• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,763 Views, 1,005 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Records, Obstruction, and Reports

Tempest Shadow got back to the city with just enough time to make her appointment at Canterlot City Hospital. After giving her name and showing her credentials to Reception, she was given directions to the records room, where she was greeted by a plain looking man with glasses.

“Record Holder?” the agents asked. The man nodded.

“That's right. You must be Agent Shadow.”

Tempest returned the nod. “You have some files for me?”

“Yes, follow me, please.”

He let Tempest behind the counter and brought her into the records room proper. The walls were lined with file folders. An elderly computer sat on a desk shoved up against one wall of the room. Record Holder sat at the desk and logged on.

“So you asked me to pull any unusual cases that came in over the last couple of weeks,” the clerk said as he navigated through the electronic files.

“I'm interested in the paralysis case and the coma patient who was abducted,” Tempest said, leaning over.

Record Holder nodded, and opened another window. He jotted down a couple of file numbers then stood up. He scanned the labels on the shelves and withdrew a file. “Here's the paralysis case.”

As the clerk continued searching the files, Tempest took the folder and opened it. She smiled in satisfaction when she saw Rarity's name in the appropriate field. She looked the charts over and frowned.

“What does 'NSID' mean?” she asked.

“No Spinal Injury Detected,” Holder replied. He was standing on a step stool and looking through a set of files. “It's rare, but sometimes paralysis has other causes besides injury to the spinal cord. Ah! Here we are!”

He pulled another file and stepped down. He flipped it open. “Huh. This is odd.”

Tempest closed the file she was holding and walked over. “What is?”

“While we did admit this patient and she was in a coma, it doesn't look like there was any actual diagnosis done.”

“What?” Tempest took the file and looked it over. She skipped the medical data and read the doctor's notes at the bottom.

The patient remains unresponsive to external stimuli as is normal with most coma cases. However, all tests and imagery provide no medical reason why she is comatose. Physically, she seems to be in excellent health. No injuries to the brain, no trauma. Aside from some minor abrasions, there are no other injuries evident. Recommend continued observation.

Another set of notes were scribbled in dated three days later.

Patient was abducted earlier today through means that are still being investigated. She apparently recovered consciousness during the ordeal and returned to the hospital. Iniital tests confirm no loss of cognitive function or physical injury. Recommend overnight observation.

The next day, there was a final set of notes.

Observation inconclusive. Patient is healthy and with no signs of trauma to either her brain or body. Have no alternative but to release her. Cause of comatose state: inconclusive.

Tempest frowned and noted the attending physician's name. “So this Dr. Cross released this girl despite not figuring out why she was in a coma to begin with? Why would he do that?”

Holder shrugged. “You'd have to ask him. I could call up to his office and see if he's free to talk to you if you'd like.”


As Holder got on the phone, Tempest looked at the coma patient's folder again. She glanced at the name and the corner of her mouth turned up.

Sunset Shimmer. I wonder if you know Rarity by any chance.

“Agent Shadow?”

Tempest looked up, startled out of her thoughts. “Hm?”

“Dr. Cross says he'll see you,” said Holder. “Fourth floor.”

“Thank you, Mr. Holder. One last thing. Could I get copies of these files?”

“No,” said Dr. Cross. In the chair on the other side of his desk, Tempest blinked.

“I beg your pardon?”

“I will not discuss patient details with you, Agent Shadow.”

Tempest frowned. “Record Holder told me – “

“That I would see you,” Dr. Cross finished. “And I am seeing you. Specifically to tell you that Mr. Holder does not have the authority to disclose information from hospital records to anyone.”

“Patient confidentiality is not recognized on the federal level, Dr. Cross.”

“But it is in this state. And, the last I checked, even agents of the federal government cannot supersede state law when it suits them.” The doctor held out a hand. “I would like the copies of the files you received from Mr. Holder.”

Tempest's frown deepened and her eyes narrowed. “Dr. Cross...”

“Spare us both the aggravation, Agent Shadow. I called Mr. Holder while you were on your way up here. The copies, please. Or do I need to call the police and the state attorney's office?”

Tempest let out a long breath and tossed the copies onto the desk. This was starting to make her angry.

“Why are you going out of your way to protect this girl, doctor?” she asked.

“I don't know what you're talking about.”

Tempest snorted. “I am investigating the events that have happened in this city over the last few weeks in order to determine exactly what's behind it. I strongly suspect that this case is tied to those events.”

“And if you have evidence of that, I will be happy to help you if you can provide a court order,” Dr. Cross replied. “I take my oath very seriously, Agent Shadow, and I will not violate it without the proper channels being followed. This patient has the right to privacy, especially from any sort of government inquiry.”

The doctor leaned forward, his expression darkening. “While I'm on the subject, exactly what agency do you report to, Agent Shadow. I'd like to have a word with your superiors.”

Tempest scowled and reached for one of the business cards in her pocket.

She was halfway back to her hotel when the call came.

“Would you please tell me what the hell you think you're doing, Agent Shadow?” The director's voice was low and deadly.

“I'm encountering resistance from the locals, sir. They don't seem overly fond of our usual methods out here.”

“God save us from armchair Constitutional scholars,” the director muttered. “Tell me you at least got something useful?”

“I have some samples I'll be sending to the lab. I found them at the camp outside the city.”

“What kind of samples?”

“Rock samples, sir.”

There was a long silence, then: “Rock samples.”

“Yes, sir. Highly unusual ones. I found them in a cave. They resemble geode crystals, but there were more colors than you'd normally find in a single geode. There's something odd about them. I think it's in our best interest to find out what they are.”

“Fine, whatever. What about the hospital and this Dr. Cross? Anything useful there?”

“I confirmed the girl in the wheelchair is the same one who was admitted for paralysis two weeks ago. They let her out when there were no serious spinal injuries. I did spot a referral for physical therapy. I'll be checking out the clinic tomorrow along with a couple of other leads. I also have another name. Sunset Shimmer. No photograph, but I'm reasonably certain she's friends with Rarity.”

“Did you say Sunset Shimmer?” The director's voice had become interested again.

“Yes, sir. Does that mean anything to you?”

“I'm not sure yet. I'll have to do some digging on my end. If I find anything, I'll let you know. In the meantime, find out everything you can about them.”

“Yes, sir. There's also one other thing I feel I need to report. It's one of my other leads I'll be looking into later tonight. I'd like this on record.”

“What is it?”

Tempest took a breath. “I'm pretty sure POIs 4779 through 4781 are here as well, sir.”

Another silence from the other end. Then the director spoke again, his voice sounding even more interested.

“Are you absolutely sure, Agent?”

“About eighty percent, sir. Part of my investigation tonight is to confirm my suspicions. I just wanted a record in case something goes wrong.”

“Acknowledged. Do you require backup?”

“Not at this time, sir.”

“Very well, but you're still on the clock, Agent,” the director reminded. “Get me some solid answers by Wednesday or I'll use my own discretion. Understood?”

“Understood, sir.”

The connection was severed and Tempest leaned back in her seat, letting out a sigh of relief. She looked at the dashboard clock and determined she had enough time to get dinner before she went looking for Adagio and her cronies.

And maybe a drink. Or three.

Author's Note:

Fuck it. Onward until we can't.

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