grabbing her hoof.

"That is all I ask, take it from one with experience, bottling up your emotions only serves to hurt you and your loved ones." She took her hoof back, "Now, go clean up and wait for us in the dining hall. It's almost time to lower the sun, and there is much to discuss from this experience. I'm sure Luna would like to hear of your very first encounter with royalty outside Equestria."

"Ha, I just wish it wasn't a total disaster," Blueblood looked to the side with some shame.

"I wouldn't say it was a complete disaster. True you could have handled the situation better, but love can easily cloud our judgment,” she teased him a little.


Celestia ignored his outburst and just continued. "Plus, you encountered a particularly dangerous dignitary, so success was almost impossible from the start, and yet, despite that, you managed to figure out what was happening and made the right decision of talking with me before something bad could occur. I'm proud of you, Blueblood; you did the mature thing tonight," she praised him with a smile.

"Thanks," Blueblood smiled and started to leave the room with his guards, "Oh, Daga and Garra!" Celestia called them out as they were about to leave. The twins turned around to see what the princess wanted to say.

"Thank you for being there when my nephew needed you the most."

"We were only doing our job your highness, we live to serve the crown," Garra responded as they both bowed to her. the princess nodded and then left to lower the sun.

"Heh, looks like you two just got on my auntie's good side," Blueblood commented with a chuckle, "I knew she would eventually warm up to you two."

"Like there was any doubt, we are just that awesome," Garra boasted. "We are killing it as this bodyguard gig."

"Just let us know if you wish to make this as a permanent job; it would be our honor to keep you in check, your highness," Daga mentions with a smile. "Speaking of which, how are you feeling right now?"

"What do you mean?" He queried with a raised eyebrow.

"Your heartbeat, it accelerated again back there."

"Oh, that was probably from all the teasing," Blueblood dismissed her worries. "I'm ok now, really, but thanks for the concern, your sister is right. You are doing a fine job so far. But for now, go home and rest well, you two; you earned it."

"Thank you, your highness. You too" The twins bowed to him before leaving as the sun descended, their signal their shift officially ended.

Once gone, the prince went straight to his room, pausing only when he was forced to lean against the wall from exhaustion while holding his head in pain with a horn that discharged some bolts on the tip.

'You can't ignore it, Blueblood. People like Nifi will stop at nothing to get what they want. If we let them be, they will take away what we love. We worked so hard to get this second chance. Celestia would never understand; she's too soft; what does she know about being a wolf?

"Just let it go, Blueblood, don't listen. Those are just toxic thoughts from my past. Just stupid ideas of revenge," He mumbles to himself, trying to ignore the voice until it eventually faded away. Looking around, he discovered that he somehow made a wrong turn and ended up near the royal library, where his thought process started to move again.

It never hurts to be prepared, the Abyssinian's most likely have a history. Maybe I can even learn more about those arranged marriages…see the history of their royal family. Find out how their economy wo…ooorks! No! You promised, you promised! One wrong move and I could start a war!

Once gone, he shook his head and kept walking, unaware of how the stone wall he had been leaning on was now sizzling hot from the heat of his body temperature.

At the same time on the royal infirmary

Putting away his equipment, Dr. Caliber was preparing to end his shift and go home when one of the blood samples he placed in a small freezer started to shake, getting his attention and then his concern when he noticed the label on said sample saying 'Blueblood.'

"Hmmm? What in Celestia's name?" Confused, the doctor took the sample and placed a drop of it on a glass slide to examine on a microscope. Once adjusted, he was shocked when he observed the blood cells contained within changed color from red to a vivid blue, and when looking at the rest of the sample in the vial saw the same thing happening to it. Not only that but when he tried to touch it, he had to remove his hoof immediately from the heat it was emanating.

"Oh, for the love of Celestia's mane, what now?! I tested you for everything, and you came up clean. What in Equestria are you doing now?" The doctor asked the sample as he pulled out a medicine book in search of some answers.

As Caliber kept flipping pages, Celestia received a letter from her student. Putting the final piece of a new chapter into play that the royal family will soon have to face. One that will test the unity among them, and either strengthen or break their bonds. But before that tale begins, another story, in a far and cold kingdom made of crystals, began to unravel.

Author's Note:

And yes everyone, Nifi 'Charm' is like Fluttershy 'Stare', they just have kind of the opposite effect.

Happy Heartwarming Eve everyone, and to all a very good night!

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